@eoMMan was talking about shutters and those are interesting and a double edge sword.
On the one hand if you are near the water and want to survive you should put up the shutters, your life likely depends on it
The downside is you are basically locked into a dark metal like box now, yeah its your house but once the power is turned off you can't see much
Also you can't see out side hardly at all and that can be maddening
If you don't absolutely need storm shutters and you have hurricane impact windows, enjoy the show because you will want to see out and it's very dangerous to open your front door just to get a peek outside and see what is going on around you.
-We have storm shutters on a 2nd floor condo that cover 5 sliders long Florida room and we hate having to close them up because you can't really see out.
We have these on all the windows, many of the condos in here do and you just close them up and then hope for the best
2nd floor so you do have to go up on a ladder in order to close them but well worth it and they are manual