Here's to hoping Jauron not only gets interim, but also the perm title.
Ron Rivera to take the defensive coordinator next year? I'm down with that. Mike Singletary as def coord next year? Sure.
I think that millen should have gone first, but the Fords Fjorded that one by extending the mustache for 5 years. Oh well, I guess this is the next best thing.
Just out of curiosity, why would you want Jauron as your permanent head coach?
Because I'm a ####### lions fan and don't know any better.

I think that Jauron has shown improvement in his area and he is about the only lion coach that can say that. That goes back several years too.
He has head coaching experience, is defensive minded, and he is already there.
Aside from that, I think that the defense has responded to him, and hopefully, the rest of the team could too. Its no secret around Detroit that the players have not respected the head coach for quite a while. This goes back to the end of the Ross days. Although Jauron isn't a coughlin type coach, he is more no-nonsense than Mooch or Marty Mumblemouth were.
Just my two cents. If I knew more than that, I'd probably be paid to write for fantasy football site or something....