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Undocumented Immigrant Thread (1 Viewer)

Just from a conservative point of view I hate this whole idea.  I would have thought that we learned our lesson with Kelo vs. New London on the dangers of the unfettered usage of eminent domain.  Stretching it further is a horrible idea.  (IMO, if we had a constitutional convention addressing Kelo should be #1 on the list).  This is the least conservative action that DJT has proposed; that is a relative ranking as DJT is anything but conservative.

That said, I'm surprised the Feds don't have a right of way along all our land borders.  That tidbit came as a surprise.
The eminent domain law as discussed in Kelo is far from "unfettered."  Although its pretty vague, it appears Trump is talking about the executive's emergency powers.  He uses the term "eminent domain" but we can be pretty certain he has no idea what he is talking about. This most likely has nothing to do with Kelo or traditional notion of eminent domain, which presumably requires some form of local legislative or administrative action.

i just think he will stoke the fires for the fun of it.  His ego is so big he's going to want to see it...
Dead man walking at that point. I think a lot changes after the Mueller Report comes out. At some point, the evidence against Nixon simply became too much.  Not that a large portion of his base won't still believe every word he says, but GOP leaders will start not supporting him.  That's when the landscape will change.

The eminent domain law as discussed in Kelo is far from "unfettered." 
I'm sure this is technically correct, but if you ask those folks whose houses were razed what they think of the grassy field that was once their home I'd bet "unfettered" would be an apt description in their minds.

The eminent domain law as discussed in Kelo is far from "unfettered." 
I'm sure this is technically correct, but if you ask those folks whose houses were razed what they think of the grassy field that was once their home I'd bet "unfettered" would be an apt description in their minds.
And New Orleans, a whole old neighborhood was cleared out for a medical complex.

If we hold the AOC "outrage" as the standard bearer I guess we just need some hysterics on the twitters to confirm "not going quietly".  :P
I will not hold Trump to crazies on twitter.  That, to me, does not affect the orderly transition of power.

Lets see how Trump reacts to not being president, and how he comports himself in relation to the next president.  Its not simply handing over the key to the White House on Inauguration day.  I suspect Trump will not go quietly into the night as previous presidents have done.

I think it is fair play for Trump to question decisions made by the next president - but, any move towards questioning the legitimacy of the next president would be a mark against "the orderly transition" of government.

Ilov80s said:
I am sure that means you send the military and just take it. I wonder what all those live free or die Texans with guns would say to that. 
Some in Texas probably believe they're independent, this would bring more.

Sinn Fein said:
Its presumably in relation to Martial Law - Trump declares National Emergency, uses that as the basis for seizing land to deal with the National Emergency.

It really is much scarier than it sounds.  Because, courts are designed to give great deference to the President when it comes to national security.  So, it will be more difficult - though certainly not impossible - to fight this in the courts.  I am sure that is what Miller is whispering in Trump's ear right now.

SaintsInDome2006 said:
- eta - I guess I just would have thought that a president even mentioning this, to circumvent Congress, but really in any context, would cause a much bigger uproar.
You're just seeing the long game now.

Trump has said so much crazy, stupid things already that many have stopped paying attention.  So now he says this, and a typical reaction is 🤷‍♂️ oh Donald, you so cray.

I would hope the courts would be reasonable and decide any “emergency” event in a similar way of, “I know art when I see art. I know porn when I see porn.” Some drastic emergency for a wall should be looked at as some contrived emergency and not to be taken seriously. I am hopeful. 

I can only imagine how convincing Trump’s address will be. If it’s written by Stephen Miller, you can bet it will be an ugly fear speech. 

Trump looking to do a PR rally tomorrow night where he'll lie again to the public with made up / misleading "facts".  He's losing the battle so he's getting desperate.

He wants to do it in prime time...I hope the networks tell him to go pound sand...

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HE wants the wall...the people of the US by a good majority do not...there are no lies he can tell tomorrow that will change that...concrete vs. steel is a joke.  He'll go on and say the same exact thing he's said for weeks/months.  We need a wall, we need border security, he's said it and America isn't buying it.  He doesn't care and wants to win and thinks his realty TV personality will "win" the country over.  Not a single thing will change and the longer this goes the worse he looks in this situation...especially if it goes beyond Friday when employees are due to be paid....

Just seeing this. Networks are deciding if they are going to give him the airtime I am assuming because they suspect he will spread lies.

Continues to amaze me everyday the situation we are in.
Judd Legum‏Verified account @JuddLegum 26m26 minutes ago

Judd Legum Retweeted Donald J. Trump

Any network that airs this live is knowingly participating in a disinformation campaign

Just seeing this. Networks are deciding if they are going to give him the airtime I am assuming because they suspect he will spread lies.

Continues to amaze me everyday the situation we are in.
Tough position for the networks.  He is the President of the United States and normally you would just air it.

HOWEVER.. it is President Trump.. who has been proven to not be able to tell the truth. And with this weekends proven lies by Sanders.. How do you give him the platform to lie to the American Public ?

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Judd Legum‏Verified account @JuddLegum 26m26 minutes ago

Judd Legum Retweeted Donald J. Trump

Any network that airs this live is knowingly participating in a disinformation campaign
There’s like a 99% chance at least part of this thing will contain lies and we are in danger BS but still it is nuts where we are with the level of distrust and it’s just normal business as usual because everyday  he finds it finds a way to be more absurd.

The Prez asks for airtime, I don’t remember him doing this yet, and networks are like “we’ll think about it”.


