Ok, I think I would have voted with James, but that was a really cool ending.
All juries say they are going in with an open mind, but often that's not the case. Here, though, I think it was -- though I think Owen never really had a shot and they were being nice to him by saying that. None of the three finalists had an obvious case to win like Jesse, Karla and Cody did.
So I think it's quite possible that Gabler won with his answers at FTC, like Maryanne did in 42. He explained his game well and the jury agreed he deserved credit for taking out Elie at the fake merge and steering the mid-merge votes with Jesse and Cody. Whereas nobody bought Cassidy's argument that she ever drove strategy. And they especially didn't buy her rationale that she didn't need to put herself in fire against Jesse -- which I didn't either when she told Jesse that after the F4 challenge -- and that she thought she could beat Gabler even if he took out Jesse in fire. You could see Jesse squirm when she repeated those things to the jury, and that may have been the moment where she lost the game.
When you are at F4 and one player is the clear favorite, whoever takes them out in fire gets a huge boost in esteem from the jury. The immunity winner should recognize that and be the one to try to take them out. Deciding not to do so cost Natalie a chance to win Winners at War, and it may have cost Cassidy her shot here.
I liked this instant reunion better than those in 41 and 42. Mostly because it seems like this cast really likes each other, and that was not the case in 41 and 42. So there wasn't anywhere near as much awkwardness this time.