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January 6th - what will happen? (2 Viewers)

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Okay, that is not "none".

But the bigger point, and it is a bit of a semantic one, is that this was less a serious coup or revolution attempt than it was a bunch of idiots rioting.

When I say bigger point, I don't mean to say it's a big point. I'm just surprised that there weren't more guns present and that there weren't more people killed. That is all.
They were trying to overturn the results of the presidential election with force. That is an attempted coup. It might have been a dumb attempted coup, but still not just a riot.

i listen to bbc world news in the morning and they were getting the reaction of different parts of the world and one stop was nigeria and they reported that the feeling there was that the usa has been in decline for the last four years and that what happened yesterday is more proof of that and another thing they said i found poignant was that this was a disheartening turn of events for places where people are striving for democracy to see the chaos at the us capitol and that basically our position as a shining city on a hill has been tarnished if not destroyed and that guys like putin were laughing with delight because it disincentives those who would seek to rise up against authoritarian regimes like his so basically this is what trumpism has brought to us take that to the bank brohans 
brohans, you're right on point with this one.  I've seen social media posts trying to compare yesterday's actions with the BLM protests/riots.  But the issues you raise here are why yesterday was different and more alarming.  How can we judge other countries when our own house is not in order?  The only possible "good news" to come of this is that, I believe, the Trump family's  political future is now dead.  Sure, they can rant and rave and hold some gatherings, but most of the country now sees clearly how dangerous and inflammatory the words and message are.  I feel that Trump is toast.

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If you don’t see a difference in how yesterday’s violence was treated vs BLM protesters then you’re being willfully obtuse.

No way BLM could have stormed a federal building and sat in Nancy freakin Pelosi’s office. Get real. 

And the idiot who was shot and killed attempted to force her way into an area that Congress members were being held. 

BLM isn’t a perfect organization by any means. I’m personally not a fan. However TPTB always sends out tanks and rubber bullets whoever there’s a protest. 

And that is America. It’s the ugly truth.

Radical right wing terrorists storm the Capitol and overwhelm the police - Trump refuses to call in the NG

Black football players kneel during the anthem - "Fire those sons of b!@!#s!!"

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This guy :lmao:  he wore his ####### work lanyard


NEW: A Maryland company has terminated one of its employees after he was apparently captured in a picture during the mob riot in the Capitol yesterday.

I've been up all morning and was about to step away.  Told myself not to but clicked the thread one last time.  For once, SO worth it.  :lmao:  

I could use a laugh, thanks.

So within the first 90 seconds, punches were being thrown between protestors and police and one officer was thrown on his back landing onto concrete stairs. 

Any court in the country would rule it was self defense if a bullet was fired during that. 
This isn't a case where police can just retreat either. 

I skimmed both news reports, reporting about what people tweeted, and don’t see any mention of the guy sitting at Pelosi’s desk.  

At least one of the cops used lethal force. That has to be investigated to see if it was actually necessary. 
I'm extremely surprised more lethal force wasn't used.

Maybe the quick triggers will usually see in these situations were so few this time because the crowd was overwhelmingly white. Just sayin'. 
Whats interesting is we didnt see any BLM/Antifa/whatever counter-protesters running on scene with AR-15's talking about how they are going to protect the capital and start shooting people.  Weird right?

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I skimmed both news reports, reporting about what people tweeted, and don’t see any mention of the guy sitting at Pelosi’s desk.  
Ok - but Antifa cause the riot and this guy just illegally strolled into the Chambers...got it

This is sad to see. In other recent mostly peaceful protest I don’t recall lethal force and police have stood down while building burn to the ground. 
Definitely needs an investigation as I am against lethal force except when absolutely necessary even if it’s from law enforcement or secret service. I don’t know who was on the other side of that window she was coming for. If it was members of Congress and the LEO were significantly outnumbered, I think a case for lethal force is probably warranted unfortunately. A full investigation into all of this is needed. The biggest question is why was there such a minimal police presence there when everyone knew there was a huge contentious event taking place and a large crowd expected to be in DC to protest.
In addition, you dont know if the rioters are armed.  You dont know what you are up against.

I believe antifa was responsible for this as much as whatever the right version is of the blm looting.....

I'm sure there a couple running around in each

Ok - but Antifa cause the riot and this guy just illegally strolled into the Chambers...got it
Link to anyone saying that not on Twitter or Facebook.  

I believe antifa was responsible for this as much as whatever the right version is of the blm looting.....

