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One Word Title/Alphabet Mixtape Draft (2 Viewers)

Eephus said:
KarmaPolice said:
Steve Tasker said:
Just to be clear, we can draft the songs in whatever order we want, but the final mix needs to be arranged from whatever letter we want, directly through the alphabet? So I can draft all willy-nilly but my order has to be, say, C --> B, or P --> O, or W --> V or whatever, right?
correct. you can even be fancy and reverse it and go c--> d.
this is some Tanner decades kind of extravaganza #### up here.

not to piss on 'boni's parade, but should we randomize who is #1 and in the spirit of the draft go in alphabetical from there, or just do a to z?

I think we should go 24 rounds :whistle:

There's plenty out there! I just barely started and I already have seven X's.

I think we should go 24 rounds :whistle:

There's plenty out there! I just barely started and I already have seven X's.
I have been surprised on my first pass through. I have 8-9 each of j and k but nothing down for p. I have 6 z songs down, but don't think I want to draft one. was trying hard to come up with an underlying theme, but I think it will break down to "22 songs I like"

Do we want to narrow this draft down a bit by adding a few restrictions? I realize the alphabetical requirements do that to some degree but I've got at least 20-30 songs for most of the 22 required letters that I'd be happy to have on my mix.

Limited number of songs by individual artists, required mix themes, time restrictions, genre restrictions, etc.? There certainly won't be any worry of sniping unless we add some filters. I don't care either way---just spit balling.

Do we want to narrow this draft down a bit by adding a few restrictions? I realize the alphabetical requirements do that to some degree but I've got at least 20-30 songs for most of the 22 required letters that I'd be happy to have on my mix.

Limited number of songs by individual artists, required mix themes, time restrictions, genre restrictions, etc.? There certainly won't be any worry of sniping unless we add some filters. I don't care either way---just spit balling.
we have a soft time limit of 90 mins. I know people usually have a sub theme on their own too.

I could be wrong, but just the limit of one word titles and having to take most of the letters with make it interesting enough. started my list tonight and I only had a couple songs that interested me for about 7 letters. I know we all have slightly different tastes, but I would be scrambling if one got taken.

if people are interested, I would be ok with putting a limit on #of songs for an artist, but at the same time most of the drafters seem to do that anyway.

#### it, in going with the theme of the draft, let's just do the draft order in alphabetical order:

1.1 Acer

1.2 Binky

1.3 Dreaded Marco

1.4 Eephus

1.5 El Floppo

1.6 Jalapanose

1.7 JML

1.8 Jzilla

1.9 KarmaPolice

1.10 Mr Ected

1.11 Northern Voice

1.12 simey

1.13 Steve Tasker

1.14 Valence

1.15 Zamboni

Wednesday will be a no clock day in order to leave a buffer for any late entries or draft tweaks. We will start a clock on Thursday - what worked best in the last draft - 30mins??

Do we want to narrow this draft down a bit by adding a few restrictions? I realize the alphabetical requirements do that to some degree but I've got at least 20-30 songs for most of the 22 required letters that I'd be happy to have on my mix.

Limited number of songs by individual artists, required mix themes, time restrictions, genre restrictions, etc.? There certainly won't be any worry of sniping unless we add some filters. I don't care either way---just spit balling.
we have a soft time limit of 90 mins. I know people usually have a sub theme on their own too.

I could be wrong, but just the limit of one word titles and having to take most of the letters with make it interesting enough. started my list tonight and I only had a couple songs that interested me for about 7 letters. I know we all have slightly different tastes, but I would be scrambling if one got taken.

if people are interested, I would be ok with putting a limit on #of songs for an artist, but at the same time most of the drafters seem to do that anyway.
I'm fine with the rules the way they are set---should make for some great varied mixes.

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Do we want to narrow this draft down a bit by adding a few restrictions? I realize the alphabetical requirements do that to some degree but I've got at least 20-30 songs for most of the 22 required letters that I'd be happy to have on my mix.

Limited number of songs by individual artists, required mix themes, time restrictions, genre restrictions, etc.? There certainly won't be any worry of sniping unless we add some filters. I don't care either way---just spit balling.
we have a soft time limit of 90 mins. I know people usually have a sub theme on their own too.

I could be wrong, but just the limit of one word titles and having to take most of the letters with make it interesting enough. started my list tonight and I only had a couple songs that interested me for about 7 letters. I know we all have slightly different tastes, but I would be scrambling if one got taken.

if people are interested, I would be ok with putting a limit on #of songs for an artist, but at the same time most of the drafters seem to do that anyway.
I'm fine with the rules the way they are set---should make for some great varied mixes.
I agree - nothing is going to be perfect. I preferred going with 26 songs and allowing, say, 4 substitutions for the tough letters.

