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Recently viewed movie thread - Rental Edition (3 Viewers)

I had been working on this for a few months but what I knew was happening was verbalized today: A freshman, whom long story short has no reliable family and was rock bottom 4 months ago, told me she would have been dead now if it wasn't for me. Think of the worst things that could happen to a kid and she pretty much experienced it all.

It did not happen over night, but her school attendance is good now, her grades are good, she has applied to a dozen places for a summer job. I'll die before this kid fails. She has now expressed the same sentiment.

That has nothing to do with movies but I've been on a real emotional ride with this kid. I've never felt better about what is possible when you care.
The Road (CW has a free app that has a few movies, apparently): I thought I may have seen this before, and I had. I watched it again. Man, it's a bleak movie. I've never read the book, but I suspect there's a depth to the book that the movie doesn't capture. The acting is good, Charlize Theron is spellbinding as always in a bit role, the effects were good - this was a really well made movie. However, any time there's an apocalypse movie or show, there's a group of people who complain the whole time about how everyone has makeup on and they would be spending all waking hours trying to survive. That seems correct, but this movie is what you get if that's the focus... and it's a gray, bleak, dismal movie that's heartbreaking. Good movie that I hope to remember not to watch again.
The Thing 1982 (Tubi): Somehow I never saw this until now. I even saw the 2011 version with Mary Elizabeth Winstead (and I see how it fits in with this movie). I had always heard good things about this movie, but kind of doubted that it would hold up. It did! I liked this a lot. The claustrophobic distrustful atmosphere worked really well. I had always heard that John Carpenter's monster design was bonkers and great, and again, that holds up. Some of the effects are pretty hokey, but man did he go for it... and pulled it off despite those few warts. It did feature the most ridiculous 1982 computer graphics for one scene showing cells attacking each other. Really good movie - it's one of the few horror movies of that error that starts to approach Alien.

I finally connected something about Kurt Russell while watching this - young KR reminds me of Patrick Swayze. It's been in the back of my brain forever and finally clicked.
I had been working on this for a few months but what I knew was happening was verbalized today: A freshman, whom long story short has no reliable family and was rock bottom 4 months ago, told me she would have been dead now if it wasn't for me. Think of the worst things that could happen to a kid and she pretty much experienced it all.

It did not happen over night, but her school attendance is good now, her grades are good, she has applied to a dozen places for a summer job. I'll die before this kid fails. She has now expressed the same sentiment.

That has nothing to do with movies but I've been on a real emotional ride with this kid. I've never felt better about what is possible when you care.

You're a hero. I'm not exaggerating.
The Road (CW has a free app that has a few movies, apparently): I thought I may have seen this before, and I had. I watched it again. Man, it's a bleak movie. I've never read the book, but I suspect there's a depth to the book that the movie doesn't capture. The acting is good, Charlize Theron is spellbinding as always in a bit role, the effects were good - this was a really well made movie. However, any time there's an apocalypse movie or show, there's a group of people who complain the whole time about how everyone has makeup on and they would be spending all waking hours trying to survive. That seems correct, but this movie is what you get if that's the focus... and it's a gray, bleak, dismal movie that's heartbreaking. Good movie that I hope to remember not to watch again.

After reading the book, I couldn’t even get through the whole trailer for this movie. I stumbled on it once and watched about 15 minutes or so, forwarded around to a few scenes and watched the ending but don’t have the constitution to watch the whole thing.
Watched a couple excellent movies:

She Said (Amazon prime)
The story about the NY Times reporters that broke the Harvey Weinstein case. I like a good newspaper drama, and this delivers. Very well acted and written.

The true story about a young Air Force soldier that got in trouble for whistleblowing. Filmed much like a one act play. Loved it.
Pulse (Kairo) (Vudu free): Japanese creepy movie from 2001. I got about 30 minutes in, got creeped out, and stopped. I can be a bit of a wiener with some types of horror movies. I think I was about 2 seconds from that and didn’t have it in me today.
Dune (Hulu): Second time watching this, what a spectacle. I love it - just stunning visuals all the way through, great actors, neat use of sound… this is a fantastic movie, maybe one of my favorites ever.

