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PSF Debate 2021: GordonGekko vs timschochet (2 Viewers)

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Well, Gekko will have to embrace the conspiracy too.  I mean, russian hookers, pee tapes and russian moles?  That's conspiracy 101.
I really don't think in today's age this disqualifies him, but do you really think Donny has never gotten a Russian hooker or had a golden shower?

Gekko has to defend Trump's impeachment.  He'll HAVE to reach into the conspiracy bag.

GordonGekko will take the position that the Trump impeachment was the correct decision, that he committed several crimes regarding actions/communications with Ukrainian President Zelensky, and the Senate should have removed him immediately from the Office of the President Of The United States.
The first impeachment has nothing to do with the Russian investigation. You’re conflating issues. 

90% of the conservative Pro-Trump crowd here has been (sometimes rightfully so) swinging hard with the "but Trump" responses lately when he is brought up as a reason for something happening currently.

So what happens when a debate is brought to bare between a board conservative and board liberal and the topics are to be picked by the conservative, 5 straight Trump focused topics.  One literally couldn't write this type of satire. 

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90% of the conservative Pro-Trump crowd here has been (sometimes rightfully so) swinging hard with the "but Trump" responses lately when he is brought up as a reason for something happening currently.

So what happens when a debate is brought to bare between a board conservative and board liberal and the topics are to be picked by the conservative, 5 straight Trump focused topics.  One literally couldn't write this type of satire. 
This is living up to or rather down to my expectations.

In my opinion, GG is incapable of a serious discussion with anyone, his modus operandi is to bombard the other side with so much verbiage, plus links to lengthy articles and YouTube clips that it is impossible for anyone to have the time to wade through this and intelligently respond.

90% of the conservative Pro-Trump crowd here has been (sometimes rightfully so) swinging hard with the "but Trump" responses lately when he is brought up as a reason for something happening currently.

So what happens when a debate is brought to bare between a board conservative and board liberal and the topics are to be picked by the conservative, 5 straight Trump focused topics.  One literally couldn't write this type of satire. 
Not just Trump topics but Trump SCANDAL topics. Incredible. 

You can't debate #5 as presented without being steeped in conspiracy theories.   There aren't any  actual facts to support your assigned position or the subtopics (other than the vague reference to Stacey Abrams).
I don't think you know Tim as well as I thought you did.

90% of the conservative Pro-Trump crowd here has been (sometimes rightfully so) swinging hard with the "but Trump" responses lately when he is brought up as a reason for something happening currently.

So what happens when a debate is brought to bare between a board conservative and board liberal and the topics are to be picked by the conservative, 5 straight Trump focused topics.  One literally couldn't write this type of satire. 
You're missing the whole point.  The original charge, especially after they decided to take opposite view points, the debate isn't about the topic.  It's about the debater.

If you want to blame anyone for the topics blame the guy who yielded the decision to GG.  Gekko made a shrewd move and has him dead to rights.

You're missing the whole point.  The original charge, especially after they decided to take opposite view points, the debate isn't about the topic.  It's about the debater.

If you want to blame anyone for the topics blame the guy who yielded the decision to GG.  Gekko made a shrewd move and has him dead to rights.
I agree with almost all of that, but you also can’t dismiss the irony of what I’m saying.

Get outside and enjoy the California weather you brag about.  Geez, you spend over half your life glued to this forum
And so do you, responding to almost each and every post that Tim, Sho and I do (not literally, that is hyperbole, but it just seems that way).

Dude, why do care so much about what the three of us post in this forum? I don't comment as much on Tim or Sho's posts as you.

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And so do you, responding to almost each and every post that Tim, Sho and I do (not literally, that is hyperbole, but it just seems that way).

Dude, why do care so much about what the three of his post in this forum? I don't comment as much on Tim or Sho's posts as you.
He literally just commented on my posts.  Why do you single me out?  Actually nevermind, I don't give a rats ### what you think

He literally just commented on my posts.  Why do you single me out?  Actually nevermind, I don't give a rats ### what you think
If that is true, then please, pretty please, pretty pretty please, don't comment on any of my posts again in the future.

If you don't really give a rat's patootie about my posts, then stop commenting on my posts. That should not be a difficult concept to comprehend. 

If that is true, then please, pretty please, pretty pretty please, don't comment on any of my posts again in the future.

If you don't really give a rat's patootie about my posts, then stop commenting on my posts. That should not be a difficult concept to comprehend. 
I’ve asked that same thing of Sho Nuff probably 100 different times over the years. 

Holy crap - both sides are so obsessed with Trump.  My god - you want to debate 5 topics and all 5 are about Trump?  Sweet baby Jesus.
Yep, this "debate" is going to be a clown show.  We all need to move on from Trump, yet the first five topics are all on Trump?  Pfft, I were Tim, I'd bail on this immediately and not feel the least bit bad about it.  Anyone who would shame him for it probably already thinks he's a fool anyway, so who gives a rip? 

