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The Trump Years- Every day something more shocking than the last! (4 Viewers)

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Kaitlan Collins


President Trump personally directed his homeland security adviser to issue that statement this afternoon insisting his briefing Sunday included the "possibility of tropical storm force winds in southeastern Alabama," I’m told.


This is why Russian interference in our elections matters folks. Putin put his lapdog in office and he's been running amok ever since. Sharpies and stuff are sadly entertaining, but its things like this that are the lasting negative consequences of the mistakes people made in 2016. Please wise up for 2020, because Congress doesn't seem to have the goods to do something about it for us.

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This is why Russian interference in our elections matters folks. Putin put his lapdog in office and he's been running amok ever since. Sharpies and stuff are sadly entertaining, but its things like this that are the lasting negative consequences of the mistakes people made in 2016. Please wise up for 2020, because Congress doesn't seem to have the goods to do something about it for us.

They have the goods...there's plenty there.  They don't have the backbone which is pathetic IMO.

He really does get sidetracked by the dumbest things.  He's spent his morning obsessively tweeting more about Alabama and some sort of beef with Debra Messing.
Hey he’s only the POTUS I’m sure there’s nothing else more important for him to be doing. 

Kaitlan Collins


President Trump personally directed his homeland security adviser to issue that statement this afternoon insisting his briefing Sunday included the "possibility of tropical storm force winds in southeastern Alabama," I’m told.

His skin is so thin it’s translucent 

Gopher State said:
Good reason to not cut our defense spending
I would bet good money that that's not true. I would be SHOCKED if there's not a decent amount of waste that could be cut out of a $700bn budget.

Schadenfreude for Trump voters is a difficult subject.  I don't get any joy when I hear about Trump voters who lose their jobs as a result of the tariffs, or see a loved one deported, or others who suffer other terrible fates due to his cruel and careless administration.

This, however, is fantastic.  People who live on the border voted for Trump and are now upset about the obviously foreseeable consequence of that vote: the government taking their property by eminent domain and dividing their community for construction of the border wall.  Enjoy.

Schadenfreude for Trump voters is a difficult subject.  I don't get any joy when I hear about Trump voters who lose their jobs as a result of the tariffs, or see a loved one deported, or others who suffer other terrible fates due to his cruel and careless administration.

This, however, is fantastic.  People who live on the border voted for Trump and are now upset about the obviously foreseeable consequence of that vote: the government taking their property by eminent domain and dividing their community for construction of the border wall.  Enjoy.
We thought the wall would be in the river :shrug:  


I remember discussing the border wall during the campaign and the fact that no one could explain a place where it could be built that wasn’t catastrophic for either US interests or immigration policy. 
And you expected Trump voters to believe that Fake News you were spouting?

Schadenfreude for Trump voters is a difficult subject.  I don't get any joy when I hear about Trump voters who lose their jobs as a result of the tariffs, or see a loved one deported, or others who suffer other terrible fates due to his cruel and careless administration.

This, however, is fantastic.  People who live on the border voted for Trump and are now upset about the obviously foreseeable consequence of that vote: the government taking their property by eminent domain and dividing their community for construction of the border wall.  Enjoy.
The last line of the article is a pretty good kicker and captures a lot of the mindset that got us where we are:  "Nobody really thinks about it until it affects them personally," Ms. Menard said.

The last line of the article is a pretty good kicker and captures a lot of the mindset that got us where we are:  "Nobody really thinks about it until it affects them personally," Ms. Menard said.
Yup.  Couldn't come up with a better definition of Trumpism if I tried.

We see this exact same thing around here. How many times has a Trump supporter asked people who oppose him how the Trump presidency has personally affected them, implying that as long as they haven't been significantly affected yet they shouldn't be complaining?  It happens like one a week.

Schadenfreude for Trump voters is a difficult subject.  I don't get any joy when I hear about Trump voters who lose their jobs as a result of the tariffs, or see a loved one deported, or others who suffer other terrible fates due to his cruel and careless administration.

This, however, is fantastic.  People who live on the border voted for Trump and are now upset about the obviously foreseeable consequence of that vote: the government taking their property by eminent domain and dividing their community for construction of the border wall.  Enjoy.
One, this is hilarious. But it also points out another big issue for the wall that we've talked about before but is rarely discussed in the media - if Trump gets to build his wall, we will be giving up control over US territory to Mexico. That completely baffles me. 

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One, this is hilarious. But it also points out another big issue for the wall that we've talked about before but is rarely discussed in the media - if Trump gets to build his wall, we will be giving up control over US territory to Mexico. That completely baffles me. 
And the Rio Grande. It’s cool, though, I’m sure water rights won’t be important this century. 

And the Rio Grande. It’s cool, though, I’m sure water rights won’t be important this century. 
It's not like Trump just got rid of regulations so that corporations can dump coal ash and industrial waste into our water supplies. I mean think about, what a waste of time to not do it that way. 

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The last line of the article is a pretty good kicker and captures a lot of the mindset that got us where we are:  "Nobody really thinks about it until it affects them personally," Ms. Menard said.
This line essentially sums up my frustration in discussing criminal justice issues such as expediting the death penalty thread.  It's so so common for people to want to see the system be tough on crime, provide minimal due process, and render the harshest punishments but then totally change their tunes when it's them or a loved one finding themselves in that position. 

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