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Socialism and How it Can Destroy America (1 Viewer)

ACA is socialism...public education, social security, medicare, and medicaid arent?
Correct, but it can be a fine line.

All taxpayers pay into education, SS, Medicare and Medicaid...and receive a net benefit.

ACA is straight up redistribution of wealth...at least to a greater extent than the others.

Correct, but it can be a fine line.

All taxpayers pay into education, SS, Medicare and Medicaid...and receive a net benefit.

ACA is straight up redistribution of wealth...at least to a greater extent than the others.
Your first group you actually describe socialism.  And your characterization of ACA...have any link to back that up as a real description?  How does it do what you claim?

Correct, but it can be a fine line.

All taxpayers pay into education, SS, Medicare and Medicaid...and receive a net benefit.

ACA is straight up redistribution of wealth...at least to a greater extent than the others.
So socialism is whenever you personally don’t see a benefit? 

Correct, but it can be a fine line.

All taxpayers pay into education, SS, Medicare and Medicaid...and receive a net benefit.

ACA is straight up redistribution of wealth...at least to a greater extent than the others.
Don't people pay a premium into ACA when they receive a benefit?

Don't people pay a premium into ACA when they receive a benefit?
Pre-ACA I was paying a healthcare premium and received benefits.

Post-ACA I pay 3x the premium and receive one-half the benefits (due to higher deductible, loss of PPO, payout caps, etc.).

Not sure whether that's socialism or redistribution of wealth but please please sign me up for more.

Pre-ACA I was paying a healthcare premium and received benefits.

Post-ACA I pay 3x the premium and receive one-half the benefits (due to higher deductible, loss of PPO, payout caps, etc.).

Not sure whether that's socialism or redistribution of wealth but please please sign me up for more.

not hard fellas 

let’s try to keep up

Pre-ACA I was paying a healthcare premium and received benefits.

Post-ACA I pay 3x the premium and receive one-half the benefits (due to higher deductible, loss of PPO, payout caps, etc.).

Not sure whether that's socialism or redistribution of wealth but please please sign me up for more.
Just to be clear, I'm not in here to defend the ACA.

That benefits my neighbor, not me.
Having people in your community without access to healthcare doesn’t benefit you in any way?

My school was paid for by my parents taxes. My wife isn’t from this country, makes much better money than I do. No kids. 

Is she paying into a socialist system?

Pre-ACA I was paying a healthcare premium and received benefits.

Post-ACA I pay 3x the premium and receive one-half the benefits (due to higher deductible, loss of PPO, payout caps, etc.).

Not sure whether that's socialism or redistribution of wealth but please please sign me up for more.
“You should get a better job and make more money. “

— Mr. Free Market Capitalist

My school was paid for by my parents taxes. My wife isn’t from this country, makes much better money than I do. No kids. 

Is she paying into a socialist system?
Kind of an outlier/exception....doesn’t benefit the discussion

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Pre-ACA I was paying a healthcare premium and received benefits.

Post-ACA I pay 3x the premium and receive one-half the benefits (due to higher deductible, loss of PPO, payout caps, etc.).

Not sure whether that's socialism or redistribution of wealth but please please sign me up for more.
Pre ACA your premiums were rising and services dwindling as well.

Pre ACA your premiums were rising and services dwindling as well.
Yes, but not at anywhere close to being at the same rate as post-ACA. Literally doubled one year after. Just hard for me to buy that it was coincidence but it's cool we can disagree as to the cause.

Yes, but not at anywhere close to being at the same rate as post-ACA. Literally doubled one year after. Just hard for me to buy that it was coincidence but it's cool we can disagree as to the cause.
Sure but also doesnt make it socialism.

A bit yes...like many other policies we have already.
Yes. I would also consider Med4All to be one of the better examples of a socialistic policy.

I'm opposed to Med4All since it looks very similar to military health care, which is is fraught with fraud, waste and abuse. Doctors order every lab test possible on every patient possible just because it's free to them and it's safer for them to CYA. Unnecessary hospital equipment gets purchased only for purposes of satisfying a "use it or lose it" budgeting system. 

I'm all for services offered or administered solely by the government if they can prove in a competitive process that they are the best/low-cost provider of those services.

Not just because many people think it is their right to have it and they want someone else to subsidize it.

Yes. I would also consider Med4All to be one of the better examples of a socialistic policy.

I'm opposed to Med4All since it looks very similar to military health care, which is is fraught with fraud, waste and abuse. Doctors order every lab test possible on every patient possible just because it's free to them and it's safer for them to CYA. Unnecessary hospital equipment gets purchased only for purposes of satisfying a "use it or lose it" budgeting system. 

I'm all for services offered or administered solely by the government if they can prove in a competitive process that they are the best/low-cost provider of those services.

Not just because many people think it is their right to have it and they want someone else to subsidize it.
We spend 2x what the rest of the developed world spends on healthcare.   For inferior outcomes.

Just like Rock gets all tongue-tied about dissertation flim-flammery when it comes to the social programs of the past, but mysteriously loses that compunction when it comes to the Green New Deal or Medicare for All. Nope, no agenda there.Politics
Whoa, easy there. Who is losing compunction how?

The environment is a much, much more nuanced problem than some of the redistribution programs of the past. I think if you asked me a pointed question, I'd have a very theoretical answer about not only the GND but Nixon's formation of the EPA.

Medicare-for-all is not nearly as nuanced. It is a single provider of insurance that sets prices and therefore, presumably wages of an entire industry. That's socialized medicine, or socialism.

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