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Ran a 10k - Official Thread (2 Viewers)

Semi-weekly poop update.

TL;DR On my run today, I pooped twice in a portapotty (no trash can!) and got run down by a pug (shame).

After a solid 3 weeks of little/no sugar, I had a giant slice of cake, with frosting, last night.

Felt like total #### after, and went to bed early.  Woke up at 0330, and given that the weather for the rest of the week looks terrible, and this will be the coolest morning of the week (~15C/61F), in the moment I decided to move my 13-miler from Wed to today (Mon is normally a rest day).  

There is a new construction-related portapotty 4K into my normal loop, and ended-up using it twice.  Very nice to have proper facilities!

And in a non-poop topic, I had my first irresponsible dog owner encounter this morning in my neighbourhood.  Thus far, almost all dog owners in my area will stop and leash their dog (if not already leashed) when they see me coming.  This morning, pre-dawn, I come across two teenage girls walking two runt dogs (pugs or frenchies, or similar dogs no bigger than my dog's ####).  The sidewalk is twinned in this section, and they're on the other side while I'm running up to them.  One of the runt dogs is sitting right in the middle of my side of the sidewalk.  Not wanting to have this little #### dog trip me, I had to stop and walk by, with zero effort by the owner to corral the unleashed dog.  Kind of annoying, but it was dark and maybe they didn't see me coming.

My turnaround point was just 100m beyond that point, so not a minute later, I'm running by them again in the other direction.  I moved to the far (left) sidewalk to give us some space, and I run by.  One of the runt dog decides to give chase and because of his little runt legs didn't catch me for 50m or so, but when he did, he got in my feet, forcing me to risk a trip/fall or stop.  I stopped, turn around and look at the girls and raise my arms like "WTF?".  No apologies, no nothing.  Girls don't even leash the dog.  

This path is not off-leash.  And I don't mind when dogs are off-leash because most of the time the owners are cool.  

Not much of a story but, hey, my life is boring.

I decided to move my 13-miler from Wed to today (Mon is normally a rest day).  
Since you have a 10K race later this week, teammate...yeah, good call in moving up your long run.  We don't need you pulling a mrs. gian 'my legs are shot' race on us.

Since you have a 10K race later this week, teammate...yeah, good call in moving up your long run.  We don't need you pulling a mrs. gian 'my legs are shot' race on us.
All schtick aside, I think most of us could handle running an easy 13 on Wednesday and racing 10K on Saturday or Sunday without any ill effects.

All schtick aside, I think most of us could handle running an easy 13 on Wednesday and racing 10K on Saturday or Sunday without any ill effects.
Yeah, that was fine for my 5K last month.  Now maybe I would have run sub-20 if I hadn't run the 13-miler, but I doubt it.

Still don't have a good plan for my 10K this week, though.  Saturday is my preferred day, but it's also going to be the hottest and most likely to have storms.  Thursday looks like the best day weather-wise (still hot, but at least no storms), but running my race before work will cut down on the prep time, as well as increase the likelihood of mid-run poop.

Yeah, that was fine for my 5K last month.  Now maybe I would have run sub-20 if I hadn't run the 13-miler, but I doubt it.

Still don't have a good plan for my 10K this week, though.  Saturday is my preferred day, but it's also going to be the hottest and most likely to have storms.  Thursday looks like the best day weather-wise (still hot, but at least no storms), but running my race before work will cut down on the prep time, as well as increase the likelihood of mid-run poop.
Seeing as how you've ran 40 miles the last three days my unsolicited and selfish advice is to race Sunday.

Seeing as how you've ran 40 miles the last three days my unsolicited and selfish advice is to race Sunday.
I've thought of that too, but then I would have to forego my Saturday long run.  Not out of the question, but I'm reluctant. 

What Iiked about Saturday last time, was that I raced my 5K and then just tacked-on a (very easy, much walking) 15K after, to get my mileage in for the week.  Kill two birds with one stone.  

Still working this out...

Yes, I need several light mileage days in a row to be fresh for a race.
Interesting.  I don't feel like an easy-paced long run takes that much out of me.  Obviously if I'm running at GMP or faster, but that's a different story.  I feel like I can go long, rest, easy and be ready to roll.

Interesting.  I don't feel like an easy-paced long run takes that much out of me.  Obviously if I'm running at GMP or faster, but that's a different story.  I feel like I can go long, rest, easy and be ready to roll.
Since you're an endurance monster I think that makes (some) sense. But I am also sure it would not be the case for a race at this particular distance. A well run one anyway. 

I did an easy 10 Monday of race week (10K) once as a trial balloon and while my cardio was back Saturday; my legs weren't. My mind said go to the pain cave, my legs said - nah. I think I require more easy running to get my body ready to and recover from a race, so double digits on a Monday may not be a no-no for most...but you can't convince me Wednesday is a good idea pre-10K.

Yes, I need several light mileage days in a row to be fresh for a race.
Interesting, you're an endurance machine too but also with an extremely pointy end top speed.

Those of us much slower can do about as well with less rest, but nowhere near where you're at.

It would be interesting to see Gru with more rest. 

