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In this thread I rank my favorite Beatles songs: 204-1. (5 Viewers)

2.  Across The Universe (Let It Be, 1970)
Today my mom called to tell me that the Dr told her that my grandmother, who is 98, is transitioning into her way out.  We have known for the past couple months, and especially the last couple of weeks that she is nearing the end.  The Dr said she will get no more liquids or food or medication now, but she is getting morphine, and she is comfortable. He said if any family members want to see her then they should come soon, because she could pass today or it could be in a few days.  On my way to see her, and on my way from seeing her, I played this song over and over. It always takes me to a peaceful place within myself. I  am feeling the lyrics "pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind, possessing and caressing me." My grandmother has been in a nursing home for a few years now, and the last couple have been the roughest for her.  She couldn't live, but she couldn't die either. I am sad, but I also feel a joyous comfort in knowing she will soon be free.  🌈 

Thanks for doing this thread, krista. The Beatles have always been my favorite band, and this thread has been a nice diversion. ❤️

Today my mom called to tell me that the Dr told her that my grandmother, who is 98, is transitioning into her way out.  We have known for the past couple months, and especially the last couple of weeks that she is nearing the end.  The Dr said she will get no more liquids or food or medication now, but she is getting morphine, and she is comfortable. He said if any family members want to see her then they should come soon, because she could pass today or it could be in a few days.  On my way to see her, and on my way from seeing her, I played this song over and over. It always takes me to a peaceful place within myself. I  am feeling the lyrics "pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind, possessing and caressing me." My grandmother has been in a nursing home for a few years now, and the last couple have been the roughest for her.  She couldn't live, but she couldn't die either. I am sad, but I also feel a joyous comfort in knowing she will soon be free.  🌈 

Thanks for doing this thread, krista. The Beatles have always been my favorite band, and this thread has been a nice diversion. ❤️
Along those lines Simey, my elderly mother always loved the Beatles. She didn't like a lot of "rock", but them and the Moody Blues she always adored.

Today my mom called to tell me that the Dr told her that my grandmother, who is 98, is transitioning into her way out.  We have known for the past couple months, and especially the last couple of weeks that she is nearing the end.  The Dr said she will get no more liquids or food or medication now, but she is getting morphine, and she is comfortable. He said if any family members want to see her then they should come soon, because she could pass today or it could be in a few days.  On my way to see her, and on my way from seeing her, I played this song over and over. It always takes me to a peaceful place within myself. I  am feeling the lyrics "pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind, possessing and caressing me." My grandmother has been in a nursing home for a few years now, and the last couple have been the roughest for her.  She couldn't live, but she couldn't die either. I am sad, but I also feel a joyous comfort in knowing she will soon be free.  🌈 

Thanks for doing this thread, krista. The Beatles have always been my favorite band, and this thread has been a nice diversion. ❤️
So beautiful, my friend.  Reading those lyrics in this context made me cry.  Love to you and your family.  

Well, it's still exotic to me. Nice. 👍
I like it b/c it reminds me of reading to him as a toddler (that's when I noticed it), has no real meaning, but sounds like it could, and because it's damn near the only thing I've ever Googled that comes up with virtually nothing (some weird Hungarian Disney-related stuff aside).

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Hell of a ride, @krista4

I'm not very eloquent in the best of times and, these days, tend to lose my train of thought pretty quickly. But this thread has been the first thing I've checked in on every morning since you started it, even more than the weather (a high compliment coming from me). Your essays have been great - I wish I could write like that - and many of the guest write-ups have had me rethinking the way I experience music.

I have an essay I want to post, but I'm gonna wait for Getz to lay out the stats first. I didn't write it, but I think it gives an interesting perspective on the Beatles and how their music is perceived.

Here's a "cheers" to you, Oliver, and all of the other fine folks who have made this thread such a joy. :Pappys&nehigrape:

This thread has kept me sane the past however many weeks, including the last two where I've been traveling in Costa Rica with my family, including FIL.  

To krista (and Mr krista to a lesser degree), amazing job on this Herculean effort.  You brought a lot of joy to a group of people who - let's face it - desperately must need joy, or else they wouldn't be in the FFA every day.  I guess they could be masochists instead.   /tangent

Ok, I'll admit it -- also super relieved that these rankings are done, because they caused so much marital strife with Mrs APK.   Rocky Raccoon.  Wtf.

Man, I missed today and the past few pages as I've been busy with the end of Sober February and moving on to Sober March.

Anyway, I'm bummed to have missed the real-time culmination of everything! I'm going to sit for a moment later and read the Abbey Road Medley write-up (I read the In My Life write-up. Nice stuff), give the medley another listen, and try not to Hipple the thread later tonight. 

I think saying something like "great work, K4" doesn't quite do this effort justice. No, it's not an armistice effort (note I'm thinking of Paul and the Pipes of Peace video here). And no, it's not as cool or meaningful to humanity as one of the pro bono Innocence Projects that you mentioned earlier in the thread when discussing charities -- but it's been a thoughtful and welcome diversion for those of us with some spare time and some desire to be intellectually and musically stimulated. 

I certainly have enjoyed it. It's been a nice window into your and Mr. k's life and I think I'm better for it. Edified a bit, if you will. Thank you for doing it!

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This took about seven weeks and it's been an amazing time.

  For me, it started in the middle of my two-months of left knee rehab where I could not put any weight on my left knee so it could heel. Wheel chair all of January.  The music in this thread kept me in a great mood and helped the time fly while being grounded. 

