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Am I fat FFA? What is your idea of healthy? (1 Viewer)


I weight 175 lbs and am 5'6 height

It doesn't help I am on anti depressant meds which made me gain weight. I've always struggled with body issues. What's the best weight loss program if you have no weights or a gym membership? I am asking for advice because I don’t want to end up like my father or uncle that struggle with obesity.

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I always lose weight when I cut out sugar and bread.

(It's not technically a "low carb" diet, though -- I'll still eat fruits and rice and other foodstuffs that are normally banned by low-carb diets. Just no sugar or bread.)

I weight 175 lbs and am 5'6 height

It doesn't help I am on anti depressant meds which made me gain weight. I've always struggled with body issues. What's the best weight loss program if you have no weights or a gym membership?
I’m 4 inches taller and 100 lbs heavier

I weight 175 lbs and am 5'6 height

It doesn't help I am on anti depressant meds which made me gain weight. I've always struggled with body issues. What's the best weight loss program if you have no weights or a gym membership?
Walking imo is a great way to start. You can get an app for your phone or a Fitbit to track your steps. Find some good podcasts and go for walks everyday.

I weight 175 lbs and am 5'6 height

It doesn't help I am on anti depressant meds which made me gain weight. I've always struggled with body issues. What's the best weight loss program if you have no weights or a gym membership?
The first thing you need to think about is that diet. It starts there, you find out what you need to know about how/what to eat and what to avoid.

Burning  callories is how you lose weight, I'd find something I could bang on and something I could hold in my fist with some weight to it and box  3 minute rounds.  Go until the sweat is pouring off and you are exhausted.  You will start off only being able to battle whatever a few rounds, but it won;t take long until you are going more then more rounds as everything starts to tighten and ya see some definition, as the goo starts falling off. In six months you will look better, feel better and everything will be better.

The best conditioned athletes in the world are championship level boxers.  Look at what they do.

Serious bodybuilding is something different, forget about that for right now.

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Lots of options. Start with the low hanging fruit. Cut down on snacks, sugary drinks, breads, chips. If keto interests you, then check out the threads here. You can do body weight exercises, walk, jump rope, kettlebells. Tons of ways to stay active with minimal equipment.

Low carb is about the only thing that works long term unless you run 5 miles a day or something.

Oh and buy a high quality set of bands or join planet fitness. Exercise is always a nice addition to the diet 

I weight 175 lbs and am 5'6 height

It doesn't help I am on anti depressant meds which made me gain weight. I've always struggled with body issues. What's the best weight loss program if you have no weights or a gym membership?
Kind of depends on age.

If you are in your 20's the approach can be as easy as a diet and minimal activity. If you're in your 40's you're looking at a lifestyle change, not a short term diet. If you're in your 60's just enjoy what little time you have left. (just kidding. You'll need a more aggressive lifestyle change)

I wouldn't really consider you fat in today's age, but pavement is all you need. I'm 5'11" and 170, eat whatever I want when I want. I've lost 20 lbs in the last year or so. My secret is that I run 3-6 miles pretty much everyday. That's all I do. It's a 30-60 min commitment each day, and regardless of what people say, I guarantee everyone has 30-60 mins of spare time if they cut out the junk in their life. Good luck!

The walking tips are great. 

Also, it can be effective in spurts. 

Walk 15 - 20 minutes after every meal, and you can lower your blood glucose / sugar spikes better, plus the walking adds up - as if a full hour plus...provided the intensity remains the same..

And, if a staircase is available, that can significantly up the intensity. 

However, food intake is still the primary factor, unless you're a Michael Phelps level trainer. 


Stop drinking anything except coffee or water (or brewed tea. No sugar though).

Get 75%+ of your carbs from fruits and vegetables.

Walk a few miles every day.  

I think scooter and hastur are on the right track. I like bread, but try to limit it. Avoid sugar. I ride Metro into work and walk the extra half mile rather than take the subway. And ride a bicycle because my knees are shot.

Coffee, water,  iced tea and Scotch with the occasional beer, bourbon&coke.  60yrs old, 6'3" and hovering around 200 lbs.  Would like to be  185-190

I weight 175 lbs and am 5'6 height

It doesn't help I am on anti depressant meds which made me gain weight. I've always struggled with body issues. What's the best weight loss program if you have no weights or a gym membership? I am asking for advice because I don’t want to end up like my father or uncle that struggle with obesity.
How old are you?

About to turn 30 next year.
Oh you are young man, you definitely can turn this around. If you get a healthy diet (not some fad diet, just follow the food pyramid, avoid processed food and don't over indulge) and start walking and then add some things like yoga and light weight training you could totally reshape your body before you are 32. 

