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Best Buy can kiss my fanny good-bye (1 Viewer)

Look, i'm old enough to remember a time when stores didn't operate this way...but now I'm required to keep every mother f'n scrap of paper for the rest of my bloody life because stores are no longer worried about their customers happines...just their own bottom line.
not trying to make waves here but i have a quick question for GM....how many of those stores that you are old enough to remember are still in buisness after giving away all their profits(because of giving full refund without a receipt, (etc.))??? be honest!
Fred Meyer, for one.
Man, this thread has it all!


Public displays of anger
Fantasy football analogies
Poop references
Threats from the modsWhat more could a fellow ask for? Boobies?


I'm sure you'll be quick to jump all over me as well, but I'll give you my opinion anyway. You lost your receipt, you should deal with it. Period. Why do I have this attitude, you ask? Because I was a department store manager for 4 years. And yes, retail does suck a big fat one. :yes: Why does it suck a big fat one? Because for every person like you who is honest and just trying to make a return with no receipt, there are about 50 who are trying to rip the store off. Not having worked in retail you might not believe that, but I'm telling you the truth. I have no reason to make things up about it.

Put yourself in the store manager's shoes. First off, your whole day (and I mean, the WHOLE DAY) is spent listening to people ##### about this and gripe about that. Have you or anyone you know ever asked to speak to the store manager to tell them how great their store is, or how helpful you found their cashiers, or how impressed you are that every single light bulb in the store is on and that there are no leaks coming from the ceiling? I'd put my money on "No". Nobody ever does those things. The only thing the store manager gets to do all day is listen to people complain. Secondly, it's the holidays. Just consider the fact that not only has this person has had to listen to complaints all day, but they have been working open to close every day for about a month (I know I had to when I was a department store manager). Then think about the sheer volume of people that the manager is having to deal with during the holiday season. You were in the store for an hour shopping. He/she has been in the store 12-13 hours a day for a month listening to people complain. Compare the two.

Now, also consider the fact, as I mentioned before, that a very high percentage of the people the manager deals with on a daily basis are trying to rip them off. You have absolutely no frame of reference of what it is like. My favorite's from my retail days (and this happened much more than once, believe it or not) are the people that bring back shoes. No receipt, they looked like they had been worn for about 3-5 years, and this person tells me that their shoes wore out. They want another pair. :shock: People do this sort of stuff ALL THE TIME! That's what a store manager deals with all day. That's why store policies are created. There was a store policy in place, and you tried to go against it. The store manager called you on it, and I commend him/her. Bottom line is, if you had your receipt, it would have been fine. You lost it, which is your fault, not theirs. They followed the policy that they had in place in just such an event. Case closed. You should move on.

As I said before, I'm sure you will lash out at me (just like all the posters above who didn't agree with you), and that's fine. But I think you should look at things from other people's perspectives before you throw a hissy fit and lose your cool. I lasted as a department store manager for 4 years before people like you drove me out of it. At my first store I was manager of, mine was the only store in the whole company that got a perfect customer service store from the company's secret shoppers. And yet, as good as the customer service was, I never had one single customer come up to me and tell me how much they liked my store or the people in it. All I ever heard were the complaints. People think that everything is always about them. If they're not satisfied, they DEMAND to see the manager. And there the poor manager is, having to have someone yell at them for the 187th time that day. Well personally, I'm glad that the manager didn't back down and followed the company policy. That's all that you can really ask of a store manager (unless you're one of these selfish customer types who thinks that everything is about them, and company policies shouldn't apply to them because they are special :rolleyes: )

PS - If you won't use the gift card, send it to me. I'll put it to good use. :thumbup:
Summed it up for me in a more civilized manner....until you've worked retail I suppose its hard to see where they're coming from. It's at their discretion to even take an item back...worst case scenario...you write the disctrict manager and they give you a free 15 dollar gift card to keep you quiet in which case you make a profit on the deal.

I'm sure you'll be quick to jump all over me as well, but I'll give you my opinion anyway. You lost your receipt, you should deal with it. Period. Why do I have this attitude, you ask? Because I was a department store manager for 4 years. And yes, retail does suck a big fat one. :yes: Why does it suck a big fat one? Because for every person like you who is honest and just trying to make a return with no receipt, there are about 50 who are trying to rip the store off. Not having worked in retail you might not believe that, but I'm telling you the truth. I have no reason to make things up about it.

Put yourself in the store manager's shoes. First off, your whole day (and I mean, the WHOLE DAY) is spent listening to people ##### about this and gripe about that. Have you or anyone you know ever asked to speak to the store manager to tell them how great their store is, or how helpful you found their cashiers, or how impressed you are that every single light bulb in the store is on and that there are no leaks coming from the ceiling? I'd put my money on "No". Nobody ever does those things. The only thing the store manager gets to do all day is listen to people complain. Secondly, it's the holidays. Just consider the fact that not only has this person has had to listen to complaints all day, but they have been working open to close every day for about a month (I know I had to when I was a department store manager). Then think about the sheer volume of people that the manager is having to deal with during the holiday season. You were in the store for an hour shopping. He/she has been in the store 12-13 hours a day for a month listening to people complain. Compare the two.

