Yeah, I'm sure. I made ribs and PP at the same time once. Had some leftover glaze in a bottle. Shot a bit on some PP and loved it. Been using it ever since. Put a little after I'm done pulling, just enough for a light coating.Are you sure you didn't mean to link this??What I use...I came home from the bar last night and decided it was a good idea to light the smoker off (lucky to not burn the house down). Lit the charcoal @1:30am closed everything up went to bed, giving the smoker time to get up to temperature. Woke up at 4:30 to find the smoker chugging along at 235, perfect.
I had a butt rubbed down and ready to go, currently sitting at 165, wrapped and looking great. Now what I need is a finishing sauce.
Can someone post up your go to sauce for pulled pork? I do the typical cider vinegar, ketchup and red pepper flake with good results but looking for something different or a variation of this....
This is my go to for Pulled Pork
Don't get me wrong, I loves me some Roxy's mustard sauce.