Years ago this site used to be a must-read for breaking NFL news, but now that everyone and their brother has a blog, breaking news has pretty much become omnipresent on the Web, so it's one competitive advantage has pretty much been nullified.
And it just seems that Florio is much more concerned at this point with manufacturing him and his site as some sort of media presence and is trying desperately to simply generate controversy and stories out of nothing, much moreso even than in the past. The major knock on the site used to be the Rumor Mill was 90% rumor, then that actually improved, but now it just seems most pieces are him editorializing his "controversial" opinion.
What pushed me over the edge was his egregious and unnecessary excoriating of Vince Young after his "the media is writing my legacy" comments. Just ridiculous.
Anyway, it's gotten to the point where I'll probably just unsubscribe from the RSS feed and be done with it. Anyone else done with this site? (I know, I know, I'm probably about 2 years too late on coming around ...)
And it just seems that Florio is much more concerned at this point with manufacturing him and his site as some sort of media presence and is trying desperately to simply generate controversy and stories out of nothing, much moreso even than in the past. The major knock on the site used to be the Rumor Mill was 90% rumor, then that actually improved, but now it just seems most pieces are him editorializing his "controversial" opinion.
What pushed me over the edge was his egregious and unnecessary excoriating of Vince Young after his "the media is writing my legacy" comments. Just ridiculous.
Anyway, it's gotten to the point where I'll probably just unsubscribe from the RSS feed and be done with it. Anyone else done with this site? (I know, I know, I'm probably about 2 years too late on coming around ...)