Pissah Sistas added:
Calvin Austin III - WR - Pittsburgh
Al Green - Love and Happiness (Rev. Al and Calvin both from Memphis)
David Moore - WR - Carolina
The Edgar Winter Group - Frankenstein (Winter and Moore both from Texas)
Tre Tucker - WR - Las Vegas
Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five - White Lines
OK, as to the connection on this last one, work with me... As you might recall, simey and I are only choosing songs that wikkid loved. In the "Music of Our Lives" draft, he chose this song to represent himself at 30 years old, which is when he moved to Nevada and started in on poker. Since my connection is tenuous and we're nearly at the end here, I'll treat you to his story for this song:
"Hadda be done. Had never been a loadie - serious acidhead @ 15 (none since), weed always put me in either of two heads - gameshow host or serial killer - which made me uncomfortable, downers knocked me out, pain pills made me nauseous, smack was TOO good (always mistrusted paradise, Caribean or pharmaceutical). Lived on a low greenie hum throughout my showbiz career which didnt need evening out. Plus, i was usually the designated designator. Never against getting thwacked, just never relied on it.
Then i discovered poker. My last year in Manhattan i had a lot of down time, was paying for SoHo flat & lifestyle betting the horses so, when a fallen-thru showbiz deal made me finally quit chasing the ring, i knew there was a high-desert city like Albq from which i could play all the racetracks in the country, so out to Reno i headed. Found a per diem job at a psych hospital so i would have enough financial stability that i wouldnt gamble cravenly (plus it had nurses, our greatest natural resource) and scoped out the Big Board for fun & profit. Doing real nice, developing my own database in a time before computers, the money was easy & sweet.
But the racebook was next to a poker room and there was a game in the back that looked critical & glamorous and i couldnt keep from longing in that direction. I had hustled gin while caddying at a country club as a kid, but didnt know poker much nor holdem at all. The poker mgr was a horse player and i exchanged hot tips for lessons in the basics. Played the baby games but all i wanted was that Biggest Game in Town (regulars were Freddy Deeb, WSOP champ Brad Daugherty, Tuna Lund, Ray Zee) and was over there in a coupla weeks. A light instantly shone upon me like it does when one is conscious of being amidst a major intersection in their life - poker used my natural senses for math & psych and my preternatural desire to make my way non-traditionally. Kismet.
My premature entry into the top levels of the game caused me to be an unimaginative grinder for survival purposes early on. Took my lumps, my baby steps, but knew i needed to find a level of imagination upon which to rely in all situations. Struggled with it til i made a prop bet with one of the players, we became pals (the best male friend i made as an adult, as it turns out) as a result and he offered to bump me up. Returning to the table with a serious case of white mindflash, i made a series of plays which made perfect nonsense and a pile o chips. Instantly, counter-intuition made far more sense to me than my semi-brilliant impulses ever had and i was reborn. Praise Brunson. Praise cura - gimme some mo.
My new pal guided me thru the fastlane of keeping one's chemical edge without letting it tip the cart, i hooked up w Scary Mary and her prodigious appetites around the same time and, vroomp, a decade of whiteline fever was under way. Fun, baby!"