Now, also consider the fact, as I mentioned before, that a very high percentage of the people the manager deals with on a daily basis are trying to rip them off. You have absolutely no frame of reference of what it is like. My favorite's from my retail days (and this happened much more than once, believe it or not) are the people that bring back shoes. No receipt, they looked like they had been worn for about 3-5 years, and this person tells me that their shoes wore out. They want another pair. :shock: People do this sort of stuff ALL THE TIME! That's what a store manager deals with all day. That's why store policies are created. There was a store policy in place, and you tried to go against it. The store manager called you on it, and I commend him/her. Bottom line is, if you had your receipt, it would have been fine. You lost it, which is your fault, not theirs. They followed the policy that they had in place in just such an event. Case closed. You should move on.

As I said before, I'm sure you will lash out at me (just like all the posters above who didn't agree with you), and that's fine. But I think you should look at things from other people's perspectives before you throw a hissy fit and lose your cool. I lasted as a department store manager for 4 years before people like you drove me out of it. At my first store I was manager of, mine was the only store in the whole company that got a perfect customer service store from the company's secret shoppers. And yet, as good as the customer service was, I never had one single customer come up to me and tell me how much they liked my store or the people in it. All I ever heard were the complaints. People think that everything is always about them. If they're not satisfied, they DEMAND to see the manager. And there the poor manager is, having to have someone yell at them for the 187th time that day. Well personally, I'm glad that the manager didn't back down and followed the company policy. That's all that you can really ask of a store manager (unless you're one of these selfish customer types who thinks that everything is about them, and company policies shouldn't apply to them because they are special :rolleyes: )

PS - If you won't use the gift card, send it to me. I'll put it to good use. :thumbup:
A huge Hooray to you for this post. I am also a retail mgr for a major electronics chain and I enjoy most people, since most customers are just that--normal people looking to get something new and cool, or just pick up the latest dvd. The 2% lunatic fringe that is out to try and take advantage or just screw the store are the ones that most people tend to remember, since they do stand out.I wish everyone could be trusted at their word and believe it or not, I take many people at their word every day. I have done many price matches based on the word of a customer, when it is listed on the rivals web site at normal price. I would rather get the business and keep the customer happy then just tick them off. Do some people end up screwing us because of this? I'm sure. Price of doing business, I figure.

Loss Prevention at it's finest. Sorry, but if there weren't a bunch of ***la's out there, you wouldn't have any problems. :lol: Also, I agree with this policy, dude. :ph34r: Your responsibility to keep the receipt. If you were running a business, tyou would probably wish to operate it the same way.
The policy is short-sighted. Save 8 bucks today, lose thousands of dollars in future business. Great policy. :wacko:
Trust me dude, they don't pull the policies out of their ####. They have analyzed this thing 7 ways since Sunday and know that the losted revenue from PO'ed customers is less than the revenue lost from fruadlent returns.Bottom line: GM's business < ***la's scams.
Same with my store...we do great on our secret shops...and I personally think we give great customer service...but there always...without fail those who come in multiple times a day and try to rip us off...sometimes even the same people over and over and the last thing we need is an irate cust like you when all we deal with for 40 hours a week is irate customers. We may realize your plight but you have to really consider ours as well..it is NOT an easy business and we're just doing our #### jobs.....im not about to get written up or yelled at just because you or someone else may want me to bend the rules. I dont know the case of Best Buy but maybe he was just doing his job. In your case...i would have just called the store manager...in which case she would have told you the exact same thing anyway.Also note...if all you really wanted to know is where it was listed at 11.99 I woulda just told you....the guy at cashwrap was probably just taking a days work of frustration out on you. Still just doing his job though...no matter how peeved they may get they wont lie to you on purpose about the price of a DVD to rip you out of 8 bucks.

