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Which items do you prefer the low-end form of? (1 Viewer)

Gary Coal Man

Say that the amount of money you’d spend is the exact same for what is considered the high-end of an item or art form as opposed to the low-end form that product.  So price is not a factor.  

Are there any things that you legitimately prefer what is commonly considered the lesser form of that product, art, etc.?  For instance, I don’t want a high-end restaurant crab cake that’s nearly all crab meat.  I actually prefer a low-end crab cake with filler.

Other possible examples include:

- Fast food fries over steak house fries

- Budweiser or Miller over craft beers

- Mindless blockbusters over arthouse films

- Trashy women over cultured women


 For instance, I don’t want a high-end restaurant crab cake that’s nearly all crab meat.  I actually prefer a low-end crab cake with filler.
What kind of crab cakes are you eating? Those damned hush puppy things that are served in many regions?

Scott 1000 toilet paper.

It lasts so much longer than the fancy Charmin brands.  
Nothing says "I have zero regard for the #######s of my guests" like spooling up a roll of that one-ply, see-through, sorry excuse for tp. If you're not serving serving gourmet food and top shelf liquor to compensate I'm clogging your toilet and leaving without saying goodbye.

What kind of crab cakes are you eating? Those damned hush puppy things that are served in many regions?
I live in the Chesapeake area so low-end crab cakes are abound. And, yes, the ones with kind of a brown crust as opposed to pure light meat.

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Nothing says "I have zero regard for the #######s of my guests" like spooling up a roll of that one-ply, see-through, sorry excuse for tp. If you're not serving serving gourmet food and top shelf liquor to compensate I'm clogging your toilet and leaving without saying goodbye.
Maybe his guests are the type to steal the good stuff. Bet you never considered that.

Nothing says "I have zero regard for the #######s of my guests" like spooling up a roll of that one-ply, see-through, sorry excuse for tp. If you're not serving serving gourmet food and top shelf liquor to compensate I'm clogging your toilet and leaving without saying goodbye.
Kind of an ironic post because you'd have a much easier time of clogging my toilet if you used that thick ### Charmin TP.

You're wiping your butt.  You don't need a winter comforter to do it.

Grilled cheese sandwich.

I could go to a place that makes some artisan type grilled cheese with four different kinds of cheese on it. But just give me a couple of slices of American.

I live in the Chesapeake area so low-end crab cakes are abound. And, yes, the ones with kind of a brown crust as opposed to pure light meat.
Oh, ok. I saw Indiana by your user name and thought you may be eating those abominations I mentioned. 

I grew up on the Chesapeake. I like a little filler - helps hold it together. Hell, the recipe on an Old Bay can works perfectly fine. 

Except for mostly having beater cars - bought one new w musicbiz $ 45 yrs ago, totalled it 6 wks; got a cherry Eldo convertible cuz my future wife wouldnt ride in my car & i made a Derby futures score, but that's it - and feeling that folks spend waaaay too much for too little difference on alcohol, i'm kind of a frontrunner

Not that I use a ton of it, but I prefer cheap pancake syrup like Aunt Jemima or Mrs Butterworth's over the watery high priced "real" maple syrup.

For the summertime, basic Bud Light-level beer. 

When it is hot, I want to be refreshed. 

I will hit the Bass/IPA/better beers in the winter when it is cooler out. 

They want to convince themselves that they drink for the taste and not the buzz.
yeah, i believe in finding what you like and paying what you gotta, but i find more conceit than any other factor in epicurean ways - tweezer dishes, smokiest malts & the like


I mean yea a cuban cohiba sounds good and I've had em but im no cigar connoisseur.  Give me the JR cuban alternative and I'm fine

Wine.  I have no idea what I am doing with regards to wine so as long as I like the taste I really don't care if it is the cheap stuff.  You could give me a blind taste test and I probably pick out the low end stuff every time. 

Wine.  I have no idea what I am doing with regards to wine so as long as I like the taste I really don't care if it is the cheap stuff.  You could give me a blind taste test and I probably pick out the low end stuff every time. 
...and does not give you that morning after wine hangover. But, yes.

KFC Cole Slaw. 

When slaw is done right it's great, but 90% do slaw wrong. KFC doesn't do it great, but since they do it better than 90% I'll take the single rather than swinging for the fences knowing I'll probably just strike out. 

Having written that I spose you could say single Mac felt the same about the below.

- Trashy women over cultured women

Grilled cheese sandwich.

I could go to a place that makes some artisan type grilled cheese with four different kinds of cheese on it. But just give me a couple of slices of American.
This isn't even cheese. You don't need super expensive, but a couple slices of any real store-brand cheese and you are better off. My preference is Pepper Jack. Melts nicely, and yummy little kick.

I'm reminded of this since I bought a 2-pack of it at Target last night.... body wash.

Specifically, I've been on an Irish Spring kick.  The "Moisture Blast" variety.  It's cheap and smells awesome.... and the scent lasts.

I have fairly sensitive skin and despite being cheap it doesn't make me itchy at all.

Grilled cheese sandwich.

I could go to a place that makes some artisan type grilled cheese with four different kinds of cheese on it. But just give me a couple of slices of American.
French bread, English muffin, German chocolate cake and America gets a slab of congealed orange goo wrapped in cellophane as American cheese.

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This isn't even cheese. You don't need super expensive, but a couple slices of any real store-brand cheese and you are better off. My preference is Pepper Jack. Melts nicely, and yummy little kick.
Are we mixing up the kraft singles with actual american cheese bought from the deli counter like land o lakes b/c they aren't remotely the same?

This isn't even cheese. You don't need super expensive, but a couple slices of any real store-brand cheese and you are better off. My preference is Pepper Jack. Melts nicely, and yummy little kick.
Are we mixing up the kraft singles with actual american cheese bought from the deli counter like land o lakes b/c they aren't remotely the same?
When I hear 'American Cheese' I think "Pasteurized Processed Cheese Food" like you see on Kraft Singles or a Store-Brand. Not sure how much difference there is between deli American and prepackaged American.

Also wonder what the difference in price between deli-bought American and a prepackaged store-brand cheese, like a mozzarella or pepper jack.

When I hear 'American Cheese' I think "Pasteurized Processed Cheese Food" like you see on Kraft Singles or a Store-Brand. Not sure how much difference there is between deli American and prepackaged American.

Also wonder what the difference in price between deli-bought American and a prepackaged store-brand cheese, like a mozzarella or pepper jack.
I'm not a fan of American cheese but when it's the only option, well then...

That being said, I can certainly tell the difference between Kraft and a deli-bought version.

When I hear 'American Cheese' I think "Pasteurized Processed Cheese Food" like you see on Kraft Singles or a Store-Brand. Not sure how much difference there is between deli American and prepackaged American.

Also wonder what the difference in price between deli-bought American and a prepackaged store-brand cheese, like a mozzarella or pepper jack.
I'm not a fan of American cheese but when it's the only option, well then...

That being said, I can certainly tell the difference between Kraft and a deli-bought version.
The best way to solve this problem is to make it not an option. Just don't buy it! If it ain't there, you can't eat it! ;)

One of the benefits to my doing all of the grocery shopping in our house!!

The Kraft Deli slices melt like real cheese. The Kraft regular slices melt like the plastic wrappers they come in.


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