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Post Your Family Thanksgiving Meltdowns HERE!!!! (1 Viewer)

Smurfs.  That was the code word some racists in my area would use for African Americans when I was younger.  Looking back on it, the worst part was how casually it was used.  I can't believe how much the boomers have destroyed this country so far.  At least most will be dead in twenty years and we can start cleaning up the mess.  

Smurfs.  That was the code word some racists in my area would use for African Americans when I was younger.  Looking back on it, the worst part was how casually it was used.  I can't believe how much the boomers have destroyed this country so far.  At least most will be dead in twenty years and we can start cleaning up the mess.  
"Fifteens" for my family growing up.

The Irish half of my extended family  (and their circle of friends) are probably some of the most racist (and poor and drunk) people on earth.  It's people like them that made Boston seem like a racist hub for a LONG time.  It's so frustrating and embarrassing . 

SIL pulled the turkey outta the oven, so I said casually:

"Wow, the pigeon looks good this year."

I honestly hope for all of you that there aren't any meltdowns. It's supposed to be a day of reflection and humility to give thanks for all the gifts we enjoy. We as Americans, truly are blessed. May you have a peaceful and giving day.
Aren't we really celebrating the genocide of the indigenous  people?

msudaisy26 said:
I feel for you, we had to deal like 4 or 5 years ago. 

My husband's cousin, we will call him Jim, just moved back to Michigan from Arizona in March and is living with us until he saves enough money to move out. Jim is a white guy and has always dated black women during his adult life. So he starts dating and meets a girl he really likes in June. Anyways he brings her to meet his parents, his aunt and uncle (my husband's parents), that Thanksgiving for the 1st time. Jim and his brother start fighting before dinner because Jim's brother made a comment about his "colored girlfriend", Jim and his dad start fighting shortly after because Jim is the older and bigger brother and beat his brother up pretty badly.  Finally after that calmed down, Jim's mother took a swing at the new girlfriend. At this time children are being taken outside to the cars to keep safe. The new girlfriend, who has actually stayed calm through this whole ordeal finally snapped and grabbed a glass and threw it at Jim' s mother and barely missed her head and then turns to her boyfriend and starts slapping him and cussing at him while yelling at him for not telling her about his racist family. 

We haven't all been together for Thanksgiving since and Jim and this girl got married. 

And people think that hillbillies are just down south ...and WVA.  

So glad my family is cool. 80% Trump supporters... no discussion of politics and no abnormal behavior around my cousins black boyfriend, my brothers latino girlfriend or my Asian wife. 

Great day, no drama, lots of drinks flowing late into the night.  Then the karaoke began.  This is when I learned some songs should not be sung poorly.  Girlfriend's sister started cussing out her nephews for effing up some songs. 

Nothing on par with some of the race-bait shenanigans listed above, but I knew I was in for a less than traditional thanksgiving when, as of early evening Wednesday, my wife's best friend had not yet let us know if she and her family would join us. Now that wouldn't usually be a big deal... except she, her husband and their two kids were our entire Thanksgiving plan. Oh, and they drive from Chicago to NY to join us. 

Apparently, her friend and one of their daughters had a cold, which is no big deal - but have the decency to, you know, let us know if we need to buy a couple hundred dollars of food for their visit and all, since otherwise it's just me and the wife.

ANYHOO, we finally get confirmation that they won't indeed be joining us... so wife goes shopping for our intimate thanksgiving at 7:30am before stores get crazy with any last minute folks... by the time I wake up at 9, groceries already in the fridge/set up for cooking.

The plan was to make some breakfast and then have an early 4PM dinner... BUT wife begins downing shots cause she's pissy about her best friend not coming by.  Did I mention it's 9:30am?  By noon, I'm good and tipsy, she's ####### wasted.  Actually a perfect plan, she will pass out, and then I can watch the early game uninterrupted.

Plan working perfectly, though timing gets delayed. She wakes up at 3, stumbles around and gets to cooking.  Like a good wife should. 

But harboring anger she still does.  Still pissy about friend, it's time for more shots.  Plead as I may so she doesn't get too wasted, she gets too wasted.  SO, about 1/4 through dinner, with turkey breast (made no sense to go full bird), stuffing, mac n cheese and brussel sprouts in the oven already cooking I hear things go smashy smashy.  Rushing in to see what happened, wife is dangerously and drunkenly hovering over the oven with stuffing dumped everywhere... the floor, the door of the oven which is pulled open, it's a ####### disaster... and more importantly a safety hazard.

Grab wifey and redirect her into the living room, convincing her to lay on the chaise/daybed in return for her taking another shot.  Basically, at this point best bet was to get her two more shots and passed out, because she was heading there anyway and any additional time sober would mean more broken stuff, mostly my hopes and dreams of a nice relaxing couple's thanksgiving.

