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***Official*** Washington Redskins 2015 Offseason Thread (3 Viewers)

How is it possible to feel worse about the future of a team than you did right after they went 4-12? Feel like we lost another 6 games today

— Chris Kinard (@ChrisKinard) December 31, 2014

That's a tremendous quote. I don't think it could be said any better.
He's right though. I feel like we're just going in circle right now. The guys in charge that put us in the mess, seem to think they can get us out of it. I'm not so confident there.
Serious question: if the Redskins win 3 or 4 games next year, is there any way that Snyder can keep Allen?

I hate to say it but I wish we could get Rex Ryan. Say what you want about him but his defenses are NASTY. Rex wants another HC job, so we woudln't be his first choice. However, he could join the team and just wait for the inevitable Gruden firing in a year or two...
He's my top choice, but I don't see it happening. Everyone says he either wants a HC job or he'll get into TV. And why would he turn down the Falcons or 49ers HC job only to come here and be the DC?
If Ryan gets another HC gig, Dennis Allen or Mike Smith are a couple of other HCs let go with defensive coordinator background. Not a bad year to be in the market for a DC.

(Of course, they will probably end going for someone with TB connections, like promoting Morris or hiring Monte Kiffin.)
If they promote Morris, it will be hard to stomach. Hasn't he presided over the worst aspect of our defense?
Yeah but he's a Tampa guy so there's a chance. Thought it was interesting when Allen said all the assistants on defense are still with the team. Why can't we ever be a normal organization and when one goes, they all go? Why would any DC we bring in here want to keep any aspect of our defensive staff?

How is it possible to feel worse about the future of a team than you did right after they went 4-12? Feel like we lost another 6 games today

— Chris Kinard (@ChrisKinard) December 31, 2014

That's a tremendous quote. I don't think it could be said any better.
He's right though. I feel like we're just going in circle right now. The guys in charge that put us in the mess, seem to think they can get us out of it. I'm not so confident there.
Serious question: if the Redskins win 3 or 4 games next year, is there any way that Snyder can keep Allen?
The correct answer is no. The reality, they'll probably find a way.

I hate to say it but I wish we could get Rex Ryan. Say what you want about him but his defenses are NASTY. Rex wants another HC job, so we woudln't be his first choice. However, he could join the team and just wait for the inevitable Gruden firing in a year or two...
He's my top choice, but I don't see it happening. Everyone says he either wants a HC job or he'll get into TV. And why would he turn down the Falcons or 49ers HC job only to come here and be the DC?
If Ryan gets another HC gig, Dennis Allen or Mike Smith are a couple of other HCs let go with defensive coordinator background. Not a bad year to be in the market for a DC.

(Of course, they will probably end going for someone with TB connections, like promoting Morris or hiring Monte Kiffin.)
If they promote Morris, it will be hard to stomach. Hasn't he presided over the worst aspect of our defense?
Yeah but he's a Tampa guy so there's a chance. Thought it was interesting when Allen said all the assistants on defense are still with the team. Why can't we ever be a normal organization and when one goes, they all go? Why would any DC we bring in here want to keep any aspect of our defensive staff?
If we promote Morris and keep the whole staff, then it's pretty safe to say that we are the worst organization in sports. Worse than the Raiders. Worse than the Jags. The worst. Last.

I hate to say it but I wish we could get Rex Ryan. Say what you want about him but his defenses are NASTY. Rex wants another HC job, so we woudln't be his first choice. However, he could join the team and just wait for the inevitable Gruden firing in a year or two...
He's my top choice, but I don't see it happening. Everyone says he either wants a HC job or he'll get into TV. And why would he turn down the Falcons or 49ers HC job only to come here and be the DC?
If Ryan gets another HC gig, Dennis Allen or Mike Smith are a couple of other HCs let go with defensive coordinator background. Not a bad year to be in the market for a DC.

(Of course, they will probably end going for someone with TB connections, like promoting Morris or hiring Monte Kiffin.)
If they promote Morris, it will be hard to stomach. Hasn't he presided over the worst aspect of our defense?
Yeah but he's a Tampa guy so there's a chance. Thought it was interesting when Allen said all the assistants on defense are still with the team. Why can't we ever be a normal organization and when one goes, they all go? Why would any DC we bring in here want to keep any aspect of our defensive staff?
If we promote Morris and keep the whole staff, then it's pretty safe to say that we are the worst organization in sports. Worse than the Raiders. Worse than the Jags. The worst. Last.
You're right, but would it honestly surprise you at this point?

