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So, I'm single again - good news? Got two numbers one night last week. (1 Viewer)

I'm going to go ahead and black dot this thing so I can live vicariously through your hugging adventures.


Well ####.

But yes!  I guess this is good, you'll be fine GB.  :thumbup:
Except one is a bartender at my fav hang. I'm still here fav "customer" but plans for dinner and drinks are temporarily on hold.

Is it my fault that this short mound of Jewey awesomeness just gets digits thrown at him on the regula?

Well ####.

But yes!  I guess this is good, you'll be fine GB.  :thumbup:
Except one is a bartender at my fav hang. I'm still here fav "customer" but plans for dinner and drinks are temporarily on hold.

Is it my fault that this short mound of Jewey awesomeness just gets digits thrown at him on the regula?
You can bang bartenders with impunity, they'll still serve you drinks the next day. 

Btw, HOLY ####.  Dallas is a target rich environment. 

Decetly hot chicks are falling off trees. And Hot hot ones are plentiful at that.

So, what's this tinders thing?





That'll give you more than you can handle and should cover just about every option available. The fun with bumble is the woman has to send the first message so it cuts down on your effort. 





That'll give you more than you can handle and should cover just about every option available. The fun with bumble is the woman has to send the first message so it cuts down on your effort. 
Also, the cute chick/bartender that I ####ed up with the number/name mix up gave me one hell of a hug - and kiss - as I just now left the bar, so...

chicks, pass the beer nuts?

Also, the cute chick/bartender that I ####ed up with the number/name mix up gave me one hell of a hug - and kiss - as I just now left the bar, so...

chicks, pass the beer nuts?
Wait......that one that served us the last night we hung?

there's only 4 possible combinations, no?  seems like an easy fix

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I wouldn't worry too much about the mixed numbers.  Did you meet them at the same bar?  If so, just say something like, "Hi.  This is Koya. The very interesting, macho (put in your own descriptors, but they have to be positive) blue-eyed adonis from the X Bar.  I didn't want to wait too long before I called you because I don't like to let a potentially good thing sit on the side too long."  Or something in that vein.  

Good luck brother.  :-)

When doing the dating game thing calling a girl by another name accidentally probably will work in your favor.  Shows you have options and really just dont give an F.  Both are attractive to women. 

When doing the dating game thing calling a girl by another name accidentally probably will work in your favor.  Shows you have options and really just dont give an F.  Both are attractive to women. 
Yeah, I noticed that when I got the kiss at the end of the night.

Stupid "Game" - but the fact is, if you want to be on the dancefloor, you gotta dance the dance. 

I wouldn't worry too much about the mixed numbers.  Did you meet them at the same bar?  If so, just say something like, "Hi.  This is Koya. The very interesting, macho (put in your own descriptors, but they have to be positive) blue-eyed adonis from the X Bar.  I didn't want to wait too long before I called you because I don't like to let a potentially good thing sit on the side too long."  Or something in that vein.  

Good luck brother.  :-)
Yes. One is a bartender there, the other a fellow patron.  

Stupid "Game" - but the fact is, if you want to be on the dancefloor, you gotta dance the dance. 
Yep. And women respond to it, so why the hell not.

I had guys tell me "its too much work"... and then I remind them that at the onset they put women at the top 1 or  2 of life importance's every time.

Maybe don't even use their name when you call. It's their number so it's not like you need to ask if Michelle is there or anything like that. Start the conversation and I'm sure you'll quickly figure out which one it is.

Maybe don't even use their name when you call. It's their number so it's not like you need to ask if Michelle is there or anything like that. Start the conversation and I'm sure you'll quickly figure out which one it is.
The first problem here is the idea of actually calling them.  Nobody calls anybody anymore when first start dating...women think it's weird and intrusive. Stick to texting. 

The first problem here is the idea of actually calling them.  Nobody calls anybody anymore when first start dating...women think it's weird and intrusive. Stick to texting. 
Right, even better. "Hey how's it going? When are you at Bar X again?" "My next shift is tonight" = bartender or "I'm not sure when I'll be there" = patron.

Yep. And women respond to it, so why the hell not.