SO, all the food already started - other than the stuffing which was started and dumped - is already going.  Don't want to wasted it, so like an episode of top chef where they do the "hand off" cooking relays, I have to figure out where everything is and finish it.  Turns out, other than the turkey and mac and cheese, I had work to do.  She was too drunk to properly season the sprouts, so I had to whip up some bacon and add seasoning, and basically had to do stuffing from scratch... a total first.

Ended up having to pay a good amount of attention to the cooking, including basting the turkey breast and doing some random improve things to get things up to spice.  Come 6:30, she's still out cold, and Thanksgiving with her friend and family was down to Koya's thankgiving solitude.  Honestly, other than worrying that my wife was going to end up in the hospital cooking while wasted, was actually a decent day... first day I've watched two plus games of football uninterrupted (other than cooking) all year.

As you noticed, I made it through 2.5 football games... wifey woke up (I wouldn't call it conciousness, however) at somepoint around 9 or so, and I had caught up on the drinking in the meantime.  Passed out soon thereafter myself, hence being awake at 4:30 am.

Sounds like a best case Thanksgiving to me Koya.  

I'm just mad Jordan Reed lit me up for 40 points in a must win fantasy game (heavy TE scoring.)

Otherwise mine was ok considering sick kid and.....Trump.

I wish my wife did too many shots.  I sure wouldn't be on here right now if you know what I mean.  :dots:

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Sounds like a best case Thanksgiving to me Koya.  

I'm just mad Jordan Reed lit me up for 40 points in a must win fantasy game (heavy TE scoring.)

Otherwise mine was ok considering sick kid and.....Trump.

I wish my wife did too many shots.  I sure wouldn't be on here right now if you know what I mean.  :dots:
It was a pretty fun day - other than me getting destroyed by Cousins on the throwing end of those TDs.  Got to see 2 of Big Ben's three TDs for me, at least.  And Zeke is DA MAN.

No dots though.  Also no family to deal with, which is pretty freakin' awesome. :thumbup:

Nothing on par with some of the race-bait shenanigans listed above, but I knew I was in for a less than traditional thanksgiving when, as of early evening Wednesday, my wife's best friend had not yet let us know if she and her family would join us. Now that wouldn't usually be a big deal... except she, her husband and their two kids were our entire Thanksgiving plan. Oh, and they drive from Chicago to NY to join us. 

Apparently, her friend and one of their daughters had a cold, which is no big deal - but have the decency to, you know, let us know if we need to buy a couple hundred dollars of food for their visit and all, since otherwise it's just me and the wife.

ANYHOO, we finally get confirmation that they won't indeed be joining us... so wife goes shopping for our intimate thanksgiving at 7:30am before stores get crazy with any last minute folks... by the time I wake up at 9, groceries already in the fridge/set up for cooking.

The plan was to make some breakfast and then have an early 4PM dinner... BUT wife begins downing shots cause she's pissy about her best friend not coming by.  Did I mention it's 9:30am?  By noon, I'm good and tipsy, she's ####### wasted.  Actually a perfect plan, she will pass out, and then I can watch the early game uninterrupted.

Plan working perfectly, though timing gets delayed. She wakes up at 3, stumbles around and gets to cooking.  Like a good wife should. 

But harboring anger she still does.  Still pissy about friend, it's time for more shots.  Plead as I may so she doesn't get too wasted, she gets too wasted.  SO, about 1/4 through dinner, with turkey breast (made no sense to go full bird), stuffing, mac n cheese and brussel sprouts in the oven already cooking I hear things go smashy smashy.  Rushing in to see what happened, wife is dangerously and drunkenly hovering over the oven with stuffing dumped everywhere... the floor, the door of the oven which is pulled open, it's a ####### disaster... and more importantly a safety hazard.

Grab wifey and redirect her into the living room, convincing her to lay on the chaise/daybed in return for her taking another shot.  Basically, at this point best bet was to get her two more shots and passed out, because she was heading there anyway and any additional time sober would mean more broken stuff, mostly my hopes and dreams of a nice relaxing couple's thanksgiving.

SO, all the food already started - other than the stuffing which was started and dumped - is already going.  Don't want to wasted it, so like an episode of top chef where they do the "hand off" cooking relays, I have to figure out where everything is and finish it.  Turns out, other than the turkey and mac and cheese, I had work to do.  She was too drunk to properly season the sprouts, so I had to whip up some bacon and add seasoning, and basically had to do stuffing from scratch... a total first.

