actually, it was some low-level trolling on my part as I don't see the point in so ardently pointing to last year's model when so many things have changed since last year. do I think Vereen is going to take the exact role Woodhead left? not sure. Do I think the changes in personnel on the offence will increase his role this year to the point where he's a viable fantasy contributor? fo' sho'. which is why a bunch of us drafted him. I don't care to argue about it, though, because we can probably just watch it work itself out.Typically, the purpose of asking a rhetorical question is to make a point. Doesn't take a genius to figure out what that point was here.It's just not a very good point, for the reason I explained.I don't think I made an argument in here, brohan. just posed the same question twice.The fallacy in your argumentthis might have slipped through when asked earlier. since we are discussing last year and such, how many touches do you think Woodhead is taking from Vereen from here on out?
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