Yes, I need several light mileage days in a row to be fresh for a race.
When I am in marathon shape I can, for my 10K PR I ran 18 two days prior, but without that kind of fitness I need rest. I will be taking it easy this week and racing early Thursday morning, it gets warm around here all weekend after that.  I wasn't able to put in the training I wanted to but I'll do what I can on race day.

Maybe doing a few hours of landscaping both days this weekend was a bad idea. 

Mother's day gift, I removed 5 large bushes and replaced with smaller better looking bushes.  Those large bushes take a lot out of a guy and now my back hurts like a #####. 

Interesting developments in the Ahmaud Arbery case.  I feel kinda foolish now for being so quick to jump on the "Run for Maud" bandwagon.  Should've waited to get all the facts.  Lesson learned.

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When I am in marathon shape I can, for my 10K PR I ran 18 two days prior, but without that kind of fitness I need rest. I will be taking it easy this week and racing early Thursday morning, it gets warm around here all weekend after that.  I wasn't able to put in the training I wanted to but I'll do what I can on race day.
In race between you and the pbm108 in a parallel universe who ran less than 18 miles two days prior, I'd pick him over you.  (Sorry!)

Interesting developments in the Ahmaud Arbery case.  I feel kinda foolish now for being so quick to jump on the "Run for Maud" bandwagon.  Should've waited to get all the facts.  Lesson learned.
Doesn't seem like much has changed.  Yeah, he (likely/possibly) checked out a construction site during his run.  Even if he was up to no good, the type of response we saw was not warranted.  We don't need people confronting others with shotguns for (perceived/suspected) property crimes.

You're not foolish for supporting someone who was not posing a threat to anyone, and ended-up getting shot as a result of an unnecessary confrontation.

All schtick aside, I think most of us could handle running an easy 13 on Wednesday and racing 10K on Saturday or Sunday without any ill effects.
I'm in week 2 of marathon training and looking to slot our race into the week of 6, 8, 11, 6, 10, 6, Race/Recovery long run. Should be an interesting lead up. Still in base building so will likely take that 10 pretty easy on Friday.  


My toes look like this all the time.  Currently sporting only 4 of 10 toenails.  

Given that I have narrow feet, my current Brooks shoes (Ghost / Adrenaline) are in a narrow size as well.  Love the fit across the forefoot, but the smaller toebox is really punishing my toes.

So I could be rocking COVID right now, and would never know, if "COVID Toes" were my only symptom...

And yes, I just ordered a new pair of shoes in standard width to put into the rotation.  Trying some Cliftons...

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Doesn't seem like much has changed.  Yeah, he (likely/possibly) checked out a construction site during his run.  Even if he was up to no good, the type of response we saw was not warranted.  We don't need people confronting others with shotguns for (perceived/suspected) property crimes.

You're not foolish for supporting someone who was not posing a threat to anyone, and ended-up getting shot as a result of an unnecessary confrontation.
We may not need it, but the men might have been within their legal rights to detain him. And we can’t see what happened in front of the truck. Regardless, it’s becoming pretty clear that he’s not the choir boy that the media has made him out to be. Knowing what I know now, I’m  not interested in putting myself out there as supporting either party in this case. 

Doesn't seem like much has changed.  Yeah, he (likely/possibly) checked out a construction site during his run.  Even if he was up to no good, the type of response we saw was not warranted.  We don't need people confronting others with shotguns for (perceived/suspected) property crimes.

You're not foolish for supporting someone who was not posing a threat to anyone, and ended-up getting shot as a result of an unnecessary confrontation.

It is a sometimes hobby of mine to do just what he did on a semi-regular basis in a number of areas around my house - usually while walking my dog rather than out jogging. There's nothing in the new video that I've seen that changes the fact that he was the victim of a senseless crime. 

We may not need it, but the men might have been within their legal rights to detain him. And we can’t see what happened in front of the truck. Regardless, it’s becoming pretty clear that he’s not the choir boy that the media has made him out to be. Knowing what I know now, I’m  not interested in putting myself out there as supporting either party in this case. 
I never saw the media portraying him as a choir boy, fwiw.

As zasada mentioned...past or even current crimes or intent shouldn't ever justify the response here.


My toes look like this all the time.  Currently sporting only 4 of 10 toenails.  

Given that I have narrow feet, my current Brooks shoes (Ghost / Adrenaline) are in a narrow size as well.  Love the fit across the forefoot, but the smaller toebox is really punishing my toes.

So I could be rocking COVID right now, and would never know, if "COVID Toes" were my only symptom...

And yes, I just ordered a new pair of shoes in standard width to put into the rotation.  Trying some Cliftons...
My wife is convinced she had the toe thing. Mentioned feeling like she had bug bite-ish, strange toe sensation for a few days and a big headache that she couldn’t shake. ####### weird. 
Anyway, my toes are pretty bad but not resembling that pic. So I’ve go that going for me, which is nice. 

We may not need it, but the men might have been within their legal rights to detain him. And we can’t see what happened in front of the truck. Regardless, it’s becoming pretty clear that he’s not the choir boy that the media has made him out to be. Knowing what I know now, I’m  not interested in putting myself out there as supporting either party in this case. 
The way I see it is this kid didn't deserve to have two dudes chase him down the street and confront him with a shotgun. I am so sick and tired of this kind of behavior happening in our country simply because of race. 