I liked the balance of battle vs. story, the battles themselves looked unique, not just another Star Wars clone.

I think I might be a Villeneuve superfan based on this, Arrival, and Blade Runner (and Sicario to a lesser extent). I’ll have to go back and watch his other movies.
Dune (Hulu): Second time watching this, what a spectacle. I love it - just stunning visuals all the way through, great actors, neat use of sound… this is a fantastic movie, maybe one of my favorites ever.

I liked the balance of battle vs. story, the battles themselves looked unique, not just another Star Wars clone.

I think I might be a Villeneuve superfan based on this, Arrival, and Blade Runner (and Sicario to a lesser extent). I’ll have to go back and watch his other movies.

Thought it was the best movie of 2022. Can't wait for the sequel, which will be a theatrical release only initially.
Dune (Hulu): Second time watching this, what a spectacle. I love it - just stunning visuals all the way through, great actors, neat use of sound… this is a fantastic movie, maybe one of my favorites ever.

I liked the balance of battle vs. story, the battles themselves looked unique, not just another Star Wars clone.

I think I might be a Villeneuve superfan based on this, Arrival, and Blade Runner (and Sicario to a lesser extent). I’ll have to go back and watch his other movies.
Not sure if you saw it in the theater but holy **** was it great
I had been working on this for a few months but what I knew was happening was verbalized today: A freshman, whom long story short has no reliable family and was rock bottom 4 months ago, told me she would have been dead now if it wasn't for me. Think of the worst things that could happen to a kid and she pretty much experienced it all.

It did not happen over night, but her school attendance is good now, her grades are good, she has applied to a dozen places for a summer job. I'll die before this kid fails. She has now expressed the same sentiment.

That has nothing to do with movies but I've been on a real emotional ride with this kid. I've never felt better about what is possible when you care.
Oddly enough I found out a couple days later things were even worse than she had told me. That was a really long week and she threatened to take her life. Luckily for some reason she reached out to me and when I told her to comply with her aunt and go to the ER, she listened. No idea why this kid has taken to me like this but it seems like my duty now to help as much as I can. I think it was for the best, got to get the worst stuff out there and deal with it to get better.

Anyway, still not many movies recently.
This is the End (Netflix): I hadn't seen this before. All of the Seth Rogen actors playing themselves in a disaster movie comedy. I laughed a ton, if you haven't seen this and liked any of those Pineapple Express / Superbad / 21 Jump Street type movies, this is just that concentrated.
Emily the Criminal (Netflix): Aubrey Plaza movie about a woman turning to crime to try to get out of a debt pit. If you like Aubrey Plaza I think you'll like it. It was an odd choice to have Theo Rossi play a Lebanese character, though he did a good job with the character overall. There wasn't a heist twist or a moral to the story or anything - just a pretty straightforward movie. I guess if it paralleled anything, it might be Breaking Bad, but for credit card fraud? Less evil, fewer consequences. I watched it on a plane and thought it was pleasant.
About a third of the way through the new avatar movie and my only thought is, I cannot believe that they are planning to make 3 more of these.
About a third of the way through the new avatar movie and my only thought is, I cannot believe that they are planning to make 3 more of these.

These movies are for watching on the big screen in 3D.

Yea it's hard to imagine watching them at home. Just not the same experience.
Is the plot better at the theater?

Plot is the same. But, as you know, film is a visual medium. And the visuals of Avatar are spectacular.
About a third of the way through the new avatar movie and my only thought is, I cannot believe that they are planning to make 3 more of these.

These movies are for watching on the big screen in 3D.

Yea it's hard to imagine watching them at home. Just not the same experience.
Is the plot better at the theater?

