I decided to watch Mulholland Drive last drive night, given David Lynch's passing. I've seen Blue Velvet at least a dozen times, but I'm not very familiar with Lynch's body of work beyond that. I've seen Mulholland Drive once before, just after it came out on video, probably on VHS. I thought it was a good movie, and it certainly made an impression on me because I remembered it after a 25 year hiatus, but yeah it's been a while. Kind of a rewatch, and kind of coming back with fresh eyes.
You can't really talk about the story without spoiling it. Even though this is an old film a lot of people probably haven't seen it and might want to, so I'll just skip over that. But this movie definitely has that dream-like "logic" that one associates with Lynch. The narrator is extremely unreliable, and the over-acting and stilted dialog are there for a reason. It all clicks into place. And it's horrifying in the way that Greek tragedy is horrifying. It's not a horror movie, but it is sort of like getting cigarette burn.
My guess is that for most people, it will take two viewings to really appreciate this one. Knowing where this movie was going made a lot of the stuff in the first half a lot more impactful, but maybe that was just me. I was a young man the first time I saw this, and I watched it more or less blind. Maybe a more attentive viewer would get it in one sitting. Regardless, glad I revisited this.