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Rashida Tlaib (1 Viewer)

Is there more to this?  Is the uproar over assuming white supremacy was to blame in the first place?  Why shouldn't "liberal media" be quiet about it?  Just seems like an honest mistake.

Is there more to this?  Is the uproar over assuming white supremacy was to blame in the first place?  Why shouldn't "liberal media" be quiet about it?  Just seems like an honest mistake.
If a politician blamed a crime on illegal immigrants or a Muslim and then it ended up being a white citizen, it would be a story.  False accusations are not honest mistakes.  They are a sign of hatred and bigotry.

If a politician blamed a crime on illegal immigrants or a Muslim and then it ended up being a white citizen, it would be a story.  False accusations are not honest mistakes.  They are a sign of hatred and bigotry.
So the issue is we have a Congresswoman who is showing a "sign of hatred and bigotry" toward __________.

Could you fill in the blank?  

If a politician blamed a crime on illegal immigrants or a Muslim and then it ended up being a white citizen, it would be a story.  False accusations are not honest mistakes.  They are a sign of hatred and bigotry.
For me, to show hatred and bigotry toward Muslims and immigrants is shameful, whereas hatred and bigotry toward white supremacists is admirable.

So the issue is we have a Congresswoman who is showing a "sign of hatred and bigotry" toward __________.

Could you fill in the blank?  
Whites.  Adding supremist does not change much since she is one who is overly broad with her strokes.  She recently stated anyone who supports Israel as unamerican.  She made a statement based on zero facts to stir up racial hatred.  It is inexcusable and not a 'mistake'  

Whites.  Adding supremist does not change much since she is one who is overly broad with her strokes.  She recently stated anyone who supports Israel as unamerican.  She made a statement based on zero facts to stir up racial hatred.  It is inexcusable and not a 'mistake'  
Do you think she knew it was not white supremacy all along and tweeted that anyway or are you saying it wasn't a mistake due to her inherent bigotry?  The latter, right?

Whites.  Adding supremist does not change much since she is one who is overly broad with her strokes.  She recently stated anyone who supports Israel as unamerican.  She made a statement based on zero facts to stir up racial hatred.  It is inexcusable and not a 'mistake'  

I'm not a huge Tlaib fan, but she jumped to an erroneous conclusion which she later removed.

People are being ridiculous in their extreme reactions.  Can't we just disagree with her, or say she jumped to a conclusion not supported by facts?  Do we have to just go all the way to 11 every time on this stuff?

For me, to show hatred and bigotry toward Muslims and immigrants is shameful, whereas hatred and bigotry toward white supremacists is admirable.
She called Trump a white supremacist, so where does she draw the line.  Trump Supporters maybe?  Don't really care about an anti-semite wrongly and hypocritically getting in her high-horse about white supremists.  She is vile.  


I'm not a huge Tlaib fan, but she jumped to an erroneous conclusion which she later removed.

People are being ridiculous in their extreme reactions.  Can't we just disagree with her, or say she jumped to a conclusion not supported by facts?  Do we have to just go all the way to 11 every time on this stuff?
She is building quite a history, so has lost all benefit of the doubt from me. 

Whites.  Adding supremist does not change much since she is one who is overly broad with her strokes.  She recently stated anyone who supports Israel as unamerican.  She made a statement based on zero facts to stir up racial hatred.  It is inexcusable and not a 'mistake'  
Do you believe that was her intent?

She is building quite a history, so has lost all benefit of the doubt from me. 
Benefit of the doubt?  She made a mistake, and deleted her tweet.  What benefit of the doubt does she require?

She was upset folks got killed, and misattributed the rationale for the murder, jumping to an inaccurate, but not wholly illogical, conclusion.

Benefit of the doubt?  She made a mistake, and deleted her tweet.  What benefit of the doubt does she require?

She was upset folks got killed, and misattributed the rationale for the murder, jumping to an inaccurate, but not wholly illogical, conclusion.
Making false accusations is more than just made a mistake.  It is intentional and displays her bigotry.  

Making false accusations is more than just made a mistake.  It is intentional and displays her bigotry.  
I have pretty good friends who react too quickly in these types of situations who, before the evidence is in, assume it's a group typically associated with this type of behavior.

Several times i've called them on it, saying we should wait until more information is known before jumping to conclusions.  Several times they've been right, several times my heed for caution was prudent.  Doesn't make them bigoted, and they weren't intentionally inflaming racial tensions (which in this case doesn't even make sense).

The most reasonable answer is they're upset at a loss of life, want to speak out against those who perpetrated the crimes, and fell into the mental trap of assuming they knew who was responsible before the facts were in. 

I have pretty good friends who react too quickly in these types of situations who, before the evidence is in, assume it's a group typically associated with this type of behavior.

Several times i've called them on it, saying we should wait until more information is known before jumping to conclusions.  Several times they've been right, several times my heed for caution was prudent.  Doesn't make them bigoted, and they weren't intentionally inflaming racial tensions (which in this case doesn't even make sense).

The most reasonable answer is they're upset at a loss of life, want to speak out against those who perpetrated the crimes, and fell into the mental trap of assuming they knew who was responsible before the facts were in. 
It would be interesting for her to explain what triggered her to jump to such a conclusion.  With her history of anti-semitic remarks it is ironic that a crime she linked to white supremist turned out to be by black anti-semitics.  

It would be interesting for her to explain what triggered her to jump to such a conclusion.  With her history of anti-semitic remarks it is ironic that a crime she linked to white supremist turned out to be by black anti-semitics.  
I think your second sentence answered the first. She was off on the skin color. 