Plot is the same. But, as you know, film is a visual medium. And the visuals of Avatar are spectacular.
I get it but the movie sucks. And I by no means have an imax screen here but it’s a nice setup. Was expecting to at least be entertained.
About a third of the way through the new avatar movie and my only thought is, I cannot believe that they are planning to make 3 more of these.

These movies are for watching on the big screen in 3D.

Yea it's hard to imagine watching them at home. Just not the same experience.
Is the plot better at the theater?

Plot is the same. But, as you know, film is a visual medium. And the visuals of Avatar are spectacular.
I get it but the movie sucks. And I by no means have an imax screen here but it’s a nice setup. Was expecting to at least be entertained.

And you haven't even gotten to the whales yet. :lmao:
About a third of the way through the new avatar movie and my only thought is, I cannot believe that they are planning to make 3 more of these.

These movies are for watching on the big screen in 3D.

Yea it's hard to imagine watching them at home. Just not the same experience.
Is the plot better at the theater?

Plot is the same. But, as you know, film is a visual medium. And the visuals of Avatar are spectacular.
I get it but the movie sucks. And I by no means have an imax screen here but it’s a nice setup. Was expecting to at least be entertained.

That’s what the 3D is for
About a third of the way through the new avatar movie and my only thought is, I cannot believe that they are planning to make 3 more of these.

These movies are for watching on the big screen in 3D.

Yea it's hard to imagine watching them at home. Just not the same experience.
Is the plot better at the theater?

Plot is the same. But, as you know, film is a visual medium. And the visuals of Avatar are spectacular.
I get it but the movie sucks. And I by no means have an imax screen here but it’s a nice setup. Was expecting to at least be entertained.

That’s what the 3D is for
I used to have a 3D tv. Was really awesome. Shame that didn’t catch on.
Deathtrap (1982 - S. Lumet)
Honeysuckle Rose (1980 - J. Schatzberg)
True Lies (1994 - J. Cameron)
AKA (2023 - M. Dalibert)
The Grandmaster (2013 - K-W Wong)
The Fan (1996 - T. Scott)
My Blueberry Nights (2007 - K-W Wong)
F9: The Fast Saga (2021 - J. Lin)
Kill Me Again (1989 - J. Dahl)
Manhattan Melodrama (1934 - W.S. Van Dyke)
Tango & Cash (1989 - A. Konchalovsky)
Kicking and Screaming (1995 - N. Baumbach)
Image Makers: The Adventures of America's Pioneer Cinematographers (2019 - D. Raim)
Stroszek (1977 - W. Herzog)
Blood & Gold (2023 - P. Thorwarth)
Hud (1963 - M. Ritt)
Chungking Express (1994 - K-W Wong)
Contagion (2011 - S. Soderbergh)

Seventeen movies this month. It wasn't intentional but I started May off with a Dyan Cannon double dip. Deathtrap was an effective film adaptation of a one-set play. I wrote up Honeysuckle Rose in more depth in the Willie Nelson thread but still haven't quite gotten over Willie's character sleeping with his best friend's daughter.

My monthly project watch was three films directed by Wong Kar-Wei. Chungking Express was the early Hong Kong production that made his reputation. It's beautifully shot but I didn't really bond with its superficial characters. My Blueberry Nights is Wong's only film in English. The story and aimless characters are similar to Chungking Express. The settings were reminiscent as well with American diners, drive-ins and dives filling in for the food court in Hong Kong. I didn't love either film but I did find myself thinking about the beautiful imagery as the month went on. I will say Norah Jones is a better singer than actor. The Grandmaster is Wong's telling of the Ip Man legend. It challenges Hero as the most visually stunning martial arts film I've seen even though some of Wong's fight scenes were disorienting. The American cut was 22 minutes shorter than the original Chinese version. The American version supposedly has a more linear structure but I thought the second half of the story seemed disjointed.