I hate to say it but I wish we could get Rex Ryan. Say what you want about him but his defenses are NASTY. Rex wants another HC job, so we woudln't be his first choice. However, he could join the team and just wait for the inevitable Gruden firing in a year or two...
He's my top choice, but I don't see it happening. Everyone says he either wants a HC job or he'll get into TV. And why would he turn down the Falcons or 49ers HC job only to come here and be the DC?
If Ryan gets another HC gig, Dennis Allen or Mike Smith are a couple of other HCs let go with defensive coordinator background. Not a bad year to be in the market for a DC.

(Of course, they will probably end going for someone with TB connections, like promoting Morris or hiring Monte Kiffin.)
If they promote Morris, it will be hard to stomach. Hasn't he presided over the worst aspect of our defense?
Yeah but he's a Tampa guy so there's a chance. Thought it was interesting when Allen said all the assistants on defense are still with the team. Why can't we ever be a normal organization and when one goes, they all go? Why would any DC we bring in here want to keep any aspect of our defensive staff?
If we promote Morris and keep the whole staff, then it's pretty safe to say that we are the worst organization in sports. Worse than the Raiders. Worse than the Jags. The worst. Last.
You're right, but would it honestly surprise you at this point?
I'm holding out hope that we are not dead last. But that is getting more difficult all the time.

I keep thinking: "at least I got to see them win championships when I was younger."

At least the Wizards are coming on. (sigh)

I freaking hate being a lifelong fan of this franchise. Allen needs to go even more than Gruden does (and I want Gruden gone in the worst way!)

How can Synder and this organization NOT look at their history of draft picks and free agent pickups and NOT see a GINORMOUS problem??? How can you have any faith or confidence that even with all our picks next year that we will actually make good decisions and improve the team???

:wall: :rant:

George Allen must be spinning in his grave after his idiot son's presser.
You know, the worst part of that presser was the very beginning -- Allen up at the podium, grinning like an idiot. Part of me thinks he just doesn't give a ####e. He knew from the start it was a BS press conference but he was getting paid by his rich boss so he had to do it. Basically, he even knew he was gonna get beat up by the press, and he didn't seem to care. Basically, he was just like, "I'm going to lay down here and just take it, cuz I'm getting paid big $$ to get reamed...just lay here Bruce and it'll be over soon...just think of something else." You know? He didn't get mad, he wasn't embarrassed, he showed no urgency, nothing. If I'm up there, I am not grinning at the podium...I am EMBARRASSED AND PISSED OFF! At least Gruden gets pissed off. He has warts but he truly wants to win. I feel like Allen doesn't give a ####e.

Dan Steinberg wrote the following in the Washington Post:


He basically says the Redskins have been lost for 21 years. It actually starts when Gibbs retires after the 1992 season.
Hello, fellas. :blackdot: :marksterritory:

Love Stienberg, most of the time, and on this, he's right on the mark, in my opinion.

Bye, Jim. Won't miss you, and I don't expect you to have any sort of post-Redskins career rennaissance should you wind up in a Co-ordinator role elsewhere...

...however, for the record, I do think the personnel hand he was forced to play with this year would have been tough on anyone's favorite Defensive Co-ordinator.

There's a lot to not like about Haslett, but really, for the most ardent of detractors here, emotion aside, take the time to look at the opening day Roster, and the weekly active defensive players through the entire season. It's shockingly bad.

I'm not defending Haslett, but to be intellectually honest in your criticism, between injury and sheer lack of 'starter caliber' NFL talent, going into this Season, this was one of the worst assembled collections of defensive players on an NFL Roster going into 2014. Seriously - take the time to look at every other Defensive Roster in the NFL...you'd be hard-pressed to find a worse group...

...it's only my opinion, but my football mind tells me that given that assemblage of mediocrity, the loss of D. Hall was more problematic for the Team than the loss of Griffin. He's no world-beater, but with Hall on the field, everyone else could focus on trying to do their own jobs the best they could, given their limited talent. With Hall out, the field got 'bigger' and exposed every other player, especially in the secondary, for what they were. Average, at best.