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Summed it up for me in a more civilized manner....until you've worked retail I suppose its hard to see where they're coming from. It's at their discretion to even take an item back...worst case scenario...you write the disctrict manager and they give you a free 15 dollar gift card to keep you quiet in which case you make a profit on the deal.
I have worked retail. I worked at The Gap in college for about a month. It was the worst job I ever had and it wasn't because the customers sucked. It was because I got paid minimum wage whether I sold $2,000 worth of socks or stood there and said "Hiya, welcome to The Gap - please check out our fine selection of sweaters!". I hated that. I've been jaded of retail ever since and I FEEL SORRY FOR THOSE WHO WORK IN RETAIL. Yeah, I know customers can be mean, and I know very few people in big business retail get paid on commission. But guess what..........I'm paying your salary. I'm keeping your doors open, the heat on and the inventory moving. So pardon me for a second if I get a little bent out of shape because I'm treated with disdain and ripped off because I can't produce a receipt.Heaven forbid a customer expect to be treated with respect and dignity and not undercut on pricing because he lost his receipt. Yeah, I'm a bad guy because I got visibly angry at the store clerk for delivering the news to me that, even though I was kind enough to shop at her store, I wouldn't be treated with any appreciation or given the benefit of the doubt.Yeah...it's the customers who are in the wrong. We're the bad guys. We're the ones who make your job unbearable.un####ignreal.
I think that I screwed macy's out of $10.00 today... I *thought* I gave the guy six 20's and three singles, since the total was like $112.34 or something. I saw that I didn't have any 10's otherwise I would have used one (although I think I should have had a 10 in there). Anyway, the guy gives me only coins back, and I'm like, "uh, I gave you $123, not $113... he looks at me like I'm either lying or crazy. But he doesn't want to make a scene or anything and I said i was certain that I gave him the extra 20. He gives me two fives and I walk away. The thing is, I paid for a beer at the airport the day before with a 20, so there should have been a ten in there... Maybe i was the the one who messed up and thought I pulled out $120 instead of $110... I really have no way of knowing anymore really. Ooops.I guess Macy's customer service is decent since the guy gave me pretty much no static after I told him he shorted me. I feel slightly guilty, but I have no way of knowing... I think I'll donate $10 to charity now...

the store manager...in which case she would have told you the exact same thing anyway.
How do you know that it's a woman manager? Do you work there or something? The plot gets thicker.
So pardon me for a second if I get a little bent out of shape because I'm treated with disdain and ripped off because I can't produce a receipt.Heaven forbid a customer expect to be treated with respect and dignity and not undercut on pricing because he lost his receipt. Yeah, I'm a bad guy because I got visibly angry at the store clerk for delivering the news to me that, even though I was kind enough to shop at her store, I wouldn't be treated with any appreciation or given the benefit of the doubt.Yeah...it's the customers who are in the wrong. We're the bad guys. We're the ones who make your job unbearable.un####ignreal.
Ok one, I fail to see how it's getting "ripped" off when its just policy they're following. And two its 8 ####### bucks.....take your losses and deal with it. I may fail to see your situation but you fail to see theirs......they are just doing wut they are told....it comes from coporate and rather than yelling at the poor guy at cashwrap...just be the better more mature man and walk away. Ask for the corporate number or the district managers number....dont react the way you did. Because yea...in all honesty, its reactions like the ones you made that Do make you guys the bad guys at times and Do make our jobs unbearable.un####ignreal.
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Okay Ken...you got me.  I should be happy with what happened.Was Hollywood having a sale?  Or did you get this DVD for $11.24 by mistake?  Typically, sales are marked, otherwise I wonder about your motivation for buying this particular movie.  Be honest Ken...did you buy this movie KNOWING it was on sale?  Or was it just some kind of happy accident when you got the register?  If it was a mistake entirely, then I question your honesty altogether.  If Best Buy could have shown me proof that this DVD was $11.99 at any point in the last 30 days ANYWHERE in the nation, I would have been happy.  But they could and did not.  I find it VERY hard to believe that they would have sold this DVD for $11.99 within the last month and then marked it up 75% nation wide.  That's bad business.You think it's okay that they'll sell this same DVD for $27.99, good for you.  I for one think this is wrong.  It's taking advantage of customers who were once accustomed to the understanding that they were always right.
If they were having a sale, I was not aware of it. The person that rang me up was the store manager, whom I have dealt with in the past. As for my motivation for buying it, someone I know told me that they loved that movie and had never been able to find it. I told them I saw it at this particular store and that I would check for them. I grabbed it, it said the regular price. The computer rang it up at a lesser price, with the proper title.I'm not saying you should be happy getting a credit for less than you paid. Without a receipt, the store has no clue how much you paid for that particular item. I have always found when dealing with people, you need to keep your cool. Once you start showing aggitation or stop being courteous, then you are less likely to receive the treatment that you want.
okay Ken....so did you ask the manager why the DVD rang up for the sale price? was there any discourse to this matter? did you hold your breath and hope he didn't realize that you were getting a DVD for less than the sticker price?I'm as nice as the day is long. I'm overly nice. I smiled, said hello, asked how the clerk was doing, happily gave them my driver's license and phone number....But I am not going to continue the charade of decency when the person I'm dealing with fails to answer my inquiries or treats me with disdain. I'm their f'n customer for christ's sake. Without me and millions like me...there is no Best Buy. I don't get why this is lost on most of you.We are the customers. We keep businesses running. We should demand better from the people who take our money. I wasn't kicking and screaming off the bat. Those that know me here can attest to my civility and decency as a person. But what happened to me was wrong....wrong like that Nazis. In BIG LETTERS were the words BEST BUY - $19.99............no sticker residue over it suggesting any questionable behavior.I'm a nice guy...but I'm not going to sit back and take what happened to me with a smile just because I lost a receipt. All I asked for was proof that this DVD was $11.99 elsewhere and to explain to me why they would mark their prices up ~70% in 30 days. They didn't do that.It's my god #### right to voice my displeasure and if that means a swear or a middle finger, so be it.
OK, I'll take a stab at this one. At the store that I work, when a dvd is a new release, it is usually priced lower then regular retail. The regular sticker prices are placed on the item and a sale sign is hung near the item. You will be able to purchase a movie for 11.99 that is clearly marked 19.99. When you attempt to return that same item, we will give you back the sale price that you might have or might not have paid for the item, because, quite frankly, we have no clue what price you paid. The sticker on the dvd is meaningless, since prices can and do change weekly and we do not resticker the dvds to reflect ad pricing. You got hosed out of eight dollars. I believe you. Just understand why it happened and how it happened and you shouldn't be so upset. As a customer, you do have certain responsibilities, one of which is to provide proof of purchase of an item for the ability to return the item (especially if you want the correct item pricing returned or would like a refund, instead of the poop covered gift card).
Same with my store...we do great on our secret shops...and I personally think we give great customer service...but there always...without fail those who come in multiple times a day and try to rip us off...sometimes even the same people over and over and the last thing we need is an irate cust like you when all we deal with for 40 hours a week is irate customers. We may realize your plight but you have to really consider ours as well..it is NOT an easy business and we're just doing our #### jobs.....im not about to get written up or yelled at just because you or someone else may want me to bend the rules. I dont know the case of Best Buy but maybe he was just doing his job. In your case...i would have just called the store manager...in which case she would have told you the exact same thing anyway.Also note...if all you really wanted to know is where it was listed at 11.99 I woulda just told you....the guy at cashwrap was probably just taking a days work of frustration out on you. Still just doing his job though...no matter how peeved they may get they wont lie to you on purpose about the price of a DVD to rip you out of 8 bucks.
I wasn't irate until I was told I wouldn't get full credit for a purchase that clearly said "BEST BUY - $19.99" and wasn't provided with proof that the DVD was sold for $11.99 elsewhere.I'm sorry your job sucks and that you hate your customers, but you need to realize that without us, you don't have a job. It would behoove you to realize that not every body out there wants to screw you over.....that some of us are honest people who just want what's right. Best Buy selling the same DVD twice for $19.99 is NOT right. It's unfair and a poor way to show your customers how you do business.
At the end of the day...like someone said earlier, its reactions like yours we're going to remember not the kind old lady looking for a DVD for her grandson and eventually all those bitter reactions get piled up until we wind up getting jaded at customers and looking at them in this evil pain in #### kind of light and deal with them in the defensive manner that most customers mistake for bad customer service. Its not bad service, its just trying to avoid the 500th confrontation of the day.Also edit to note...i wasnt there...they or may not have been a-holes to you...Im just angry over your reaction to it...thats all. Things would have wound up alot better if youd dealt with it in a better manner. And maybe theyre not allowed to provide proof, who knows the deal. The fact is what happened happened..if it was matter of 50 or 100 bucks then yea...id be really angry too. But over 8 dollers...id honestly just let it go and move on its really not worth all this stress in a world filled with endless stressful situations. And like someone said earlier..they did buy the dvd for 11.99 day after thanksgiving.i also have to say that at 22 and fresh out college...retail is not where I plan on staying...its just not worth it.