But it is completely an opposite ideology.  The later lines up with her hatred from a liberal pro-Arab anti-semitic views.  
Do you have anything showing she is anti-Semitic?  All I’ve seen is criticism of Israel being twisted this way. The tweet she deleted would indicate that she is against groups targeting Jewish people. 

Making false accusations is more than just made a mistake.  It is intentional and displays her bigotry.  
I don't see that. If she knew the identity of the perpetrator and then lied about it, then, yes that would be intentional.

This appears to be a mistake based on her preconceived notions. And we have seen that mindset in threads about terrorist attacks (although not recently since the mods cautioned against that) in which, immediately following the attack, a small percentage of people assumed that the perpetrator was Muslim or from the Middle East (well before there was any identifying information regarding race, ethnicity, or religion). 

I don't see that. If she knew the identity of the perpetrator and then lied about it, then, yes that would be intentional.

This appears to be a mistake based on her preconceived notions. And we have seen that mindset in threads about terrorist attacks (although not recently since the mods cautioned against that) in which, immediately following the attack, a small percentage of people assumed that the perpetrator was Muslim or from the Middle East (well before there was any identifying information regarding race, ethnicity, or religion). 
If there was a white girl raped and Trump tweeted blaming hispanic illegals when no facts were known, would that not be intentional based on his bigotry?  People here would be upset about such a conclusion and justifiably so.  

If there was a white girl raped and Trump tweeted blaming hispanic illegals when no facts were known, would that not be intentional based on his bigotry?  People here would be upset about such a conclusion and justifiably so.  
White supremacy isn't an ethnicity or race.

White supremacy isn't an ethnicity or race.
To a lot of people with Rashida's views, any white Trump voter is a white supremacist.   Besides, hispanic illegals are not a race either, but it would still be bigoted to jump to such conclusion. 

If there was a white girl raped and Trump tweeted blaming hispanic illegals when no facts were known, would that not be intentional based on his bigotry?  People here would be upset about such a conclusion and justifiably so.  
Dude, come on.  That comparison completely ignores the context that provided the basis for her incorrect assumption. It was a mass shooting at a kosher market and they established that the motive was anti-Semitism before she tweeted it I believe. Given those established facts what percentage chance would a reasonable person put on it being a white supremacist? 95%? Higher?

By comparison, if a girl (not sure why her race matters) is raped, what percentage chance would a reasonable person put on the attacker being an undocumented Hispanic person?  5%? Less?

This is a patently absurd hypothetical comparison. She made a careless mistake. Members of Congress make them every day, like everyone else.  Other than people with a strong motivation to protect the reputation of white supremacists, why would anyone possibly care about this?

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Dude, come on.  That comparison completely ignores the context that provided the basis for her incorrect assumption. It was a mass shooting at a kosher market and they established that the motive was anti-Semitism before she tweeted it I believe. Given those established facts what percentage chance would a reasonable person put on it being a white supremacist? 95%? Higher?

By comparison, if a girl (not sure why her race matters) is raped, what percentage chance would a reasonable person put on the attacker being an undocumented Hispanic person?  5%? less?

This is a patently absurd argument. She made a careless mistake. Members of Congress make them every day, like everyone else.  Other than people with a strong motivation to protect the reputation of white supremacists, why would anyone possibly care about this?
Marching orders?

Marching orders?
Is this a big Fox News World story?  Christ. A GOP member of congress blatantly lied and then contradicted herself, about the events surrounding the impeachment charges, today. Imagine thinking Tlaib's dumb tweet unfairly vilifying white supremacists (the horror!) is a more important story than that.

If there was a white girl raped and Trump tweeted blaming hispanic illegals when no facts were known, would that not be intentional based on his bigotry?  People here would be upset about such a conclusion and justifiably so.  

If no facts were known and no context was given (such as location) how could Trump or anyone blame undocumented Latinos or any group for that matter? 

The facts as to the identity of the perpetrator(s) was not known to her at the time, but she did have context of where the violence occurred. From that she jumped to a mistaken conclusion based on her preconceptions (bigotry if you wish) but that was not intentionally misleading as you suggest. If she knew the identity and then falsely blamed white supremacy, you have a point, that would be intentional. But that isn't the fact situation.

We seem to have a semantics issue as to what the words intentional or intent means.

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Her own anti-Semitic views are pretty well known to me, and I'm not a fan of hers at all. That said, racial/ethnic supremacists of any type are unintelligent people, and their views should be strongly condemned. If a person hates another person for no reason than beyond a difference in physical appearance, they are not smart.

Her own anti-Semitic views are pretty well known to me, and I'm not a fan of hers at all. That said, racial/ethnic supremacists of any type are unintelligent people, and their views should be strongly condemned. If a person hates another person for no reason than beyond a difference in physical appearance, they are not smart.
Many people here rip on Trump for his hair, weight, and saying he’s orange.  :lmao:

Dude, come on.  That comparison completely ignores the context that provided the basis for her incorrect assumption. It was a mass shooting at a kosher market and they established that the motive was anti-Semitism before she tweeted it I believe. Given those established facts what percentage chance would a reasonable person put on it being a white supremacist? 95%? Higher?

By comparison, if a girl (not sure why her race matters) is raped, what percentage chance would a reasonable person put on the attacker being an undocumented Hispanic person?  5%? Less?

This is a patently absurd hypothetical comparison. She made a careless mistake. Members of Congress make them every day, like everyone else.  Other than people with a strong motivation to protect the reputation of white supremacists, why would anyone possibly care about this?
She is the David Duke of the left.  She casts votes and spews rhetoric which reeks of anti-semitism.  She deserves criticism.  By itself, this event could be dismissed and excused.  


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