Seriously, I've heard way too much from everyone here in 2014 #####ing about the play of the defense. Well, let's put that to bed - you can't play consistently good defense if you don't have consistently good Coaching, sure...but at this level, even the best of coaches can't coach consistently good defense out of a pile of crap of personnel.

Haslett is gone, and that's a step, yes. But sans Kerrigan, the Defensive Roster remains a shat-show. I like Keenan Robinson. I like Beshaud Breeland...

....but take a game-by-game look at the defensive players who 'dressed' for each game this year! Again, being intellectually honest, less than half of the starting 11 guys, for every. single. game. would have started for almost any other NFL Team - and most of those guys were our week-in, week-out starters.

Poor play is one thing when you have good players - it's entirely another thing when lack of overall talent, followed by injury, followed by lack of depth is entirely another, and has more to do with the pathetic mess we found ourselves in than Coaching, in 2014, in my opinion.

Don't mean to be harsh, just trying to help - there's plenty to blame on Haslett and he should be gone, but blaming him is easy and intellectually weak, if, in the same breath, anyone isn't acknowleging the putrid collection of players that populated this defensive roster from start to finish in 2014.

I don't think anyone here would be impressed with the output of this unit had any other defensive coach been in charge of this crew. It's really that bad.

Here's to 2015!
Upon rethinking my thoughts on Gruden, I now think he should return next year. But probably for all the wrong reasons.

Some of the info in Stienberg's article are stunning.

NFC teams have won at least 11 games 69 times since Wilbon wrote that column (end of 1993 season). Washington is the only team never to have done it. There have been 42 NFC championship game participants since Wilbon wrote that column. Only Washington and Detroit have missed out. Over the last seven seasons, 14 of the NFC’s 16 teams have had at least two winning seasons. Only Washington and St. Louis have not.
The Redskins have been to the playoffs 4 times in the last 22 years. And 12 out of 32 teams make the playoff every year now. Finishing with a winning record would be a great achievement. Anything resembling mediocre, like 2012, will be hailed as a great success.

Even a blind squirrel sometimes finds an acorn. And the Redskins are firmly in blind squirrel territory where they sometimes find an acorn (Morris, Breeland) and luck into a playoff run.

Gruden is the new guy. He has said a number of things that shows he is pushing back at the team. He has even made comments about the lack of football intelligence on the team and has said Haslett does not have much to work with. Direct shots at the personnel department.

Could Gruden be mediocre, which would look like a savoir for the Redskins? Maybe he is trying to tackle much bigger issues that blown defensive assignments and TEs who can't block. I seriously doubt it, but changing the HC would probably do very little at this point in time.

If Gruden is a one-eyed squirrel, he will have a much better vision on what to do than anyone else at Redskin Park.

nittany, appreciate the insight, but Dallas was supposed to have the least talented defense in NFL history. Yet, their defense was better than ours. Yes, we had some personnel problems on defense, but other teams go through injuries and the like. To have guys out of position week in and week out, that's on the coaches.

Every team deals with injuries and depth problems in today's NFL. Thats why coaches make the money they make. To deal with it and still get results. No doubt that this team needs a talent upgrade everywhere but I don't want to hear that excuse on Haslett's behalf. There are 4 other years of mediocre to bad results and look at someone like Bacarri Rambo who looks like he doesnt even belong in the league with the Skins then gets picked up off the street by the Bills and ends up starting 3 games and playing relatively well for the Bills in the same season.

Consider this quote from an article posted a couple of days ago- "According to Pro Football Reference.com, Hasletts defenses permitted more yards per game than any defensive coordinator ever over five years with one team. He narrowly missed most points allowed, too."


Basically, by some measures you can say that Haslett's 5 year run as DC here in DC is one of the worst in NFL history. Historically bad tenure as a defensive coordinator over a 5 year stretch with the same team.

The article accurately points out that Bruce Allen needs to make 2 easy decisions. Fire Haslett and bring in a true personnel guy. So it does speak to the lack of talent on the roster. But there is no excusing Haslett. He had to go. Sadly, his termination will likely be one of the few things the Skins do right this off season.

