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Ran a 10k - Official Thread (4 Viewers)

Well, legs were feeling pretty spry this morning so I decided I'd get on the leaderboard myself. Got in the car and measured out 0.1 miles exactly. Threw on my super shoes and started. First 0.03 miles were done in 12 seconds but lungs were already burning. I just kept telling myself "you can do anything for 30 seconds" (TWSS). Finally hit the fire hydrant that marked the 0.1 mile mark and crossed it just under 46 seconds. Good for a 7:37 pace.

I'm sure some of you can

Official FBG Leaderboard

1/10th Mile -- Gianmarco 0:45.7
Mile - Caveman33 5:57.1
5K - pbm107 17:21
10K - gruecd 45:53
Half-marathon - Juxtatrot 1:19:14
Marathon - Zasada 3:13
The way I read that, I thought you did it in a car. But after reading it a second time, perhaps you ran it....or maybe you tossed the super shoes on and hopped in the car and drove that 0.1 in 45 seconds.

Whatever it is....you do you, @gianmarco. :shades:
Good luck on Sunday @pbm107 !

How are you feeling? What’s the plan? Tracking info?
Thanks, I am feeling good after a minor calf strain that caused me to miss my 10K tune up race. It was iffy there for about a week or so and I was running with a calf sleeve which seemed to help. I tested the calf out last week (without the sleeve) in a 4 mile tempo and I survived that. I haven’t thought about my calf in my least few runs so I think I am over it, but the marathon has a way of finding your weakest link in the chain.

Weather forecast is really good, 37 at the start and 5 mph wind with it expecting to warm up to 48 at the finish.

The plan is to run 6:35 pace which would get me 2:52:30 (2:54:40 is current PR). I’ll be wearing a pace band for 2:53 (band only allowed minute increments) to help me know where I am according to plan.

I have a good opportunity Sunday and my focus will be to get to the halfway point as close as I can to 1:26:15. I will try to take two gels in the first half the race. My bib # is 1029 and for tracking.
In the infancy of my running, my calf was acting up. A friend recommended I put on a calf sleeve on it. So I ran a half marathon with one sleeve on my bad leg.

The race went well, but I noticed the opposite leg (the sleeveless one) was hurting at the end and my bad leg (in the sleeve) felt fine.

Ever since that day, I have worn compression socks on both legs for any HM or marathon race.

I only share this as if the sleeve doesn't bother you, you may be best suited to wear it on race day.

Good luck! I'll be rooting hard for you!
This is shaping up to be a record breaking weekend. Positive thoughts going out to pbm107. I know you have the conditioning for your goal time and hope your body cooperates during the race.

I have my eyes on the 10K time. I just need to train for a couple days first. Planning a 5.5 mile run this morning.
Good luck on Sunday @pbm107 !

How are you feeling? What’s the plan? Tracking info?
Thanks, I am feeling good after a minor calf strain that caused me to miss my 10K tune up race. It was iffy there for about a week or so and I was running with a calf sleeve which seemed to help. I tested the calf out last week (without the sleeve) in a 4 mile tempo and I survived that. I haven’t thought about my calf in my least few runs so I think I am over it, but the marathon has a way of finding your weakest link in the chain.

Weather forecast is really good, 37 at the start and 5 mph wind with it expecting to warm up to 48 at the finish.

The plan is to run 6:35 pace which would get me 2:52:30 (2:54:40 is current PR). I’ll be wearing a pace band for 2:53 (band only allowed minute increments) to help me know where I am according to plan.

I have a good opportunity Sunday and my focus will be to get to the halfway point as close as I can to 1:26:15. I will try to take two gels in the first half the race. My bib # is 1029 and for tracking.
In the infancy of my running, my calf was acting up. A friend recommended I put on a calf sleeve on it. So I ran a half marathon with one sleeve on my bad leg.

The race went well, but I noticed the opposite leg (the sleeveless one) was hurting at the end and my bad leg (in the sleeve) felt fine.

Ever since that day, I have worn compression socks on both legs for any HM or marathon race.

I only share this as if the sleeve doesn't bother you, you may be best suited to wear it on race day.

