I think that is exactly what I was arguing? At least thats what I said in my initial post?I don't think anyone is arguing that you can't say something disparaging about anybody.

I think that is exactly what I was arguing? At least thats what I said in my initial post?I don't think anyone is arguing that you can't say something disparaging about anybody.
Very clear and well stated!Jiminy Christmas!Okay, I'll say it:My point is that "Some" could say anything about anyone. If you are saying it thats one thing, if you are suggesting someone else is saying it is one thing. To say that "some" could say that is saying nothing.
Terrell Owens is both a bigot and a racist.
There you go, no parsing meanings or mincing words.And, I'll say it again, myself:
Terrell Owens is a racist and a bigot.
No ambiguity here. Good wide receiver. Bad human being.I agree with that
You weren't arguing "I don't think anyone is arguing that you CAN'T say something disparaging about anybody." READ !!!I think that is exactly what I was arguing? At least thats what I said in my initial post?I don't think anyone is arguing that you can't say something disparaging about anybody.![]()
It just seemed like you were defending TO on these grounds. That, because ANYBODY can say anything about an individual, the comments regarding TO are of no concern. And, my point is that the particular comments aimed at TO have real bite to them, given his history and what has come out of his pie hole--that they aren't EMPTY assaults on his character. He's a bonifide racist/bigot, and we are justified to direct these labels at him.I think that is exactly what I was arguing? At least thats what I said in my initial post?I don't think anyone is arguing that you can't say something disparaging about anybody.![]()
Yeah, but I think it's working against him now. Justice served, thankfully.I think you are all giving TO way too much credit to be calling him a racist and bigot. To be either of these means that you have some thought out rational to seperate yourself from and place your self above other people....TO doesn't strike me as one who places alot of thought behind what he says...meaning he just opens his mouth and says dumb things (alot of people who get media exposure do this...athletes, politicians, movie stars...)TO must feel that to garnish the media attention he must elevate his comments to higher levels of obsurdness - and why not, it has obviously worked in the past.
Where are the reprecussions for TO...yeah a couple of people will bash him on boards like this, some media types will say things like TO should not say dumb things...but in reality people rarely see real penalties for what they say. We tend to over look, justify or forget about these things after awhile. As a society we have a short attention span and by the end of the week someone else will say something just as dumb and TO will be again forgotten - until he wants attention once more....Yeah, but I think it's working against him now.
Ok - Was I arguing that "Anyone can say anything about anyone" or was I arguing that "Anyone CANT say anything about anyone"? Or was I arguing about something esle? Ive lost track. Please fill me in.You weren't arguing "I don't think anyone is arguing that you CAN'T say something disparaging about anybody." READ !!!I think that is exactly what I was arguing? At least thats what I said in my initial post?I don't think anyone is arguing that you can't say something disparaging about anybody.![]()
No, I think we are past thatOk - Was I arguing that "Anyone can say anything about anyone" or was I arguing that "Anyone CANT say anything about anyone"? Or was I arguing about something esle? Ive lost track. Please fill me in.You weren't arguing "I don't think anyone is arguing that you CAN'T say something disparaging about anybody." READ !!!I think that is exactly what I was arguing? At least thats what I said in my initial post?I don't think anyone is arguing that you can't say something disparaging about anybody.![]()
One word: LicensingWhere are the reprecussions for TO...yeah a couple of people will bash him on boards like this, some media types will say things like TO should not say dumb things...but in reality people rarely see real penalties for what they say. We tend to over look, justify or forget about these things after awhile. As a society we have a short attention span and by the end of the week someone else will say something just as dumb and TO will be again forgotten - until he wants attention once more....Yeah, but I think it's working against him now.
