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***The Official Wikkidpissah Irish Wake Thread*** (1 Viewer)

There is so much about this post that I love. You and wikkid made a combo that rivals the Italian Beef and Sausage: wit, graciousness and the milk of human kindness.

I would gladly read anything that man ever wrote. He told me about two of the novels he worked on and then quit writing. They sounded, of course, amazing. WIsh he had written them because he was among the most gifted talents I have ever had the pleasure of reading.

Thank you so much for the kindness of this post.

As to his writing, I'm with ya.  His description of the degradation of biscotti is better than everything I've ever written, combined.

Thank you so much for the kindness of this post.

As to his writing, I'm with ya.  His description of the degradation of biscotti is better than everything I've ever written, combined.
In fairness, that issue does sound like serious business. 

@Mister CIAI'm in to help on the project, however I can. Greatly appreciate you spearheading the efforts to preserve all things wikkid for posterity.
Awesome!  I've created the bare bones so far.  Please take a gander at this link:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Y9jhbO5XtyjpaJVjS6jtLnDLz62SOFZ8?usp=sharing.  At this point, since I'm barely an hour deep in, I'd like to encourage everyone to sabotage it if you can.  Right now, except for myself and geewill (and maybe Krista, can't recall) nobody has permissions to edit, but it should be wide open for all to consume.  Last thing I want to do is get weeks deep and have some yahoo come along and replace it all with a laughing emoji.  So help me out on this, all. 

It's 560 blank docs plus a simple tracking spreadsheet (I'll probably add a few columns as this evolves).  The Tao Te Wikkid doc is not included in the linked folder because I don't want to move it to the new "Wikkidpedia" folder until @geewill is aware - 'cause he's been posting boatlods of personal material since yesterday.  NOTE TO SELF:  Save copy of geewill's work.

A few mundane matters (mundanities?):

  • I'm working with MS Word and Excel locally to create the initial batch of docs because I've got a bigger bag of tricks to work with (still not an expert and I will not answer Excel and Word questions!).  20 seconds of reading leads me to believe compatibility is a non-issue with Goggle Docs and Sheets.
  • Initially we can maintain dialogue here on the FBG forums, but we may need to offload to good-old email.  I'm all ears for suggestions and comments as this evolves.  If anyone mutters MS Teams, I'm going to drink double.  Maybe in thread in the NBA forum?  I have assurances that it will remain on page one for the next fifty years. 
Delta-8 (Delta-8, Delta-9, whatever it takes) just kicked in. Let the music play.

Awesome!  I've created the bare bones so far.  Please take a gander at this link:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Y9jhbO5XtyjpaJVjS6jtLnDLz62SOFZ8?usp=sharing.  At this point, since I'm barely an hour deep in, I'd like to encourage everyone to sabotage it if you can.  Right now, except for myself and geewill (and maybe Krista, can't recall) nobody has permissions to edit, but it should be wide open for all to consume.  Last thing I want to do is get weeks deep and have some yahoo come along and replace it all with a laughing emoji.  So help me out on this, all. 

It's 560 blank docs plus a simple tracking spreadsheet (I'll probably add a few columns as this evolves).  The Tao Te Wikkid doc is not included in the linked folder because I don't want to move it to the new "Wikkidpedia" folder until @geewill is aware - 'cause he's been posting boatlods of personal material since yesterday.  NOTE TO SELF:  Save copy of geewill's work.