I hadn't watched True Lies since it first came out. I remember not loving it at the time but had forgotten why. Cameron is good with the action setpieces but the story fell flat for me. 1994 was right at the beginning of CGI so the stunt work was paramount. I also wanted to punch Tom Arnold by the end.

A while back I joked in ilov80s Ridley Scott HOF thread that his brother Tony was a better director with a more distinct style. I still sort of stand by that but won't be using The Fan in any future arguments. My God, what a ridiculous turkey that was. F9 was in a similar preposterous vein but was a better, more entertaining watch. It still wasn't enough to get me to buy a ticket for the new F&F movie.

Kill Me Again was a well crafted little neo-Noir with Val and Joyce Whalley Kilmer playing a classic chump and femme fatale. It was one of those movies you stumble into because it looks interesting and it didn't disappoint. Tango & Cash was like a mish-mash of every 80s Action Comedy cliche but it made good use of casting Stallone and Russell against type.

I've posted earlier about Netflix Euro action releases AKA and Blood & Gold. The latter was the better of the two by far.

Manhattan Melodrama was a follow-up to my J. Edgar Hoover binge last month; it was the movie John Dillinger watched immediately being shot by the FBI. It was a silly tale about two orphans who grew up to be the Governor and a crime boss but it was saved by the star power of Gable, William Powell and Myrna Loy.

I realized about 30 minutes into Kicking and Screaming that I'd seen it before. Gen X coming of age comedies haven't aged well but this one had its moments I guess.

The documentary about cinematographers is recommended if you get TCM. It's streaming until June 21st. That got me in the mood for Hud which was featured in the documentary. It's a very well acted film all around and James Wong Howe's B&W camera work is still gorgeous.

Contagion is certainly a different experience today than when it came out. It holds up pretty well all things considered. Soderbergh is really good at modern epics like this (The Laundromat notwithstanding). I wish he would return to bigger productions than the small pieces he's been doing lately.

Stroszek was probably the best thing I watched in May (tied with Hud maybe). Its unpretentiousness and offbeat story of a street musician, a prostitute and an old man emigrating from Berlin to rural Wisconsin spoke to me more than the mopey romantics in the Wong trilogy. I need to track down more Herzog films this coming month.

I think that about covers it. This sure went on longer than I expected.
Loooooooove Stroszec. I'm up and down on Herzog, but loved this one.

And I'm a big fan of Kicking and Screaming... I remember loving the freeze frame set up for flash backs. Thought the actors were terrific and some of the writing as well. "Prague? You'll come back a bug." Thought it captured that moment before out of school adulthood really well.
You guys are crazy, Avatar 2 was incredible. The last hour is one of the best action pieces ever filmed. Don't get mad because you didn't see it in 3D at the theater- that's like thinking you can just watch a 1st person POV of the new coaster at Cedar Point instead of actually going on the ride.
About a third of the way through the new avatar movie and my only thought is, I cannot believe that they are planning to make 3 more of these.

It's garabge. Beautiful garbage though. I liked the second one more than I thought I would. But it's way too long and I wouldn't watch it again.
About a third of the way through the new avatar movie and my only thought is, I cannot believe that they are planning to make 3 more of these.

