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Possible Alexander destinations (1 Viewer)


I think he will be staying in Seattle, but I think he will at least test the waters.

How many teams will bid for Shaun Alexander if he hits the open market? It's hard to say. But the Minnesota Vikings have a new owner and salary cap money to burn ($18 million under). So do the Arizona Cardinals ($25 million under), who will be moving into a new stadium next year. And the Cleveland Browns ($24 million under) could be a player, too. It's conceivable that a team like the Philadelphia Eagles or Dallas Cowboys, possibly one impact player away from Super Bowl status, could enter the fray. Either way, Alexander stands to be a very rich man and the only question is whether the Seahawks will be the ones paying the tab.


I think there is only one Alexander destination in the near future....DISNEYWORLD!......followed by a return to Seattle.

To be frank....Alexander isn't going to get a lot more money than Seattle will give him, so he will just stay with what he knows, the best O-line in football and put of Hall of Fame numbers and retire a Seahawk.

i totally agree w/ the above posting,he knows if seattle can keep that o-line together he'll continute to look like a man among boys,he loves putting up the #'s why change anything? why dirty your image by going elsewhere and possibly not get anywhere near the #'s he's accustomed to.. i'm not saying he'll sign anything seattle puts in front of him but who knows..

To be frank....

Alexander isn't going to get a lot more money than Seattle will give him, so he will just stay with what he knows, the best O-line in football and put of Hall of Fame numbers and retire a Seahawk.
It will be very interesting to see how the union negotiations affect this. The non-cap year that's right around the corner could make this a wild negotiation. Paul Allen has the deepest pockets in the NFL, and Alexander knows it.

It will be very interesting to see how the union negotiations affect this. The non-cap year that's right around the corner could make this a wild negotiation. Paul Allen has the deepest pockets in the NFL, and Alexander knows it.
Yeah, but with that line and that offense, he is 4/5 replaceable at 1/2 the cost.
It will be very interesting to see how the union negotiations affect this. The non-cap year that's right around the corner could make this a wild negotiation. Paul Allen has the deepest pockets in the NFL, and Alexander knows it.
Yeah, but with that line and that offense, he is 4/5 replaceable at 1/2 the cost.
Sure, you can buy a Yugo instead of the BMW. It will get you to work each day without any pizzazz, but I think this winning thing is a bit addicting. I won't be surprised to see them shell out the ducats. They could replace Alexander with a serviceable back that will put up good fantasy numbers, but I don't think they're going to do better than Alexander.I think they pay the whole amount and feel good about getting all 5/5.

The grass doesn't get any greener than in Seattle!
Despite the cheesy reference, I agree. Seattle is the best place for alexander, he should stay there and enjoy playing behind that o-line with that offense designed around him as long as he can.
I think money isn't really isn't the main issue with Alexander staying in Seattle. From his interviews, he seems to want to be known as the best RB in football and thinks he doesn't get enough respect from the media playing in Seattle. Now we all know the smart thing would be for him to stay in Seattle and run behind Jones and Hutchinson the rest of his career, but I think the opportunity to be a big name athlete in a major media market will be too much for him to pass up.

It will be very interesting to see how the union negotiations affect this. The non-cap year that's right around the corner could make this a wild negotiation. Paul Allen has the deepest pockets in the NFL, and Alexander knows it.
Yeah, but with that line and that offense, he is 4/5 replaceable at 1/2 the cost.
Sure, you can buy a Yugo instead of the BMW. It will get you to work each day without any pizzazz, but I think this winning thing is a bit addicting. I won't be surprised to see them shell out the ducats. They could replace Alexander with a serviceable back that will put up good fantasy numbers, but I don't think they're going to do better than Alexander.I think they pay the whole amount and feel good about getting all 5/5.
I'd rather have a 3/5 RB and a 2xDyson Corner than just SA. no?
It will be very interesting to see how the union negotiations affect this. The non-cap year that's right around the corner could make this a wild negotiation. Paul Allen has the deepest pockets in the NFL, and Alexander knows it.
Yeah, but with that line and that offense, he is 4/5 replaceable at 1/2 the cost.
Sure, you can buy a Yugo instead of the BMW. It will get you to work each day without any pizzazz, but I think this winning thing is a bit addicting. I won't be surprised to see them shell out the ducats. They could replace Alexander with a serviceable back that will put up good fantasy numbers, but I don't think they're going to do better than Alexander.I think they pay the whole amount and feel good about getting all 5/5.
I'd rather have a 3/5 RB and a 2xDyson Corner than just SA. no?
Why not have both? That's why I mentioned the possible non-cap year.
I think Alexander will go where he can get the most money. The team I see that could potentially lure him is Arizona:*They have cap space.*They need a RB.*Denny Green needs to start showing results ASAP or he could be in trouble. Therefore I don't see him worrying about the future impact of a monster deal.*The Arizona franchise could use a big move like this to get the locals a little fired up. An Alexander-Fitz-Boldin trio is definetly one that lends itself to exciting football (i.e. fan interest).*While the Cardinal franchise is usually a mess Arizona is an area of the country that a lot of athletes like.Seattle has had a few years to wrap up Alexander long term and haven't done so. I could see this situation being like the Sox and Johnny Damon. Seattle may have a certain number in mind. If Alexander takes it they'll gladly have him back but if he can make more on the open market they may let him walk.

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