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TO's latest comments (3 Viewers)

We were actually talking about "TOs latest comments" and this post of yours demonstrates either (a) you don't want to acknowledge he said them or (b) you are a racist and a bigot yourself.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: Nice passive aggressive comment. Do you have something you really want to say or are you just baiting me? Listen son, why dont you take your Member #149 Alias and fish elsehwere :thumbup:
Maybe you believe, as TO does, that Tom Jackson is an "Uncle Tom" and that outing Jeff Garcia, making fun of his sexuality, and showing a general lack of tolerance for homosexuals is fine human behavior.  Frankly, I just hope you've got your head in the sand and just don't want to acknowledge that he's said any of these things.
:fishing: Oh my lord is the chum getting rank in here
I refuse to make a play on your "TO Hater Ignorance" card because, at a fundamental, human level, you keep demonstrating that you are the uninformed, ignorant, and intolerant one.I am done with this conversation.  The rest of you can carry on with JAA.
Sorry champ, but when you or anyone else makes half-### comments without knowing the facts, you are ignorant and or a hater. IMHO you are a hater who is happy to be ignorant because it makes you feel better about yourself. Also, considering the amount of times you have used the words racist and bigot, it makes me think you have self-esteem issues. Ill be right here though, waiting for you to start corecting my spelling and grammer :thumbup: gllll peas!!!1JAA
No need for anyone to get personal about this. Now that truely shows ignorance.
We were actually talking about "TOs latest comments" and this post of yours demonstrates either (a) you don't want to acknowledge he said them or (b) you are a racist and a bigot yourself.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: Nice passive aggressive comment. Do you have something you really want to say or are you just baiting me? Listen son, why dont you take your Member #149 Alias and fish elsehwere :thumbup:
Maybe you believe, as TO does, that Tom Jackson is an "Uncle Tom" and that outing Jeff Garcia, making fun of his sexuality, and showing a general lack of tolerance for homosexuals is fine human behavior.  Frankly, I just hope you've got your head in the sand and just don't want to acknowledge that he's said any of these things.
:fishing: Oh my lord is the chum getting rank in here
I refuse to make a play on your "TO Hater Ignorance" card because, at a fundamental, human level, you keep demonstrating that you are the uninformed, ignorant, and intolerant one.I am done with this conversation.  The rest of you can carry on with JAA.
Sorry champ, but when you or anyone else makes half-### comments without knowing the facts, you are ignorant and or a hater. IMHO you are a hater who is happy to be ignorant because it makes you feel better about yourself. Also, considering the amount of times you have used the words racist and bigot, it makes me think you have self-esteem issues. Ill be right here though, waiting for you to start corecting my spelling and grammer :thumbup: gllll peas!!!1JAA
No need for anyone to get personal about this. Now that truely shows ignorance.
Whoose getting personal? Would you like me to count of the attacks on TO versus the attacks on the haters? Good luck with that one :thumbup: Im not asking anyone to like TO, I am asking people to understand that TO is different from you or I and it helps to take some time to "put yourself in his shoes". Ive said this about every athelete spoken on these boards including Moss, Clarrett, Dillon, etc, etc, etc.JAA
Im glad you have TO all figured out there PonyBoy. Tell me again how you know TO so well inside and out, what ESPN shows you???
Well, alrighty then. Why don't you just tell us all about your good buddy Terrell Owens?This is just like jwvdcw & his irrational man-crush on Ray Lewis. He's willing to excuse almost anything that the guy does because he has some peculiar case of hero-worship that allows him to overlook any fault of a guy he in all probability got no closer to than 250 feet at a football game. Then he proceeds to tie himself in knots to rationalize any actions his hero takes.You're doing the exact same thing here. That you don't realize it makes perfect sense, since you consider everyone else to be dogpiling on someone whom you adore and may even consider a great friend, even though he hasn't the faintest clue as to whom you are.Really odd behavior, especially here at a FF message board where you're sure to get called on it. You just place a huge target on yourself for others to relentlessly plink while you go through the contortions of defending your hero while others are willing to look at him more objectively. If you're going to worship at someone's altar, at least pick someone who has some decent character. There are enough of them out there who are actually worthy of some of your idolization, rather than a self-promoting whiny punk like T.O.