Yep, this "debate" is going to be a clown show.  We all need to move on from Trump, yet the first five topics are all on Trump?  Pfft, I were Tim, I'd bail on this immediately and not feel the least bit bad about it.  Anyone who would shame him for it probably already thinks he's a fool anyway, so who gives a rip? 
I’ve considered it. I really don’t care about being shamed. 
I’ll still do it for the time being. But if his “rules”, that he’s making us wait 24 hours for (the suspense! I can’t bear it!) turn out to be as lame as his topics, I’m out. This is supposed to a fun exercise, not this crap. 

You're missing the whole point.  The original charge, especially after they decided to take opposite view points, the debate isn't about the topic.  It's about the debater.

If you want to blame anyone for the topics blame the guy who yielded the decision to GG.  Gekko made a shrewd move and has him dead to rights.
You’re really missing the point here. Shrewd move? Based on what? Winning? Nobody will ever agree on who wins so who gives a #### about that? 

I accepted the challenge because I thought it would be fun. I allowed him to set the rules and topics because I thought it would be gracious, and because Gekko has spent time in this forum posting about most of the important issues, just as I have, so I figured we’d be discussing, y’know, immigration, climate change, Black Lives Matter, the economy, Israel maybe- stuff that matters. Instead we’re gonna argue about the two impeachments, COVID, the 2020 election again- WHO ####### CARES???

You’re really missing the point here. Shrewd move? Based on what? Winning? Nobody will ever agree on who wins so who gives a #### about that? 

I accepted the challenge because I thought it would be fun. I allowed him to set the rules and topics because I thought it would be gracious, and because Gekko has spent time in this forum posting about most of the important issues, just as I have, so I figured we’d be discussing, y’know, immigration, climate change, Black Lives Matter, the economy, Israel maybe- stuff that matters. Instead we’re gonna argue about the two impeachments, COVID, the 2020 election again- WHO ####### CARES???
After all that drama for two days and now who cares?   Lolz. 

You’re really missing the point here. Shrewd move? Based on what? Winning? Nobody will ever agree on who wins so who gives a #### about that? 

I accepted the challenge because I thought it would be fun. I allowed him to set the rules and topics because I thought it would be gracious, and because Gekko has spent time in this forum posting about most of the important issues, just as I have, so I figured we’d be discussing, y’know, immigration, climate change, Black Lives Matter, the economy, Israel maybe- stuff that matters. Instead we’re gonna argue about the two impeachments, COVID, the 2020 election again- WHO ####### CARES???
I dont think one could have written a movie script that displayed this level of in comprehension

Because it's such a losing proposition only the losing losingest of losers would attempt it?
In one of my favorite passages in William Manchester’s The Last Lion, Vol 2, Winston Churchill finds himself in the incredibly ironic position of having to offer an argument defending Neville Chamberlain’s job just before Chamberlain is about to be thrown out of office and Churchill to take his place. Churchill has long been Chamberlain’s #1 critic and he also knows that if he does too good a job defending him, Chamberlain might stay at PM. Nonetheless Churchill, loving the irony, gives as great a speech as only he can muster, making arguments he trashed only a few hours before and adding brilliance along the way. It’s an awesome moment. 

In one of my favorite passages in William Manchester’s The Last Lion, Vol 2, Winston Churchill finds himself in the incredibly ironic position of having to offer an argument defending Neville Chamberlain’s job just before Chamberlain is about to be thrown out of office and Churchill to take his place. Churchill has long been Chamberlain’s #1 critic and he also knows that if he does too good a job defending him, Chamberlain might stay at PM. Nonetheless Churchill, loving the irony, gives as great a speech as only he can muster, making arguments he trashed only a few hours before and adding brilliance along the way. It’s an awesome moment. 
Mmmhmmm. Impressive.

In one of my favorite passages in William Manchester’s The Last Lion, Vol 2, Winston Churchill finds himself in the incredibly ironic position of having to offer an argument defending Neville Chamberlain’s job just before Chamberlain is about to be thrown out of office and Churchill to take his place. Churchill has long been Chamberlain’s #1 critic and he also knows that if he does too good a job defending him, Chamberlain might stay at PM. Nonetheless Churchill, loving the irony, gives as great a speech as only he can muster, making arguments he trashed only a few hours before and adding brilliance along the way. It’s an awesome moment. 
Sounds like a man who can’t be trusted to be honest.  Sounds like a man who only cared about power and influence.  Not impressed at all.

Yep, this "debate" is going to be a clown show.  We all need to move on from Trump, yet the first five topics are all on Trump?  Pfft, I were Tim, I'd bail on this immediately and not feel the least bit bad about it.  Anyone who would shame him for it probably already thinks he's a fool anyway, so who gives a rip? 
I agree. The topics are a joke

There is no need to debate.

While one side points to articles in the MSM as "facts"....
The other side is pointing to these "facts" as being debunked.
The first side will not accept that those facts were lies in the first place.

One side will point to headline "facts" while the Page 10 retraction printed months later, isn't acknowledged.

One side will produce "evidence" while the contrary "evidence" has been censored my social media.
Any reference made to a media that reports what the MSM didn't report or a different story, will be dismissed and "extreme, right-wing, conspiracy".

The point is useless since all you have are "facts" that are accepted while debunked and bias "facts" that are dismissed with the majority here, whooping and hollering over the false "facts" being presented.

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