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Does Tom Coughlin need to go? (1 Viewer)


Off shoot from the mind boggling David Wilson thread.

The questions are:

Is Coughlin done?

Would the giants be better off without him?

Are his ways, which worked in the past, now obsolete?

What are the chances he gets let go after this season?

He could very well get fired but I believe he is a good coach. My personal feeling is when you have a good coach you just need to work through some rough spots. I don't know that I feel he is very responsible for the 9 turnovers through 2 games. I suppose one could argue the game has passed him by but I feel this is jumping ship a bit early.

Haven't we heard this song before?

And what happened was SB.

He seems to be one of the great coaches now, I don't know how they could do this.

Just stick it out as usual and get the run game figured out.

Haven't we heard this song before?

And what happened was SB.

He seems to be one of the great coaches now, I don't know how they could do this.

Just stick it out as usual and get the run game figured out.
It happens every season. When Coughlin starts fielding teams under .500--which he hasn't done since Eli's rookie year--maybe this chatter will actually be worthwhile.
Short of them ending the season like... 2-14 I think he's safe. It's really tough to get rid of a coach who just won a Super Bowl just two seasons ago and another 4 seasons earlier. Who is all but a lock for the HoF at this point. He has a very long leash.

If they miss the playoffs this season and again next season? I think we hear a call to Bill Cowher go out. But he has a two season leash right now. Easy.

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The guy has won two Super Bowls in the last six years. He's got a very long leash at this point.

The only chance he gets fired IMO is if the team really implodes this year and goes something like 4-12. But I don't see that happening.

Also, don't count any Coughlin team out. The last two Super Bowls they won, the team had little indication of a championship team. In fact, they looked like toast back in 2007. But they often find a way when it counts.

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I personally think the idea of him getting canned this season after winning a super bowl in 2011 is insane

I am not sure how often the Giants should be expected to win the Super Bowl, once every 3-4 years would seem like enough

Short of them ending the season like... 2-14 I think he's safe. It's really tough to get rid of a coach who just won a Super Bowl just two seasons ago and another 4 seasons earlier. Who is all but a lock for the HoF at this point. He has a very long leash.

If they miss the playoffs this season and again next season? I think we hear a call to Bill Cowher go out. But he has a two season leash right now. Easy.
Peo[ple can keep callin Bill Cowher, but i would not expect him to answer

Short of them ending the season like... 2-14 I think he's safe. It's really tough to get rid of a coach who just won a Super Bowl just two seasons ago and another 4 seasons earlier. Who is all but a lock for the HoF at this point. He has a very long leash.

If they miss the playoffs this season and again next season? I think we hear a call to Bill Cowher go out. But he has a two season leash right now. Easy.
Peo[ple can keep callin Bill Cowher, but i would not expect him to answer
Same with Gruden

I think he is handling the running game and Wilson wrong. With that said, he is a great coach, but we see this in sports all the time after a while you just need a new voice in there. You seen it with the Red Sox and Terry Francona, it happened in Green Bay with Mike Holgrem, and in Philly with Andy Reid.

Short of them ending the season like... 2-14 I think he's safe. It's really tough to get rid of a coach who just won a Super Bowl just two seasons ago and another 4 seasons earlier. Who is all but a lock for the HoF at this point. He has a very long leash.

If they miss the playoffs this season and again next season? I think we hear a call to Bill Cowher go out. But he has a two season leash right now. Easy.
Peo[ple can keep callin Bill Cowher, but i would not expect him to answer
Same with Gruden

They are the perennial saviors out there, but they don;t really want the gig

i assume both will come back at SOME point, but who knows when, and the answer well may be NEVE

I think he is handling the running game and Wilson wrong. With that said, he is a great coach, but we see this in sports all the time after a while you just need a new voice in there. You seen it with the Red Sox and Terry Francona, it happened in Green Bay with Mike Holgrem, and in Philly with Andy Reid.
Reid and Holmgren didn't win two Super Bowls in 6 seasons. And didn't have threads of them being on the chopping block a season and two games after hoisting the Lombardi trophy. Not the same scenario at all.

