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***Official Donald J. Trump Impeachment (Whistleblower) Thread*** (2 Viewers)

Saying their was no quid pro quo is hilarious.

Like trying to hire a hitman for six months to kill your wife.  Then you find out he is an undercover cop.  Oops.  Go to bar and speak into his chest, “i was kidding about killing my wife.  It was a prank bro.”

Come on guys.  That the best you got?
Narrator: I was right in the middle of lunch.  Guys, I have things to do today.

Just want to point out that simply saying "there was no quid pro quo" doesn't mean there wasn't any quid pro quo. I figure most reasonable people would have grasped that already, but just in case...

Saying their was no quid pro quo is hilarious.

Like trying to hire a hitman for six months to kill your wife.  Then you find out he is an undercover cop.  Oops.  Go to bar and speak into his chest, “i was kidding about killing my wife.  It was a prank bro.”

Come on guys.  That the best you got?
Did you see the movie about Tonya Harding? It’s like the scene when Jeff (her husband) goes to bar to meet his buddy knowing that he’s wired by the police and tries to deny the whole thing. 

Matter of fact- earlier I used the example of the OJ jury to describe Trump supporters like Don’t Noonan. But if we’re talking about what Trump actually tried to do here, which was so incredibly stupid, then the Tonya Harding story is a pretty good comparison- with Rudy G in the role of Jeff’s buddy, the fat dude with all the conspiracy theories. 

Saying their was no quid pro quo is hilarious.

Like trying to hire a hitman for six months to kill your wife.  Then you find out he is an undercover cop.  Oops.  Go to bar and speak into his chest, “i was kidding about killing my wife.  It was a prank bro.”

Come on guys.  That the best you got?
To reinforce this, the 'no quid pro quo' text from Sondland was after the White House and crew had caught wind of a whistleblower complaint.

The GOP wouldn't be able to handle a criminal saying the opposite of what he wanted, but it was still understood it was what he wanted.

Boss: Don't kill Tony, don't go check on the guys and bust some heads over not paying protection money, and no matter what, don't rob the bank down the road.

If Tony ends up dead, the guys get beat up, and the bank gets robbed, the GOP would have no option but to conclude, based on the transcript, that the Boss had nothing to do with it.

Alt-R is really going to hang on Gordon's 9/9/19 5:19:35 AM message.  Prez says no QQP of any kind.
Yes, I think Taylor wasn’t on board with this and tried twice to get it acknowledged. That’s why he responds “call me” and then Taylor, in the next exchange, talks about their phone conversation. When does he testify?  

Still find it hard to believe that this came out of nowhere.

A President trying to enlist foreign governments to dig up dirt on political opponents to win an election.

Who could've seen this coming?

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Do we have any information from the Volker meeting yesterday?  This is moving so fast I can’t keep up
The last few pages are mostly covering that, the main thing we have from it is about 9 pages of texts and contextual information that was released late last night by some of the House committee chairs.

Saying their was no quid pro quo is hilarious.

Like trying to hire a hitman for six months to kill your wife.  Then you find out he is an undercover cop.  Oops.  Go to bar and speak into his chest, “i was kidding about killing my wife.  It was a prank bro.”

Come on guys.  That the best you got?
I just finally read through all the text messages. It's all laid out. A pre-condition of a meeting at the White House was Zelensky making a public statement that their government was opening an investigation into Burisma - not corruption in general, specifically Burisma. So the intent was to put out there in the headlines that an investigation into the company that Biden's son sat on the board for was being investigated by a foreign government. And that was a clear condition of Zelensky being invited to the White House.

This is completely insane. This is way worse than I thought it was going to be. 

I just finally read through all the text messages. It's all laid out. A pre-condition of a meeting at the White House was Zelensky making a public statement that their government was opening an investigation into Burisma - not corruption in general, specifically Burisma. So the intent was to put out there in the headlines that an investigation into the company that Biden's son sat on the board for was being investigated by a foreign government. And that was a clear condition of Zelensky being invited to the White House.

This is completely insane. This is way worse than I thought it was going to be. 
So weird. Seems similar to something that happened in 2016, I just can’t put my finger on it.  

I just finally read through all the text messages. It's all laid out. A pre-condition of a meeting at the White House was Zelensky making a public statement that their government was opening an investigation into Burisma - not corruption in general, specifically Burisma. So the intent was to put out there in the headlines that an investigation into the company that Biden's son sat on the board for was being investigated by a foreign government. And that was a clear condition of Zelensky being invited to the White House.

This is completely insane. This is way worse than I thought it was going to be. 

You should really be quoting all the folks screaming for inpeachment over the past few pages based on the texts instead of just mine then.  They should be waiting for the facts.  
Those were facts...and there is enough from the "transcript" plus those texts and what we have seen of the complaint to move forward with the "in"peachment process.