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Maybe the person in customer service was Canadian and they thought it was paid for in Canadian money originally, eh?

So pardon me for a second if I get a little bent out of shape because I'm treated with disdain and ripped off because I can't produce a receipt.Heaven forbid a customer expect to be treated with respect and dignity and not undercut on pricing because he lost his receipt.  Yeah, I'm a bad guy because I got visibly angry at the store clerk for delivering the news to me that, even though I was kind enough to shop at her store, I wouldn't be treated with any appreciation or given the benefit of the doubt.Yeah...it's the customers who are in the wrong.  We're the bad guys.  We're the ones who make your job unbearable.un####ignreal.
Ok one, I fail to see how it's getting "ripped" off when its just policy they're following. And two its 8 ####### bucks.....take your losses and deal with it. I may fail to see your situation but you fail to see theirs......they are just doing wut they are told....it comes from coporate and rather than yelling at the poor guy at cashwrap...just be the better more mature man and walk away. Ask for the corporate number or the district managers number....dont react the way you did. Because yea...in all honesty, its reactions like the ones you made that Do make you guys the bad guys at times and Do make our jobs unbearable.un####ignreal.
alright, look. I get it. It's my fault for not having the receipt. I should have been more grown up about this and not cursed and made a scene. I know she and Best Buy were just doing what they were told.Nonetheless, it bothers me more than you'll ever know that this DVD will be sold twice for $19.99. I can't explain it, but it just grates on me.5 years ago, my aunt sent me a Phil Collins CD. She lives in Virginia, I live in Oregon. I had no interest in this CD. Without a receipt, I took it to Fred Meyer and exchanged it for another CD, no questions asked. That's the kind of service I expect. I fail to believe that in 5 years time all stores have abandoned this practice.If Best Buy had said to me "Go exchange this for $19.99 in widgets" I would have done so with a smile.But expecting Joe Six Pack to understand your corporate policy and be happy with it is unrealistic. Again, we are the reason why you have a job. Pardon me if I take exception to being treated like a criminal when all I'm trying to do is get my money's worth.
LOL @ the big bruise on your knee! Funny stuff.I haven't read the whole thread so I'm probably repeating here. Overall, I do understand their policy because it is so easy to scam. Any Best Buy in the country is too extreme however.Now here's what I'd do. Go to Walmart or Circuit City and find some DVDs or CDs or software, etc that you know are more expensive at Best Buy. Remove the store stickers, and return them to Best Buy. You will reap the benefit of the gift card worth more than you spent, and you will also increase the cost of their inventory (i.e. items directly from the manufacturer are half retail versus the Walmart item you are making them pay full retail for).