With that said, he is a great coach, but we see this in sports all the time after a while you just need a new voice in there. You seen it with the Red Sox and Terry Francona, it happened in Green Bay with Mike Holgrem, and in Philly with Andy Reid.
I agree there will be some time when Coughlin will have worn out his welcome, but that time is likely a ways off. And I think he'll step down before he's shown the door.

Off shoot from the mind boggling David Wilson thread.

The questions are:

Is Coughlin done? Perhaps. But not until after the season.

Would the giants be better off without him? Not during the season. The giants still have a chance to make noise in the NFC east. As poorly as they have played they are only 1 game out of 1st place!

Are his ways, which worked in the past, now obsolete? NO, I don't think so...he is a non nonsense coach that does not tolerate mistake filled football..

What are the chances he gets let go after this season? He might retire...the dude is old.
Khy said:
msudaisy26 said:
I think he is handling the running game and Wilson wrong. With that said, he is a great coach, but we see this in sports all the time after a while you just need a new voice in there. You seen it with the Red Sox and Terry Francona, it happened in Green Bay with Mike Holgrem, and in Philly with Andy Reid.
Reid and Holmgren didn't win two Super Bowls in 6 seasons. And didn't have threads of them being on the chopping block a season and two games after hoisting the Lombardi trophy. Not the same scenario at all.
I am not comparing it exactly, you can't find an exact comparison. These are all coaches that had great success at a place and it was just time to move on, neither of us know our facts completely either because Holgrem had been 2 super bowls in the last 2 years when HE left Green Bay, he didn't win them both but that is a pretty close comparison.

The fact is they were all very good coaches whose time was up in their current spot, I am not sure if it is with Coughlin, I am just saying it might be.

The more i think about it the more Coughlin for Cowher seems funny

1) Cowher is an old school coach who strikes me as very similar to Coughlin

2) it was only the extreme patience of the Steelers organization that allowed him to eventually win a championship, canning coughlin would seem like the exact opposite of patience

As a Giants fan THIS is the type of thread I like. We only win when the coach is about to be fired. From putting all the chips to the center of the table to All-In, we need calls for firings in order to perform.

As a Giants fan THIS is the type of thread I like. We only win when the coach is about to be fired. From putting all the chips to the center of the table to All-In, we need calls for firings in order to perform.

As a Giants fan THIS is the type of thread I like. We only win when the coach is about to be fired. From putting all the chips to the center of the table to All-In, we need calls for firings in order to perform.
Yup, I bet Coughlin is getting his ### reamed right now by Mara and Tisch because of this thread.

The more i think about it the more Coughlin for Cowher seems funny

1) Cowher is an old school coach who strikes me as very similar to Coughlin

2) it was only the extreme patience of the Steelers organization that allowed him to eventually win a championship, canning coughlin would seem like the exact opposite of patience
And the Giants and Steelers are the 2 most patient organizations in the NFL. As long as the team is competitive, I would expect Coughlin to be there (which may not even be that much longer due to his age and own desires).

The other thing to add is that ownership absolutely loves him. It's much more likely to me that they would decide together that it was time for him to retire. But as other posters have said, not until after the season at the earliest, and more likely after next if they team really stinks it up.

As a Giants fan THIS is the type of thread I like. We only win when the coach is about to be fired. From putting all the chips to the center of the table to All-In, we need calls for firings in order to perform.
Funny but true.

I was on the fire Coughlin badnwagon the season he was hired and hated him with a passion right up until he held the Lombardi after beating the Patriots. He can stay forever now as far as I'm concerned. I'm ok with a trophy every 4 years or so.

Coughlin is not getting fired. If he goes 2-14 (not likely) he'll be pressured to make some changes on his staff.

As a giants fan the real issues are the coordinators. Personally, I hate the systems that both Fewell and Gilbride run.

If anyone needs to go it's Eli. He continues to put that team in a hole with his inaccuracy and bad decisions. 7 INTs in 2 weeks? Atleast he is consistent at turning the ball over if anything.

