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Will There Be A Second Debate? (1 Viewer)

Who Bails?

  • Biden

    Votes: 28 37.8%
  • Trump

    Votes: 16 21.6%
  • The Network/Commission

    Votes: 30 40.5%

  • Total voters

I don't think Biden "bails," but I bet he refuses to sit through that $hit show again.  


I don't think Biden "bails," but I bet he refuses to sit through that $hit show again.  
Id support him making a release saying that was a disaster for the American people.  I will give a series of 30 minute speeches on the topics that would be covered during future debates and posting them online (get someone to cover them live as well) or hold town hall type of events to cover the topics.  Explain that nobody wins when two candidates just speak over each other and the moderator.

Fingers crossed that there aren't any more. That was maybe the worst thing I've ever seen, and I watched every game of the Lions' 0-16 season. 

Id support him making a release saying that was a disaster for the American people.  I will give a series of 30 minute speeches on the topics that would be covered during future debates and posting them online (get someone to cover them live as well) or hold town hall type of events to cover the topics.  Explain that nobody wins when two candidates just speak over each other and the moderator.
I think not doing it once "proves" that Biden's age or "dementia" or whatever is being hidden.  

He got through it without looking mentally incompetent.  He proved what he needed to.  And this was such an epic disaster, I don't think cancelling the rest will cost him a single vote.

There will be, and it will be equally pointless.

Simply put, neither one of them can pull out of it. Biden wont do it because the spin will be that he's weak. Trump wont do it because he LOVES having a forum to shout directly at his opponent.

I still have no idea why anyone cares about "winning the debates". The skills required to debate are in no way related to the skills required to effectively govern.

If they have another one I bet they do this.
They would have to have both sides agree to it, and have a feeling one side won't agree to that stipulation.

I don't think Trump cares that he came off badly by constantly interrupting. I think Biden is caught in a tough spot -- needs to show firm resolve but likely regrets using words like "clown" and "shut up" (though IMO they needed to be said).

If Biden agrees to another debate there is no way Trump will adhere to decorom.

If Biden refuses to do a debate, it will be painted as weak and running scared.

It's a no-win situation and think the Biden camp has no other recourse but to forge ahead with another debate.

I'm not sure I could stand watching another s show like that again. The clear loser was the American people.

I would be interested in seeing a ratings comparison of the two.  No way I am going to watch another one.  It was so cringey I felt like I was a 15 year old watching Borat with my parents or something.  Like I actually felt uncomfortable watching.

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Of course there will be a 2nd debate. Both candidates need it, but for vastly different reasons. Trump needs to make a knockout blow, while Biden needs to play defense. Neither can afford to back out.

Next up is Harris vs Pence. Moderated by Susan Page.

Then in Miami, moderated by Steve Schully of CSpan: The debate will take the form of a town meeting, in which the questions will be posed by citizens from the South Florida area. The candidates will have two minutes to respond to each question, and there will be an additional minute for the moderator to facilitate further discussion. The town meeting participants will be uncommitted voters selected under the supervision of Frank Newport, a senior scientist at Gallup.

Then in Nashville, with Kristen Welker. Same  format as tonight.

Only by those who weren’t going to vote for him anyway.
Likely very true. I am worried about the ones who were undecided coming into this debate and just got sick of watching this and are dissuaded by voting for either. 

Of course there will be a 2nd debate. Both candidates need it, but for vastly different reasons. Trump needs to make a knockout blow, while Biden needs to play defense. Neither can afford to back out.
I don't think Trump or his camp cares for a true substantive knock out blow as opposed to more disruption and bluster which to them might look like strength regardless if it's coherent or not.

I think Biden is in a tough spot because playing defense could mean being calm and rational and seeing like he isn't standing up to bluster, or he loses his cool and is painted as unhinged.

You expect political debates to be full of hot air. This was truly the lowest point of political discourse I've seen in a long, long time.

I'm really surprised by the results of the poll.  I commented in the debate thread that if I were Biden I wouldn't do another one but I don't think that will happen just what I would do.  I'm surprised this many people think this will be the only one.

I'm really surprised by the results of the poll.  I commented in the debate thread that if I were Biden I wouldn't do another one but I don't think that will happen just what I would do.  I'm surprised this many people think this will be the only one.
You have to consider the sheer number of Trump supporters who honestly believed that Biden would back out of the first debate; people who badly misinterpreted Nancy Pelosi's quotes as some sort of fear for Biden rather than contempt for the process. Those guys are doubling down.

I'll tune in to the second one if Samuel L Jackson is the moderator.

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Id support him making a release saying that was a disaster for the American people.  I will give a series of 30 minute speeches on the topics that would be covered during future debates and posting them online (get someone to cover them live as well) or hold town hall type of events to cover the topics.  Explain that nobody wins when two candidates just speak over each other and the moderator.
Exactly this. It's easy to spin it as he wants to address the issues. 

Meanwhile, if people weren't turned off by political #### fighting before, most are now. 

The results of the poll suggests even the people in here know Biden isnt up for this fight. 
Or, people think Biden is better than that #### show of a "debate" 

We should all be embarrassed that we're here, but Trumpites never had any conscience anyway.  

TLEF316 said:
I still have no idea why anyone cares about "winning the debates". The skills required to debate are in no way related to the skills required to effectively govern.
These things should be abolished.  They make our nation collectively stupider by turning government into a football game.  As someone who watches a lot of football but avoids the hell out of political debates, it's hard not to notice how blue fans and red fans approach debates exactly the same way I approach Bills games. IMO, that's fine for sports -- it's a harmless form of escapism that gets some of the tribalism out of your system.  It's very bad for government though.