Im glad you have TO all figured out there PonyBoy. Tell me again how you know TO so well inside and out, what ESPN shows you???
Well, alrighty then. Why don't you just tell us all about your good buddy Terrell Owens?
Im not the one judging TO, you are. Im not the one calling someone else names, you are. Im not the one taking time out of my day to write bad things about a (dare I say) loud mouth athlete who speaks his mind in which people call a car wreck.I personally dont think jw's comments regarding RL are the same as Owens. I would not defend owens for beating his wife, DWI, lieing to the police, etc. I was part of jw's comments because of his trying to compare TO and RL ... completly not fair.I am calling you and the rest of the people here out because you make INCREDILOUS comments on TO w/o knowing the facts. Once the facts are presented, everyone seems to quiet down. Am I a homer? Yes but not a blind homer. It just so happens there arent wife beaters, drunken drivers, etc, etc, etc on the Eagles.JAA
Im not the one judging TO, you are.
That's right, my friend, and I'm doing it based upon the actions that I have seen. T.O. has dropped trou numerous times - including but certainly not limited to his calling out of Jeff Garcia & Tom Jackson in public for no other reason than to deflect well deserved criticism from himself. He did the same thing with Ray Lewis, but that is a different situation IMO given Lewis soiled history.Owens' remarks demonstrate that he is clearly a bigot/racist, is stupidly ignorant of the actual meanings of his comments, or IMO more likely a combination of both.Owens makes a jackass of himself on the field and does so at the expense of others - other players, coaches, & teams as well as his own teammates. He does this because he feels the need to draw everyone's eyes to himself with completely classless acts - acts that kids watching think are okay & imitate because they don't know any better - when in fact he could show some class & character when everyone's attention is still on him - after all, he did just catch a TD.He doesn't care about or respect the game - he cares about relentlessly & endlessly pimping himself. And when he doesn't get enough chances to draw the spotlight to himself, he tears into his teammates loudly & irrationally on the sideline in front of the entire stadium as well as the cameras. He preens like a peacock in front of the cameras but when someone calls him on it he goes whiny to the press about how he is being persecuted or he makes idiotic remarks in a gutless effort to take the harsh spotlight off of himself and onto someone else - when he is the one who sought the spotlight in the first place.I say to you that T.O.'s actions speak for themselves, and that it is you who choose to ignore them because you illogically adore him so much. To think that a person can't judge T.O. when he willingly exposes his true character so often is what is really ignorant here. We are judged by how we appear to others through our actions and our comments, and to many here, including myself, Owens appears all too often like the southbound end of a northbound horse.
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Im not the one judging TO, you are.
That's right, my friend, and I'm doing it based upon the actions that I have seen. T.O. has dropped trou numerous times - including but certainly not limited to his calling out of Jeff Garcia & Tom Jackson in public for no other reason than to deflect well deserved criticism from himself. He did the same thing with Ray Lewis, but that is a different situation IMO given Lewis soiled history.
Im going to go ahead and stop you right here. All of the "stuff" you spoken off below just continues to show the type of person you are and Im not sure you want people to have to read it twice, I know I wouldnt.For the last time, TO has not cast any first stone on ANYONE. Please name the person that he has "called out in public for no reason". There is no one. Each of TOs comments were in response to people attacking him. Any homer or hater shoul be able to see that. I feel sorry for you that you cant see it. I also feel sorry for you that is it so easy for you to call people names and make judgements on their character based on what the media has presented to you (please stop bringing up TOs autobiography. I know you havnt read it and all you have heard from it is what the media has fed you).