As a Giants fan THIS is the type of thread I like. We only win when the coach is about to be fired. From putting all the chips to the center of the table to All-In, we need calls for firings in order to perform.
Yup, I bet Coughlin is getting his ### reamed right now by Mara and Tisch because of this thread.
I think you're missing Koya's point here... the point is in the New York media everything is "What have you done for me lately?". We ended last season missing the playoffs in a rather ugly way. This season we've started 0-2 with 10 turnovers in two weeks, our prior years first round pick had a much rougher start than we'd like to see and our two time Super Bowl MVP QB has thrown 7 INTs in 2 games. If this happens again next week? It won't be this thread it'll be every radio station and football talk show in the country talking about "Is this finally Tom's time?". And in the past when that's happened the Giants went on to rally late and win a Super Bowl. Not saying it'll happen again but hell what history has told us of Tom's Giants is when their on their backs on a wall covered in mud being kicked by everyone. They find a way to stand up on the top of the mountain as kings.

As a Giants fan THIS is the type of thread I like. We only win when the coach is about to be fired. From putting all the chips to the center of the table to All-In, we need calls for firings in order to perform.
Funny but true.

I was on the fire Coughlin badnwagon the season he was hired and hated him with a passion right up until he held the Lombardi after beating the Patriots. He can stay forever now as far as I'm concerned. I'm ok with a trophy every 4 years or so.
This really... if he wins another Super Bowl in 2015 and retires after that year? How could you ever complain about the guy... most fan bases would kill for making the playoffs every 4 years or so. A Super Bowl every 4 years or so? Most fans would sell their first borns for that type of turnover.

He doesn't seem to have a relationship with his players at all - it seems like no one is following him, there appears to be very little leadership for the Giants.

If anyone needs to go it's Eli. He continues to put that team in a hole with his inaccuracy and bad decisions. 7 INTs in 2 weeks? Atleast he is consistent at turning the ball over if anything.
This comment makes me aware you either have vision problems or haven't watched the actual games. I'd say about 2 of those 7 INTs were actually Eli's fault. Two of them were complete freak accidents. And at least 2 of the others were the receivers fault but argument could be made for 3 of them. Eli gets a lot of flak for his INT totals year to year and it's not without warrant. He is the NFL leader in INTs since entering the league in 2004. That said, if I'm not mistaken the Giants are also the NFL leader in tipped ball interceptions through the same time frame. Again, not an excuse but "Eli's blunders' really are not as bad as a lot of people make them out to be.

The question is not if he has a long leash, the question is.. should he go?

The answer IMHO as a die hard NYG fan, is hell no. Not his fault Eli has played like crap. The NYG will be in this thing to win the division ( cause the division is god awful) before all is said and done.

The question is not if he has a long leash, the question is.. should he go?

The answer IMHO as a die hard NYG fan, is hell no. Not his fault Eli has played like crap. The NYG will be in this thing to win the division ( cause the division is god awful) before all is said and done.
A lot of people are forgetting that even after possibly the worst start this team has had since 2004... we're 1 game back in the division. And honestly, NOBODY in this division looks that good right now. You could still argue the Giants are the best team in this division still. The Cowboys offense looks nothing short of atrocious, the Eagles probably have the worst defense in the NFL and their offense didn't look half as good this week as it did in Week 1 (color me surprised) and the Redskins defense might be even worse than the Eagles.

Despite the two big scores, the Giants defense has actually shut down Dallas and Denver in the first half of each game. But there's only so long they can keep up with a 5 turnover per game average. If the team had 3 turnovers through 2 games and had a actual running game to speak of to keep the Time of Possession realistic? We're probably looking at a 2-0 team right now and people are talking about "Are the Giants the best team in the NFL?". Instead we had 10 turnovers (some that weren't even anyone's fault but bad luck) and we're 0-2 and people are panicing.

One things for sure, if the fire Tom Couglin talk has begun in NY, you can darn near pencil the Giants in for a late season run to the SB. I wonder what odds I could get in Vegas right now...