I had guys tell me "its too much work"... and then I remind them that at the onset they put women at the top 1 or  2 of life importance's every time.
Yeah, wha I definitely have going in my favor is my legitimate, if likely somewhat temporary, really don't give a ####. Not in a ######## way, or to be all cool... I'm just out of a ten year relationship going on 8 years of marriage.  Women are definitely NOT at 1 or 2 right now. Need to make are my health goes from 95% to 100% and reclaim my career.

So it's sorta a nice, fun, distraction at this point. Just the flirting is fun (not that I never flirted while married, but I took my responsibilities and faithfulness seriously, if for moments of doubt now and then).

Right, even better. "Hey how's it going? When are you at Bar X again?" "My next shift is tonight" = bartender or "I'm not sure when I'll be there" = patron.
You guys are WAY overthinking this. 

Just gonna let it find its way to me. The point is for me not to try. 

Only to do. 

The first problem here is the idea of actually calling them.  Nobody calls anybody anymore when first start dating...women think it's weird and intrusive. Stick to texting. 
Exactly. Has everyone here come around to this? I was saying this same thing 2 years ago and many many posters told me it wasn't manly or clsssy and women appreciate an old fashioned call from a man.

Phone calls are mostly just for emergencys. 

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Exactly. Has everyone here come around to this? I was saying this same thing 2 years ago and many many posters told me it wasn't manly or clsssy and women appreciate an old fashioned call from a man. Phone calls are for emergencys. 
If texting turns into a call (ex: "hey, let me just call you"), that's fine. But I hate it when people call out of the blue and I don't know what they want.


If I pick up and it's not an emergency, the person who called is on my #### list. 

Every time I skim the title, I think you had a threesome with a pair of 1's.
As a threesome results in the multiplier effect, it's a total waste to stoop THAT low.  At least a 2 and a 3 get you a cumulative score of a 6.  

Exactly. Has everyone here come around to this? I was saying this same thing 2 years ago and many many posters told me it wasn't manly or clsssy and women appreciate an old fashioned call from a man.

Phone calls are mostly just for emergencys. 
At this point, I don't think anyone wants to speak on the phone at all.  

Well, other than my ex who now wants to "talk" and "be friends" (hon, YOU chose to leave, and while that would likely have been the outcome not far down the road anyway, it was your terms, your picking a terrible point in my life to bail, and your selfishness all along the way.  We can text, thank you very much. if that.)

If texting turns into a call (ex: "hey, let me just call you"), that's fine. But I hate it when people call out of the blue and I don't know what they want.


If I pick up and it's not an emergency, the person who called is on my #### list. 
Yeah, even my parents text now and my dad didn't even own a cell phone until 2015. 

If texting turns into a call (ex: "hey, let me just call you"), that's fine. But I hate it when people call out of the blue and I don't know what they want.


If I pick up and it's not an emergency, the person who called is on my #### list. 
Is answering the phone really that tough? I can't imagine being this bothered by something this simple.

Btw, HOLY ####.  Dallas is a target rich environment. 

Decetly hot chicks are falling off trees. And Hot hot ones are plentiful at that.

So, what's this tinders thing?
I thought it was green bikes falling out of trees?

When doing the dating game thing calling a girl by another name accidentally probably will work in your favor.  Shows you have options and really just dont give an F.  Both are attractive to women. 
My favorite shtick is when I have two women that are so into me that I've become bored of them, so I'll have one of them over, feed her lots of wine, then suddenly have a work emergency that requires I cut the night short. I order her an Uber like a gentleman, but I enter the other girl's address as the destination. Love hearing the stories of the fights that ensue.  #alpha 

DallasDMac said:
Is answering the phone really that tough? I can't imagine being this bothered by something this simple.
Humans text now. A phone call is a different deal from two decades ago when everyone wasn't permanently duct taped to a telephone. 

The first problem here is the idea of actually calling them.  Nobody calls anybody anymore when first start dating...women think it's weird and intrusive. Stick to texting. 
i like the sound of this.  i might have to jump back into this whole dating thing when my wife and i part ways in the near future.  


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