I can't explain this any more clearly than before. Sorry you don't get it.TO is a bigot and a racist. I can say this and have "data" to back it up. You can call JU a bigot and a racist, and you would have no data to back it up. So what if someone can say it? Without evidence, it's an empty and irrelevant. Regarding TO, those comments actually mean something because they reflect reality.No, I think we are past thatOk - Was I arguing that "Anyone can say anything about anyone" or was I arguing that "Anyone CANT say anything about anyone"? Or was I arguing about something esle? Ive lost track. Please fill me in.You weren't arguing "I don't think anyone is arguing that you CAN'T say something disparaging about anybody." READ !!!I think that is exactly what I was arguing? At least thats what I said in my initial post?I don't think anyone is arguing that you can't say something disparaging about anybody.![]()
Im glad - Lets put this thread behind us! Who needs a drink?No, I think we are past thatOk - Was I arguing that "Anyone can say anything about anyone" or was I arguing that "Anyone CANT say anything about anyone"? Or was I arguing about something esle? Ive lost track. Please fill me in.You weren't arguing "I don't think anyone is arguing that you CAN'T say something disparaging about anybody." READ !!!I think that is exactly what I was arguing? At least thats what I said in my initial post?I don't think anyone is arguing that you can't say something disparaging about anybody.![]()
Ill share one with you too...I can't explain this any more clearly than before. Sorry you don't get it.TO is a bigot and a racist. I can say this and have "data" to back it up. You can call JU a bigot and a racist, and you would have no data to back it up. So what if someone can say it? Without evidence, it's an empty and irrelevant. Regarding TO, those comments actually mean something because they reflect reality.No, I think we are past thatOk - Was I arguing that "Anyone can say anything about anyone" or was I arguing that "Anyone CANT say anything about anyone"? Or was I arguing about something esle? Ive lost track. Please fill me in.You weren't arguing "I don't think anyone is arguing that you CAN'T say something disparaging about anybody." READ !!!I think that is exactly what I was arguing? At least thats what I said in my initial post?I don't think anyone is arguing that you can't say something disparaging about anybody.![]()
Are you serious?!?! LICENSING!!! TO will have his choice of offers from Philadelphia businesses - even more so if he brings a coveted championship to the cityQUOTE (CommuterMan @ Nov 10 2004, 04:54 PM) QUOTE Yeah, but I think it's working against him now. Where are the reprecussions for TO...yeah a couple of people will bash him on boards like this, some media types will say things like TO should not say dumb things...but in reality people rarely see real penalties for what they say. We tend to over look, justify or forget about these things after awhile. As a society we have a short attention span and by the end of the week someone else will say something just as dumb and TO will be again forgotten - until he wants attention once more.... One word: Licensing was sort of a joke (Budweiser, Joe Buck commercial reference).Still, if you think TO is happy to just sweep up on local licensing and not get the national attention from shares of multi-billion $ companies, that's insane. He has worn out his welcome on the national stage (save one feature deal with Sharpie). I believe companies like EA Sports, Campbells, Nike/Addidas, McDonalds, etc. would have absolutely nothing to do with the guy as a featured promoter of their product. Had he not been such an, his opportunities would have expanded dramatically with his new home in Philly.Are you serious?!?! LICENSING!!! TO will have his choice of offers from Philadelphia businesses - even more so if he brings a coveted championship to the cityQUOTE (CommuterMan @ Nov 10 2004, 04:54 PM) QUOTE Yeah, but I think it's working against him now. Where are the reprecussions for TO...yeah a couple of people will bash him on boards like this, some media types will say things like TO should not say dumb things...but in reality people rarely see real penalties for what they say. We tend to over look, justify or forget about these things after awhile. As a society we have a short attention span and by the end of the week someone else will say something just as dumb and TO will be again forgotten - until he wants attention once more.... One word: LicensingAgain, we as a society have a short memory and if anyone thinks that TO will help to add sales or put people in the stands then these comments will just get swept away with yesterday's headlines....
Lets be honest here JU, you have no idea what TO was saying to McNabb. Also, you fail to acknowledge what both DMac and TO said was said.Actually, I just traded for TOJU,I value your posts on this board. I dont understand where all this blind hate for TO comes. Are you a slighted ravens fan?My guess is that if TO does that again to McNabb on the sidelines, Donavan is likely to give him a good shove or WORSEI've never seen an athlete grandstand more than TO since Muhammad Ali. At least with Ali we knew it was a show. With TO, he's just an idiot.
and I'm a Colts fan, not a Ravens fan.I don't hate him, I just think McNabb should have punched him in the mouth when TO was jawing with him on the sidelines. Who does Owens think he is, that he can say whatever pops into that pea brain of his? Can you or I go to work and speak our minds completely? Hell no we can't if we expect to keep our jobs. Common sense and your brain should rule over your mouth.