Your actions remind me of residents of the Middle East in which I have spent an extended time with. The folks in the Middle East only read stories regarding the USA that are either printed in their govt owned news paper or their govt owned news stations. Ill give you one guess as to their perception of our wonderfull country.

I guess it comes down how each of use decides how we view and judge people. Good luck with your attitude, you are going to need it.


Each of TOs comments were in response to people attacking him.
Well, you may not have wanted anyone to see the rest of what I wrote - though I'll let it stand for itself, my sanctimonious friend, but I'll post to this above.T.O. places himself squarely in the crosshairs of public opinion constantly & more importantly willingly and expects no one to dare say a cross word about him. When someone does make a comment he cries, whines, and attacks them personally.That tells me he has little to no character of value. To defend his actions in such a blatantly undeniable situation makes me seriously wonder about yours. But then I make my comments in a public forum here. I'll let others judge the value of those comments and make their own decisions about me. I accept that as a consequence of posting here. Unlike Owens with his assinine actions, and unlike yourself.
T.O. places himself squarely in the crosshairs of public opinion constantly & more importantly willingly and expects no one to dare say a cross word about him. When someone does make a comment he cries, whines, and attacks them personally.
Your the blind one here. How does TO put himself in the spotlight? Does he call the cameras over to him? Is it because he speaks his mind to the media? Good luck with that Pony Boy.TO whines and cries because he doesnt understand why RL gets embraced by the NFL and he doesnt? Im sorry you dont see the truth in that.Answer me this: Between the two people (and you have to choose), who should be embraced by the NFL, Ray Lewis or TO?Thanks for playing,JAA
What has he ever really done, aside from invoking his right to free speech, that makes him a villian?Many people support Ray Lewis and Jamal Lewis, among other criminals in sports. I prefer to support a player who has lived a fairly clean life while making his opinion known. It might annoy you, but get over it.
Don't you think it will be funny when someone beats the living crap out of him? You want news? Soon you will probably see the headline "The Mouth Goes Silent", because a fellow player got tired of TO's crap and whipped him in a Philly Bar.
No, I don't think it would be funny for a person to assault another person.I'm surprised that you seem to think it would be.Anyone who assaults someone for his comments is a criminal and should be dealt with accordingly.
Answer me this: Between the two people (and you have to choose), who should be embraced by the NFL, Ray Lewis or TO?Thanks for playing,JAA
LOL @ the thanks for playing like you have scored some kind of irrefutable point.What you have done, in fact, is create a false dilemma to deflect attention from the actual matter at hand, much like your hero, Terrell Owens.Believe it or not, I can dislike both Terrell Owens & Ray Lewis for their on field/off field actions and the impact of those actions.So, the answer to your question is that to answer your question is completely irrelevant in this discussion.Thanks for playing.lmfao!
We were actually talking about "TOs latest comments" and this post of yours demonstrates either (a) you don't want to acknowledge he said them or (b) you are a racist and a bigot yourself.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: Nice passive aggressive comment. Do you have something you really want to say or are you just baiting me? Listen son, why dont you take your Member #149 Alias and fish elsehwere :thumbup:
Maybe you believe, as TO does, that Tom Jackson is an "Uncle Tom" and that outing Jeff Garcia, making fun of his sexuality, and showing a general lack of tolerance for homosexuals is fine human behavior.  Frankly, I just hope you've got your head in the sand and just don't want to acknowledge that he's said any of these things.
:fishing: Oh my lord is the chum getting rank in here
I refuse to make a play on your "TO Hater Ignorance" card because, at a fundamental, human level, you keep demonstrating that you are the uninformed, ignorant, and intolerant one.I am done with this conversation.  The rest of you can carry on with JAA.
Sorry champ, but when you or anyone else makes half-### comments without knowing the facts, you are ignorant and or a hater. IMHO you are a hater who is happy to be ignorant because it makes you feel better about yourself. Also, considering the amount of times you have used the words racist and bigot, it makes me think you have self-esteem issues. Ill be right here though, waiting for you to start corecting my spelling and grammer :thumbup: gllll peas!!!1JAA
No need for anyone to get personal about this. Now that truely shows ignorance.
Whoose getting personal? Would you like me to count of the attacks on TO versus the attacks on the haters? Good luck with that one :thumbup: Im not asking anyone to like TO, I am asking people to understand that TO is different from you or I and it helps to take some time to "put yourself in his shoes". Ive said this about every athelete spoken on these boards including Moss, Clarrett, Dillon, etc, etc, etc.JAA
there's a difference between making comments about an NFL player and personal attacks on posters on this board. Why should you care if people slam TO? Do you know him personally? Be nice to your fellow posters. I know that I haven't always done that in years past, but I am certainly trying to do so now.
Well... PA should know one thing about racists and bigots. I remember when one young QB -- Kerry Collins -- in the National Football League was branded and flat out brought to the carpet.Sometimes you wonder why a teammates put up with the type of things that a TO does... yet retaliates against a Collins? :confused: I don't see the difference. The fact of the matter is that he continues to defame his x-QB a player who is directly responsible for his success... and he is also willing to alienate a minority to do so.Thank god the Shockeys, etc.. have gotten a clue. TO is with out a doubt the worst.Great talent... just really stupid. I'd like to see him held just as accountable as the other wise cracks above.