Ended up having to pay a good amount of attention to the cooking, including basting the turkey breast and doing some random improve things to get things up to spice.  Come 6:30, she's still out cold, and Thanksgiving with her friend and family was down to Koya's thankgiving solitude.  Honestly, other than worrying that my wife was going to end up in the hospital cooking while wasted, was actually a decent day... first day I've watched two plus games of football uninterrupted (other than cooking) all year.

As you noticed, I made it through 2.5 football games... wifey woke up (I wouldn't call it conciousness, however) at somepoint around 9 or so, and I had caught up on the drinking in the meantime.  Passed out soon thereafter myself, hence being awake at 4:30 am.
Did you at least watch the parade with the imaginary children?

Had one of the best Thanksgivings in a long time.  I called up my parents a few days before to see what they were doing.  The last half dozen years it has been crazy drama between my brother and sister and I regarding who is hosting and whose inlaws are showing up.  No one talked about anything this year (I was done hosting, so I didn't care).  My parents said they had no plans so they invited my family over.  Had a great meal (my mom nails Thanksgiving, and I added a couple of side dishes myself).  Nice and quiet.  No fights.  No drama.

After we got home and the kids were in bed, my wife told me that my mom told her she isn't speaking to my sister.  They took a trip together recently and apparently my mom was a little too honest with her opinions.  Haven't smoothed anything out, so they haven't spoken in a couple of months.  Too bad for them but my Thanksgiving was much better for it.

Henry Ford said:
Dad's family all apparently agreed on a term to use other than the n word.  All have been referring to "the blacks" so far, I think to not offend anyone.  Cousin/fiancée/her family/stepmom's family have not arrived. 
Mine have all agreed on the term "Canadian"..

I'd hate to explain to my future mixed race kids why I insisted on celebrating a holiday that memorialized white hegemonic expansion and exploitation of native groups. No wonder mommy got drunk. The pressure is understandably too much. 

Drive 6 hours to Diana, TX (ooof).  Whole group piled into a tiny duplex.  Already off to a bad start. 

My wife is the first and only family member to graduate college.  High School diplomas are uncommon.

All racist - which in itself I can try to ignore.... BUT.  My wife's sister's babies' daddy is black.  He is paralyzed from the neck down after wrecking a motorcycle doing wheelie's in the High School parking lot years ago.  So obviously, in the middle of this racist family sits two black middle school kids.  This part is truly upsetting for me to see.

Two of my wife's aunt's are lesbians.  Butch redneck lesbians.  One of these is my favorite in the whole group.. she lacks the underlying insecurity that bothers me so much in the others.    :yes:

My wife's nephew shows up with a T-shirt with a Bible and an AK47 pictured that reads - "2 things make the foundation of our country, neither are taught in school".  This guy has figured out after years of preaching to me and asking to help him donate to his church that I am not with him on the topic of religion (shocker).  He proclaimed to the family he was going to "Witness" me.  I don't know or want to know what that means.  What a fool. :thumbdown:   Also - he calls me up a few times a year asking me to make his truck payment.

My mother in law.. cool woman but still pisses me off.  Late 50's, has already had a heart attack and 2 strokes.  Docs very clearly attributed both along with other health issues to her smoking a pack or two a day.  She was out front on the porch smoking all day.  My kids will have one less grandma soon.

The cherries on top of this cluster ####?  All insufferable Cowboy fans.  They don't drink (WTF).  One of the dogs pissed on my shoes. THEY DON'T DRINK!

I guess I am thankful for all the teaching opportunities that are presented for me in order to prevent any of that crap making impressions on my kids.  My poor wife grew up in this, a good reminder of the fact she escaped it. :thumbup:

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Pretty quiet at my in laws. The wife's cousin can actually have a real discussion about football and plays that happened. Also the Lions won which was pretty great.

I remember like 40 years ago going to my aunt and uncle's and all the adults had WAYYYY too much to drink. My male cousins and their friends started insulting each other's WAG's in pretty crass terms. A melee broke out, people were arrested, and there were even folks taken away by ambulance and hospitalized. Good times. 


:lmao: awesome.

Did this occur in a trailer and/or was the home 900SF or less?

Also:  did it have a "carport" or did people just park in the grass?

ETA:  was the "front door" a sliding glass patio door?

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Smurfs.  That was the code word some racists in my area would use for African Americans when I was younger.  Looking back on it, the worst part was how casually it was used.  I can't believe how much the boomers have destroyed this country so far.  At least most will be dead in twenty years and we can start cleaning up the mess.  

"Fifteens" for my family growing up.

"Canadians" around these parts.

Drive 6 hours to Diana, TX (ooof).  Whole group piled into a tiny duplex.  Already off to a bad start. 