A few mundane matters (mundanities?):

  • I'm working with MS Word and Excel locally to create the initial batch of docs because I've got a bigger bag of tricks to work with (still not an expert and I will not answer Excel and Word questions!).  20 seconds of reading leads me to believe compatibility is a non-issue with Goggle Docs and Sheets.
  • Initially we can maintain dialogue here on the FBG forums, but we may need to offload to good-old email.  I'm all ears for suggestions and comments as this evolves.  If anyone mutters MS Teams, I'm going to drink double.  Maybe in thread in the NBA forum?  I have assurances that it will remain on page one for the next fifty years. 
Delta-8 (Delta-8, Delta-9, whatever it takes) just kicked in. Let the music play.
I understand less of this post than I did any of wikkid's :lol:

Awesome!  I've created the bare bones so far.  Please take a gander at this link:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Y9jhbO5XtyjpaJVjS6jtLnDLz62SOFZ8?usp=sharing.  At this point, since I'm barely an hour deep in, I'd like to encourage everyone to sabotage it if you can.  Right now, except for myself and geewill (and maybe Krista, can't recall) nobody has permissions to edit, but it should be wide open for all to consume.  Last thing I want to do is get weeks deep and have some yahoo come along and replace it all with a laughing emoji.  So help me out on this, all. 

It's 560 blank docs plus a simple tracking spreadsheet (I'll probably add a few columns as this evolves).  The Tao Te Wikkid doc is not included in the linked folder because I don't want to move it to the new "Wikkidpedia" folder until @geewill is aware - 'cause he's been posting boatlods of personal material since yesterday.  NOTE TO SELF:  Save copy of geewill's work.

A few mundane matters (mundanities?):

  • I'm working with MS Word and Excel locally to create the initial batch of docs because I've got a bigger bag of tricks to work with (still not an expert and I will not answer Excel and Word questions!).  20 seconds of reading leads me to believe compatibility is a non-issue with Goggle Docs and Sheets.
  • Initially we can maintain dialogue here on the FBG forums, but we may need to offload to good-old email.  I'm all ears for suggestions and comments as this evolves.  If anyone mutters MS Teams, I'm going to drink double.  Maybe in thread in the NBA forum?  I have assurances that it will remain on page one for the next fifty years. 
Delta-8 (Delta-8, Delta-9, whatever it takes) just kicked in. Let the music play.
Love me some teams and deltas.

I've seen variations of "I didn't understand a lot of what wikkid wrote....." several times in the last couple of days. I doubt anybody typed that out loud more than me in response to his posts over the years.

It's really interesting to me how people frame their discussions to get from Point A to Point B. I'm a horizontal, linear thinker going in one direction. That's why so many of Dale's posts were tough for me to decipher - that dude could think around corners, up (& down) stairways, and along helixes. But I most always understood his Point B; just had trouble on the road to it. Anyway, one thing that helped me understand his writing style a little better was to think of it as music - I don't mean that in some flowery way (though I kinda do, I guess); I mean, like actual song lyrics with supporting music behind them. 

I remember trying to follow along a conversation wikkid, rockaction, and someone else who is a really talented writer (it may have been Eephus) were having in one of the music threads. I forget what the subject was, but I felt like I should go on over to the little kids' table and eat chicken fingers :lol:

I'm listening to WTMD's excellent Saturday night blues show and drinking a cold one for our friend.

Dang!  @rockaction, a little help please.
Hey, guys. Not sure how I can help or what I could help with. If it's understanding wikkid, there were times that I didn't, either. I tried to follow along best I could, but something about the man's writing would elude me sometimes. For the most part I got him. Just imagine that living for others is at the spirit of what he's writing and you'll grok most of the biblical/hippie-ism he's getting at. 

Other than that, not sure I can be of much assistance, though I'm glad people think of me when they think of him on this board. 

Awesome!  I've created the bare bones so far.  Please take a gander at this link:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Y9jhbO5XtyjpaJVjS6jtLnDLz62SOFZ8?usp=sharing.  At this point, since I'm barely an hour deep in, I'd like to encourage everyone to sabotage it if you can.  Right now, except for myself and geewill (and maybe Krista, can't recall) nobody has permissions to edit, but it should be wide open for all to consume.  Last thing I want to do is get weeks deep and have some yahoo come along and replace it all with a laughing emoji.  So help me out on this, all. 