So pardon me for a second if I get a little bent out of shape because I'm treated with disdain and ripped off because I can't produce a receipt.Heaven forbid a customer expect to be treated with respect and dignity and not undercut on pricing because he lost his receipt. Yeah, I'm a bad guy because I got visibly angry at the store clerk for delivering the news to me that, even though I was kind enough to shop at her store, I wouldn't be treated with any appreciation or given the benefit of the doubt.Yeah...it's the customers who are in the wrong. We're the bad guys. We're the ones who make your job unbearable.un####ignreal.
Ok one, I fail to see how it's getting "ripped" off when its just policy they're following. And two its 8 ####### bucks.....take your losses and deal with it. I may fail to see your situation but you fail to see theirs......they are just doing wut they are told....it comes from coporate and rather than yelling at the poor guy at cashwrap...just be the better more mature man and walk away. Ask for the corporate number or the district managers number....dont react the way you did. Because yea...in all honesty, its reactions like the ones you made that Do make you guys the bad guys at times and Do make our jobs unbearable.un####ignreal.
alright, look. I get it. It's my fault for not having the receipt. I should have been more grown up about this and not cursed and made a scene. I know she and Best Buy were just doing what they were told.Nonetheless, it bothers me more than you'll ever know that this DVD will be sold twice for $19.99. I can't explain it, but it just grates on me.5 years ago, my aunt sent me a Phil Collins CD. She lives in Virginia, I live in Oregon. I had no interest in this CD. Without a receipt, I took it to Fred Meyer and exchanged it for another CD, no questions asked. That's the kind of service I expect. I fail to believe that in 5 years time all stores have abandoned this practice.If Best Buy had said to me "Go exchange this for $19.99 in widgets" I would have done so with a smile.But expecting Joe Six Pack to understand your corporate policy and be happy with it is unrealistic. Again, we are the reason why you have a job. Pardon me if I take exception to being treated like a criminal when all I'm trying to do is get my money's worth.
In all fairness 5 years ago burning of CDs was not nearly as widespread as it is today. I know your feeling...I get the same feeling selling a game back to Funcoland knowing theyre to tack on about another 15 bucks and sell it back to the public. Also to be fair....at our store...we almost always take back books that calearly were not bought at a Barnes and Noble within the year. Well even take back textbooks when we're not allowed to, we do alot to service the customers including taking their word that they belong to our discount club when they forget their disount card and giving them the discount anyway. But when it comes to returns....thats how it is. what can i say....I feel bad for you yea...but thats how the retail industry has become. Just have to grin and bear it, unless you want to starve or walk around naked i suppose.Btw this thread is distracting me from watching Taxi Driver right now....argh!!!!
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Sunday, I know it's only 8 bucks. And I know that the lady was just doing her job. But I didn't get the full value for the DVD that I bought. End of story. I can be nice, but nice wasn't going to get me the full price back. Being an A---hole didn't get me the full price back either.Neither end of the spectrum worked. However, I will write the CEO/CFO tomorrow. And call it stupid and trivial if you like, I could care less. It's the principle behind the matter. I work in the investment business. I buy and short stocks. I would like to ask the higher ups of BBY that if they treat their customers poorly on the ground level, how do they treat their shareholders? And if this is the kind of service I can expect from them, why wouldn't I short their stock?I probably won't get an answer, but I don't care. I'm allowed to be bitter - just as you are bitter at me.