Good luck! I'll be rooting hard for you!
I hear you about the calf sleeve, I had this debate with myself last Wednesday the day before my Tempo run. The sleeve served it's purpose, but I felt like it slightly modified my running form which I didn't like. I made up my mind that if I wore it during the tempo that I'd wear it during the race. I didn't know if I could make it through the tempo with or without the sleeve, so knowing that I'd prefer to run without it I decided to run my warmup without and then make my decision when I put on my Vaporflies for the Tempo. I don't usually wear my racers for workouts but I did this time to match race day conditions in testing the calf. Warmup went fine, so I decided to attempt the tempo without it prepared to shut it down if the calf felt tight at all.

I got thorough the tempo, 13 on Sunday, and then 2 at marathon pace without using the calf sleeve. I really haven't thought about it since the 13 on Sunday. In a strange way it may be more risky to run with the sleeve considering I never ran more than 6 miles with it or any miles faster than 9:00.

The other thing that gives me hope is that I saw in my running log that I had a similar calf issue in week 11 my build up to Indy in 2021, I didn't have any reoccurrences ithe rest of the cycle or race day.
So in order to keep our body balanced, would it be best to wear sleeves on both sides when only 1 is injured?

I ran ~5.5 miles at ~7:30 pace. I feel ready for the 10K, target 44 minutes. Just need my blister to heal a bit more.
I just have one question:

When TF did @gruecd run a 10K this year?
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Gruecd's 10K time was actually a split from his marathon. And since splits are not allowed on the leader board, that time has been stricken from the record.
Friendly advice: Read the room.

The success and uniqueness of this thread over the past twenty years or so has been due to the camaraderie that have developed between the guys. Central to that has been the support we provide to each other ...in running and in life. It's never been about competing against each other or trying to one-up someone else, other than lightheartedly in the context of the deep friendships that have been formulated. Open competition and a sole pursuit of records is anathema to what transpires here. If you want to share your training and race activity, great. We'd be happy to share advice and celebrate your successes. But recognize that a single-minded emphasis on achievements and records won't win any fans around here.
I just have one question:

When TF did @gruecd run a 10K this year?
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Gruecd's 10K time was actually a split from his marathon. And since splits are not allowed on the leader board, that time has been stricken from the record.
Friendly advice: Read the room.

The success and uniqueness of this thread over the past twenty years or so has been due to the camaraderie that have developed between the guys. Central to that has been the support we provide to each other ...in running and in life. It's never been about competing against each other or trying to one-up someone else, other than lightheartedly in the context of the deep friendships that have been formulated. Open competition and a sole pursuit of records is anathema to what transpires here. If you want to share your training and race activity, great. We'd be happy to share advice and celebrate your successes. But recognize that a single-minded emphasis on achievements and records won't win any fans around here.
I thought the leader board was lighthearted and enjoyed gianmarco's contributions. I want to see everyone in this thread succeeding. I also like reading the race reports.
Good luck @pbm107 - your training has been spot on and it looks like you're ready to crush this :thumbup:

I'm also in the camp of wearing calf sleeves for races. A couple years ago I was having some calf issues and ended up wearing them for all my runs. I've since moved to only wearing them for races and really hard runs. I get not wanting to change anything for race day...not just the physical aspect but the mental. I will say that if you do decide to wear them, it would be shocking if they actually caused any major issues.
Has been about a month since my race, and my IT bands are improving bit by bit. I really did a number on them with that training cycle. Currently running a couple times a week to stay in the groove until I’m 100% - then I can begin to ramp up for more race training, slowly and responsibly of course.

I’ve been trying some ADHD medications which have really warped my HR data. Easy runs will put me in the “threshold” zone pretty quickly. So for now, I’ve pretty much stopped paying attention to HR while running. I just go out and run at what feels like a conversational pace, even if I go beyond the zone 2 target. Not ideal, but probably better than slowing way down to keep my HR low?

After our first HM experience, my sister and I were tentatively planning on a New Year’s Eve 5K to really push our VO2 max limits. Unfortunately, she was in a bad car accident last weekend - she’s expected to make a full recovery, but will probably be out of the game for 6+ months due to a ruptured spleen and fractured pelvis. Stark reminder that we shouldn’t take for granted our ability to go out there and train as much as we do.
I’ve been trying some ADHD medications which have really warped my HR data. Easy runs will put me in the “threshold” zone pretty quickly. So for now, I’ve pretty much stopped paying attention to HR while running. I just go out and run at what feels like a conversational pace, even if I go beyond the zone 2 target. Not ideal, but probably better than slowing way down to keep my HR low?