It's 560 blank docs plus a simple tracking spreadsheet (I'll probably add a few columns as this evolves).  The Tao Te Wikkid doc is not included in the linked folder because I don't want to move it to the new "Wikkidpedia" folder until @geewill is aware - 'cause he's been posting boatlods of personal material since yesterday.  NOTE TO SELF:  Save copy of geewill's work.

A few mundane matters (mundanities?):

  • I'm working with MS Word and Excel locally to create the initial batch of docs because I've got a bigger bag of tricks to work with (still not an expert and I will not answer Excel and Word questions!).  20 seconds of reading leads me to believe compatibility is a non-issue with Goggle Docs and Sheets.
  • Initially we can maintain dialogue here on the FBG forums, but we may need to offload to good-old email.  I'm all ears for suggestions and comments as this evolves.  If anyone mutters MS Teams, I'm going to drink double.  Maybe in thread in the NBA forum?  I have assurances that it will remain on page one for the next fifty years. 
Delta-8 (Delta-8, Delta-9, whatever it takes) just kicked in. Let the music play.
Sorry to mislead you. I didn't mean I could be any meaningful help at all. But I'll cut and paste with the best of them. A lifetime ago, I was pretty tech savvy. worked a couple years as a programmer/systems architect. Now, my kid grabs the phone from me in disgust when I have to approve an app he wants to download. :lol:

I understand less of this post than I did any of wikkid's :lol:
yes. me, too.

We're gonna do this, gawt dammit.  :towelwave:   

To all: if you pull up Wikkid's profile page and click on "find content," do you see 560 pages of search results?

Mister CIA said:
We're gonna do this, gawt dammit.  :towelwave:   

To all: if you pull up Wikkid's profile page and click on "find content," do you see 560 pages of search results?

Yes!  It took me many clicks to figure out how to do this, but I finally managed and confirm I saw 560 pages.  My tech skills are weaker than Prosthetic's, but I'm warming up my ctrl-C and ctrl-V fingers.

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Yes!  It took me many clicks to figure out how to do this, but I finally managed and confirm I saw 560 pages.  My tech skills are weaker than Prosthetic's, but I'm warming up my ctrl-C and ctrl-V fingers.
I get it.  I'm kind of techinical, but lordy trying to sort through the differences between "technical" and the idiosyncracies of a website (click where?) can be a challenge.  I probably lean into jargon more than I should, but it comes from a good place - brevity.

Yes!  It took me many clicks to figure out how to do this, but I finally managed and confirm I saw 560 pages.  My tech skills are weaker than Prosthetic's, but I'm warming up my ctrl-C and ctrl-V fingers.
Ha! and insert comment "You must be this tall to ride."

rockaction said:
Other than that, not sure I can be of much assistance, though I'm glad people think of me when they think of him on this board. 
I lump you two together as wordsmiths. I remember during one of our music drafts, you two got into a squabble. I think it carried over from another day in a different thread when you likened him to a communist.  :lol:   On the day of the argument, he was criticizing the new generation of music, like the single grooves, shapeless lyrics, etc.  You two went at it, and it was like y'all were speaking in tongues, but you two understood each other perfectly. Most of us were lost in the fancy words, although krista probably understood it, because I think I've seen her "speak in tongues" too. 

Yes!  It took me many clicks to figure out how to do this, but I finally managed and confirm I saw 560 pages.  My tech skills are weaker than Prosthetic's, but I'm warming up my ctrl-C and ctrl-V fingers.
Last comment, I promise.  You're gonna love ctrl-A, and ctrl-F will blow your mind.

I lump you two together as wordsmiths. I remember during one of our music drafts, you two got into a squabble. I think it carried over from another day in a different thread when you likened him to a communist.  :lol:   On the day of the argument, he was criticizing the new generation of music, like the single grooves, shapeless lyrics, etc.  You two went at it, and it was like y'all were speaking in tongues, but you two understood each other perfectly. Most of us were lost in the fancy words, although krista probably understood it, because I think I've seen her "speak in tongues" too. 