I didn't hear Allen's presser just now but I'm sure it was unsatisfactory. This is a rudderless ship right now that stinks from top to bottom.
I'm sorry to have to disagree with you, but please understand that my disagreement is based on having had conversations with NFL Coaches and Players, and I have been told by them that it only applies to playing at the NFL level - where the sifting and culling and attrition have washed away all the chaff, and the elite of the elite combinations of size, strength, speed, quickness, athleticism and intelligence remain - at the NFL level, coaching cannot overcome an overwhelmingly significant talent gap. Not without intangibles playing a role, like, in Dallas' case, one of the other units (offense, special teams) being so overwhelmingly dominant that they exert their influence beyond their time on the field. You cannot step onto the field with a significantly lesser amount of talented players than the Team on the other side of the line of scrimmage, and expect to consistently perform at a high level, no matter who is coaching them, because football speed and football intelligence (meaning where repetition has become instinct, and players are playing without thinking about what they are doing during the course of a play) both cannot be coached. Players just have it, or they don't - which is why we're always surprised when some collegiate superstars flop in the NFL. It starts with the talent, and without the talent, everything else suffers...

...and that's why the real problem here lies at the top, where we haven't had a qualified General Manager who's an ace at Player Evaluation in almost two decades.


Again, I am not defending Haslett or saying he shouldn't have been fired, or even that I expect him to get another job and be successful elsewhere, because I don't think he should have been brought back for 2014...but this year. This one year - 2014 - I'm absolutely saying that given the inconsitency of the offense, given the overall lack of talent on the entire Team, particularly the defense going into 2014, given the injuries, and givin the lack of depth, I don't think any Coach could have gotten much more out of them than Haslett did...and I think that's part of the reason why a change wasn't made during the Season. I think Gruden knew how bad it was and that changing coaches wasn't going to change results.

I'm a Professional Chef by trade, and I can very confidently say I'm a cook with considerable talent and skill. If I go to the Mennonite Farmer I buy chickens from and he hand-selects me the best bird from his flock as his professional eye allows him to, I can make you a multi course tasting menu with wine pairings using every edible part of that chicken, including it's skin, feet and comb that will have you walking around in a state of stunned disbelief at the quality of the meal, and the very reasonable price. If you hand me a factory-farmed chicken you randomly selected from the bin at some crap store like Safeway or Food Lion, I can still make you a decent enough meal that you might be satisfied, even happy with, based on what you like, and what you know about food and ingredients. Certainly not something you'd spit out in disgust...but I wouldn't personally be happy with it.

I can't cook anything edible with chickenshat.
If only you had years of history to look at and examine and analyze to know that Jim Hasslett coaches subpar defenses each and every year. Is Hasslett the only problem? Of course not, but anyone who thinks Hasslett should have been retained is nothing short of a blithering moron.
I hate to say it but I wish we could get Rex Ryan. Say what you want about him but his defenses are NASTY. Rex wants another HC job, so we woudln't be his first choice. However, he could join the team and just wait for the inevitable Gruden firing in a year or two...
He's my top choice, but I don't see it happening. Everyone says he either wants a HC job or he'll get into TV. And why would he turn down the Falcons or 49ers HC job only to come here and be the DC?
If Ryan gets another HC gig, Dennis Allen or Mike Smith are a couple of other HCs let go with defensive coordinator background. Not a bad year to be in the market for a DC.

(Of course, they will probably end going for someone with TB connections, like promoting Morris or hiring Monte Kiffin.)
If they promote Morris, it will be hard to stomach. Hasn't he presided over the worst aspect of our defense?
Yeah but he's a Tampa guy so there's a chance. Thought it was interesting when Allen said all the assistants on defense are still with the team. Why can't we ever be a normal organization and when one goes, they all go? Why would any DC we bring in here want to keep any aspect of our defensive staff?
If we promote Morris and keep the whole staff, then it's pretty safe to say that we are the worst organization in sports. Worse than the Raiders. Worse than the Jags. The worst. Last.
I don't think you need an "if" qualifier here. It's already safe to say that this is the worst organization in sports, all things on and off the field considered. The more interesting conversation is who is #2.

What is your "quote of the year" from the Redskins. I'll put out three starter quotes...you fill in more:

"No means no" -- Tony Wylie

"We're winning off the field" -- Bruce Allen

"I can't cook anything edible with chickenshat" -- Nittanylion (kidding!)

Seriously, help me pull the best, tragicomic quotes from the infamous 2014 campaign!

What is your "quote of the year" from the Redskins. I'll put out three starter quotes...you fill in more:

"No means no" -- Tony Wylie

"We're winning off the field" -- Bruce Allen

"I can't cook anything edible with chickenshat" -- Nittanylion (kidding!)