Id be happy to bump posts when I was defending TO here on these boards while he was a 49er.TO is not perfect, I am not trying to say he is. I am trying to say that while TO has faults it is completely unfair for you to judge him this way. ESPICALLY when thre are much more scandalist stories and characters in the NFL.I feel it makes a lot of you feel better about yourselves when you are able to knock a professional athlete. You seem to forget they are people just like you and I.JAAYou sound like you would defend TO no matter what he said or did just because he catches passes for the Eagles. You might want to get a bit more perspective on this.TO is an athlete who speaks his mind. I would be willing to bet there are a WHOLE lot of athletes who feel the same way as TO but either a) dont want to speak their mind, or b) no one cares when they do speak their mind.Would you rather TO not spoke his mind?
I think you nailed it.Rodman and Owens were both considered "nice kids" early in their careers,but both had moments that triggered their transformations.Rodman's was failure. I read some commentary awhile ago discussing this (might have been Dan Patrick?)Don't remember the exact details, but I think it was the '87 or '88 playoffs, and Rodman missed a last second shot that would have won the game and instead the Pistons got knocked out of the playoffs.T.O.'s moment was success - "The Catch Part II" in the '98 season playoffs against GB.I was lucky enough to be at the game and the lasting image is of T.O. bawling like a baby in Mooch's arms, because he couldn't believe that HE had caught the winning TD in such a big game.Owens had has suffered from a inferiority complex since he was very young, he even admitted it. That being said the behavior is to try and boost your self image through grandstanding and the constant need to fuel his attention needs! TO is getting like was kind of funny at first, but it is getting real old fast!
Yes.Nice signature.TO is an athlete who speaks his mind. I would be willing to bet there are a WHOLE lot of athletes who feel the same way as TO but either a) dont want to speak their mind, or b) no one cares when they do speak their mind.Would you rather TO not spoke his mind?![]()
It has been awhile since Moss has yelled at Culpepper. I think the last time was in 2000 when both Moss and Cris Carter were yelling at Daunte. The media made a huge deal out of that.Doesn't Randy Moss yell at CPep a lot? Don't remember so much media hype over that.
Actually, someone pointed out in the other TO thread, Moss was mic'ed up for the Monday night game this year against Philly, they were being spanked and Moss was doing the same that TO did. Trying to pump up his QB and get him back in the game.But since there was no mic on TO, and everyone has been drooling waiting for the "inevitable outburst", they jumped all over this assuming he was yelling and being selfish.Whatever...It has been awhile since Moss has yelled at Culpepper. I think the last time was in 2000 when both Moss and Cris Carter were yelling at Daunte. The media made a huge deal out of that.Doesn't Randy Moss yell at CPep a lot? Don't remember so much media hype over that.
Why was he wearing the II can't respect a guy that has his own logo (why?) and wears "ITO" t-shirts during interviews (can't remember where I saw that). Talk about being egocentric. He is NOT a team player. If he was, he would have waited to yell at McNabb. There was no need to do this in public. What did it achieve? (does anyone know what the score was when he did that?) And you know that McNabb didn't want any part of TO because he kept turning away from him. Props to McNabb for not yelling back and escalting it further. Now thats class.
Do you think all TO haters are uninformed?Why was he wearing the II can't respect a guy that has his own logo (why?) and wears "ITO" t-shirts during interviews (can't remember where I saw that). Talk about being egocentric. He is NOT a team player. If he was, he would have waited to yell at McNabb. There was no need to do this in public. What did it achieve? (does anyone know what the score was when he did that?) And you know that McNabb didn't want any part of TO because he kept turning away from him. Props to McNabb for not yelling back and escalting it further. Now thats class.
TO t-shirt? Would you like the answer or continue to be an uninformed hater?
Id like the answer... I didnt hear that one.Why was he wearing the II can't respect a guy that has his own logo (why?) and wears "ITO" t-shirts during interviews (can't remember where I saw that). Talk about being egocentric. He is NOT a team player. If he was, he would have waited to yell at McNabb. There was no need to do this in public. What did it achieve? (does anyone know what the score was when he did that?) And you know that McNabb didn't want any part of TO because he kept turning away from him. Props to McNabb for not yelling back and escalting it further. Now thats class.
TO t-shirt? Would you like the answer or continue to be an uninformed hater?
Oooh! Oooh! I want to be informed! Please, please, please tell me about Owen's "IWhy was he wearing the ITO t-shirt? Would you like the answer or continue to be an uninformed hater?
I'll give it a shot: He's a shameful, racist, bigoted self-promoter? And, while he was never indicted or involved in any way in a murder plot, he is still an awful human being?I dunno, just a hunch.Oooh! Oooh! I want to be informed! Please, please, please tell me about Owen's "IWhy was he wearing the ITO t-shirt? Would you like the answer or continue to be an uninformed hater?