I just got high and recorded "No Hard Feelings" by the Avett Brothers in wikkid's honor.  I feel like it's a fitting tribute even though my voice is shaky, I screwed up a bunch on the guitar, and I thought I was being sneaky by writing wikkid's name backwards but actually it was just supposed to be normal because I wasn't recording in a mirror, oof.  Anyway, 

this is for @wikkidpissah.

I was going to break out the music tonight, too!

When I was doing the post-Beatles Beatles countdown thread, somehow I was able to introduce wikkid to some Paul songs he hadn't heard and ended up loving.  Makes sense, I guess, that he hadn't followed Paul's post-Wings output much, and there's some dreck to wade through.  He was so inspired by some of these, though, that he ended up putting together A Pat on the Head, a Spotify playlist of Paul's post-Beatles songs that he adored.  Later he also produced PatOnTheHead/BussOnTheCheek, which combined his favorite Paul post-Beatles works with his favorite primarily Paul Beatles works.

When I went to look for these in my library today, I checked to see if he had any other playlists, and I found this one:  Oasis Diner Jukebox.  I don't know or don't remember the impetus for this one and hope someone else does.

Enjoy some music wikkidDale enjoyed!

I just got high and recorded "No Hard Feelings" by the Avett Brothers in wikkid's honor.  I feel like it's a fitting tribute even though my voice is shaky, I screwed up a bunch on the guitar, and I thought I was being sneaky by writing wikkid's name backwards but actually it was just supposed to be normal because I wasn't recording in a mirror, oof.  Anyway, 

this is for @wikkidpissah.

Oh good lord.  I was proud of myself for spending less than 50% of today sobbing, until now...  As far as I can tell, your voice, your guitar, your post-it note...they were all perfect.  Thank you for this gift.

I lump you two together as wordsmiths. I remember during one of our music drafts, you two got into a squabble. I think it carried over from another day in a different thread when you likened him to a communist.  :lol:   On the day of the argument, he was criticizing the new generation of music, like the single grooves, shapeless lyrics, etc.  You two went at it, and it was like y'all were speaking in tongues, but you two understood each other perfectly. Most of us were lost in the fancy words, although krista probably understood it, because I think I've seen her "speak in tongues" too. 
I remember this very well. It started with him taking a shot at modern music, which he loathed for the most part, and me firing back about something, which led to me disparagingly calling him a communist (he had been a member of the Communist Party for a brief time in the sixties). I hope he never made too much of our beefs. We were essentially, we both figured about five years in to me being on the board, in the mix for the same things -- the same wants and desires for humanity as a whole. Virtually the same overall prescriptions. How to get there was sort of the rub. 

I've been a bit remiss in commenting too much because our relationship was always a good one, but sometimes tricky. He thought of me as the Boswell to his Johnson, he had told me, and we DM'd a bit until he came after me one day for my politics, whereupon I reminded him that the exercise wasn't to get personal about me. He took great care in his response and I felt bad that maybe I had misread him, but we stopped our "understanding the world" correspondence soon after. I can tell you that there was an unresolved misunderstanding on my end of the greatness of Sufjan Stevens and what he could be should he do somewhat what wik would prescribe.  

I wouldn't trade a minute of my conversations with wikkid for anything. We never got on a first name basis, but I'd be remiss in saying if I hadn't often commented, when he wasn't commenting, that I sure missed him and wished he'd be back. I always maintained that, no matter what. 

That sentiment doesn't change one bit today. We'll all miss him. It's a great loss for us as a board and for us who just individually came to care about wik. He was something else. He was so sincere in his beliefs, so strident in them at times, but for all the people that talk about not understanding him, it became, as one got to know him, easy to be witness to the humanity behind the pyrotechnics. 

That's how I'm going to remember him. As a caring individual with formerly great appetites, thinking about maybe what could have been with a break or two in the right direction, knowing that he'd had an effect on many others that would have voices more far-reaching than his radio one. 