My wife is the first and only family member to graduate college.  High School diplomas are uncommon.

All racist - which in itself I can try to ignore.... BUT.  My wife's sister's babies' daddy is black.  He is paralyzed from the neck down after wrecking a motorcycle doing wheelie's in the High School parking lot years ago.  So obviously, in the middle of this racist family sits two black middle school kids.  This part is truly upsetting for me to see.

Two of my wife's aunt's are lesbians.  Butch redneck lesbians.  One of these is my favorite in the whole group.. she lacks the underlying insecurity that bothers me so much in the others.    :yes:

My wife's nephew shows up with a T-shirt with a Bible and an AK47 pictured that reads - "2 things make the foundation of our country, neither are taught in school".  This guy has figured out after years of preaching to me and asking to help him donate to his church that I am not with him on the topic of religion (shocker).  He proclaimed to the family he was going to "Witness" me.  I don't know or want to know what that means.  What a fool. :thumbdown:   Also - he calls me up a few times a year asking me to make his truck payment.

My mother in law.. cool woman but still pisses me off.  Late 50's, has already had a heart attack and 2 strokes.  Docs very clearly attributed both along with other health issues to her smoking a pack or two a day.  She was out front on the porch smoking all day.  My kids will have one less grandma soon.

The cherries on top of this cluster ####?  All insufferable Cowboy fans.  They don't drink (WTF).  One of the dogs pissed on my shoes. THEY DON'T DRINK!

I guess I am thankful for all the teaching opportunities that are presented for me in order to prevent any of that crap making impressions on my kids.  My poor wife grew up in this, a good reminder of the fact she escaped it. :thumbup:
I totally forgot how this trip kicked off.

3 hours into the 6 hour drive they call and ask if we can pay their Direct TV bill so I can watch football.  Very thoughtful of them.  My wife calls DTV, looks sideways at me and gives them a CC#.

$264.34     :wall:

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I totally forgot how this trip kicked off.

3 hours into the 6 hour drive they call and ask if we can pay their Direct TV bill so I can watch football.  My wife calls DTV, looks sideways at me and gives them a CC#.

$264.34     :wall:
Sounds like Trump voters

I totally forgot how this trip kicked off.

3 hours into the 6 hour drive they call and ask if we can pay their Direct TV bill so I can watch football.  Very thoughtful of them.  My wife calls DTV, looks sideways at me and gives them a CC#.

$264.34     :wall:

2 months bill?  

Brutual.  Get ####-hammered in front of them.  

Say often to them "HEY ...we all got our little vices.  YOU like to smoke ...I LIKES my whish-key!!"  

I mean like a lot.  

I totally forgot how this trip kicked off.

3 hours into the 6 hour drive they call and ask if we can pay their Direct TV bill so I can watch football.  Very thoughtful of them.  My wife calls DTV, looks sideways at me and gives them a CC#.

$264.34     :wall:
Just because they're family doesn't mean you have to associate with them.

I totally forgot how this trip kicked off.

3 hours into the 6 hour drive they call and ask if we can pay their Direct TV bill so I can watch football.  Very thoughtful of them.  My wife calls DTV, looks sideways at me and gives them a CC#.

$264.34     :wall:
Woz can probably tell you how you can get a shared cell phone plan with them.

I am a suuuuuuuper forgiving and understanding person and I don't think I would be able to associate myself with people like this for very long or ever again

BUT.  My wife's sister's babies' daddy is black.  He is paralyzed from the neck down after wrecking a motorcycle doing wheelie's in the High School parking lot years ago.  So obviously, in the middle of this racist family sits two black middle school kids.  This part is truly upsetting for me to see.
Damn, that's seriously terrible.  I'm very sorry for that guy's injury -- there but for the grace of God and all that -- and for those poor kids. 

The cherries on top of this cluster ####?  All insufferable Cowboy fans.  They don't drink (WTF).  
Cowboys fans? And they don't drink.  Now you're just making #### up right?  Right?!

I totally forgot how this trip kicked off.

3 hours into the 6 hour drive they call and ask if we can pay their Direct TV bill so I can watch football.  Very thoughtful of them.  My wife calls DTV, looks sideways at me and gives them a CC#.

$264.34     :wall:
And it was to watch the ####### Cowboys.  

  I ate about a pound of Salami already.  My kids are fighting a little, but all things considered it's been ok.  

  There is a dark cloud hanging over our Thanksgiving and everyone is sad.  It feels like an after funeral get together more then anything.  The weather is dark and overcast which isn't helping.  Depression is setting in.  At least there are no Republicans invited to push us over the edge.
Your family was sad and depressed and Thanksgiving was ruined because of a presidential election...... that happened 3 weeks ago? 


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