Sunday, I know it's only 8 bucks. And I know that the lady was just doing her job. But I didn't get the full value for the DVD that I bought. End of story. I can be nice, but nice wasn't going to get me the full price back. Being an A---hole didn't get me the full price back either.Neither end of the spectrum worked. However, I will write the CEO/CFO tomorrow. And call it stupid and trivial if you like, I could care less. It's the principle behind the matter. I work in the investment business. I buy and short stocks. I would like to ask the higher ups of BBY that if they treat their customers poorly on the ground level, how do they treat their shareholders? And if this is the kind of service I can expect from them, why wouldn't I short their stock?I probably won't get an answer, but I don't care. I'm allowed to be bitter - just as you are bitter at me.
GM...The CEO will probably wipe his butt with your letter and then you'll both have a piece of paper with poop on it.
Sunday, I know it's only 8 bucks. And I know that the lady was just doing her job. But I didn't get the full value for the DVD that I bought. End of story. I can be nice, but nice wasn't going to get me the full price back. Being an A---hole didn't get me the full price back either.Neither end of the spectrum worked. However, I will write the CEO/CFO tomorrow. And call it stupid and trivial if you like, I could care less. It's the principle behind the matter. I work in the investment business. I buy and short stocks. I would like to ask the higher ups of BBY that if they treat their customers poorly on the ground level, how do they treat their shareholders? And if this is the kind of service I can expect from them, why wouldn't I short their stock?I probably won't get an answer, but I don't care. I'm allowed to be bitter - just as you are bitter at me.
GM...The CEO will probably wipe his butt with your letter and then you'll both have a piece of paper with poop on it.
well, maybe I'll just mail him my poop stained gift card as a pre-emptive strike!!!hey, I did this with AT&T 3 years ago (I actually called and talked to the CFO) and ended up getting our LD paid for over a year. Sometimes, the mere threat of shorting a stock will make things happen for you.
Sunday, I know it's only 8 bucks.  And I know that the lady was just doing her job.  But I didn't get the full value for the DVD that I bought.  End of story.  I can be nice, but nice wasn't going to get me the full price back.  Being an A---hole didn't get me the full price back either.Neither end of the spectrum worked.  However, I will write the CEO/CFO tomorrow.  And call it stupid and trivial if you like, I could care less.  It's the principle behind the matter.  I work in the investment business.  I buy and short stocks.  I would like to ask the higher ups of BBY that if they treat their customers poorly on the ground level, how do they treat their shareholders?  And if this is the kind of service I can expect from them, why wouldn't I short their stock?I probably won't get an answer, but I don't care.  I'm allowed to be bitter - just as you are bitter at me.
GM...The CEO will probably wipe his butt with your letter and then you'll both have a piece of paper with poop on it.
well, maybe I'll just mail him my poop stained gift card as a pre-emptive strike!!!hey, I did this with AT&T 3 years ago (I actually called and talked to the CFO) and ended up getting our LD paid for over a year. Sometimes, the mere threat of shorting a stock will make things happen for you.
Note to self...its ok to #### with alll the customers exceot the investment guys. ;)
Sometimes, the mere threat of shorting a stock will make things happen for you.
GB abusing your power to get your way. :thumbup:
lol......I said earlier I'd short their stock on spite, then be forced to cover when my boss asked why!But seriously, I will write a letter tomorrow....I'll post it here. I'm not a trigger happy nut-job and I'm really not a mean guy. I just abide by the simple rules of life....treat others how you would expect to be treated and don't let others push you around.i hope this episode of my life doesn't define me here on the boards, but the fact remains that I'm bitter and know deep down that ALL OF THIS is my fault for losing the receipt. I get that.
:hot: I took the store credit, said thanks for stealing my money and left. I kicked over a stand on my way out, threw some pennies on the floor and flicked off the little dude who called after me. Yeah I know...very immature. I don't care. Screw them and screw their return policy.
I stayed out of this thread til' now...When I read this, it made it worth it... :rotflmao: I am sending you 7 bucks and anger management coupons...non-refundable, of course.
:hot: I took the store credit, said thanks for stealing my money and left. I kicked over a stand on my way out, threw some pennies on the floor and flicked off the little dude who called after me. Yeah I know...very immature. I don't care. Screw them and screw their return policy.
I stayed out of this thread til' now...When I read this, it made it worth it... :rotflmao: I am sending you 7 bucks and anger management coupons...non-refundable, of course.
my knee hurts today...can I exchange the coupons for physical or mental therapy? what's your policy? ;)
Sometimes, the mere threat of shorting a stock will make things happen for you.
GB abusing your power to get your way. :thumbup:
I just read morningstars evaluation of BBY and it seems to be a pretty solid stock and a very solid company. How much is this $8 going to cost you?
:hot: I took the store credit, said thanks for stealing my money and left.  I kicked over a stand on my way out, threw some pennies on the floor and flicked off the little dude who called after me.  Yeah I know...very immature.  I don't care.  Screw them and screw their return policy.
I stayed out of this thread til' now...When I read this, it made it worth it... :rotflmao: I am sending you 7 bucks and anger management coupons...non-refundable, of course.
my knee hurts today...can I exchange the coupons for physical or mental therapy? what's your policy? ;)
Sure, why not...They are exchangeable with none other than Sonny Lubick Bobblehead Doll! ;) ...kicking that stand down is what got you there. :rotflmao:
GM,I just bought a DVD at Hollywood Video that was clearly marked $17.99.It rang up at $11.24. If I lose my receipt, should the store just fork over $17.99 since it is the only price on the box and has not been altered in any way? There are legit reasons for refunding the lowest price if you cannot produce a receipt.The movie was Less Than Zero, if anyone was interested.As for the Mom and Pop argument, consider this my request to drop the subject if you cannot be civil to one another. Thank you for your consideration.
Okay Ken...you got me. I should be happy with what happened.Was Hollywood having a sale? Or did you get this DVD for $11.24 by mistake? Typically, sales are marked, otherwise I wonder about your motivation for buying this particular movie. Be honest Ken...did you buy this movie KNOWING it was on sale? Or was it just some kind of happy accident when you got the register? If it was a mistake entirely, then I question your honesty altogether. If Best Buy could have shown me proof that this DVD was $11.99 at any point in the last 30 days ANYWHERE in the nation, I would have been happy. But they could and did not. I find it VERY hard to believe that they would have sold this DVD for $11.99 within the last month and then marked it up 75% nation wide. That's bad business.You think it's okay that they'll sell this same DVD for $27.99, good for you. I for one think this is wrong. It's taking advantage of customers who were once accustomed to the understanding that they were always right.
Somebody already told you that it was the day after Thanksgiving when it was on sale for that cheap. So there, happy now?