Seriously, help me pull the best, tragicomic quotes from the infamous 2014 campaign!

I hate myself for this :blackdot:
:lmao: We're all like that. This is like a daily Redskins Anonymous meeting. We admit we are powerless and that our lives have become unmanageable.

"Hi, my name is fatness and I'm................a Redskin fan."



When asked about what the organization has improved on since he got here, Allen said, "our charitable foundations are doing great". Seriously can't make this up.
Dan Steinberg@dcsportsbog 1m1 minute ago
"We're winning off the field," Bruce Allen just actually said
Chris Russell ‏@Russellmania980 1m1 minute ago

Bruce Allen basically said if I understand correctly that it is not all that important to have a proven personnel exec in building
When asked about what the organization has improved on since he got here, Allen said, "our charitable foundations are doing great". Seriously can't make this up.
Bruce Allen at press conference.

I hate to say it but I wish we could get Rex Ryan. Say what you want about him but his defenses are NASTY. Rex wants another HC job, so we woudln't be his first choice. However, he could join the team and just wait for the inevitable Gruden firing in a year or two...
He's my top choice, but I don't see it happening. Everyone says he either wants a HC job or he'll get into TV. And why would he turn down the Falcons or 49ers HC job only to come here and be the DC?
If Ryan gets another HC gig, Dennis Allen or Mike Smith are a couple of other HCs let go with defensive coordinator background. Not a bad year to be in the market for a DC.

(Of course, they will probably end going for someone with TB connections, like promoting Morris or hiring Monte Kiffin.)
If they promote Morris, it will be hard to stomach. Hasn't he presided over the worst aspect of our defense?
Yeah but he's a Tampa guy so there's a chance. Thought it was interesting when Allen said all the assistants on defense are still with the team. Why can't we ever be a normal organization and when one goes, they all go? Why would any DC we bring in here want to keep any aspect of our defensive staff?
If we promote Morris and keep the whole staff, then it's pretty safe to say that we are the worst organization in sports. Worse than the Raiders. Worse than the Jags. The worst. Last.
But Morris will be unshackled now that Haslett is gone!

Seriously though, promoting Morris will be a big mistake. He should be fired, not promoted. Unless they get a good DC AND a good personnel guy with final authority over drafting and FA, this will be the last year for Gruden and Allen. Because the team will suck as much ### next year as this year.

At least Haslett is gone. There's some hope for the defense now, at least until they announce the next DC.

When asked about what the organization has improved on since he got here, Allen said, "our charitable foundations are doing great". Seriously can't make this up.
Dan Steinberg@dcsportsbog 1m1 minute ago
"We're winning off the field," Bruce Allen just actually said
Chris Russell ‏@Russellmania980 1m1 minute ago

Bruce Allen basically said if I understand correctly that it is not all that important to have a proven personnel exec in building
When asked about what the organization has improved on since he got here, Allen said, "our charitable foundations are doing great". Seriously can't make this up.
Bruce Allen at press conference.
He just has the look of someone who thinks he is untouchable! LOL. i hope he is booted. with so many GMs getting fired this year id hate to be late to the game.

Consider this quote from an article posted a couple of days ago- "According to Pro Football Reference.com, Haslett’s defenses permitted more yards per game than any defensive coordinator ever over five years with one team. He narrowly missed most points allowed, too."

Anyone excusing Haslett's performance here is saying they're OK with bad performance. Haslett never was a good defensive coach before he got here, and once he got here he got worse. Some of the most embarrassing defensive performances I've ever seen on a football field have come since he's been here. nittanylion is a great guy but he's way off base with his excuse-making for Haslett. Just because Bruce Allen is bad doesn't mean Haslett is good. Just because Dan Snyder is bad doesn't mean Haslett is good. Just because Jay Gruden is bad doesn't mean Haslett is good. In fact, nothing on earth means Haslett is good.

He sucked. He sucks. He will continue to suck.


Consider this quote from an article posted a couple of days ago- "According to Pro Football Reference.com, Haslett’s defenses permitted more yards per game than any defensive coordinator ever over five years with one team. He narrowly missed most points allowed, too."