I just finally read through all the text messages. It's all laid out. A pre-condition of a meeting at the White House was Zelensky making a public statement that their government was opening an investigation into Burisma - not corruption in general, specifically Burisma. So the intent was to put out there in the headlines that an investigation into the company that Biden's son sat on the board for was being investigated by a foreign government. And that was a clear condition of Zelensky being invited to the White House.

This is completely insane. This is way worse than I thought it was going to be. 
Trump: "Sure I did it.  I'd do it again.  See, here, China, if you're listening, I'd like for you to open an investigation into Biden and his son too because they were WAYYY crooked.  See, I just did it again, no big deal.  And I did it publicly too so there must be nothing wrong with it!"

Oh, and you guys remember when the GOP was excusing Trump's behavior in soliciting foreign government dirt on Hillary in the 2016 election by saying he was a political newbie, and just didn't know the laws, didn't know it was wrong?  

So, it turns out, that wasn't a good excuse.

The truth is, that Trump will betray anyone, use anyone, destroy anyone, use anything to get what he wants.  Which is power.  

There are no rules for Trump, only things he can and can't get away with.  And with the GOP silent, complicit in his misdeeds, there's not much to this point that he can't get away with, when those in charge of enforcing laws and norms and standards refuse to do their job, because it might affect their positions of power.

Gordon Sondland told Sen. Ron Johnson “that aid to Ukraine was tied to the desire by Mr. Trump and his allies to have Kyiv undertake investigations related to the 2016 U.S. elections,” per WSJ.

Gordon Sondland told Sen. Ron Johnson “that aid to Ukraine was tied to the desire by Mr. Trump and his allies to have Kyiv undertake investigations related to the 2016 U.S. elections,” per WSJ.
Sondland knows the gig is up. It's a race to turn state's evidence at this point.

Spare me, if you cared about facts, you'd do research, even if the result disagrees with what you thought you knew. You don't, so you won't.
I have done the research, I don't appreciate you falsely accusing me of something.  Grow up.  Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they don't look at facts.  There are a lot of people who have concluded what I have.  Jump out of the echo chamber or CNN for a bit, you may learn some things!

Gordon Sondland told Sen. Ron Johnson “that aid to Ukraine was tied to the desire by Mr. Trump and his allies to have Kyiv undertake investigations related to the 2016 U.S. elections,” per WSJ.
Its almost like that is pretty quiddish there with a side of pro quo.

Gordon Sondland told Sen. Ron Johnson “that aid to Ukraine was tied to the desire by Mr. Trump and his allies to have Kyiv undertake investigations related to the 2016 U.S. elections,” per WSJ.
That's flat out Trumps boy.   If this guy is wavering.....

It will be great to tell you I yold you so just like Russia nothing burger!  Winning is much better, you should join me.
The President has admitted to asking foreign leaders to open investigations into his political opponents.

This is not acceptable.  There is evidence that he attempted to use funding to ensure the investigation was opened.  

The man is not advocating for American interests with the power of his office, but rather to use the power of his office to help him hold power by sullying the reputation of his political rivals by being able to show they're under investigation by foreign leaders for corruption.  How do you think Trump would spin that news had he received confirmation from Ukraine that they'd open an investigation into Biden and his son?

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The President has admitted to get foreign leaders to open investigations into his political opponents.

This is not acceptable.  There is evidence that he attempted to use funding to ensure the investigation was opened.  

The man is not advocating for American interests with the power of his office, but rather to use the power of his office to help him hold power by sullying the reputation of his political rivals by being able to show they're under investigation by foreign leaders for corruption.  How do you think Trump would spin that news had he received confirmation from Ukraine that they'd open an investigation into Biden and his son?
Not only open an investigation on the Bidens, but also into 2016 meddling to cloud the fact that it was Russia who did the hacking. 

If he somehow weathers this, he will ease sanctions on Russia either in his next term or during his lame duck period, specifically the magnitsky act. 

Sen Cornyn says DOJ investigating BIden now, also:

Senator John Cornyn @JohnCornyn · 1h

Now, the Trump Justice Department is investigating foreign government influence, VP Biden conflicts of interest, and possible corruption,

as well as the provenance of the bogus opposition research compiled for the Clinton campaign produced by an ex-British spy, and this is grounds for impeachment?

Now, I know there are a lot of Obama fans here - but if only he had gone public about the DOJ/FBI investigating Trump - we might not be in this ####hole right now.
Just read article about this indicating Cornyn’s office walked this back, something about it was handed to someone else (Durham?, Durnam?).

This was followed by Durham (?) spokesperson saying Biden was not a subject of their investigation.