That he wound up here, giving us grace for a moment or two was something else. I truly cherish it. 

-ra out 

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By the way, I'm not just saying that to blather or because wikkid has passed. I think he knew in real time how I felt about him. I hope he did, anyway. Despite my sometimes off-putting criticism of him, there was only love for him and his gigantic persona. I'm really, really going to miss him talk about just anything. Woof. This is heartbreaking in a way. MoCS and now wikkid. These are tough losses. I hope they're up somewhere in the great beyond that we're tacitly promised for having gone through some of the pain of life, laughing with each other, Dale counseling Tom, telling him things that only they're privy to. God bless them both. 

The board is honored to have had them, I would say, and a bit aching in their absence. 

I think he knew in real time how I felt about him.

He did.

I've struggled enormously in the last 30 hours or so with this feeling that he didn't know how much I cared about him, because I always held back more than I should have.  So I want to tell you, based on my own conversations with him, that there were a few people I know he always loved no matter what seemed to be happening on the surface, and he knew they felt the same.  You were one of those people.  :heart:  

I remember this very well. It started with him taking a shot at modern music, which he loathed for the most part, and me firing back about something, which led to me disparagingly calling him a communist (he had been a member of the Communist Party for a brief time in the sixties). I hope he never made too much of our beefs. We were essentially, we both figured about five years in to me being on the board, in the mix for the same things -- the same wants and desires for humanity as a whole. Virtually the same overall prescriptions. How to get there was sort of the rub. 

I've been a bit remiss in commenting too much because our relationship was always a good one, but sometimes tricky. He thought of me as the Boswell to his Johnson, he had told me, and we DM'd a bit until he came after me one day for my politics, whereupon I reminded him that the exercise wasn't to get personal about me. He took great care in his response and I felt bad that maybe I had misread him, but we stopped our "understanding the world" correspondence soon after. I can tell you that there was an unresolved misunderstanding on my end of the greatness of Sufjan Stevens and what he could be should he do somewhat what wik would prescribe.  

I wouldn't trade a minute of my conversations with wikkid for anything. We never got on a first name basis, but I'd be remiss in saying if I hadn't often commented, when he wasn't commenting, that I sure missed him and wish he'd be back. I always maintained that, no matter what. 

That sentiment doesn't change one bit today. We'll all miss him. It's a great loss for us as a board and for us who just individually came to care about wik. He was something else. He was so sincere in his beliefs, so strident in them at times, but for all the people that talk about not understanding him, it became, as one got to know him, easy to be witness to the humanity behind the pyrotechnics. 

That's how I'm going to remember him. As a caring individual with formerly great appetites, thinking about maybe what could have been with a break or two in the right direction, knowing that he'd had an effect on many others that would have voices more far-reaching than his radio one. 

That he wound up here, giving us grace for a moment or two was something else. I truly cherish it. 

-ra out 
Thank you for sharing this. I'd admire what you do with words.  Beautiful.

I only have the lyrics and not the music, but let's take our wake to a gorgeous song that Dale himself penned, which he relayed to me in a PM here:

liked OH's song, tho the music style aint my cuppa. it reminds me of the first song i ever wrote on my own, about 25 yrs ago.

i'd just started dating my son's mother (my dying Mary had chosen her as my Cavaliere Servante when she decided i needed some strange to keep my spirits up to take care of her ending times) and we were sparking. it was fun being w a musician for the 1st time in a long time cuz i love to talk music. Kathy worked the casino lounges and i dealt poker so we got off work about the same time and both liked the crystalline stimulants, so we often stayed at our corner bar til dawn if the company was good.

this one morning, we were still there when the morning alcoholics arrived (i miss 24hr bars) and this one couple came in and the bartender (a good friend - she was a valuable drunkwrangler to Mary in those last coupla years) made a big fuss over them because it was their 15th anniversary. Her treating the alkys to the first CC&gingers of the day clearly interrupted the hubby's intended big fuss of buying his wife the first round, and Kathy commented on em. "If that aint a country song, i dont know what is. Ima write em one." was my reply.