This pattern emerges over and over and over in this country. 

Now, I wasn't there. I don't know what was said. I don't know the kids intentions that day. But he didn't deserve to die for what I saw. 

We may not need it, but the men might have been within their legal rights to detain him. And we can’t see what happened in front of the truck. Regardless, it’s becoming pretty clear that he’s not the choir boy that the media has made him out to be. Knowing what I know now, I’m  not interested in putting myself out there as supporting either party in this case. 
Attempting to detain him and/or contacting police to investigate if something inappropriate was going on is one thing - at best, that's even questionable from the video scene so far. There's zero reason/excuse for him to have ended up dead and it is inexcusable that it appears to have been "brushed under the rug" for a couple months like it was no big deal. As mentioned, I go through construction sites all the time to look at the work, the floor plans, whatever else tickles my fancy. Legally, I'm sure I shouldn't be there but do it all the time, including times when the house is virtually finished. I've been fully prepared to answer questions about it if confronted but there is zero scenario where I would expect to end up dead for doing it. I have the luxury of being a middle aged, average looking white guy, so most people aren't going to assume I'm up to no good.

I have the luxury of being a middle aged, average looking white guy, so most people aren't going to assume I'm up to no good.
Often when I'm running, I mentally note that I'm out at ~0430, in the dark, and have zero concerns for my safety.  Much of that has to to with my neighbourhood, but most is that I'm, a) white; and b) male.  Very fortunate to have won the birth lottery in that regard.

This morning I scared the #### out of some poor schlub walking his dog.  I always try to announce my presence with a "Good Morning!" when about to pass someone from behind, but very often they're wearing headphones and don't hear me.  Dude today almost crapped his pants when I passed him (despite my greeting, which he clearly didn't hear).

my only trouble is going to be the weather. Thunderstorms in the forecast Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. As it gets closer, I'm going to have to find a window.
Yeah, it looks like a lot of us are going to be fighting that.

My plan is to run mine Saturday morning around 8:00 am. I'm not the type to sit around all day and wait for a window. And I don't really want to do this on Sunday.  

If it rains, it rains. 


My toes look like this all the time.  Currently sporting only 4 of 10 toenails.  

Given that I have narrow feet, my current Brooks shoes (Ghost / Adrenaline) are in a narrow size as well.  Love the fit across the forefoot, but the smaller toebox is really punishing my toes.

So I could be rocking COVID right now, and would never know, if "COVID Toes" were my only symptom...

And yes, I just ordered a new pair of shoes in standard width to put into the rotation.  Trying some Cliftons...
Are you sure you have the right size?

I had similar issues before, had worn the same size shoe since college. 

Got them sized properly, turns out my feet had grown from 10.5 to 11.5

Are you sure you have the right size?

I had similar issues before, had worn the same size shoe since college. 

Got them sized properly, turns out my feet had grown from 10.5 to 11.5
Assuming this scan is precise, my size is 11.5-12, and I buy size 13 running shoes.  I didn't have nearly the toenail problems I have now until I switched to the narrow-width Brooks (said measurements also show that I have narrow feet).  I love that I don't have to tie my shoes crazy-tight now (as I did with standard-width), but my toes appear to be paying the price.

Assuming this scan is precise, my size is 11.5-12, and I buy size 13 running shoes.  I didn't have nearly the toenail problems I have now until I switched to the narrow-width Brooks (said measurements also show that I have narrow feet).  I love that I don't have to tie my shoes crazy-tight now (as I did with standard-width), but my toes appear to be paying the price.
I missed the part about the narrow fit. I have pretty narrow feet but never considered anything but standard width and I prefer wide toe box (yep).  
Have you tried tying standard width shoes with a heel lock lace technique?  Heel lock was game changer for me plus I never knew why that extra hole was there (facepalm). 

@SteelCurtain, nice work on the run.  Incredible even if you weren't crazy busy with work, and at the peak of your training!  To cram this in to your schedule at your very reduced training is really inspiring.

What charity should I be donating to?
You are a classy guy! If you want to donate to a charity, I would ask you consider a donation to a local food bank. There are a lot of people who are struggling and helping with basic necessities for people who are down on their luck is a worthy cause.

If you want to donate to a charity, I would ask you consider a donation to a local food bank. There are a lot of people who are struggling and helping with basic necessities for people who are down on their luck is a worthy cause.
Done!  Just donated to the Food Bank of Red Hook, NY (part of the Regional Food Bank of NE NY).

Just based on your Strava location!  Best stalking I can do.

You are a classy guy! If you want to donate to a charity, I would ask you consider a donation to a local food bank. There are a lot of people who are struggling and helping with basic necessities for people who are down on their luck is a worthy cause.
This is a very, very :goodposting: . We do some work with a local food pantry and we have been serving record numbers of people. Seeing the number of people in need is more than a little distressing. But seeing unprecedented levels of donations coming in is truly awe-inspiring. 


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