At least I cant call you ignorant now :rolleyes:

So he used 2 other people to shamelessly pimp himself.And you have the sack to call others here ignorant?

Thank you Pony Boy, I was just going to reply to this. Your explanation of why he wore the t-shirt doesn't change anything. If you thik he wore it for them, your wrong. He wore it to promote himself. Plus. your source of the information is TOs own website? Not very credible. Its like going to Al Jazeer's website to read the truth in whats happening in Iraq. And I also find it funny that of all the things in my post, you picked this one thing out. You didn't even comment on any of the other things I said. Maybe because you know its true and didn't have any way to defend him on those points? What I said in my post was not opinion it was fact. What did I say that offended you so?
Whoose getting personal? Would you like me to count of the attacks on TO versus the attacks on the haters? Good luck with that one

Im not asking anyone to like TO, I am asking people to understand that TO is different from you or I and it helps to take some time to "put yourself in his shoes". Ive said this about every athelete spoken on these boards including Moss, Clarrett, Dillon, etc, etc, etc.

Noone was getting personal with you. We were just stating our opinions on TO, but you turnded it around and started attacking us. We have the right to dislike his actions, and we have a right to state that fact. Just becasue you do not agree with it doesn't mean you can insult us for it. Its our opinion. As far as as putting myself in someones shoes, you usually say that when they are in difficult times or situations. OK. I put myself in his shoes. Now what. Should i feel sorry for him in some way? Does that mean i can promote myself and put myself above everyone else? Why?
I am calling you and the rest of the people here out because you make INCREDILOUS comments on TO w/o knowing the facts. Once the facts are presented, everyone seems to quiet down. Am I a homer? Yes but not a blind homer. It just so happens there arent wife beaters, drunken drivers, etc, etc, etc on the Eagles.JAA
OK, so you presented the "facts" about why he wore that t-shirt. WHat does that change? Nothing.
For the last time, TO has not cast any first stone on ANYONE. Please name the person that he has "called out in public for no reason". There is no one. Each of TOs comments were in response to people attacking him.
Its not his spoken word that provokes people, its his actions. Its his flaunting of himself and his "Look at me, look how great I am" attitude. Its his running to midfield to the Dallas Star tirade, its his actions in offseason, its his disregard for teammates by yelling at them in public, etc. They attack him in response to these actions.
Any homer or hater shoul be able to see that.
Yes you are right, why can't a homer like you see this?
Whoose getting personal? Would you like me to count of the attacks on TO versus the attacks on the haters? Good luck with that one 

Im not asking anyone to like TO, I am asking people to understand that TO is different from you or I and it helps to take some time to "put yourself in his shoes". Ive said this about every athelete spoken on these boards including Moss, Clarrett, Dillon, etc, etc, etc.