Seems the object is just to keep Biden’s name associated with “investigation”.

eta: wasn’t an article, was a live feed with updates. A “person with knowledge of the situation” said Cornyn was referring to a “possible future expansion” of the Durham investigation to include the Biden’s. Hmm.

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Spare me, if you cared about facts, you'd do research, even if the result disagrees with what you thought you knew. You don't, so you won't.
I have done the research, I don't appreciate you falsely accusing me of something. 
Your "research" led you to call Adam Schiff a liar based on misunderstanding what he said. Then you doubled down and proclaimed that if Schiff didn't commit a crime that time, then it was only a matter of time before he got caught committing another crime.

You're tilting at windmills. You're out of your element, Donty.

It's too bad all you care about is winning and not this country.
False.  I keep having to correct you guys as you really have problems with comprehension.  As I have stated numorous times my biggest issue is what is best for the country.  Trump is crushing it right now with unemployment at 50 year low.  With that said, if he ever does something worthy of being impeached I will be happy to impeach him.

The President has admitted to get foreign leaders to open investigations into his political opponents.

This is not acceptable.  There is evidence that he attempted to use funding to ensure the investigation was opened.  

The man is not advocating for American interests with the power of his office, but rather to use the power of his office to help him hold power by sullying the reputation of his political rivals by being able to show they're under investigation by foreign leaders for corruption.  How do you think Trump would spin that news had he received confirmation from Ukraine that they'd open an investigation into Biden and his son?
Not only open an investigation on the Bidens, but also into 2016 meddling to cloud the fact that it was Russia who did the hacking. 

If he somehow weathers this, he will ease sanctions on Russia either in his next term or during his lame duck period, specifically the magnitsky act. 
And ask yourself how ANY of this furthers American interests?

Is it easier to believe it furthers American interests, or simply furthers the interests of politician Donald Trump?

If the latter, he's abusing the powers of his office to maintain power.  That's worthy of impeachment. 

If he were doing this for America, it would be run through the state department, or through our criminal systems that are set up to run this all to ground.  Not through his personal attorneys, or the AG.  It's abuse of power, plain and simple.

And if you're tempted to even try to give the President the benefit of the doubt, ask yourself whether it's suspicious that he removed the Ukrainian ambassador during this period of time for any reason other than she refused to go along with this terrible idea?  We currently don't have an ambassador to Ukraine - coincidence?

And ask yourself how ANY of this furthers American interests?

Is it easier to believe it furthers American interests, or simply furthers the interests of politician Donald Trump?

If the latter, he's abusing the powers of his office to maintain power.  That's worthy of impeachment. 

If he were doing this for America, it would be run through the state department, or through our criminal systems that are set up to run this all to ground.  Not through his personal attorneys, or the AG.  It's abuse of power, plain and simple.

And if you're tempted to even try to give the President the benefit of the doubt, ask yourself whether it's suspicious that he removed the Ukrainian ambassador during this period of time for any reason other than she refused to go along with this terrible idea?  We currently don't have an ambassador to Ukraine - coincidence?
He’s not even trying to fill positions at this point, just has some hack he appoints everywhere. 

False.  I keep having to correct you guys as you really have problems with comprehension.  As I have stated numorous times my biggest issue is what is best for the country.  Trump is crushing it right now with unemployment at 50 year low.  With that said, if he ever does something worthy of being impeached I will be happy to impeach him.
If he were using his power as president to further his own political agenda by attempting to have an investigation opened into political rivals so that he can use that investigation to tarnish said political rivals, would that qualify as an offense worthy of impeachment?

If not, what if he threatened to withhold aid to that country until they played ball?

If not that, what happened if folks in his administration were so concerned about the nature of this request, that they attempted to cover up all conversations to this effect by putting it on a highly classified system, which would be unusual for standard communications?

If not that, add on that he then removed anyone from power who believed his approach here was an abuse of power.

And if not any of that, I'm afraid I'm not interested in what you consider an impeachable offense if, when all of those things are proven true, you still don't consider them worthy of impeachment.

He’s not even trying to fill positions at this point, just has some hack he appoints everywhere. 
Of course, because it prevents people from standing up to him.  

We basically have an "acting" government, and he has all of his people in place to ensure they're all "acting" according to his interests.

I have done the research, I don't appreciate you falsely accusing me of something.  Grow up.  Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they don't look at facts.  There are a lot of people who have concluded what I have.  Jump out of the echo chamber or CNN for a bit, you may learn some things!
Bold of you to assume I need to grow up and that I watch CNN. That boldness was ill placed, as I refuse to watch it or Fox, and I try to see both sides of an issue, instead of blindly parroting what's been spoon fed to me. Thanks for playing, you win no points.


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