T.O." t-shirt, and why it was such a selfless act to wear it.
That was a very defensive remark. Why does this touch a nerve so much? Instead of being a smart###, you could have simply given your excuse there. And to answer your question, even though I'm curious to your answer, right now, I'm leaning toward being an uniformed hater.Why was he wearing the II can't respect a guy that has his own logo (why?) and wears "ITO" t-shirts during interviews (can't remember where I saw that). Talk about being egocentric. He is NOT a team player. If he was, he would have waited to yell at McNabb. There was no need to do this in public. What did it achieve? (does anyone know what the score was when he did that?) And you know that McNabb didn't want any part of TO because he kept turning away from him. Props to McNabb for not yelling back and escalting it further. Now thats class.
TO t-shirt? Would you like the answer or continue to be an uninformed hater?
I think chicks in uniforms that are also haters is coolI'm leaning toward being an uniformed hater.
I fail to see how someone relentlessly pimping themselves while denegrating others around him as well as a great American pastime which many, many others have given a hell of a lot more than he has to make it great makes him an admirable person in any way, shape, or form.TO has written a book called "Catch This" and is using sportscenter, inside the nfl, and all the other media folks to get free advertisement. As much as I dislike the idiotic things he says, you have to admire the way he gets everyone in the country talking about him without spending a dime. Like Madonna, Ozzy and many others, TO realizes controversy sells in America. I believe everything he says and does are a calculated and planned marketing campaign and it is working well.
A book by TO? It must be an autobiographyTO has written a book called "Catch This" and is using sportscenter, inside the nfl, and all the other media folks to get free advertisement. As much as I dislike the idiotic things he says, you have to admire the way he gets everyone in the country talking about him without spending a dime. Like Madonna, Ozzy and many others, TO realizes controversy sells in America. I believe everything he says and does are a calculated and planned marketing campaign and it is working well.
When they post ignorant comments I do. When I say ignorant, I mean uninformedDo you think all TO haters are uninformed?Why was he wearing the II can't respect a guy that has his own logo (why?) and wears "ITO" t-shirts during interviews (can't remember where I saw that). Talk about being egocentric. He is NOT a team player. If he was, he would have waited to yell at McNabb. There was no need to do this in public. What did it achieve? (does anyone know what the score was when he did that?) And you know that McNabb didn't want any part of TO because he kept turning away from him. Props to McNabb for not yelling back and escalting it further. Now thats class.
TO t-shirt? Would you like the answer or continue to be an uninformed hater?
OR, you could not have posted such an inflamatory remark w/o knowing the details.For those of you who watched the entire interview when he was wearing the t-shirt, TO said that 2 female fans sent him the t-shirt and asked him to wear it.That was a very defensive remark. Why does this touch a nerve so much? Instead of being a smart###, you could have simply given your excuse there. And to answer your question, even though I'm curious to your answer, right now, I'm leaning toward being an uniformed hater.Why was he wearing the II can't respect a guy that has his own logo (why?) and wears "ITO" t-shirts during interviews (can't remember where I saw that). Talk about being egocentric. He is NOT a team player. If he was, he would have waited to yell at McNabb. There was no need to do this in public. What did it achieve? (does anyone know what the score was when he did that?) And you know that McNabb didn't want any part of TO because he kept turning away from him. Props to McNabb for not yelling back and escalting it further. Now thats class.
TO t-shirt? Would you like the answer or continue to be an uninformed hater?
From TOPosted on: Nov 1 2004, 04:46 PM
Replies: 1
Views: 720 TO-
Thanks for the shout out tonight in your interview!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE AMAZING!
Some other postsU'RE WELCOME! THANX 4 MY SHIRT!
Hey T.O.,
Great game against the Ravens, I loved the dance. I saw you on Sportscenter last night and I loved the shirt. I was wondering if you going to sell them on your website at all. I know you said some girls gave them to you but I thought maybe you'd put them on your site.
My question is, are you thinking about releasing a line of "I luv T.O." clothing? When me and my friends saw you wearing that shirt on that interview last night, we laughed harder than we did when you did the Ray dance. You'll make million$ I'm sure!
TO! ya gotta put that shirt on the store. maybe add the phrase "I <heart> T.O. on my Fantasy Football Team".
Man you are the best. you've anchored my team for 5 years now.
Keep on catchin' that pig!