I'm sure there a couple running around in each
It’s antifa and BLM opportunists doing the looting. 

30 years of indoctrinization and echo chambering culminated in this yesterday.  Conservative radio, FOX, fringe Right websites and social networking have (for lack of better word) brainwashed a subset of our society (IMO) much more efficiently than network media and Higher Education ever could.   

AAABatteries said:
Wait, I thought Trump had a lot of black support and many (more than you could ever imagine) show up to his rallies.  Now that trouble started you want to blame the black guys and not claim them.  Sounds kind of, well.....
It's sort of like when Tony assumed that the skinny guys weren't Trump supporters.

Sometimes you reveal more about yourself by what you don't say.

30 years of indoctrinization and echo chambering culminated in this yesterday.  Conservative radio, FOX, fringe Right websites and social networking have (for lack of better word) brainwashed a subset of our society (IMO) much more efficiently than network media and Higher Education ever could.   
When you put n it that way I almost think they should take the Medal of Freedom away from Rush Limbaugh

He wasn't lying: https://m.startribune.com/charges-boogaloo-bois-fired-on-mpls-precinct-shouted-justice-for-floyd/572843802/

They charged a guy from Texas who claimed to be Boogaloo for starting the police precinct fire and shooting an AK47 at the building.

They have texts of him bragging about it.
He was lying. He claimed that 80% of the people causing trouble were from out of state. Arrest records dont bavk that up at all. That ivan harrison dude is one guy that was arrested. 

Officials said the shooting happened as other people, believed to be looters, were inside the building.

He fired 13 shots into the side of a building that was already taken over. To act like he is the reason is silly. It is exactly the same mindset as people blaming antifa for yesterday. 

Just like umbrella man. Guy breaks some windows and two hours later the place gets looted. But it is all his fault that target and autozone got looted.

An anonymous tip comes in saying umbrella man is a white supremacist guy. Police want to investigate the tip. File for a search warrant. Reporters treat that afidavit for a search warrant as what actually happened and even say "according to police". It should have said according to a police filing based on an anonymous tip. The only actual police statements centered around how in the video you can see he is tall and talk about a past arrest. It is now 5 months later, no arrest and i dont even actually know if they got the search warrant. 

It is all misdirection from what we could obviously see.

I skimmed both news reports, reporting about what people tweeted, and don’t see any mention of the guy sitting at Pelosi’s desk.  
Ok - but Antifa cause the riot and this guy just illegally strolled into the Chambers...got it
The people blaming Antifa (and I've run across them on FB too) have no response for the woman who was killed (in front of the charge, clearly not Antifa), the guy in Palosi's office (again, long history of definitely not Antifa), and the Viking guy (known QAnon, Trump supporter) are present in the Capitol if this was done by Antifa.

I'll hang up and listen.   :popcorn:

The people blaming Antifa (and I've run across them on FB too) have no response for the woman who was killed (in front of the charge, clearly not Antifa), the guy in Palosi's office (again, long history of definitely not Antifa), and the Viking guy (known QAnon, Trump supporter) are present in the Capitol if this was done by Antifa.

I'll hang up and listen.   :popcorn:
L0ok, I don't know what to tell you.  There were skinny guys wearing black hoodies with backpacks.  If that's not enough evidence for you sheeple then I don't know what to say.

You are right, and this is because of how social media works. Compare our discussion here on a forum to how Facebook works for example. On this forum, you see all posts. You see all opinions. You see the "group mentality" even though it is mixed with many different thoughts. You could filter some of it out by using the ignore feature, but you have to manually chose that. On facebook, that filtering is done for you. It automatically presents you with things it has learned you like. It does that because it wants you to come back as much as possible, and they know you will come back the more you see stuff you like, and less of the stuff you don't. So all these QAnon people are seeing their social media feeds filled with positive opinions about what happened yesterday and are completely isolated from the massive outrage the country is having as a whole. They are literally in their own little world right now, and have been for years for some of them. Which is a big factor in what led up to this happening. Many of the people there yesterday experience a social media world where everyone wants Trump to be president, because that's all they see in their social media feed. The election had to be stolen, because they don't see anyone wanting Biden. 

It does go both ways. Those who want Biden are overwhelmed in their social media feeds with pro-Biden stuff. It was just a matter of time before one side snapped as a result of this. I don't have a solution to social media on how to fix it, but it clearly is a problem that is destroying our democracy. But make no mistake, the QAnon movement did not die from what happened at all yesterday. They seriously and literally live in their own world. 
The Social Dilemma. 