Maybe there was a time when debates made sense, but they've clearly outlived their usefulness.  

These things should be abolished.  They make our nation collectively stupider by turning government into a football game.  As someone who watches a lot of football but avoids the hell out of political debates, it's hard not to notice how blue fans and red fans approach debates exactly the same way I approach Bills games. IMO, that's fine for sports -- it's a harmless form of escapism that gets some of the tribalism out of your system.  It's very bad for government though.

Maybe there was a time when debates made sense, but they've clearly outlived their usefulness.  
I agree but really only after last night - that was a complete circus and only the hyper-partisan would disagree that it’s exactly what Trump wanted and started.  There should be no more debates in this cycle.  I have no real issue if they bring them back during the next cycle.  There’s much bigger issues that cause tribalism than 3 debates every four years.

These things should be abolished.  They make our nation collectively stupider by turning government into a football game.  As someone who watches a lot of football but avoids the hell out of political debates, it's hard not to notice how blue fans and red fans approach debates exactly the same way I approach Bills games. IMO, that's fine for sports -- it's a harmless form of escapism that gets some of the tribalism out of your system.  It's very bad for government though.

Maybe there was a time when debates made sense, but they've clearly outlived their usefulness.  
I disagree.

Civil debates still hold value.  An honest exchange of ideas on policies is good for the process.

What we witnessed last night - was glorified Professional Wrestling.  If that is what debates will be - then no, get rid of them.

But we can, and should, demand better of our political candidates.  We should be able to have conversations where we disagree, even vehemently, but still have some sense of civility and decorum on this stage.  This isn't the 3rd Grade Play-ground.

I disagree.

Civil debates still hold value.  An honest exchange of ideas on policies is good for the process.
Political debates are pretty much the complete opposite of an honest exchange of ideas.  Even under the best of circumstances, they're just two people trading talking points to win over an audience.  I agree that it requires skill to practice sophistry at a high level, but it's not exactly noble or enlightening.

Stompin' Tom Connors said:
Likely very true. I am worried about the ones who were undecided coming into this debate and just got sick of watching this and are dissuaded by voting for either. 
This was my thinking too. 

I saw a tweet yesterday saying he'd rather do just about anything than watch the debate.

I thought that was kind of hyperbole.

15 minutes in, i was agreeing with him. I turned it off.

I know part of it is just how I am and I value seeking peace but that legit made me uncomfortable. I so wish the election were today and we get past this part. 

I saw a tweet yesterday saying he'd rather do just about anything than watch the debate.

I thought that was kind of hyperbole.

15 minutes in, i was agreeing with him. I turned it off.

I know part of it is just how I am and I value seeking peace but that legit made me uncomfortable. I so wish the election were today and we get past this part. 
I DVR’d it as I was unable to watch it live.  After reading everyone’s reaction to it, I’ll probably just delete it.

tonydead said:
The results of the poll suggests even the people in here know Biden isnt up for this fight. 
Last night plus the actual comments are showing people know Biden is up for it...but doesn't mean he should take part in that type of trainwreck again (pretty much exactly what Pelosi was talking about when saying Biden shouldn't even debate him at all).

Imagine being someone under 18 watching that mess last night and mustering up any energy to participate in the political process going forward.

Imagine being someone under 18 watching that mess last night and mustering up any energy to participate in the political process going forward.
Yeah, this is the part that just saddens me.

I have three kids: 15. 12, and 10. They each tried to watch parts of the debate because I encouraged them to start to learn about the process of the election season and that it is good to be informed.

The impression that was left on them will last a while, and it certainly won't stop with the next debate. Or the one after. And now, think about the millions of kids who may have gotten an assignment from school this week to watch the debate and write a report as part of a government, history, or social studies class.

Those two men should be embarrassed about how they behaved. And as an American populace we should be embarrassed:

1. Because we allowed Trump to make it to power in the first place

2. Because Biden is the best we could come up with to restore some decorum and civility in just political interaction

No wonder America is so divided. It saddens me. Terribly. 

 As someone who watches a lot of football but avoids the hell out of political debates, it's hard not to notice how blue fans and red fans approach debates exactly the same way I approach Bills games.
It sure is. Even this part:

I DVR’d it as I was unable to watch it live.  After reading everyone’s reaction to it, I’ll probably just delete it.
I totally relate, as it's something I've said and done with too many Giants games over the last few years.   :(

it's hard not to notice how blue fans and red fans approach debates exactly the same way I approach Bills games.
You mean they drink to excess and jump through folding tables for about 4 hours before the debate, spend the first half of the debate screaming about how <insert candidate/opposing player> sucks and <insert coach/national committee> doesn't know how to call plays, then pass out during the second half?

####, I gotta start watching debates.

A mute button controlled by Chris Wallace is the only thing that could have helped last night. Biden should insist on one for any other debates. At the control of the moderator, if a candidate is excessively interrupting during the other candidate's 2 minutes. Trump would refuse to allow that, there would be no further debates, and Biden could paint Trump as the one who is too scared for a real debate.

You mean they drink to excess and jump through folding tables for about 4 hours before the debate, spend the first half of the debate screaming about how <insert candidate/opposing player> sucks and <insert coach/national committee> doesn't know how to call plays, then pass out during the second half?

####, I gotta start watching debates.


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