At least I cant call you ignorant nowHey T.O.,
Great game on Sunday, I loved the celebration. I saw you on Sportscenter last night and me and my friend loved your shirt. I know you said that some girls made them for you, but I was wondering if your going to be selling them on your website or anything like that. I'd love to buy one.
He's an awful human being? I take you don't get out much to see what "awful human beings" are like. The guy is trying to have fun and likes attention. You think he does this for the people that already like him? Nah, he does this to tick off people and get you talking about him. Looks like he's succeedingI'll give it a shot: He's a shameful, racist, bigoted self-promoter? And, while he was never indicted or involved in any way in a murder plot, he is still an awful human being?I dunno, just a hunch.Oooh! Oooh! I want to be informed! Please, please, please tell me about Owen's "IWhy was he wearing the ITO t-shirt? Would you like the answer or continue to be an uninformed hater?
T.O." t-shirt, and why it was such a selfless act to wear it.
Would you say TO is an enlightened sort? Or, is he, too, ignorant and uninformed, particularly in light of his "Uncle Tom" comments (regarding Tom Jackson) as well as the whole garbage about Jeff Garcia.Am interested in knowing how you're main criticism of those criticizing TO is that they are ignorant, when it really seems TO and his supporters are the ones guilty here.When they post ignorant comments I do. When I say ignorant, I mean uninformedDo you think all TO haters are uninformed?Why was he wearing the II can't respect a guy that has his own logo (why?) and wears "ITO" t-shirts during interviews (can't remember where I saw that). Talk about being egocentric. He is NOT a team player. If he was, he would have waited to yell at McNabb. There was no need to do this in public. What did it achieve? (does anyone know what the score was when he did that?) And you know that McNabb didn't want any part of TO because he kept turning away from him. Props to McNabb for not yelling back and escalting it further. Now thats class.
TO t-shirt? Would you like the answer or continue to be an uninformed hater?
The guy's idea of fun is denegrating other human beings. If that's your idea of a good time, then you're in good company with him.Just because there are people in the world worse than TO--and, believe me, I know there are--it doesn't mean he should get off the hook.As far as the attention he gets, if he enjoys the souring image he's selling, good for him. Seems he's lost a lot more than he's gained by being such a jerk.He's an awful human being? I take you don't get out much to see what "awful human beings" are like. The guy is trying to have fun and likes attention. You think he does this for the people that already like him? Nah, he does this to tick off people and get you talking about him. Looks like he's succeedingI'll give it a shot: He's a shameful, racist, bigoted self-promoter? And, while he was never indicted or involved in any way in a murder plot, he is still an awful human being?I dunno, just a hunch.Oooh! Oooh! I want to be informed! Please, please, please tell me about Owen's "IWhy was he wearing the ITO t-shirt? Would you like the answer or continue to be an uninformed hater?
T.O." t-shirt, and why it was such a selfless act to wear it.
That's pretty funny.T.O. should just buy some dame a pair of football tickets and have the Eagles marketing hack write up a press release about it. That seems to impress the heck out of people.
Hold on a second. I support TO's right to speak, and often enjoy his antics, but that doesn't mean I agree with everything he says. The uncle tom comment is plain wrong, but I'm not going to hang TO over it. Same for Garcia.Would you say TO is an enlightened sort? Or, is he, too, ignorant and uninformed, particularly in light of his "Uncle Tom" comments (regarding Tom Jackson) as well as the whole garbage about Jeff Garcia.Am interested in knowing how you're main criticism of those criticizing TO is that they are ignorant, when it really seems TO and his supporters are the ones guilty here.When they post ignorant comments I do. When I say ignorant, I mean uninformedDo you think all TO haters are uninformed?Why was he wearing the II can't respect a guy that has his own logo (why?) and wears "ITO" t-shirts during interviews (can't remember where I saw that). Talk about being egocentric. He is NOT a team player. If he was, he would have waited to yell at McNabb. There was no need to do this in public. What did it achieve? (does anyone know what the score was when he did that?) And you know that McNabb didn't want any part of TO because he kept turning away from him. Props to McNabb for not yelling back and escalting it further. Now thats class.
TO t-shirt? Would you like the answer or continue to be an uninformed hater?
No one's asking you to "hang" a man for his comments. What would be nice, however, is if your tolerance of his racist and homosexual jokes wasn't so high.Hold on a second. I support TO's right to speak, and often enjoy his antics, but that doesn't mean I agree with everything he says. The uncle tom comment is plain wrong, but I'm not going to hang TO over it. Same for Garcia.