In what way do you mean?  An argument that this would be for the public good/public use? (FYI, I'm not a lawyer)
IMO, invoking "normal" eminent domain for this use should be fine.  It is in the public interest.  (Completely different than Kelo where the land was taken with the intent to be given to developers for a development resulting in a higher tax base).

Can't wait to hear about how all of my problems stem from illegal immigration, which has been steadily decreasing for the past 20 years or so.

Tough position for the networks.  He is the President of the United States and normally you would just air it.

HOWEVER.. it is President Trump.. who has been proven to not be able to the truth. And with this weekends proven lies by Sanders.. How do you give him the platform to lie to the American Public ?
The networks denied Obama airtime to talk about immigration reform a few years back.  The reason given then was that the topic was too political.  So, there is some precedent for denying.

I will not hold Trump to crazies on twitter.  That, to me, does not affect the orderly transition of power.

Lets see how Trump reacts to not being president, and how he comports himself in relation to the next president.  Its not simply handing over the key to the White House on Inauguration day.  I suspect Trump will not go quietly into the night as previous presidents have done.

I think it is fair play for Trump to question decisions made by the next president - but, any move towards questioning the legitimacy of the next president would be a mark against "the orderly transition" of government.
I'm not a big fan of former presidents who opine on current presidents.  Or current presidents blaming those who came before. 

Again, a lot of this could be dealt with congress doing their job passing law, and putting an end to making law by way of XO's . Only do be undone by the next executive 

its around the effectiveness of the wall itself. If the wall is not effective - then is it really in the public's interest?
I've never understood the argument that a physical barrier (where it makes sense) wouldn't be effective.  In the areas that physical barriers have been erected crossings have indeed dropped by huge numbers.  If we magically had the same fence the Israelis have on the border our crossings would drop dramatically across the board.

IMO, invoking "normal" eminent domain for this use should be fine.  It is in the public interest.  (Completely different than Kelo where the land was taken with the intent to be given to developers for a development resulting in a higher tax base).
Seriously how is this in the public's interest? 5 billion comes no way close to completing a wall or barrier across the southern border. So what does this accomplish?

I think that is still a very open question.

Most of the criticism of the wall is not around th emoney - its around the effectiveness of the wall itself. If the wall is not effective - then is it really in the public's interest?
Disagree. Just a few years ago 50% of dems were for a wall. This is all a political dance to deny Trump of his biggest campaign promise .

I think the number of "open boarder" Tim like folk is pretty small 

I, for one, hope for a truthful and earnest description containing easily verifiable facts regarding the situation at the wall.  Then I can make an informed decision about the severity of the threat from Mexico.  

IMO, invoking "normal" eminent domain for this use should be fine.  It is in the public interest.  (Completely different than Kelo where the land was taken with the intent to be given to developers for a development resulting in a higher tax base).
Thanks, Sand. I’m not sure the public interest can be proven so easily, but I agree—as a layman—that the “normal” eminent domain is all that would be applicable or necessary here. Declaring a national emergency to take the land would be a terrible misuse of executive power. 

Personally, I think trump realizes that he would lose regular eminent domain arguments in court. There’s too much conflicting data and information to establish the need to do so, imo.

Disagree. Just a few years ago 50% of dems were for a wall. This is all a political dance to deny Trump of his biggest campaign promise .

I think the number of "open boarder" Tim like folk is pretty small 
Which Dems were for a 38 billion dollar wall?  How many years ago is a "few"?    I agree they Democrats are trying to denounce Trump's second biggest campaign promise.  His first though, was Lock Her Up!  

But yeah, they are denying him his vanity wall, of course.  If the Dems were for it, does that mean the Republicans were against it?  Why have they come around? 

Thanks, Sand. I’m not sure the public interest can be proven so easily, but I agree—as a layman—that the “normal” eminent domain is all that would be applicable or necessary here. Declaring a national emergency to take the land would be a terrible misuse of executive power. 

Personally, I think trump realizes that he would lose regular eminent domain arguments in court. There’s too much conflicting data and information to establish the need to do so, imo.
I think the National Security angle would allow for military funds to be used on the wall. 

Yeah, I saw that. But you're talking about "My predecessor helped create an environment that led to the formation of ISIS" vs. "He created ISIS. And he wasn't born here. Plus I invented the question mark."

How about we get a rail for the southern border.   And on that rail will be a 20 foot section of wall.  And we have a guy that monitors the southern border and just moves the section directly in front of people when they are trying to cross.  Fool proof.  A sliding wall.

How about we get a rail for the southern border.   And on that rail will be a 20 foot section of wall.  And we have a guy that monitors the southern border and just moves the section directly in front of people when they are trying to cross.  Fool proof.  A sliding wall.
Or better yet, we can create a giant obstacle course like on American Ninja and if they can make it through, then we'll turn them into Navy Seals and they can earn their citizenship that way.

Which Dems were for a 38 billion dollar wall?  How many years ago is a "few"?    I agree they Democrats are trying to denounce Trump's second biggest campaign promise.  His first though, was Lock Her Up!  

But yeah, they are denying him his vanity wall, of course.  If the Dems were for it, does that mean the Republicans were against it?  Why have they come around? 
26 dems voted for the smaller scale Fence Act of 2016 

Here's hoping our President lays down the law to Congress.  My guess is that Democrats will be left outraged and dumbfounded.  He may very well announce a state of emergency and order the start of the wall.  

He should also decline Pelosi's invitation to give the State of the Union before Congress and give it from the oval office instead to the American People.  


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