Heavy regulation is coming.....make no mistake. We have to as a society get control of this runaway demon. 

It is truly destroying our world slowly, post by post. I really hope they can get control of this in time. They (Our FCC) have to start......NOW. 

TV is regulated, radio is regulated......the time has come for social media to be federally regulated and make these companies have standards and tolls to pay. The algo’s are out of control.

Enough is enough. 

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The people blaming Antifa (and I've run across them on FB too) have no response for the woman who was killed (in front of the charge, clearly not Antifa), the guy in Palosi's office (again, long history of definitely not Antifa), and the Viking guy (known QAnon, Trump supporter) are present in the Capitol if this was done by Antifa.

I'll hang up and listen.   :popcorn:
Nothing more than a illogical line of defense that they are getting from those who indoctrinated them; who don't want to think about the idea that the hate they've spewed over the past 30 years led to this.  

Josh Dawsey @jdawsey1 · 6m

Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao is resigning, per two officials. Cites yesterday’s events as reason in email to DOT colleagues, per draft. First Cabinet secretary to resign. Chao is married to Mitch McConnell. More TK.

This was going back and forth yesterday as to whether she would resign.

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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said President Trump was "completely wrong" to encourage a mob of protesters to storm the Capitol building in DC."

"In so far as he encouraged people to go to Congress, and in so far as the President has consistently cast doubt on the outcome of a free and fair election, I believe that to be completely wrong," Boris Johnson said in a press conference.

"I unreservedly condemn encouraging people to behave in the disgraceful way they did in the Capitol."

The Social Dilemma. 

Heavy regulation is coming.....make no mistake. We have to as a society get control of this runaway demon. 

It is truly destroying our world slowly, post by post. I really hope they can get control of this in time. They (Our FCC) have to start......NOW. 

TV is regulated, radio is regulated......the time has come for social media to be federally regulated and make these companies have standards and tolls to pay. The algo’s are out of control.

Enough is enough. 

You are right, and this is because of how social media works. Compare our discussion here on a forum to how Facebook works for example. On this forum, you see all posts. You see all opinions. You see the "group mentality" even though it is mixed with many different thoughts. You could filter some of it out by using the ignore feature, but you have to manually chose that. On facebook, that filtering is done for you. It automatically presents you with things it has learned you like. It does that because it wants you to come back as much as possible, and they know you will come back the more you see stuff you like, and less of the stuff you don't. So all these QAnon people are seeing their social media feeds filled with positive opinions about what happened yesterday and are completely isolated from the massive outrage the country is having as a whole. They are literally in their own little world right now, and have been for years for some of them. Which is a big factor in what led up to this happening. Many of the people there yesterday experience a social media world where everyone wants Trump to be president, because that's all they see in their social media feed. The election had to be stolen, because they don't see anyone wanting Biden. 

It does go both ways. Those who want Biden are overwhelmed in their social media feeds with pro-Biden stuff. It was just a matter of time before one side snapped as a result of this. I don't have a solution to social media on how to fix it, but it clearly is a problem that is destroying our democracy. But make no mistake, the QAnon movement did not die from what happened at all yesterday. They seriously and literally live in their own world. 
Well said.

Josh Dawsey @jdawsey1 · 6m

Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao is resigning, per two officials. Cites yesterday’s events as reason in email to DOT colleagues, per draft. First Cabinet secretary to resign. Chao is married to Mitch McConnell. More TK.

This was going back and forth yesterday as to whether she would resign.
Oh she did. Mayor Pete to take over

Josh Dawsey @jdawsey1 · 6m

Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao is resigning, per two officials. Cites yesterday’s events as reason in email to DOT colleagues, per draft. First Cabinet secretary to resign. Chao is married to Mitch McConnell. More TK.

This was going back and forth yesterday as to whether she would resign.
Coward.  She should have stepped up and called for the 25th and announced she would be one of the Cabinet members to sign on rather than resign.

Not sure how much it’s been discuss here, but I still want to know who made the ultimate decisions on security yesterday. With all of the talk about potential violence, there should have been WAY more officers, barricades, etc. What they had was obviously laughable and inadequate.

If reports are true, 60 officers were injured yesterday including 15 that had to go to the hospital and one in critical condition. Many of the injured were hit in the head with pipes. But yeah, the rioters were just let in and thought they were there to peacefully protest.  :rolleyes:

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