Noone was getting personal with you. We were just stating our opinions on TO, but you turnded it around and started attacking us. We have the right to dislike his actions, and we have a right to state that fact. Just becasue you do not agree with it doesn't mean you can insult us for it. Its our opinion. As far as as putting myself in someones shoes, you usually say that when they are in difficult times or situations. OK. I put myself in his shoes. Now what. Should i feel sorry for him in some way? Does that mean i can promote myself and put myself above everyone else? Why?
I called you out on your ignorance ... and you (all of you) admitted to it. How is this being turned back on me? Everyone did fully admit that they didnt know the details regarding the situation they were basing their opinion on right (yesno) ?
I am calling you and the rest of the people here out because you make INCREDILOUS comments on TO w/o knowing the facts. Once the facts are presented, everyone seems to quiet down. Am I a homer? Yes but not a blind homer. It just so happens there arent wife beaters, drunken drivers, etc, etc, etc on the Eagles.JAA
OK, so you presented the "facts" about why he wore that t-shirt. WHat does that change? Nothing.
Funny word you used there: fact. Fact is you didnt know the details on TO before making a judgement call. Your deciding to not change you judgement after you heard the facts is moot.
For the last time, TO has not cast any first stone on ANYONE. Please name the person that he has "called out in public for no reason". There is no one. Each of TOs comments were in response to people attacking him.
Its not his spoken word that provokes people, its his actions. Its his flaunting of himself and his "Look at me, look how great I am" attitude. Its his running to midfield to the Dallas Star tirade, its his actions in offseason, its his disregard for teammates by yelling at them in public, etc. They attack him in response to these actions.
Any homer or hater shoul be able to see that.
Yes you are right, why can't a homer like you see this?
You are running your futile arguement in circles. Please decide which side of your agrument you want to be on. Your choices:1. I hate TO because he pimps himself2. I hate TO because he throws stones for no reasonYou cant keep changing these on me. If its both, please stick to one of them with our discussions.Thanks,JAA
Answer me this: Between the two people (and you have to choose), who should be embraced by the NFL, Ray Lewis or TO?Thanks for playing,JAA
LOL @ the thanks for playing like you have scored some kind of irrefutable point.What you have done, in fact, is create a false dilemma to deflect attention from the actual matter at hand, much like your hero, Terrell Owens.Believe it or not, I can dislike both Terrell Owens & Ray Lewis for their on field/off field actions and the impact of those actions.So, the answer to your question is that to answer your question is completely irrelevant in this discussion.Thanks for playing.lmfao!
Im not sure its worth continueing the discussion. You hate on TO because of how he acts. The NFL has embraced RL and you dont like him. I am blatently asking you which one you dislike more. Im sorry your hatred is so profound you refuse to answer the question.
Im not sure its worth continueing the discussion. You hate on TO because of how he acts. The NFL has embraced RL and you dont like him. I am blatently asking you which one you dislike more. Im sorry your hatred is so profound you refuse to answer the question.
I'll bet that you don't want to continue this discussion. I haven't used the word "hate" when it refers to either Owens or Lewis. At least I don't believe that I have. I specifically have used the word "dislike". Hate has a much deeper & sinister connotation to me.Before I answer your question as to disliking Owens or Lewis more, I'd like to know exactly what relevence you feel my level of dislike for each player bears in this discussion, and I'd also like to know what relevence Lewis has in this discussion, since the thread specifically referred to Owens until you dredged Lewis up apparently as a diversionary tactic.Once I understand what Lewis has to do with any of this discussion, I'll be happy to answer your question in a very straightforward fashion.
I am calling you and the rest of the people here out because you make INCREDILOUS comments on TO w/o knowing the facts. Once the facts are presented, everyone seems to quiet down. Am I a homer? Yes but not a blind homer. It just so happens there arent wife beaters, drunken drivers, etc, etc, etc on the Eagles.JAA
OK, so you presented the "facts" about why he wore that t-shirt. WHat does that change? Nothing.
Funny word you used there: fact. Fact is you didnt know the details on TO before making a judgement call. Your deciding to not change you judgement after you heard the facts is moot.
The point is that I still would not like the way he acts even if I knew the "facts". My not knowing them does not change anything. You would be closer to correct in saying you providing the "facts" is moot. If you would have said something like TO stands for some kind of charity organisation that he is contibuting to and was using a play on words, then I would have possibly changed my mind about that one statement. But your explanation only enforced my arguement. Why do you insist on defending his arrogant actions?
You are running your futile arguement in circles. Please decide which side of your agrument you want to be on. Your choices:

1. I hate TO because he pimps himself

2. I hate TO because he throws stones for no reason

You cant keep changing these on me. If its both, please stick to one of them with our discussions.


I am not giong in circles. I have been consistent in my thought: I do not like the way TO acts. Both those reasons are valid reasons why not to like him. Why do I ahve to stick to one? Besides, you are the one who brought up the staement that he doesnt throw stones for no reason, not me. I was just responding to your statement.
Im not sure its worth continueing the discussion. You hate on TO because of how he acts. The NFL has embraced RL and you dont like him. I am blatently asking you which one you dislike more. Im sorry your hatred is so profound you refuse to answer the question.
I'll bet that you don't want to continue this discussion. I haven't used the word "hate" when it refers to either Owens or Lewis. At least I don't believe that I have. I specifically have used the word "dislike". Hate has a much deeper & sinister connotation to me.Before I answer your question as to disliking Owens or Lewis more, I'd like to know exactly what relevence you feel my level of dislike for each player bears in this discussion, and I'd also like to know what relevence Lewis has in this discussion, since the thread specifically referred to Owens until you dredged Lewis up apparently as a diversionary tactic.Once I understand what Lewis has to do with any of this discussion, I'll be happy to answer your question in a very straightforward fashion.
The point is that I still would not like the way he acts even if I knew the "facts".
I guess we can agree to disagree with how to approach feelings for people you (or I) dont know personally.
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Im not sure its worth continueing the discussion. You hate on TO because of how he acts. The NFL has embraced RL and you dont like him. I am blatently asking you which one you dislike more. Im sorry your hatred is so profound you refuse to answer the question.
I'll bet that you don't want to continue this discussion. I haven't used the word "hate" when it refers to either Owens or Lewis. At least I don't believe that I have. I specifically have used the word "dislike". Hate has a much deeper & sinister connotation to me.

Before I answer your question as to disliking Owens or Lewis more, I'd like to know exactly what relevence you feel my level of dislike for each player bears in this discussion, and I'd also like to know what relevence Lewis has in this discussion, since the thread specifically referred to Owens until you dredged Lewis up apparently as a diversionary tactic.

Once I understand what Lewis has to do with any of this discussion, I'll be happy to answer your question in a very straightforward fashion.
Here's a reminder of the 40 odd posts you used the word hate in the Shark Pool. I will say it was interesting discussing this with you.JAA

I can't believe this thread is still going several days after another non-story involving TO. People really love to hate him.

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The point is that I still would not like the way he acts even if I knew the "facts".
I guess we can agree to disagree with how to approach feelings for people you (or I) dont know personally.
You are correct, I do not know him personally, but neither do you. We can judge poeple from what we see. Sometimes we may be wrong and sometimes we shouldn't judge. But, I don't like having my children see him on TV acting like its only him that matters. You like the way he acts, I don't. That is my opinion. You have yours, let me have mine without being consdescending or getting angry.
Im not sure its worth continueing the discussion.  You hate on TO because of how he acts.  The NFL has embraced RL and you dont like him.  I am blatently asking you which one you dislike more.  Im sorry your hatred is so profound you refuse to answer the question.
I'll bet that you don't want to continue this discussion. I haven't used the word "hate" when it refers to either Owens or Lewis. At least I don't believe that I have. I specifically have used the word "dislike". Hate has a much deeper & sinister connotation to me.