I don’t focus on heart rate data that often these days because it seems like for whatever reason monitors frequently malfunction on me. That’s OK though because I think paying attention to my breathing and my sense of perceived effort is sufficient. I vote for keeping to do what you’re doing.
Sorry guys I didn’t have it today. Not injured, I guess I overestimated my fitness. Once my pace slowed, by groin stopped working and I had to walk. Thanks everyone for the support. Time to drink.
The frustration of marathons …such an unpredictable event.
The Dirty 15K - did I finally figure **** out?

It's been a weird few months. I could write a novel about my non-running life, but that's probably a better story for the year end review. Running purposes, while execution hasn't been great I've begun to figure out what works for middle aged MAC and what does not. I took a step back during peak coaching season (just 69 miles in Sep), but I am bookending with greater volume during the ramp up (132 miles in Aug) and the taper to the end (124 miles in Oct). I ended up averaging > 30 mpw from 10/9-11/12, but will take a week (more to come) to ramp back up again.

This is because it became abundantly clear during an important 10 mins at an out of town conference what's been ailing me over the last several months. It wasn't the cigars, christmas ales, or late night, but rather a 10 minute chair massage during a break. While there were some knots I expected throughout my back it was when she got to my hips when we both realized my problem - to say they were tight was a VAST under statement. And at that moment it all made sense. I've not been anywhere near 100% since ~April and the problem clearly starts there and not my back, which is where I usually feel the problem (cause <> effect?). This left me feeling much more confident going into Saturday morning's race. I wasn't going to put up an A performance, but I also knew that if things didn't feel right during that I could still challenge myself because I know what needs done after.

Race morning was very uneventful. 9 am gun about 10 mins from my door, so there was no need for much prep. Just over pack clothes, take care of the morning plumbing, and pick the right dum dum (scutter botch). I arrived about 8:15 and went for a ~1.5 mi warm up through the muddy low lying areas. If you want to know what I wore for this just pull up strava as I tested running down the one very steep hill and bit it (this is why I over packed clothes). Based on my testing I figured the first time through would be fine, but after ~200 people go through there the second time through could be a little messier, but not so bad that I'll ruin my relatively new shoes. So I made my way back, ran into a couple friends, one of which snapped the strava pic. We BS'd til ~8:50 then I went to change into race garb. I switched shoes, socks (good thing I brought 3 pair), went with shorts, a stocking cap, and a sleeveless. I had on gloves, but at the last moment ditched them as I figured I'd be too warm within 2 miles in and I didn't want to deal with them then.

I strolled over to the start at 8:59 then we were off a few seconds later. The first mile was fast (6:44), but that was planned. A very steep climb awaited mile 2 and I didn't have intentions on running much of it. I figured I'd get halfway up before switching to power hike, but when I realized I wasn't making any ground on the power hiker in front of me I audibled early. Immediately upon reaching the top I flipped the switch as I wanted to challenge myself on the next 2 miles. All very runnable (roots, rocks, and some mud/standing water) and slowly uphill. When I tested this out last week I was able to navigate near 7 minute pace and I was a few seconds slower this time around (7:12 mile 3), so when we turned down hill I really pressed down on the throttle. I was aggressive going down the hill, but keenly recalled the slick spot near the bottom and did a controlled high step through there before getting to the real muddy section. Staying in balance was of priority, so I wasted some energy during this section (7:25 mile was surprisingly strong), but I was banking on getting it back on loop 2 when I get back to the hill.

I did not. I was watching my HR on the slow climb to start and I was quickly up into the high 160's and first noticed problems with my stride (hips don't lie). First time through I ran a bit before switching to the power hike when I reached the > 20% section, but this time I didn't bother and just started the hike at the bottom. As a result this mile was 8:56 lap two vs 8:06 the first time. A negative split was definitely out, but if I can attack the next ~2 miles maybe I can get sub 1:10 (34:31 lap #1). I gave it a whole mile before giving that up, but those hips felt like they were slowing me down and when my watch buzzed 7:14 that was confirmed. I held firm and kept racing, but my body wouldn't let me run to my fitness so there was only so much I was going to get out of this. I came close to holding the same pace through the last 2 1/2 challenging miles, only being passed by one person - finishing in 1:10:36, good for 10th place and an age group winner (2nd Masters).