it's was a sparkers brag, pure and simple. I'd never written a non-comedy song by myself and Kathy had no musical ambitions, so it wasnt about collaborating. Guess i just wanted to speak her language.

but i was at a loss how to write what a 50yo alky had to say to his 40yo alky wife on their anniv, even tho i had a lot of tuneage goin off in my head (blame the cocaine). I plopped in front of the TV after i checked on Mary and cleared my blearies enough to sleep with a movie. It happened to be one of our favorites, Best Years of Our Lives. Frederic March was telling Myrna Loy that he no longer trusted his senses, emotions after the effects of the war, even about her. Loy simply wrinkled her nose & shrugged, saying "Then, i guess we'll have to fall in love all over again" now THAT's a song. This is the result *blows off 25 years of dust*:

                                                               ALL OVER AGAIN

If i forget those little words

Or to kiss it where it hurts

And remind you you're the best thing in my life

Though I've replaced the flowers

With ever later hours

I still thank my lucky star that you're my wife

No, the fire doesnt last

Like it did in the past

And there's nights we yawn when we used to yearn

But when those blue skies grow cloudy

And the whole world can do without me

I'm so glad to know there's somewhere i can turn

To you it may seem

We've outlived the dream

And it'll never be the same it was then

I guess we'll have to fall in love

All over again




Baby, don't you want to play again?


Some would think we'd rather fight

Than make better of the night

If only to determine who's a bigger jerk

Still, it cuts me when you cry

So, when i'm the reason why

Wanna try and fix whatever doesnt work

When our wishing well

Seems to drop straight to Hell

And we're wondering if this might be the end

Maybe that's the time to fall in love

All over again

Every day's a chance to fall in love

All over again

not much but, for what it's worth, it more than did the trick. she'd half-figured i was pimpin' when i told her of my showbiz past, but this convinced her i was worth being inside her world. unfortunately, though it was she who avoided musical ambition because it had hurt her in the past, it was me who got hurt by it. she was looking to get out of gigging (she was closing in on 40 in a biz where that unfortunately mattered) and i had pointed out that the new California casinos didn't have an organized talent circuit. that lit her on fire and we started chasing down the deets. unfortunately i still had to take care of Mary so couldnt make many of the trips and Kathy ended up getting poached, professionally and personally, by a big mgmt guy. lost my gal and my gig in one fell swoop. left her a little present, tho - he's an adjunct professor in tech while he pursues graduate degrees and heavy-metal drummer in SDakota.

Sorry - this happens sometimes, now you're in the loop. i wake up with a need to tell a story and OH's song lit me up. oh, well...

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I remember this very well. It started with him taking a shot at modern music, which he loathed for the most part, and me firing back about something, which led to me disparagingly calling him a communist (he had been a member of the Communist Party for a brief time in the sixties). I hope he never made too much of our beefs.
I'm sure he didn't.  I remember in another draft he got mad at some rules I think, and so he told everyone to "Get Bent" and quit.   :lol:   He laughed at himself about that later.  He flashed that Irish temper on occasions, but not often. I just looked up what is an Irish temper and it says:   "The so-called Irish temperament is a mixture of flaming ego, hot temper, stubbornness, great personal charm and warmth, and a wit that shines through adversity."

I only have the lyrics and not the music, but let's take our wake to a gorgeous song that Dale himself penned, which he relayed to me in a PM here:
Four times I had to stop and make myself reread, and four times I was rewarded.  I'm not the scholarly type, but I see striking similarities between Wikkid and Marcus Aurelius.  Simply put, he knew stuff, and lots of it.

Inspired by The Wire (not sure how he felt about the show but to me it’s the greatest ever), currently listening to The Body of an American by The Pogues. 

My daughter just sent me a pic of my dog that I put down this past December.  I'm a mess.

More music.