I've been walking the last three weeks and back in action selling RE. Had a closing Wednesday, a listing go active yesterday that sold today, and wrote 4 other offers with 3 accepted this week. It's been crazy fun and I can't help but think that the great mood I've been in has helped make this all happen. I even won an insanely huge NFL playoff contest and I'll always associate this thread and the Beatles with that event.

Unless Krista tells me otherwise, I'll start the composite countdown some time tomorrow.  It won't come close to Krista's write ups, but I will be listing the composite score, number of times selected, and which FBG had it ranked highest.  Will also list the # of times in the Top10, alongs with all FBG's that rank a song #1 or #2.  I hope people comment on their selections and why they put them where they did. When I'm done with the composite, I'll post everyone's Top 25 and hopefully that will lead to some good discussion (or laughter).

I think you are all going to be surprised at where some songs are ranked and I hope it turns out to be a lot of fun for everyone.   PM me your Composite Top 10 list. There are 142 songs on it.  I'll take lists until we get down to #120.

All the kudos in the world to the Krista Family Trust. It just boggles my mind the amount of effort you both put into all of this.  :clap: :clap: 🍷🍷


Getz, your plan sounds fine to me.  Btw, your post made me count them, but I’ve closed seven acquisitions and joint ventures while the thread has been alive, including a really sticky one today.  Multi-tasking!  (And not sleeping.)

wikkid, what a lovely thought.  I’d have to think an appropriate post. This isn’t the one!

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It's from a wall hanging of the alphabet in my youngest son's room.  The final two columns, read down:






My word. I'd asked before and hadn't gotten a response. I sort of liked not knowing.  

It sucks that I have been so busy at work for the past month and had to play catch up every day on the greatest thread ever.   I will go back and read this one from beginning to end in a few months.  

The Medley is my favorite chunk of music ever written.  I love how it is disjointed but the pieces flow into each other and that there are soft pieces that are interrupted by pure rock jams.  P Pam and Bathroom Window and how they flow together is pure genius.  

I often wonder how many musicians the Beatles influenced?   Is there really any doubt that the Beatles are the greatest band in history?   

I really screwed up by leaving Across the Universe out of my 25.   What a beautiful song.  

It sucks that I have been so busy at work for the past month and had to play catch up every day on the greatest thread ever.   I will go back and read this one from beginning to end in a few months.  

The Medley is my favorite chunk of music ever written.  I love how it is disjointed but the pieces flow into each other and that there are soft pieces that are interrupted by pure rock jams.  P Pam and Bathroom Window and how they flow together is pure genius.  

I often wonder how many musicians the Beatles influenced?   Is there really any doubt that the Beatles are the greatest band in history?   

I really screwed up by leaving Across the Universe out of my 25.   What a beautiful song.  
It seems like everyone here would like a small do-over on their top 25.   :)  

I think we all did. 🙂
Yes. I was thinking and I don't think there is really anything else that could work for this. No other rock band has such a strong A-Z catalogue. A majority of Americans aren't anywhere near as familiar with other musical forms so there goes Mozart or Miles Davis. With movies or books there will just be too many that people have not seen/read. It is quite the testament to Paul, John, Ringo, George and George that they made a collection of work that people who were born 40 years apart can come together and discuss in such intimate detail. 

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I'm honestly not sure what to do with myself.  What did I used to do?  I notice it's a beautiful day/evening.  Is going out of doors still a thing?
I spend at least 15 minutes walking outdoors after every meal - 6 meals/day. Even if it just under my porches. 

I recommend walking patterns of circles, lines, boxes and,, well for a beginner like you... not much more is recommended. 

Later, you could try an arc or two. 

Good luck. 😇

Maybe I should wait until I'm drunk and sappy, but I want to thank deeply and sincerely the people who participated in this thread.  Actually all of them, because even the ones who irritated me earlier seemed to get with the spirit of the thread after all!  (Or possibly I just became less irritable and got in the spirit myself.)   When I started this, I expected it to be rock, Uruk, ilove80s and me, with a wikkid story thrown in now and then.  I'm not going to rank my favorite aspects of the thread (or am I?), but here are aspects I particularly loved in no particular order:

--Interacting with new people whom I've never iTalked to before!  I loved seeing new "faces" and felt like I got to know some really cool people, including some whose usernames I'd never even seen previously.

--Interacting with people who have been GBs on the board for a while!  Even if we knew each other a bit, I have a new appreciation for you guys.

--Hearing people's personal stories and memories associated with the Beatles.  As I mentioned near the beginning in a post no one read, I don't have any of those, and I loved living vicariously through yours.

--Being introduced to new videos, new versions of songs, new cover songs, new bands, and new facts.  The knowledge in this thread is extraordinary.  Ted Lange needs a special shout-out for his amazing video collection.

--The covers from Nipsey, fatguy, and Shaftdaughter.  We need a post that accumulates those in one spot.  

--Shtick!  (Don't worry, Tanner, it says "Shtick!")  Excellent shtick up and down, but Binky needs a special shout-out for stick-to-it-iveness and a scary-wide selection of memes.

--Getzlaf for the yeoman's work on the consensus rankings, and heckmanm calculating my favorite albums. 

--Participation in my two contests.  Now I associate songs with particular people, since I have this weird thing where I read people's posts and remember them.  I know every person's pick for my #1 off the top of my head, so when I hear them I think of iPeople.  Same with songs people have named as their own favorites.

--Supportive posts and PMs from a variety of people throughout, including many I didn't iKnow well before now.

Thus concludes my acceptance speech.  Btw, I feel like I'm going to spend the rest of my life prefacing every list I make with "in no particular order."

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