Not sure if this is related to the lack of professionalism in these emails, but there are reports that OPM a couple significant positions have recently been filled by a 21-year-old and someone who just graduated HS last year.
Its possible. A couple years ago I saw that about 30% of the federal workforce is nearing/at retirement age.
Many of the old would simply never leave. I haven't been a govie for 15+ years, but there were people over 65 in the office that refused to use a computer that were un-fireable. Those people were bound and determined to die in the office. It's what made me leave. The next generation needed to come along with better skills and attitude, but it couldn't because it's hard to get promoted into a job that never opens up. They can only create so many new reqs.
Then while the benefits are great, the starting salaries stink. My son graduated 4.0 from a top college. He applied to CIA and DoS and they offered him GS9 Step 1. It was less than half what he made going private. He basically got a GS15 salary in the private world.
And due to the above, nobody is going to come back to govt unless they don't know any other way of life (ie DOD civilians re-hired into the same job they already had).
The result is a lack of qualified mid level staff and managers. They will find someone to move up to senior roles, but they won't be as skilled as the people the govt already ran into private enterprise from the above issues.
There are smart people in govt. Especially at the GS15+ level. But at the lower level, I'm fine with them hiring HS grads. I worked with one woman that was a GS7 Step 10 after 25 years of work. No desire to get promoted or learn. She stared at the wall all day. Give me some kids that have some initiative.