So, what's next? Fix the problem. I don't know what I'm going to do this week, but I am going to take it easy. After Thanksgiving though - it's time to start taking yoga seriously and schedule more frequent massages. As long as mother nature cooperates I intend to sustain ~30 mpw, but the other stuff will take priority vs the alternative. Hopefully some of these nooks and crannies start to improve by the back end of winter then I can enter track season healthy and (maybe?) sustain it.
Sorry guys I didn’t have it today. Not injured, I guess I overestimated my fitness.
That sucks as you had what looked to me like a really good cycle. You deserved a better race day result. It seems at least possible to me that you had an unknown issue going on that hurt your race day (e.g., maybe your body was fighting off a minor illness).

If you do think your fitness estimate was off, I seem to remember you doing a lot of stuff by HR? If so, I wonder if when comparing HRs over too long a time frame you run into HR max and HRR drift. That is, does a 140HR @ 45yrs = 140HR @ 40yrs or 138 or even 136HR @ 40yrs? I know for me the 220 - age calculation is laughably wrong, but still I'm sure my max HR has gone down over the last 10 years. I would assume this also means my threshold HR has come down in that timeframe, but I have less evidence for that.
$200 off many of the top model (Fenix, Epix, Enduro) Garmins for Black Friday and smaller discounts for many of the others.

@The Iguana
Thank you! Now to decide which watch I should get. Leaning towards Fenix 7 pro. Not sure solar or sapphire is necessary.
Have this on my more research/likely buy list to get away from a chest strap HR just for comfort reasons.

I assume your main running watch has a HRM built-in. Does that have accuracy issues?
First run since December of 2021. Been a long road. Multiple surgeries. Will have a choice to make about the remaining hardware in my ankle.

Obviously taking it crazy slow, but if anybody has any "programs" they have followed when recovering from a major injury, or I guess I would appreciate any input at all honestly.
Have this on my more research/likely buy list to get away from a chest strap HR just for comfort reasons.

I assume your main running watch has a HRM built-in. Does that have accuracy issues?
yeah, Garmin 645 is a couple gens old and never consistent enough for me nor was the 235. Ill timed drop out or cadence spikes drove me batty.
First run since December of 2021. Been a long road. Multiple surgeries. Will have a choice to make about the remaining hardware in my ankle.

Obviously taking it crazy slow, but if anybody has any "programs" they have followed when recovering from a major injury, or I guess I would appreciate any input at all honestly.
No experience with major injuries (knock on wood), but a few thoughts:

- play it safe and space out your runs ...maybe every third day to allow recovery.

- can you find soft surfaces to run on?

- on the off days, be diligent about stretching and strength work.
First run since December of 2021. Been a long road. Multiple surgeries. Will have a choice to make about the remaining hardware in my ankle.

Obviously taking it crazy slow, but if anybody has any "programs" they have followed when recovering from a major injury, or I guess I would appreciate any input at all honestly.
No experience with major injuries (knock on wood), but a few thoughts:

- play it safe and space out your runs ...maybe every third day to allow recovery.

- can you find soft surfaces to run on?

- on the off days, be diligent about stretching and strength work.
Stay off sidewalks or anywhere that has uneven ground. If you can't go to a track, find a flat, wide open pavement to run (high school parking lots are often a good option).

Slow and steady increase in intensity. Walks are totally fine until the ankle is structurally sound.

I have hardware in my lower leg as well (years and years ago). I highly recommend you take it out. I had mine taken out a year after the initial big surgery. Recovery was minor and nothing like recovery from the initial surgery.

Good luck!
Eyeing the watch deals for Black Friday.

Fenix 7 is likely the choice. Anyone else partaking in upgrading their wrist jewelry?

Eyeing the watch deals for Black Friday.

Fenix 7 is likely the choice. Anyone else partaking in upgrading their wrist jewelry?
I’ll keep an eye on the 265 if it gets included in any sales.
Post em here when you see em.
Also considering the Garmin Epix gen 2 for $449 on Amazon.

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