Is it because I like eating cereal, bread, and cheese?

like I had yesterday 

breakfast: kashi cereal, hood whole milk, banana

lunch : two slices of pizza ( college campus) plus Powerade 

yoga class, 1 and 15 mins

dinner: chicken sausage w bulkie roll, green beans.  Cranberry juice.

Is it because I like eating cereal, bread, and cheese?

like I had yesterday 

breakfast: kashi cereal, hood whole milk, banana

lunch : two slices of pizza ( college campus) plus Powerade 

yoga class, 1 and 15 mins

dinner: chicken sausage w bulkie roll, green beans.  Cranberry juice.
Partially. I mean everyone has their own metabolism and based on what you said about your dad/uncle, you might have a predisposition to gaining weight. You should probably scale that back and replace with fruits/veggies. 

I am also balancing a Masters program and have a sedentary lifestyle lol
Sedentary lifestyle certainly is also part of it. You need to burn off incoming calories. 

... have a sedentary lifestyle lol
Start in spurts. 

I am just getting over nearly a year of some serious health problems - doing things in small doses - often - will lead to improvement quicker than jumping into a major workout routine. 

I am nearly back to my previous activity levels, but when I tried to go too quickly, it caused issues & it was hard to stick to. 

But - it was still the eating side that made the biggest difference - although, I went in the opposite direction - I need to gain back about 20 lbs. Thus, I am now working hard to stick to a strict eating & exercise routine. The basics are the same, though - as I have had to force myself to eat thru pain, rather than force myself to restrict intake. Neither is easy - sincere good lick. 

Yeah, you are likely overfat.  

Cut back on flour and sugar first.The rest usually takes care of itself.  

You can do a lot with a kettlebell 

Is it because I like eating cereal, bread, and cheese?

like I had yesterday 

breakfast: kashi cereal, hood whole milk, banana

lunch : two slices of pizza ( college campus) plus Powerade 

yoga class, 1 and 15 mins

dinner: chicken sausage w bulkie roll, green beans.  Cranberry juice.
this is a ####ton of carbs, nearly no protein and fiber.

You are likely overweight - at your height you should weigh roughly 120-156 lb.

Like a lot of people have said - cut out the processed and snack foods. That ain't just carbohydrates either. Eat more fruits and veggies. Eat slowly and stop eating before you are full.

Drink more water. Eliminate sugary drinks and minimize booze.

Find a diet you can sustain and promotes health. Don't sacrifice the latter for rapid weight loss, as it usually comes back with a vengeance.

While diet is the cornerstone of weight loss, exercise helps maintain a healthy weight and body composition. Just like diet, find something you like so it is sustainable. And don't overdo the high intensity stuff, as injuries pile up as you age. Something outside and away from technology, preferably. Hiking is free. Swimming is great.

Lastly, make life inconvenient. Park far away or don't drive at all. Carry stuff instead of using a shopping cart. No escalators or elevators within reason. Try to minimize passive activities like video games and TV (?posting).

ETA Looking at the OP, make sure your mood disorder is controlled, as eating is used as an emotional crutch for many.

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Is it because I like eating cereal, bread, and cheese?

like I had yesterday 

breakfast: kashi cereal, hood whole milk, banana

lunch : two slices of pizza ( college campus) plus Powerade 

yoga class, 1 and 15 mins

dinner: chicken sausage w bulkie roll, green beans.  Cranberry juice.
The green beans and banana are about the only healthy parts of that diet. And they're not the best choices within fruits and veggies either.

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Is it because I like eating cereal, bread, and cheese?

like I had yesterday 

breakfast: kashi cereal, hood whole milk, banana

lunch : two slices of pizza ( college campus) plus Powerade 

yoga class, 1 and 15 mins

dinner: chicken sausage w bulkie roll, green beans.  Cranberry juice.
I would drop cereal completely, all is garbage even the “healthy” version.  Switch to eggs.  It takes 3 minutes to cook two add some salt and pepper or siracha.  Or buy a hard boiled egg maker (cost like 10 bucks at a Target/Amazon) and make 6 one night and no work in the AM for 3 days.  Full of protein so you will not get hungry.  I used to eat frosted mini wheats and was hungry in 2 hours.

Find alternative to sugar drinks even orange juice is bad.

Is it because I like eating cereal, bread, and cheese?

like I had yesterday 

breakfast: kashi cereal, hood whole milk, banana

lunch : two slices of pizza ( college campus) plus Powerade 

yoga class, 1 and 15 mins

dinner: chicken sausage w bulkie roll, green beans.  Cranberry juice.
You're still young, so should he able to make small changes to diet and/or exercise to help.

If that's a typical diet per day for you, yeah- start there. Get rid of the cereal, pizza, roll and sugary drinks (including cranberry juice).