But regardless, these should be interesting mixes considering the limited - but not too limited - pool of draftable songs.

Best American band of all time!

I like the loose rules we've been going with lately, but I'll still try to follow the "unwritten" rule of no repeat artists per category, or letter in this case

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#### it, in going with the theme of the draft, let's just do the draft order in alphabetical order:

1.1 Acer

1.2 Binky

1.3 Dreaded Marco

1.4 Eephus

1.5 El Floppo

1.6 Jalapanose

1.7 JML

1.8 Jzilla

1.9 KarmaPolice

1.10 Mr Ected

1.11 Northern Voice

1.12 simey

1.13 Steve Tasker

1.14 Valence

1.15 Zamboni

Wednesday will be a no clock day in order to leave a buffer for any late entries or draft tweaks. We will start a clock on Thursday - what worked best in the last draft - 30mins??
:pickle: Too bad I can't draft "Turn! Turn! Turn!".

Best American band of all time!

I like the loose rules we've been going with lately, but I'll still try to follow the "unwritten" rule of no repeat artists per category, or letter in this case
I don't think I could disagree with that. Quality + longevity + live shows + treatment of fans.

I will be very hard not to multi-dip into the PJ pool since 1/2 their songs are one word titles.

I PMd binky.

Did somebody post in the other thread that they could put together a google doc for the draft? I am horrible with these computer thingies. I guess we need one tab for picks in draft order and one for keeping tracks of songs picked for each letter?

Sorry - just woke up.

Theme: Life of a "Nam" Era Kid. mid 60s - mid 70s (Beatles - stopping at the rise of punk in '77). This will go through my formative years and stop at my senior year of high school. I loved punk/beginning new wave but the genre is so different I wanted to keep it in that album rock wheelhouse ...maybe mixed with a few others that are meaningful to me from that time.

I grew up in the 60s and 70s. The Beatles pulled me from those "yellow 78s" little kids records and I was hooked. I lived by a major Air Force base and the war was all around those families. The war was on TV every day. The Viet Cong that was executed in the streets (he deserved it ...) and shown on the 6:00 news hangs with me today.

My parents had friends with kids that had been killed, maimed, or returned a shell of themselves - either hooked on heroin, or just very different for the worse. One friend, whose dad was a pilot, went MIA, never to return. I hated Johnson and Nixon and just wanted us out of there, I was 7 - 7 through the war and its aftermath.

Though at the outer edge of my timeframe, this spirit of this song typifies that time. And no, they won't all be this long, but there will be plenty of "more than your usual 3 minute tunes" :)

1.02 Kashmir - Led Zepplin (8:28)

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Sorry - just woke up.

Theme: Life of a "Nam" Era Kid. mid 60s - mid 70s (Beatles - stopping at the rise of punk in '77). This will go through my formative years and stop at my senior year of high school. I loved punk/beginning new wave but the genre is so different I wanted to keep it in that album rock wheelhouse ...maybe mixed with a few others that are meaningful to me from that time.

I grew up in the 60s and 70s. The Beatles pulled me from those "yellow 78s" little kids records and I was hooked. I lived by a major Air Force base and the war was all around those families. The war was on TV every day. The Viet Cong that was executed in the streets (he deserved it ...) and shown on the 6:00 news hangs with me today.

My parents had friends with kids that had been killed, maimed, or returned a shell of themselves - either hooked on heroin, or just very different for the worse. One friend, whose dad was a pilot, went MIA, never to return. I hated Johnson and Nixon and just wanted us out of there, I was 7 - 7 through the war and its aftermath.

Though at the outer edge of my timeframe, this spirit of this song typifies that time.

1.1 Kashmir - Led Zepplin
Great pick - I assumed this one would be a first rounder value pick with K being a hard one to fill.

OK. Going to try a semi-theme---may scrap it half way through if I can't make it work.

This is one of my favorite songs.

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KarmaPolice said:
JZilla said:
Best American band of all time!

I like the loose rules we've been going with lately, but I'll still try to follow the "unwritten" rule of no repeat artists per category, or letter in this case
I don't think I could disagree with that. Quality + longevity + live shows + treatment of fans.

I will be very hard not to multi-dip into the PJ pool since 1/2 their songs are one word titles.
I'm finding a handful of bands on my ipod that seem to like the 1 word titles.

My theme is pretty much just my favorite song at that letter, while trying to maintain at least some mixtape type flow (i.e. can't really insert much/any hip-hop, etc.)

Plan A was the aforementioned Unsatisfied for top 5 song and scarcity value.

Plan B still works for me though.

(1.6) "Elegia" by New Order from the album Low-Life. Will go with the standard 5-minute album cut, although the 17.5 minute from the collector's edition is not to be missed.

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