Im not sure its worth continueing the discussion. You hate on TO because of how he acts. The NFL has embraced RL and you dont like him. I am blatently asking you which one you dislike more. Im sorry your hatred is so profound you refuse to answer the question.
I'll bet that you don't want to continue this discussion. I haven't used the word "hate" when it refers to either Owens or Lewis. At least I don't believe that I have. I specifically have used the word "dislike". Hate has a much deeper & sinister connotation to me.
Before I answer your question as to disliking Owens or Lewis more, I'd like to know exactly what relevence you feel my level of dislike for each player bears in this discussion, and I'd also like to know what relevence Lewis has in this discussion, since the thread specifically referred to Owens until you dredged Lewis up apparently as a diversionary tactic.
Once I understand what Lewis has to do with any of this discussion, I'll be happy to answer your question in a very straightforward fashion.