I'm sure you'll be quick to jump all over me as well, but I'll give you my opinion anyway. You lost your receipt, you should deal with it. Period. Why do I have this attitude, you ask? Because I was a department store manager for 4 years. And yes, retail does suck a big fat one. :yes: Why does it suck a big fat one? Because for every person like you who is honest and just trying to make a return with no receipt, there are about 50 who are trying to rip the store off. Not having worked in retail you might not believe that, but I'm telling you the truth. I have no reason to make things up about it.

Put yourself in the store manager's shoes. First off, your whole day (and I mean, the WHOLE DAY) is spent listening to people ##### about this and gripe about that. Have you or anyone you know ever asked to speak to the store manager to tell them how great their store is, or how helpful you found their cashiers, or how impressed you are that every single light bulb in the store is on and that there are no leaks coming from the ceiling? I'd put my money on "No". Nobody ever does those things. The only thing the store manager gets to do all day is listen to people complain. Secondly, it's the holidays. Just consider the fact that not only has this person has had to listen to complaints all day, but they have been working open to close every day for about a month (I know I had to when I was a department store manager). Then think about the sheer volume of people that the manager is having to deal with during the holiday season. You were in the store for an hour shopping. He/she has been in the store 12-13 hours a day for a month listening to people complain. Compare the two.

Now, also consider the fact, as I mentioned before, that a very high percentage of the people the manager deals with on a daily basis are trying to rip them off. You have absolutely no frame of reference of what it is like. My favorite's from my retail days (and this happened much more than once, believe it or not) are the people that bring back shoes. No receipt, they looked like they had been worn for about 3-5 years, and this person tells me that their shoes wore out. They want another pair. :shock: People do this sort of stuff ALL THE TIME! That's what a store manager deals with all day. That's why store policies are created. There was a store policy in place, and you tried to go against it. The store manager called you on it, and I commend him/her. Bottom line is, if you had your receipt, it would have been fine. You lost it, which is your fault, not theirs. They followed the policy that they had in place in just such an event. Case closed. You should move on.

As I said before, I'm sure you will lash out at me (just like all the posters above who didn't agree with you), and that's fine. But I think you should look at things from other people's perspectives before you throw a hissy fit and lose your cool. I lasted as a department store manager for 4 years before people like you drove me out of it. At my first store I was manager of, mine was the only store in the whole company that got a perfect customer service store from the company's secret shoppers. And yet, as good as the customer service was, I never had one single customer come up to me and tell me how much they liked my store or the people in it. All I ever heard were the complaints. People think that everything is always about them. If they're not satisfied, they DEMAND to see the manager. And there the poor manager is, having to have someone yell at them for the 187th time that day. Well personally, I'm glad that the manager didn't back down and followed the company policy. That's all that you can really ask of a store manager (unless you're one of these selfish customer types who thinks that everything is about them, and company policies shouldn't apply to them because they are special :rolleyes: )