It's garabge. Beautiful garbage though. I liked the second one more than I thought I would. But it's way too long and I wouldn't watch it again.
I don't think I would either. Certainly not at home. I would consider getting a ticket and just watching the last hour though.
You guys are crazy, Avatar 2 was incredible. The last hour is one of the best action pieces ever filmed. Don't get mad because you didn't see it in 3D at the theater- that's like thinking you can just watch a 1st person POV of the new coaster at Cedar Point instead of actually going on the ride.
Who’s mad? I’m not mad at all, I’m just bored. I already cut it off.
You guys are crazy, Avatar 2 was incredible. The last hour is one of the best action pieces ever filmed. Don't get mad because you didn't see it in 3D at the theater- that's like thinking you can just watch a 1st person POV of the new coaster at Cedar Point instead of actually going on the ride.
It is some really good action, but the evil guy was so over the top it kind of ruined it
You guys are crazy, Avatar 2 was incredible. The last hour is one of the best action pieces ever filmed. Don't get mad because you didn't see it in 3D at the theater- that's like thinking you can just watch a 1st person POV of the new coaster at Cedar Point instead of actually going on the ride.
Who’s mad? I’m not mad at all, I’m just bored. I already cut it off.
I should have said complained. You missed it. The last hour is absolutely nuts though but yeah it's a lot of slow build up and without being fully immersed 3 dimensionally, it's a tough ask.
About a third of the way through the new avatar movie and my only thought is, I cannot believe that they are planning to make 3 more of these.
Based on the movies Cameron made previously, the Avatar series is a whiff and a misuse of his talent.
Going for another 10 years too, so this will be a wrap for him. Sucks.
It seems hard to imagine at his age he gets these all made but people have doubted Cameron every step of the way and all he does is making the highest grossing movies ever. Avatar 2 made $2.3 Billion and is the 3rd highest grossing movie ever behind only Endgame and Avatar 1.
About a third of the way through the new avatar movie and my only thought is, I cannot believe that they are planning to make 3 more of these.
Based on the movies Cameron made previously, the Avatar series is a whiff and a misuse of his talent.
Going for another 10 years too, so this will be a wrap for him. Sucks.
It seems hard to imagine at his age he gets these all made but people have doubted Cameron every step of the way and all he does is making the highest grossing movies ever. Avatar 2 made $2.3 Billion and is the 3rd highest grossing movie ever behind only Endgame and Avatar 1.
He’s no doubt a hit maker. And I’m glad people enjoy these movies. I just think it sucks when a talent like him gets stuck doing one thing.

Maybe I’ll just fast-forward to the final hour. I’m sure I can figure out what’s going on.
About a third of the way through the new avatar movie and my only thought is, I cannot believe that they are planning to make 3 more of these.
Based on the movies Cameron made previously, the Avatar series is a whiff and a misuse of his talent.
Going for another 10 years too, so this will be a wrap for him. Sucks.
It seems hard to imagine at his age he gets these all made but people have doubted Cameron every step of the way and all he does is making the highest grossing movies ever. Avatar 2 made $2.3 Billion and is the 3rd highest grossing movie ever behind only Endgame and Avatar 1.
He’s no doubt a hit maker. And I’m glad people enjoy these movies. I just think it sucks when a talent like him gets stuck doing one thing.

Maybe I’ll just fast-forward to the final hour. I’m sure I can figure out what’s going on.
Yeah it's not complicated. Only thing you need from the middle is that they are killing the whales because there brains can be used to make a youth serum. The one whale broke the whale code and started killing people so he's been outcast. Also little Sigourney Weaver is learning she has super powers.
As for Cameron, what really ate up his directing career is his interest in deep sea exploration. He's spent way more time doing that than making Avatar movies. He's just an obsessive nut.
Avatar 2 was just okay for me, not terrible and no longer a new idea.

Would rather Cameron be working on other projects myself.
Avatar 2 was just okay for me, not terrible and no longer a new idea.

Would rather Cameron be working on other projects myself.
I would too but it's never going to happen. He's just not interested in anything but Avatar and mostly exploring the ocean. At this point making movies is more of a 2nd hobby next to his real passion.
I fully realize I should have tried Avatar in the theater - I just missed it. I tried at home and don't think I got 30mins in. I enjoyed the first one, but only the theater experience. I am sure they will have screenings again when the other 23 movies come out.
Wow, I watched the first five minutes of Villainess last night, what an opening. I think it was probably a chest-mounted GoPro version of John Wick. It popped back out of POV after that opening. Looking forward to watching the rest tonight.
Wow, I watched the first five minutes of Villainess last night, what an opening. I think it was probably a chest-mounted GoPro version of John Wick. It popped back out of POV after that opening. Looking forward to watching the rest tonight.

The opening fight scene is incredible

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