Ok what gives. When I saw it was in like 700pt font on CNN. Now its kinda gone. Something this major would get major coverage, especially on CNN. Why are they backing off this? Does anyone see that as weird???
Why Stacey Abrams is still saying she won.
I saw that recently you said something like you’d won your election but you just didn’t get to have the job(?) "Yes".... Is there any fear on your part that using that kind of language fans the same flames that President Trump has fanned about delegitimizing our elections? "I see those as very different. Trump is alleging voter fraud, which suggests that people were trying to vote more than once. Trump offers no empirical evidence to meet his claims. I make my claims based on empirical evidence, on a demonstrated pattern of behavior that began with the fact that the person I was dealing with was running the election. If you look at my immediate reaction after the election, I refused to concede."... After her attempts to force a runoff fell short, Abrams ended her campaign for governor with a speech in which she said, ‘‘So let’s be clear — this is not a speech of concession, because concession means to acknowledge an action is right, true or proper.’’ She added, ‘‘Democracy failed Georgians.’’...."It was largely because I could not prove what had happened, but I knew from the calls that we got that something happened. Now, I cannot say that everybody who tried to cast a ballot would’ve voted for me, but if you look at the totality of the information, it is sufficient to demonstrate that so many people were disenfranchised and disengaged by the very act of the person who won the election that I feel comfortable now saying, “I won.”"
By David Marchese April 28, 2019
In terms of long term political strategy, three things are happening here
1) Establishment Democrats have been running on identity politics for four straight general cycles now.
They have cornered themselves into pushing forward a minority woman who is ALREADY A POLITICAL BRAND NAME in the national daily media cycle to headline the 2024 DNC ticket. You can't push systematic racism around every corner and then get away with driving forward Newsom, a frat boy wealthy white privilege archetype raised by the Gettys and protected by nepotism ( Pelosi)
2) The next best option is/was Gavin Newsom. Pushing forward Abrams means A)
Pelosi's power base is waning and many establishment Democrats don't believe she cna make it to 2024. B)
He's had a 2nd scandal cheating on his wife with a staffer. That's two wives and two different incidents gapped apart in time. The first time was his campaign managers wife in SF. Part of the reason he spent so long toiling as Lt Governor was that his optics were bad to push further up. He sabotaged his own political career. A harder push for Abrams means there's more than the 2nd incident. You can get one mulligan with suburban women voters if you bridge some time, you can't spin away multiple in a near time frame. 3)
No one knows where the California COVID19 narrative will go in three years and Newsom is watching over 40+ million in his state. He's also lost Elon Musk, added with Afghanistan that loses him the military establishment on a nation wide basis, and add in inflation and crime plus his previous lockdowns and he's got too many negatives working against him. He's the best of the bench left but it's a very difficult projection.
Michelle Obama privately turned DNC HQ and big corporate juggernaut special interests down and won't be swayed. Without Abrams, the argument then might be one of Hillary Clinton and Gavin Newsom.
Which is basically spitting on all the working class minority voters which are primed to leave them. You have an out of touch psychopath who already lost and people despise who is actually caught on tape laughing at rape victims and her own husband has a history of "alleged" rape. It's basically demanding suburban women voters that lean left to sit out the 2024 election. Or they can focus on a wealthy Plump Jack discount rate wannabe Obama in Newsom who looks and will be perceived as every man who has ever cheated on a liberal woman voter in America across their entire lifetimes. And still basically demanding suburban women voters that lean left to sit out the 2024 election.You need Abrams on the ticket but you can't have her be VP to Clinton nor Newsom. Kamala Harris is still name brand but she self implodes every time she opens her mouth. AOC is a Progressive and The Squad's Anti-Semetic leanings will drive away many big money donors to the GOP.
The constant beating of the J6 drum is happening because it's all the establishment Democrats have left.
"No matter how bad it gets, at least we aren't Donald Trump" That's what they are trying to sell but it's getting real bad out there. That's just not selling to most Americans right now.
What's going on media wise is some desperate needle threading where somehow Jaime Harrison and Susan Rice believe you can somehow
convince the public that the Abrams 2018 Governor race was clearly and irrefutably stolen but not proven but Trump's 2020 general cycle "loss" was clearly and irrefutably NOT stolen and not proven.
A media narrative like that just isn't possible. The more your administration sows endless chaos, the more the average voter will stop being a "low information voter" Half baked lies don't hold up to direct sunlight.
The lesson here is the more you try to cook things, the more it backfires. If Trump just shut his mouth from 2016-2020, he'd be the 2024 favorite right now. All the cooking Clinton tried with the Steele Dossier and the first impeachment and on and on and on is backfiring on her now for 2024. While her chances were already dim, all the post election whining and toxicity she did only makes her look older, more jilted and carrying the same baggage from 2016. Abrams had a fair point in that Brian Kemp was Georgia Secretary Of State at the time and also running for Governor against her. That's a major and legitimate claim she has in her favor. But everything she said and did afterwards only hurt her chances for 2024 too. Susan Rice wanted a "big win" by exiting Afghanistan on a specific date without a plan or any kind of common sense and that backfired to all but eliminate Biden for 2024 ( there are other reasons but that's the heaviest hitter of all of them) Obama juiced judicial standards then Cocaine Mitch retaliated with Merrick Garland, then it shifted to the Kavanaugh mess and then bled into Amy Coney Barrett. Every time someone tried to cook things, it only made the entire situation worse for themselves. Clinton and Obama cooked up how to turf Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard. While I have doubts Sanders would win in 2016, he would have had a better chance than Clinton. And Gabbard, for whatever criticisms people have of her, is EXACTLY the kind of candidate the Party desperately needs right now.
No one needs to thread this ridiculous "
My elections losses were proof of something stolen but your election wins were clearly rigged thus my election wins are the most secure in political history" happy horse #### if people just stopped trying to cook their personal situation beyond reason.
Susan Rice is quite possibly the dumbest politician on the planet today. Her own political legacy is built around enabling genocide in Rwanda. While pushing identity politics non stop today. She's got an entire administration pushing how many black people are dying because of the "system" yet it's quite apparent more black people died because of her "systematic" incompetence than anyone else in the world right now.
Somehow she has to take Stacey Abrams and sell
2015-2020 was nothing but election interference and voting/elections/democracy is at risk of being totally destroyed
2020 general cycle was the purest cleanest election in American political history
2021-2024 goes back to being nothing but election interference and cheating and lying and attacking black people and voting/elections/democracy is at risk ONE MORE to be totally destroyed again.
While tap dancing around how Abrams somehow didn't generate 100 plus million in fund raising off of stolen election claims like Trump did when that's exactly what happened.
What gives? Susan Rice is a complete nimrod, empowered by Barack Obama, and her brand of politics is putting her middle finger in the face of all Americans and try to sell to them that the only reason they should disagree with her is because they are too stupid and racist and bigoted to understand her Sheldon Cooper level social logic.
CNN's ratings are massively down. Some people and some Republicans think that's because Trump is out of office. That's a factor, but what's going on is more and more Americans are looking at their gas receipts and their grocery store shelves and the crime around them and their kids in educational limbo and have made a bigger commitment to empowering themselves with more information about modern American politics. The more you seek beyond the shock marketing clickbait, the more one comes to terms that identity politics is a death sentence for our children and for any hope of functional practical governance.
Here's the boiling water that will cook your noodle - Think about how pathetic a political Party's power base needs to be to make AOC look like the smartest person in the entire room.