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***Official Donald J. Trump Impeachment (Whistleblower) Thread*** (5 Viewers)

I have confidence @JohnnyU will use this new-found information to recognize Trump isn't being honest. From this point forward, he will know Trump is lying when he says  Democrats are too focused on impeachment to get anything done.

Knowing this, Johnny will now wonder, "what else has Trump been lying to me about?".
There are more moving parts than just Trump.

I think one of the great ironies here is that Trump has gone full conspiracy nut on the idea that Ukraine was trying to keep him from being elected - so much so, that Ukraine might be what keeps him from being re-elected.

Is there anywhere that shows which of those bills received Republican support?

I ask because a bill being passed by either party isn't necessarily a good one on the whole. Any given bill could have massive flaws or be stuffed with pork. I'm sure there are bills among those listed that received bipartisan support and it's those that McConnell should absolutely draw ire from all for sitting on.

Is there anywhere that shows which of those bills received Republican support?

I ask because a bill being passed by either party isn't necessarily a good one on the whole. Any given bill could have massive flaws or be stuffed with pork. I'm sure there are bills among those listed that received bipartisan support and it's those that McConnell should absolutely draw ire from all for sitting on.

Clearly you do not understand.

Step 1: House passes a bill 

Step 2: Senate Majority Leader brings the bill to the floor for discussion

Step 3: During discussion the bill can be amended or voted on as is.

Step 4: If passed without amendments it goes to the President’s desk. If there are amendments, it goes back to the House.

Step 5: The House can either pass the Senate bill, make amendments or get together with the Senate and figure out a compromise between the two bills. This process continues until the same bill passed both the House and the Senate:

Step 6: It goes to the President to either sign into law or veto.

All of these bills are stuck in step 2 and you’re asking why step 5 and 6 haven’t happened.
We're at step 2. Only Mitch can advance it.

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There are more moving parts than just Trump.
That’s true: there is also: 

1. Mitch McConnell

2. Republican Senators 

3. Right wing talk show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham, who label any Republican willing to work on a bipartisan basis with Democrats as “RINOs” and have successfully “primaried” several of them in the last decade or so, leading to an atmosphere in which it is toxic for a Republican to agree with a Democrat on anything. 

Is there anywhere that shows which of those bills received Republican support?

I ask because a bill being passed by either party isn't necessarily a good one on the whole. Any given bill could have massive flaws or be stuffed with pork. I'm sure there are bills among those listed that received bipartisan support and it's those that McConnell should absolutely draw ire from all for sitting on.
Please explain what this has to do with the argument that the Democrats are the “do nothing” Party. 

Please explain what this has to do with the argument that the Democrats are the “do nothing” Party. 
I'm not making that argument. I frankly find them both to be do nothing parties. What I'm trying to find out is if there was common ground in the House that McConnell has chosen to stonewall. Because that's even worse to me than simply trying to paint a do nothing narrative on the opposition.

Is there anywhere that shows which of those bills received Republican support?

I ask because a bill being passed by either party isn't necessarily a good one on the whole. Any given bill could have massive flaws or be stuffed with pork. I'm sure there are bills among those listed that received bipartisan support and it's those that McConnell should absolutely draw ire from all for sitting on.
I you want to vote in 2020, but were never given a ballot, or a place to vote, or even who a list of the candidates, would you be able to vote?

Would you be okay with someone saying it's your fault because you failed to vote, or voted at the wrong place, or voted for candidate that wasn't on the ballot?

To be fair - I think this took place before the Trump call with Zelensky.

Its possible that Trump already had Barr investigating Biden by then - but the phone call is not clear on that.
Well that snip was from May 1st and I’m pretty sure it was an interview from the first or second week of May that Lutsenko said he was sending the income info to DOJ, which is pretty close in time and I take it would have been in answer to an earlier request.

HOUSE Republicans people. I know Senate Rs and Ds aren't even getting the chance to vote on these.

If some of these bills passed in the HOUSE were passed with Republican support, then McConnell sitting on those bills is even worse than simply stonewalling everything that lands on his desk. 