I'm 51, 6'-0", hover around 200- 15-20lbs above being athletically fit (did an Ironman at that 185 weight), 5-10 above being more healthy (I'm carrying flab).... Based on my own experience for my body, not an online chart.

I've tried to eat balanced and healthy for a while...havent really exercised regularly for almost 15 years, although I walk a lot and use a bicycle to commute (10ish minutes), so I'm not completely sedentary (been jogging 6ish miles with friends once every week or two for the last few months). My weight has basically stabilized at this +10-15 lbs state for the last 15 years.

Breakfast- non-fat yogurt, banana or kiwi, coffee

Snack- handful of almonds

Lunch- salad w protein (usually chicken), or occasional grain bowl, cookie (I should be ditching the cookie)

Snack- almonds or other nuts or carrots

Dinner- random. Should be cutting down portion size, but basically whatever. I don't go crazy with carbs, but do add a desert...which, again, I should be ditching or having less regularly.

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Many people (been hearing this my whole life) also say that all it takes is 15-20 mins of cardio a day to get healthy....that's not much for something that could affect a big change in your life.

I always lose weight when I cut out sugar and bread.

(It's not technically a "low carb" diet, though -- I'll still eat fruits and rice and other foodstuffs that are normally banned by low-carb diets. Just no sugar or bread.)
This, and if you can stick to a simple rule of "if don't you know what the food is without reading the ingredients, don't eat it" you'll be ahead of the curve.

Daily budget of 50 carbs seems to work for me.  I go over some times when I'm traveling but never over 100.  To put that into perspective, most people eat around 300-400 carbs per day.

Understanding how many carbs are in food will also help.  It wasn't very long ago that I found out how many carbs are in things like black beans, chickpeas and potatoes. 

Avoid bread at all cost; "would you like fries with that?" - the answer is always no.   If you drink alcohol, stick to something like a vodka and soda.  If you must have a beer, go with a light beer (and not 15 of them). 

10,000 steps a day.  

Ditto what most have said. Start with cutting out most simple carbs. Go a long ways just limiting added sugar, pasta, bread, potatoes etc. 

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Like others have said, reduce those carbs. That lunch pizza isn't doing you any favors.

And stop with the poweraid/cranberry juices. One thing you hear a lot is "don't drink your calories", and I tend to agree. None of that stuff is good for you. Drink water or seltzer for the most part. Even all-natural juice is a sugar bomb for your system (yes, it's  natural sugar, but think about it - how many cranberries are in that glass? An awful lot.)

Just to clarify, as people have gone off the rails a bit with carbophobia. Eliminate simple carbohydrates, but complex carbohydrates + fiber are great for overall health, including weight loss. Ditch the processed chips, breads, baked goods, sweets, sugars in favor of fruits, legumes, veggies and...whole grains.

Meanwhile, protein is the current pop-nutrition darling. Sure it helps satiety, but the average American diet gets plenty. Nobody is dying of kwashiorkor in the US (think African babies with big bellies), while there are long term health concerns about excess animal protein ingestion.

You just have to pick something and go for it. Again, there are a ton of options. Once you find something that works for you and start seeing results, it's not that hard to keep it going. I lost 30 pounds over a 4 month period (5'11" 196 lbs to 165 lbs) with no exercise and it was earlier than I expected.

How do I get more fiber in my diet? 
Just buy / eat foods heavy in it. Read the labels. I know we've all said "no carbs", but as some have pointed out, it's the simple carbs (white flour / etc) and sugar that really make people fat.

There are some cereals (Kashi types)  that have a TON of fiber - as long as they don't have a ton of sugar, they are fine. For lunch most days, I eat chicken salad (complete with high-fat mayo) on rye crisps that have like 4 grams of fiber each. Or there is some high fiber bread. Not *all* grains are bad. Processed (white) flour is, so pizza and wonder bread don't help. But a bread with a lot (3-5 grams) of fiber and some seeds in it? Go for it.

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eliminate all drinks, except water and coffee/tea.  no flavors.  no sugars.   try not eat anything from a box, can or from the freezer.  aka, fresh food.  this will eliminate a ton of processed crap, sugar and salt.  limit white food, bread, pasta, rice, etc.  limit/lower/eliminate booze.

walk/run/climb for 30 minutes.  longer, if you can.  ramp up the intensity, to where you are breathing HARD.

push ups/sit ups/ burpee/ planks/ squats/ jumping rope/ lunges/  all require no weights or gym.  you must move your body.

... no sugars.
Great advice - as a type 2 diabetic, I have delved into sugar replacement options, and the one that I have settled on is stevia

So far - so good. I like the taste - price is reasonable - blood glucose is good. 

Obviously, I use it with coffee and tea, but the biggest benefit is in cooking. I can now make some wonderful low calorie / carb recipes, that were once on my NO NO List. 

Worth a try imo. 


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