Eli is the problem in New York, not Coughlin.
Read what I posted above, this is total non-sense. We're literally sitting here debating:

Tom Coughlin: A coach who has been with the team for 9 seasons and has won two Super Bowls in that time. The last of which came literally 18 games ago for the team. Who also single handedly built the Jaguars from the ground up and took them to a conference championship in very few years. Needs to be run out of town.

Eli Manning: A 2-time Super Bowl MVP and besides Montana and Brady is probably one of the best post-season QBs of all time. Needs to be run out of town.

You're all insane.

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The more i think about it the more Coughlin for Cowher seems funny

1) Cowher is an old school coach who strikes me as very similar to Coughlin

2) it was only the extreme patience of the Steelers organization that allowed him to eventually win a championship, canning coughlin would seem like the exact opposite of patience
And the Giants and Steelers are the 2 most patient organizations in the NFL. As long as the team is competitive, I would expect Coughlin to be there (which may not even be that much longer due to his age and own desires).
i could absolutely see him deciding to call it quits after this season, he has put in his time

i don't see him being forced out

Eli is the problem in New York, not Coughlin.
Read what I posted above, this is total non-sense. We're literally sitting here debating:

Tom Coughlin: A coach who has been with the team for 9 seasons and has won two Super Bowls in that time. The last of which came literally 18 games ago for the team. Who also single handedly built the Jaguars from the ground up and took them to a conference championship in very few years. Needs to be run out of town.

Eli Manning: A 2-time Super Bowl MVP and besides Montana and Brady is probably one of the best post-season QBs of all time. Needs to be run out of town.

You're all insane.
what is insane is this talk all started because people somehow think David Wilson is being given a raw deal

Eli is the problem in New York, not Coughlin.
Read what I posted above, this is total non-sense. We're literally sitting here debating:

Tom Coughlin: A coach who has been with the team for 9 seasons and has won two Super Bowls in that time. The last of which came literally 18 games ago for the team. Who also single handedly built the Jaguars from the ground up and took them to a conference championship in very few years. Needs to be run out of town.

Eli Manning: A 2-time Super Bowl MVP and besides Montana and Brady is probably one of the best post-season QBs of all time. Needs to be run out of town.

You're all insane.
what is insane is this talk all started because people somehow think David Wilson is being given a raw deal
Just so we're clear (and not to merge threads) I'm not in that camp. I'm in the camp that Coughlin had only a few ways to proceed with the Wilson issues and he's currently just taking the longer, but safer route. If he just threw Wilson to the wolves this week and Wilson fumbled again the kid would be done and his career would be mostly over. His confidence would have been completely shattered. He's doing this right, giving Wilson small amounts of carries that 'should' build as the weeks go on till he gets enough confidence to take over the lead back role. It's not so much that Coughlin has an 'issue' with the fumbling. Coughlin is confident he can fix that problem, it's more than he's worried about losing Wilson mentally if he continues to fumble. So he's taking the calm and cool approach to Wilson which right now is probably for the best. Even if Wilson ends the season with 5-6 total fumbles, they'll hopefully come after he's put up some decent stats and games and he'll be okay confidence wise. This is what I think Coughlin is actually doing and panicked and uninformed Wilson owners are over-reacting to the situation. Give-It-Time.

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If anyone needs to go it's Eli. He continues to put that team in a hole with his inaccuracy and bad decisions. 7 INTs in 2 weeks? Atleast he is consistent at turning the ball over if anything.
This comment makes me aware you either have vision problems or haven't watched the actual games. I'd say about 2 of those 7 INTs were actually Eli's fault. Two of them were complete freak accidents. And at least 2 of the others were the receivers fault but argument could be made for 3 of them. Eli gets a lot of flak for his INT totals year to year and it's not without warrant. He is the NFL leader in INTs since entering the league in 2004. That said, if I'm not mistaken the Giants are also the NFL leader in tipped ball interceptions through the same time frame. Again, not an excuse but "Eli's blunders' really are not as bad as a lot of people make them out to be.
Your first sentence is out of line in response to Warpig. The INT's are STILL Eli's fault. He is still throwing the ball, and pretty inaccurately at that. He is making many poor decisions in the process. Does Aaron Rodgers ever throw 7 Ints in 2 weeks? No