I'm not making that argument. I frankly find them both to be do nothing parties. What I'm trying to find out is if there was common ground in the House that McConnell has chosen to stonewall. Because that's even worse to me than simply trying to paint a do nothing narrative on the opposition.
OK. Well for the purpose of this thread I’m not interested in that discussion. I was interested in Trump’s false labeling of the Democrats. 

Not really.  Trump is the reason McConnell is sitting on all the legislation, and not working on compromises with the House.
Trump plays a big role but I think it is more complicated than that. McConnell's primary focus is to retain majority in the Senate and that means providing cover for other republican senators. He doesn't want to put them into position to be on the record with a yes/no vote on, for example, background checks that have 85% public support. The topic is a catch 22 for a party who is so reliant on NRA backing/donations. This is much broader political strategy to go into 2020 with half truth slogans about what little the House has accomplished by investigating Trump (without focus on why) and Senators up for re-election who didn't make any controversial vote because they were protected by McConnell.   

OK. Well for the purpose of this thread I’m not interested in that discussion.
Of course not. You're only interested in discussing the narrative that all of those bills are great bills that would benefit Americans and McConnell is stomping them all down.

I'd like to get more to the heart of the matter which is - which of those bills are truly solid bills with bipartisan House support that McConnell is obstructing?

Because your scenario has been going on since the formation of this country by every side of the aisle to the other. When bipartisan bills get blocked that's when we've really taken another step further to the worse.

Of course not. You're only interested in discussing the narrative that all of those bills are great bills that would benefit Americans and McConnell is stomping them all down.

I'd like to get more to the heart of the matter which is - which of those bills are truly solid bills with bipartisan House support that McConnell is obstructing?

Because your scenario has been going on since the formation of this country by every side of the aisle to the other. When bipartisan bills get blocked that's when we've really taken another step further to the worse.
I think Tim’s point is this is the wrong thread for that conversation 

HOUSE Republicans people. I know Senate Rs and Ds aren't even getting the chance to vote on these.

If some of these bills passed in the HOUSE were passed with Republican support, then McConnell sitting on those bills is even worse than simply stonewalling everything that lands on his desk. 
So you're ok with stonewalling all bills from the opposition party? Yes, some bills had bipartisian support but that shouldn't matter. Mitch is bringing NOTHING to the floor of the Senate. Including some gun reform measures. But Trump just bloviates about the Dems being too focused on impeachment to do their jobs - which is just not true. And its NOT the Dems job to pass only bills with Republican support. They were voted in as the majority so they ARE doing the work of the people who voted them in.

Of course not. You're only interested in discussing the narrative that all of those bills are great bills that would benefit Americans and McConnell is stomping them all down.

I'd like to get more to the heart of the matter which is - which of those bills are truly solid bills with bipartisan House support that McConnell is obstructing?

Because your scenario has been going on since the formation of this country by every side of the aisle to the other. When bipartisan bills get blocked that's when we've really taken another step further to the worse.
The point...he is obstructing everything.

And ot was brought up because of talk from Trump that the Democrats are do nothing.  Nobody claimed they were all great bulls.  Just that McConnell and the GOP are holding them up from even being discussed.  A fact you can't refute.

Then why did y'all spend the entire last page talking about all those bills not being passed.

No, I think my assessment of why Tim doesn't want to discuss my question is spot on.
No. It’s a dumb point because most of the “bipartisanship” comes from the senate and house working towards a compromise bill. But when the Senate won’t even try - there is no bipartisanship. 

You're all so blinded with blood lust that you can't even see that I'm trying to find out if there's something even more egregious that McConnell is doing than what you're pinning on him.

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No. It’s a dumb point because most of the “bipartisanship” comes from the senate and house working towards a compromise bill. But when the Senate won’t even try - there is no bipartisanship. 
So are you assuming that not one of those dozens of bills got Republican House support when they passed there?

You're all so blinded with blood lust that you can't even see that I'm trying to find out if there's something even more egregious that McConnell is doing that what you're pinning on him.
What's more egregious than the Senate Majority proclaiming he is where bills go to die? You're being obtuse.

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I don’t think we need to get into the weeds on what “things of value” are. 