Anyone excusing Haslett's performance here is saying they're OK with bad performance. Haslett never was a good defensive coach before he got here, and once he got here he got worse. Some of the most embarrassing defensive performances I've ever seen on a football field have come since he's been here. nittanylion is a great guy but he's way off base with his excuse-making for Haslett. Just because Bruce Allen is bad doesn't mean Haslett is good. Just because Dan Snyder is bad doesn't mean Haslett is good. Just because Jay Gruden is bad doesn't mean Haslett is good. In fact, nothing on earth means Haslett is good.

He sucked. He sucks. He will continue to suck.

Nittanylion was not making excuses for Haslett. From his post:

there's plenty to blame on Haslett and he should be gone
He is simply pointing out that the defensive personnel is really bad.

Although I think Haslett did a really bad job, I do think there are shortcomings in the personnel that will prevent anyone from doing well. That is actually part of the reason to keep Gruden another year.

Here's the deal. Nobody is arguing that the Skins defensive personnel is not bad. But nittanylion is overstating how bad they are as some defense of Haslett's performance this year and I'm not buying it.

I also don't care how many NFL coaches and players Nittany claims to converse with to form his opinion. I know some guys who have played in the NFL too. I think its off base to act as if coaching doesnt matter because the Redskins defense is THAT much less talented than all other teams in the league. This is the NFL were everyone has depth limitations. The talent gap is not as wide as it is in college. Nittany acts like the Skins are lining up DIII players against Alabama every week. Thats just not the case.

Nobody is expecting Haslett to produce a top defensive unit with the players on this roster. But what we do expect is for a NFL defensive coordinator not to have his team get beat by the same plays/schemes week after week. To consistently not be able to make in game adjustments. To repeatedly put players in situations that play to their weaknesses. To have guys like Rambo look unrosterable on your team and then start and play relatively well a few weeks after being picked up off the street by another team. Those are all signs of bad coaching.

At the end of the day its like we are almost splitting hairs here. Some of us are saying Haslett really sucks and the personnel sucks too. Others like Nittany seem to be saying Haslett is not good but the personnel is so bad that he should get a bit of a pass. I disagree. Haslett sucks monkey balls. And has done so consistently for a long time. We can have that opinion even while recognizing the lack of talent on the team.

So while funny, Nittany, I don't think your chef comparison is accurate. You should be able to make something edible, as in fielding a NFL defense that does not look clueless on a weekly basis, even with low level ingredients. Nobody is looking for a gourmet meal but simply something that is indeed edible. Hell, I'm no chef but I can make oodles of noodles and some cheap chicken breast into a decent meal if I had to. Haslett couldnt even do that.

BTW- Happy New Year all and now that Haslett is gone he's really not worth discussing anymore. We can focus on the 100 other things wrong with this dreadfully run franchise.

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What is your "quote of the year" from the Redskins. I'll put out three starter quotes...you fill in more:

"No means no" -- Tony Wylie

"We're winning off the field" -- Bruce Allen

"I can't cook anything edible with chickenshat" -- Nittanylion (kidding!)

Seriously, help me pull the best, tragicomic quotes from the infamous 2014 campaign!
No. It's the Gruden one:

@Russellmania980: Gruden: “As coaches, our work is done after the Saturday night meetings.”

Should have been fired on the spot.

Sebowski said:
Marvelous said:
Dan Steinberg wrote the following in the Washington Post:


He basically says the Redskins have been lost for 21 years. It actually starts when Gibbs retires after the 1992 season.
Even if the losing started before Snyder he has FULL responsibility for the chronic dysfunction and organizational toxicity at this point. He's been the owner for 15 years now and the team has been consistently terrible from the top down over the entire course of his ownership..

Don't always agree with Sally Jenkings but this article is spot on.


Sebowski said:
Marvelous said:
Dan Steinberg wrote the following in the Washington Post:


He basically says the Redskins have been lost for 21 years. It actually starts when Gibbs retires after the 1992 season.
Even if the losing started before Snyder he has FULL responsibility for the chronic dysfunction and organizational toxicity at this point. He's been the owner for 15 years now and the team has been consistently terrible from the top down over the entire course of his ownership..

Don't always agree with Sally Jenkings but this article is spot on.

#### Sally Jenkins.

I won't read anything with her name on it ever. Even if she happens to be pretending to agree with me. I highly recommend it.