I'm talking about him. I am thinking about him. I've also talked about and thought about many villains I disdain. If that's the sort of rep he wants, he's earned it. I certainly am not going to games to see TO. I certainly would never purchase a jersey or support a product he endorses. He's getting no financial benefit from me nor anyone else, I imagine, who finds him this repugnant.How many people have this large a following? Sure, you might hate TO's actions, but you're talking about him, thinking about him, maybe even going to games (spending $$$) in the hopes that your team beats him.
I don't think he denegrated Lewis at all. He mocked him, but I think the context, it was fine and appropriate. What is not fine is how he regarded Tom Jackson and Jeff Garcia. I find it so interesting all you apologists who bend over backwards to support a guy who is just a schmuck. He's no better than John Rocker, but because he scores TDs and you guys find him entertaining in some bizarre way, you turn and look away when he's being a real a.sshole. You tolerate and support a bigot. What more is there to say?Who is he denegreting? Ray Lewis? He should be denegreted. I'm not hoping my son turns out like TO, but there are worse people in the NFL.
Dont change the subject on me, we were talking about the TO haters here and their ignorance.Anything else to add to that conversation?Would you say TO is an enlightened sort? Or, is he, too, ignorant and uninformed, particularly in light of his "Uncle Tom" comments (regarding Tom Jackson) as well as the whole garbage about Jeff Garcia.Am interested in knowing how you're main criticism of those criticizing TO is that they are ignorant, when it really seems TO and his supporters are the ones guilty here.When they post ignorant comments I do. When I say ignorant, I mean uninformedDo you think all TO haters are uninformed?Why was he wearing the II can't respect a guy that has his own logo (why?) and wears "ITO" t-shirts during interviews (can't remember where I saw that). Talk about being egocentric. He is NOT a team player. If he was, he would have waited to yell at McNabb. There was no need to do this in public. What did it achieve? (does anyone know what the score was when he did that?) And you know that McNabb didn't want any part of TO because he kept turning away from him. Props to McNabb for not yelling back and escalting it further. Now thats class.
TO t-shirt? Would you like the answer or continue to be an uninformed hater?
WRONG!!!Show me ANYWHERE TO cast the first stone other than his autobiography. Even in that, the only first stone cast was Ozzie (can you blame TO for talking about his life story?). Garcia called out first with "the sickness" in the lockerroom. The next practice, TO showed up wearing a SARS mask.The guy's idea of fun is denegrating other human beings. If that's your idea of a good time, then you're in good company with him.He's an awful human being? I take you don't get out much to see what "awful human beings" are like. The guy is trying to have fun and likes attention. You think he does this for the people that already like him? Nah, he does this to tick off people and get you talking about him. Looks like he's succeedingI'll give it a shot: He's a shameful, racist, bigoted self-promoter? And, while he was never indicted or involved in any way in a murder plot, he is still an awful human being?I dunno, just a hunch.Oooh! Oooh! I want to be informed! Please, please, please tell me about Owen's "IWhy was he wearing the ITO t-shirt? Would you like the answer or continue to be an uninformed hater?
T.O." t-shirt, and why it was such a selfless act to wear it.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:T.O. should just buy some dame a pair of football tickets and have the Eagles marketing hack write up a press release about it. That seems to impress the heck out of people.
Maybe some of us are tolerant of speech. You might not be going to games to see TO, but many are.Don't call me an apologist, I feel no need to apologize. I admit he's said some things he shouldn't have. So what?You're intolerant of a divergent view. He's intolerant of a divergent view.Look, this is football, not the President. He can say what he wants.What has he ever really done, aside from invoking his right to free speech, that makes him a villian?Many people support Ray Lewis and Jamal Lewis, among other criminals in sports. I prefer to support a player who has lived a fairly clean life while making his opinion known. It might annoy you, but get over it.No one's asking you to "hang" a man for his comments. What would be nice, however, is if your tolerance of his racist and homosexual jokes wasn't so high.Hold on a second. I support TO's right to speak, and often enjoy his antics, but that doesn't mean I agree with everything he says. The uncle tom comment is plain wrong, but I'm not going to hang TO over it. Same for Garcia.I'm talking about him. I am thinking about him. I've also talked about and thought about many villains I disdain. If that's the sort of rep he wants, he's earned it. I certainly am not going to games to see TO. I certainly would never purchase a jersey or support a product he endorses. He's getting no financial benefit from me nor anyone else, I imagine, who finds him this repugnant.How many people have this large a following? Sure, you might hate TO's actions, but you're talking about him, thinking about him, maybe even going to games (spending $$$) in the hopes that your team beats him.I don't think he denegrated Lewis at all. He mocked him, but I think the context, it was fine and appropriate. What is not fine is how he regarded Tom Jackson and Jeff Garcia. I find it so interesting all you apologists who bend over backwards to support a guy who is just a schmuck. He's no better than John Rocker, but because he scores TDs and you guys find him entertaining in some bizarre way, you turn and look away when he's being a real a.sshole. You tolerate and support a bigot. What more is there to say?Who is he denegreting? Ray Lewis? He should be denegreted. I'm not hoping my son turns out like TO, but there are worse people in the NFL.
