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10 Things Most Americans don't know about America (1 Viewer)

Nothing political about this. When you label anything you disagree with as “ politics” it just means you are a fool.
From the article:

"Despite the occasional eye-rolling, and complete inability to understand why anyone would vote for George W. Bush (twice)," is not why we're here.

Being implied a fool by a fella who has wasted his potential, has an existential crisis every week or so, refuses to listen to advice and is the biggest joke on the forum since Eminence is the best complement I'll get all day.

From the article:

"Despite the occasional eye-rolling, and complete inability to understand why anyone would vote for George W. Bush (twice)," is not why we're here.

Being implied a fool by a fella who has wasted his potential, has an existential crisis every week or so, refuses to listen to advice and is the biggest joke on the forum since Eminence is the best complement I'll get all day.
You are unable to sift the informational wheat from the chaff?

A fool is incapable of seeing all sides of the picture.

You only have power over people as long as you don't take everything away from them. But when you've robbed a man of everything, he's no longer in your power—he's free again.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

This was an example of how worldview and hasty generalizations can lead one to an uninteresting and uninformed article.  

Stupid list
Why? Just because you don't agree with the premise? Most of his points, I've experienced first hand. Our view of ourselves as a country vs what the rest of the world thinks of us (when they do) is very different. There's a reason why we get labeled 'ugly americans'. 

Why? Just because you don't agree with the premise? Most of his points, I've experienced first hand. Our view of ourselves as a country vs what the rest of the world thinks of us (when they do) is very different. There's a reason why we get labeled 'ugly americans'. 
the rest of the world can kiss my hairy American ?? ### 


Why? Just because you don't agree with the premise? Most of his points, I've experienced first hand. Our view of ourselves as a country vs what the rest of the world thinks of us (when they do) is very different. There's a reason why we get labeled 'ugly americans'. 
Because it's a asinine sweeping generalization with no way to quantify it.

I was hoping for a fun facts article :kicksrock:

Chicago is the birthplace to the ferris wheel

The Statue of Liberty technically is located in New Jersey

Philadelphia was the first capital of the US

Miniature golf was invented in Georgia

Although grizzly bears are the state animal of California, they haven't been residents of the state in almost a century

Things like that...

I was hoping for a fun facts article :kicksrock:

Chicago is the birthplace to the ferris wheel

The Statue of Liberty technically is located in New Jersey

Philadelphia was the first capital of the US

Miniature golf was invented in Georgia

Although grizzly bears are the state animal of California, they haven't been residents of the state in almost a century

Things like that...

not enough self-loathing/flagellation goin' on up in there.


No  :cry: at all, just reflection. Let's just appreciate we see our country and culture differently.  :banned:
how do you know for sure that we see things differently? we may be a lot closer than you are allowing here.  

i will agree with the   :banned: , of course. 

the article states that other countries don't care about Americans. but as an American, I fail to acknowledge other countries. so it's a wash.

Meh.  Some truthiness to it but these are hardly facts.  There are a lot of blanket statements and strawman arguments.  You could probably write a similar article about France or Spain or England.

Should rename the article to 5 things the author didn't know because he's a moron and 5 things the author is wrong about because he is a moron.

And factually inaccurate.  The Russians didn't "mostly beat Hitler".  Revisionist history.
How so?  Germany lost significantly more troops, resources, and machinery in the East than the West.  If Hitler doesn't invade Russia, we don't sniff a conventional victory in Europe.

How so?  Germany lost significantly more troops, resources, and machinery in the East than the West.  If Hitler doesn't invade Russia, we don't sniff a conventional victory in Europe.
I'm familiar - Stalingrad, tank battle in Kursk, etc. 

Germany lost because of multiple reasons - war on 3 fronts, getting pinned and pouring resources into places like Stalingrad, the Americans breaking the Atlantic blockade and delivering massive amounts of supplies to the eastern European theater.  I disagree with the "mostly" comment. 

Brilliant rebuttal. Really, top notch. 
I don't have all day to address each one, but I'll skip over the low hanging fruit like Americans think we are overall healthy, I mean we had a first lady that made it her mission to address CHILDHOOD obesity for Christ sake.  Instead I'll go with how fascinated this this guy was with because someone in a foreign country figured out how to install wifi and a disco ball in his taxi as compared to technology in the US.   :lmao:


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