PS - If you won't use the gift card, send it to me. I'll put it to good use. :thumbup:
Well after all the heck you've caught GM, I'll keep my story of the perpetual boots to myself.
Cowboy, or moon?I hate country music, but kinda want a pair of cowboy boots for some reason... I think the south is growing on me. But like I said, I don't need any more stuff, so that's out.
very interesting thread- but i'm not sure what GM is upset about. he lost his receipt-so he gets sale price-thats standard operating procedure for most stores-or at least ones that want to stay in buisness. for any retailer to just carte blanche give regular price back(without a receipt) would be foolish-70-80 percent of items sold in stores are at sale price, and as far as the ones that are sold at full boat usually the customer comes back within a month to get a sales adjustment because it went on sale. sound buisness strategy if you ask me.
Exactly. GM, whichever store you buy your electronics from after this...are you going to make sure that they don't have the same store policy as Best Buy?? Because most stores have the same policy.I just can't understand why you would be upset over this. A policy is a policy.
I have worked retail. I worked at The Gap in college for about a month. It was the worst job I ever had and it wasn't because the customers sucked. It was because I got paid minimum wage whether I sold $2,000 worth of socks or stood there and said "Hiya, welcome to The Gap - please check out our fine selection of sweaters!". I hated that. I've been jaded of retail ever since and I FEEL SORRY FOR THOSE WHO WORK IN RETAIL. Yeah, I know customers can be mean, and I know very few people in big business retail get paid on commission. But guess what..........I'm paying your salary. I'm keeping your doors open, the heat on and the inventory moving. So pardon me for a second if I get a little bent out of shape because I'm treated with disdain and ripped off because I can't produce a receipt.Heaven forbid a customer expect to be treated with respect and dignity and not undercut on pricing because he lost his receipt. Yeah, I'm a bad guy because I got visibly angry at the store clerk for delivering the news to me that, even though I was kind enough to shop at her store, I wouldn't be treated with any appreciation or given the benefit of the doubt.Yeah...it's the customers who are in the wrong. We're the bad guys. We're the ones who make your job unbearable.un####ignreal.
You're being ridiculous. Many people are telling you this, and you're not listening.They have to listen to corporate policy. They are not screwing you over. You lost a receipt. You screwed yourself over.
very interesting thread- but i'm not sure what GM is upset about. he lost his receipt-so he gets sale price-thats standard operating procedure for most stores-or at least ones that want to stay in buisness. for any retailer to just carte blanche give regular price back(without a receipt) would be foolish-70-80 percent of items sold in stores are at sale price, and as far as the ones that are sold at full boat usually the customer comes back within a month to get a sales adjustment because it went on sale. sound buisness strategy if you ask me.
Exactly. GM, whichever store you buy your electronics from after this...are you going to make sure that they don't have the same store policy as Best Buy?? Because most stores have the same policy.I just can't understand why you would be upset over this. A policy is a policy.
1) i've said 100 times I should not have lost my receipt. 2) i'm not a big shopper. i have all the electronics i could want/need3) there's a hundred stores out there that sell DVD's....do you really think they all have the exact same return policy?4) i'm upset b/c Best Buy will sell the same DVD for $27.99 ($19.99 x 2 back out the $11.99 store credit).I'm sorry you don't understand or share my frustration. perhaps you keep all your receipts? I don't like being victimized because I can't produce a receipt. I chose BBY and gave them my money. That was nice of me. I could have chosen any store to give my money to, but I chose them. But I didn't get the same extended courtesy in return. End of story.I'm done debating this. I'm the moron and BBY is the poor victim.
I have worked retail. I worked at The Gap in college for about a month. It was the worst job I ever had and it wasn't because the customers sucked. It was because I got paid minimum wage whether I sold $2,000 worth of socks or stood there and said "Hiya, welcome to The Gap - please check out our fine selection of sweaters!". I hated that. I've been jaded of retail ever since and I FEEL SORRY FOR THOSE WHO WORK IN RETAIL. Yeah, I know customers can be mean, and I know very few people in big business retail get paid on commission. But guess what..........I'm paying your salary. I'm keeping your doors open, the heat on and the inventory moving. So pardon me for a second if I get a little bent out of shape because I'm treated with disdain and ripped off because I can't produce a receipt.Heaven forbid a customer expect to be treated with respect and dignity and not undercut on pricing because he lost his receipt. Yeah, I'm a bad guy because I got visibly angry at the store clerk for delivering the news to me that, even though I was kind enough to shop at her store, I wouldn't be treated with any appreciation or given the benefit of the doubt.Yeah...it's the customers who are in the wrong. We're the bad guys. We're the ones who make your job unbearable.un####ignreal.
You're being ridiculous. Many people are telling you this, and you're not listening.They have to listen to corporate policy. They are not screwing you over. You lost a receipt. You screwed yourself over.
yes, my wife was the first to tell me this. it doesn't mean i think I'm wrong. i may be ridiculous, but in my heart, I think BBY's return policy is ridiculous.show me where it was $11.99, then i'll be okay. they could and would not do this. why not? yes yes....save all your receipts. forever save every receipt you ever get. Understood.What good are bar codes and computers anyway? don't they track items sold, when and for how much? :wall:
Although there are absolutely no circumstances that would make me become a raging lunatic in the middle of Best Buy, I absolutely understand and agree with GM's internal thoughts and feelings on the whole thing.It's the whole treat me the way you want to be treated deal.

Although there are absolutely no circumstances that would make me become a raging lunatic in the middle of Best Buy
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: especially for 8 bucks. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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