If anyone needs to go it's Eli. He continues to put that team in a hole with his inaccuracy and bad decisions. 7 INTs in 2 weeks? Atleast he is consistent at turning the ball over if anything.
This comment makes me aware you either have vision problems or haven't watched the actual games. I'd say about 2 of those 7 INTs were actually Eli's fault. Two of them were complete freak accidents. And at least 2 of the others were the receivers fault but argument could be made for 3 of them. Eli gets a lot of flak for his INT totals year to year and it's not without warrant. He is the NFL leader in INTs since entering the league in 2004. That said, if I'm not mistaken the Giants are also the NFL leader in tipped ball interceptions through the same time frame. Again, not an excuse but "Eli's blunders' really are not as bad as a lot of people make them out to be.
Your first sentence is out of line in response to Warpig. The INT's are STILL Eli's fault. He is still throwing the ball, and pretty inaccurately at that. He is making many poor decisions in the process. Does Aaron Rodgers ever throw 7 Ints in 2 weeks? No
No, but Drew Brees does... hell, Brees had 9 INTs in 3 games last season. Or are we now at the point where Drew Brees doesn't deserve to be in the same conversation as Aaron Rodgers?

If you watched those games as I said... maybe 2-3 of the 7 INTs were actually bad decisions. The rest were crazy luck, miss-run routes and tipped passes that should have been easy catches. And if you're going to try and say "You can't really know when a route was miss run", maybe not with all QBs. But with the 'great' ones you can. Eli, Brady, Peyton, Rodgers, Brees etc. they are all very easy to read when they know the INT was their fault or when it was the receivers fault.

It's a shame Coughlin's age is being used against him, they did it to Don Shula as well so they could rush to hire Jimmy Johnson...that didn't work out very well either.

Forcing a guy into retirement who has won 2 SB in the last 7-8 years seems like a pretty asinine way of thinking but fans have to blame someone so blame Coughlin. Sounds like folks who are spoiled from stealing 2 Super Bowls.

It's a shame Coughlin's age is being used against him, they did it to Don Shula as well so they could rush to hire Jimmy Johnson...that didn't work out very well either.

Forcing a guy into retirement who has won 2 SB in the last 7-8 years seems like a pretty asinine way of thinking but fans have to blame someone so blame Coughlin. Sounds like folks who are spoiled from stealing 2 Super Bowls.
i don't think it really is

i think there's a small fringe group in here that think he is done, i think the NYG organization loves the man, and why wouldn't they.

Eli is the problem in New York, not Coughlin.
Read what I posted above, this is total non-sense. We're literally sitting here debating:

Tom Coughlin: A coach who has been with the team for 9 seasons and has won two Super Bowls in that time. The last of which came literally 18 games ago for the team. Who also single handedly built the Jaguars from the ground up and took them to a conference championship in very few years. Needs to be run out of town.

Eli Manning: A 2-time Super Bowl MVP and besides Montana and Brady is probably one of the best post-season QBs of all time. Needs to be run out of town.

You're all insane.
what is insane is this talk all started because people somehow think David Wilson is being given a raw deal

The primary reason this thread was started was because someone is butt hurt that David Wilson isn’t producing for their fantasy team.

I realize that things are not looking so good after two weeks but it’s just two weeks no need to hit the panic button just yet and there is certainly no need to entertain any fire Coughlin request

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msudaisy26 said:
I think he is handling the running game and Wilson wrong. With that said, he is a great coach, but we see this in sports all the time after a while you just need a new voice in there. You seen it with the Red Sox and Terry Francona, it happened in Green Bay with Mike Holgrem, and in Philly with Andy Reid.
You can fault them for ignoring the position in the draft, but he has handled their mess at RB as well as can be expected. They have nothing at the position and he's doing the best he can.

Wilson owner.


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