Washington media who bash Redskins on normal basis, now are holding Redskins to task...asked very pointed questions to Allen about team and performance of Front Office. Of course, when Allen isn't fulfilling his part time drinker criteria, he is a part politician. Basically evaded any real answers and left everyone with scratching their heads.

Two people have faith in Bruce Allen... Dan Snyder and Bruce Allen. What a joke.

Is Dan Snyder really this insulated that he can't sense the fury of fans? Appears so.

Redskins are the 4th highest revenue in NFL, so why change anything...Snyder's pockets are getting filled more than adequately with being a loser on the field. Nothing will change until the flow of incoming money takes a hit. Sad and unfortunate as it it is, it's the truth of the situation at hand

Washington media who bash Redskins on normal basis, now are holding Redskins to task...asked very pointed questions to Allen about team and performance of Front Office. Of course, when Allen isn't fulfilling his part time drinker criteria, he is a part politician. Basically evaded any real answers and left everyone with scratching their heads.
It is funny but except for Larry Michael who is a disgrace to begin with, I haven't heard one person saying a positive thing about the Allen press conference. Usually there is a handful in this area that will feed the delusions of this organization.

PinkydaPimp said:
Happy New Year's guys...

It is always senseless when you hear about these kind of stories. Nothing is worth losing your life over....especially when it's about which color jersey you wear....it is stupid. I have been to 3 Dallas Road Games (Tampa Bay, Detroit, Buffalo). In 2 of those stadiums I was nothing but respectful and cheered when my team scored, talked to no one in a derogatory manner and faced aggressive home fans Buffalo/Detroit. Tampa was great.

It's getting to the point where it's almost not worth going to the games for fear of randomness happening.

Anyways, I digress.

Was not surprised to see you guy not renew Haslett, but was a little surprised to see your GM and Gruden survive. I understand you guys have most if not all of your draft picks. This might be the most important draft in decades for you. You guys cannot afford any early misses.

Safe to assume you guys are going Defense early as it's not a great top end O-line year?

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Two people have faith in Bruce Allen... Dan Snyder and Bruce Allen. What a joke.

Is Dan Snyder really this insulated that he can't sense the fury of fans? Appears so.
You're on page 1 of this thread saying you're done with this team. So stop trolling.

Safe to assume you guys are going Defense early as it's not a great top end O-line year?
I think a lot of Tackles will start climbing boards real soon. It is such a huge need. I don't think it can be ignored. Even if it is a "reach". If a Tackle is rated 12, and we pick him 5th, so what. We aren't picking 12th, and he'll help more than a defender. Obviously, a trade down is ideal, but it doesn't normally work out like that.

It's the Skins though, so bring in Melvin Gordon and Amari Cooper...

Bruce Allen's press conference will go down as the video exemplification of an EMPTY SUIT!

We have the worst owner- GM -front office of any team in pro sports!

I have finally unfollowed Chris Russell. Good grief, every tweet has something to do with Haz.

I have finally unfollowed Chris Russell. Good grief, every tweet has something to do with Haz.
Oh you mean you are the tons of people who are blocked from looking at his page. I mean it isn't a big deal because of his dumber comments are retweeted by Dan Steinberg or ESPN 980 but being delusional and thin skinned is not a great combination.

I am still waiting for him to pull a Desean Jackson and quit only to rehire himself about a day later :crazy:

I have finally unfollowed Chris Russell. Good grief, every tweet has something to do with Haz.
Oh you mean you are the tons of people who are blocked from looking at his page. I mean it isn't a big deal because of his dumber comments are retweeted by Dan Steinberg or ESPN 980 but being delusional and thin skinned is not a great combination.

I am still waiting for him to pull a Desean Jackson and quit only to rehire himself about a day later :crazy:
Did Russell block every redskin fan or something? I haven't had any interaction with him on twitter in years but I thought I'd check out the trainwreck the other day and I was blocked! LOL

I guess it could have something to do with favoriting tweets calling him an idiot or something like that. :shrug:

PinkydaPimp said:
:oldunsure: Ummm, this is still an improvement over Allen right?? Someone please tell me yes so I can step off this ledge....
It's an improvement if he moves to DC. Right now he stays in San Diego for most of the year, Scott Campbell one of the uppity upps in Scouting also takes off from like August until January or something like that. That's why I've always found Gruden's "Coaches job is done on Saturday Night" comment so funny. Our Scouting is done during Football Season and our coaches job is done before Sunday. We are awesome!


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