The main reason why this scandal is going to lead to impeachment is because it’s easy for the public to understand, unlike the Mueller stuff. People get exactly what Trump was trying to do here. If Trump’s defenders try to argue the definition of “things of value”, or offer any other kind of legalese type of argument, they’re going to lose. 

Of course not. You're only interested in discussing the narrative that all of those bills are great bills that would benefit Americans and McConnell is stomping them all down.

I'd like to get more to the heart of the matter which is - which of those bills are truly solid bills with bipartisan House support that McConnell is obstructing?

Because your scenario has been going on since the formation of this country by every side of the aisle to the other. When bipartisan bills get blocked that's when we've really taken another step further to the worse.
In the House, I blame gerrymandering for this.  There are too many seats that are in heavily red or heavily blue districts.  If the candidates don't stay to a extreme, they face backlash.  Now imagine there were more purple districts where only a moderate could win -- not anyone too liberal or too conservative.  These moderates would be able to work together much better to find compromise and pass moderate bills.  

Stonewalling bills that his own party backed in the lower chamber.
Which he is doing as well. Anyway, all of this discussion was to dispel the notion that the Dems are too focused on impeachment to do their jobs - they aren't, Trump just doesn't like what they're doing. He lies. And his followers just take him at his word.

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In the House, I blame gerrymandering for this.  There are too many seats that are in heavily red or heavily blue districts.  If the candidates don't stay to a extreme, they face backlash.  Now imagine there were more purple districts where only a moderate could win -- not anyone too liberal or too conservative.  These moderates would be able to work together much better to find compromise and pass moderate bills.  
Both parties are so flawed that when they actually agree on something, it's theoretically something worthy of passage. If some of those House bills listed match that description and Mitch is blocking them simply to provide Trump the "do nothing Congress" defense, then to me that's far worse than what's being discussed here. But I'm not going to sit here and assume all of those bills are worth a darn either.

Which he is doing as well. Anyway, all of this discussion was to dispel the notion that the Dems are too focused on impeachment to do their jobs - they aren't, Trump just doesn't like what they're doing. He lies. And his followers just take him at his word.
Exactly.  As I posted earlier,  they got a nice little scam going on here. Mitch won't bring anything to a vote, the president gets to tweet the Democratic house is a do nothing and the Republicans nod their heads in agreement. 

Amazing how Trump supporters want to talk about anything besides the facts that Trump has asked multiple countries to go after a political opponent. 
Unsure if referring to me, but I sure as heck didn't start this discussion and I sure as heck won't give two sheets if Trump is no longer our President prior to being voted out. I just want it done the right way.

Of course not. You're only interested in discussing the narrative that all of those bills are great bills that would benefit Americans and McConnell is stomping them all down.

I'd like to get more to the heart of the matter which is - which of those bills are truly solid bills with bipartisan House support that McConnell is obstructing?
Are you suggesting it is Joe public's job to do the type of assessment of a House Bill rather than having the Senate formally do that which is its job to do? There's no doubt there are partisan components in Bills passed by a House controlled by one party. That's always been the case. Those Bills are discussed, contested, modified, and elected representatives are forced to take stands which can cost them their job (if their stances don't carry out the wishes of those they represent). Any suggestion that Bills must not be partisan to be put on the Senate floor for debate seems like a world where literally nothing ever gets done by elected officials not doing their job, and no election consequences for it. 

I found this podcast pretty interesting.  I know Jimmy Dore is not really held in high regard with a lot of folks here.  I think that is kind of strange as far left as he leans.  I really like him though even though our views on politics are  on the opposite sides of the spectrum he cuts no one any slack.  Anyway this is his take on the whole Ukraine deal.  It's almost an hour long so give it a listen when you have time.


Exactly.  As I posted earlier,  they got a nice little scam going on here. Mitch won't bring anything to a vote, the president gets to tweet the Democratic house is a do nothing and the Republicans nod their heads in agreement. 
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Footballguys debates about this issue summed up.

I'm not sure how much research the questioner did about the topic she is attempting to catch others about. These types of interviews also demonstrate that young people do little to no research when it comes to their own government. Then, we get people like the questioner as well as Tomi Lauren. Ah, to be young again.


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