I have more, but I'm afraid this one isn't going to make you less of a mess.  But maybe the catharsis will help.

When @Captain Cranks was doing his charity drafts at the end of last year (and a new shout-out to him for that), wikkid participated in the first two but then got disgusted with "management" here and didn't join the last ones.  Instead, he sent me what his picks would have been if he'd stayed in, but only if I promised only to consume them for myself and not share with the forum.  I feel like he'd be happy for me to share them now.  

The third draft scenario was the one I wrote about the alien Squibbles visiting Planet Earth and wanting to understand various musical styles with one song.  The first he chose was Man of Constant Sorrow - Soggy Bottom Boys, country, with this write-up:

Charity Draft - Rd 3

3.xx Man of Constant Sorrow, Soggy Bottom Boys, Country

No brainer, right?! But there's a bigger reason.

Mary didn't like visiting Ireland. Her mother was a literally-insane Irish woman who played Leprechaun pimp to Mary's many abuses at the hands of her father. She didn't like how many days of a vacation could be lost to The Wet (her BFF lived up your way in Gig Harbor and we would only visit her in August) and just plain preferred the Mediterranean (not only the climate, food and way of living, but she purely loved being a 6'1 blonde in small, swarthy lands) when crossing the pond.

So i didn't have Irish vacas of the regularity i was used to during the Mary years and it was my first Eurotrip after she died. I went looking for a retirement location and found it (whole nuther story that) in the wild, west County Mayo village of Killadoon. Went at least every coupla years, waiting for the perfect deal to pre-buy but vrooomp, the dollar went to hell and Ireland underwent its only boom in 2004-5 and properties literally quadrupled in price. A dream cashiered.

But i developed relationships right away and got a kick that the most beautiful spot in Eire was so unpopulated & underappreciated that Killadoon couldnt support a pub during the years (1998-2010) i was a regular. But they had cèilidhs (dances) 2-3 times a week at the basement of the town hall and they loved hosting a gigantic Yank who knew most of the songs.

They were grabbin' at me they was almost off the plane when i arrived for my 2001 visit - just before 9/11. Oh, but we have some looovely American music for you this time, Jeel (colloquial pronunciation of my name). Got down to the hall and the local fiddlers, pickers, nosewhistlers & bodhraners wanted to play nothing but the soundtrack of O Brother, Where Art Thou. They gloried when i called them the Soddy Bottom Boys and we sang & craicked & sang some more, closing the musical loop which began when the Scot/Irish tunes brought to America by its canal diggers and coal miners became country music in the first place. Didnt hurt my sentiments towards the near perfect blend of bluegrass & country, actually written before (1913) either form had a name, found its way to be popularized by a Vermonter (Dan Tyminski was raised 20 miles from here) and embraced as a handle by a Ky possum who became one of my dearest internet friends. Take it home with you, spaceyman - it belongs to all of us.

I'm sure he didn't.  I remember in another draft he got mad at some rules I think, and so he told everyone to "Get Bent" and quit.   :lol:   He laughed at himself about that later.  He flashed that Irish temper on occasions, but not often. I just looked up what is an Irish temper and it says:   "The so-called Irish temperament is a mixture of flaming ego, hot temper, stubbornness, great personal charm and warmth, and a wit that shines through adversity."
Probably my most substantive and direct interaction with him was the Greatest Sports Draft. 

I knew my weakest categories would be horse racing. He got so offended when I drafted Russell Baze. Never let me live it down. I think he might have threatened to quit that draft too. I legit felt like I let him down. 

I do remember being so proud though when he complimented my horse pick and spoke highly of it during his rankings. I knew how much he cared and it was odd to have some meaningful emotion in an entirely meaningless draft during the peak of Covid. 

I knew my weakest categories would be horse racing. He got so offended when I drafted Russell Baze. Never let me live it down. I think he might have threatened to quit that draft too. 

He always threatened to quit!  It became his shtick.  :)   Never letting anyone live something down, too.  :lol:  


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