Before I answer your question as to disliking Owens or Lewis more, I'd like to know exactly what relevence you feel my level of dislike for each player bears in this discussion, and I'd also like to know what relevence Lewis has in this discussion, since the thread specifically referred to Owens until you dredged Lewis up apparently as a diversionary tactic.

Once I understand what Lewis has to do with any of this discussion, I'll be happy to answer your question in a very straightforward fashion.
Here's a reminder of the 40 odd posts you used the word hate in the Shark Pool. I will say it was interesting discussing this with you.JAA
Actually, this is kinda funny. i didn't bother to open any of those threads, but of those threads, not once did Pony Boy say that he hated someone. Like I said, I didn't read all the trhreads, just looked at them quickly but...
Here's a reminder of the 40 odd posts you used the word hate in the Shark Pool. I will say it was interesting discussing this with you.

:rotflmao: I'd call you what you are, but I'd get banned for it.

Please find in one of those threads where I stated that I hated a player. I hated to admit things, I hated Shanahan's decisions, I called people out as haters, but I didn't say that I hated any player for the type of person he is.

If I did, please quote me along with a link.

LOFL! Here's some really good advice:

When you find yourself in a hole, STOP DIGGING!

This really is too funny.........

Your the blind one here. How does TO put himself in the spotlight?
Is this a joke?I'm not even going to take issue with his comments on Garcia and TJ. They were out of line, but that honestly doesn't even offend me much (though I'm not sure what TJ and Garcia would say about it.) I hate Owens because he is a shameless self-promoter who never shuts up and ultimately comes off sounding like a jackass, IN MY OPINION. Other people may find him amusing and thus, love him. That's fine too.But to say : "How does he put himself in the spotlight?" Come on, man... even you can't really believe this. The guy scores a TD then runs to the star at MIDFIELD in Dallas to pose for the cameras, and you're going to tell me he doesn't put himself in the spotlight. Don't make it sound like he just diligently goes about his business and somehow controversy finds him.....
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Bumping this to see if JAA will step on his...um, er...ahhh...tongue again today. It was so much fun witnessing his magnificence yesterday.

Bumping this to see if JAA will step on his...um, er...ahhh...tongue again today. It was so much fun witnessing his magnificence yesterday.
Im here (always). Ive read all your comments, and I understand what you are saying. You dont like TO. You dont like him as a person or a football player (to include his on the field antics). I get that, I hear you. It is obvious to me I am not going to change that. I have accepted the differences between you and I with respect to judging people you (or I) dont know personally.I have moved on ... you?
Actually, you are wrong yet again. I think Owens is a magnificent football player, and is one of those 20-25 players currently in the NFL who truly change the way another team must set their game plan.That said, I also feel that his huge deficiency in character unfortunately outweighs his spectacular ability, which I feel is a damned shame - not for him, he made his own bed and has to lay in it, but for the game itself and its fans.Part of the problem is that Owens is so unbelievably good. That gives him the stage that is his downfall. Moss has shown some signs of growing up lately. Maybe Owens will too. We can only hope.

Actually, you are wrong yet again. I think Owens is a magnificent football player, and is one of those 20-25 players currently in the NFL who truly change the way another team must set their game plan.That said, I also feel that his huge deficiency in character unfortunately outweighs his spectacular ability, which I feel is a damned shame - not for him, he made his own bed and has to lay in it, but for the game itself and its fans.Part of the problem is that Owens is so unbelievably good. That gives him the stage that is his downfall. Moss has shown some signs of growing up lately. Maybe Owens will too. We can only hope.
I'm guessing TO makes a rap album with Ron Artest before he grows out of his bigoted ways.

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