We were actually talking about "TOs latest comments" and this post of yours demonstrates either (a) you don't want to acknowledge he said them or (b) you are a racist and a bigot yourself.Maybe you believe, as TO does, that Tom Jackson is an "Uncle Tom" and that outing Jeff Garcia, making fun of his sexuality, and showing a general lack of tolerance for homosexuals is fine human behavior. Frankly, I just hope you've got your head in the sand and just don't want to acknowledge that he's said any of these things.Dont change the subject on me, we were talking about the TO haters here and their ignorance.Anything else to add to that conversation?Would you say TO is an enlightened sort? Or, is he, too, ignorant and uninformed, particularly in light of his "Uncle Tom" comments (regarding Tom Jackson) as well as the whole garbage about Jeff Garcia.Am interested in knowing how you're main criticism of those criticizing TO is that they are ignorant, when it really seems TO and his supporters are the ones guilty here.When they post ignorant comments I do. When I say ignorant, I mean uninformedDo you think all TO haters are uninformed?Why was he wearing the II can't respect a guy that has his own logo (why?) and wears "ITO" t-shirts during interviews (can't remember where I saw that). Talk about being egocentric. He is NOT a team player. If he was, he would have waited to yell at McNabb. There was no need to do this in public. What did it achieve? (does anyone know what the score was when he did that?) And you know that McNabb didn't want any part of TO because he kept turning away from him. Props to McNabb for not yelling back and escalting it further. Now thats class.
TO t-shirt? Would you like the answer or continue to be an uninformed hater?
So he used 2 other people to shamelessly pimp himself.And you have the sack to call others here ignorant?lmfao!At least I cant call you ignorant nowJAA
Don't you think it will be funny when someone beats the living crap out of him? You want news? Soon you will probably see the headline "The Mouth Goes Silent", because a fellow player got tired of TO's crap and whipped him in a Philly Bar.What has he ever really done, aside from invoking his right to free speech, that makes him a villian?Many people support Ray Lewis and Jamal Lewis, among other criminals in sports. I prefer to support a player who has lived a fairly clean life while making his opinion known. It might annoy you, but get over it.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: Nice passive aggressive comment. Do you have something you really want to say or are you just baiting me? Listen son, why dont you take your Member #149 Alias and fish elsehwereWe were actually talking about "TOs latest comments" and this post of yours demonstrates either (a) you don't want to acknowledge he said them or (b) you are a racist and a bigot yourself.
Maybe you believe, as TO does, that Tom Jackson is an "Uncle Tom" and that outing Jeff Garcia, making fun of his sexuality, and showing a general lack of tolerance for homosexuals is fine human behavior. Frankly, I just hope you've got your head in the sand and just don't want to acknowledge that he's said any of these things.
Sorry champ, but when you or anyone else makes half-### comments without knowing the facts, you are ignorant and or a hater. IMHO you are a hater who is happy to be ignorant because it makes you feel better about yourself. Also, considering the amount of times you have used the words racist and bigot, it makes me think you have self-esteem issues. Ill be right here though, waiting for you to start corecting my spelling and grammerI refuse to make a play on your "TO Hater Ignorance" card because, at a fundamental, human level, you keep demonstrating that you are the uninformed, ignorant, and intolerant one.I am done with this conversation. The rest of you can carry on with JAA.
Im glad you have TO all figured out there PonyBoy. Tell me again how you know TO so well inside and out, what ESPN shows you???So he used 2 other people to shamelessly pimp himself.And you have the sack to call others here ignorant?lmfao!At least I cant call you ignorant nowJAA