Some of these reporters are just so terrible. They pre-script their questions and then have absolutely no ability to stray from them in response to the answers they are given. This exchange was particularly frustrating:
Trump: I want them to come into the country, but they have to come in legally. You know they have to come in, Jim, through a process. I want it to be a process. And I want people to come in and we need the people.
Acosta: Your campaign had an ad showing migrants climbing over walls . . .
Seriously?!? You just let that go? It's like he's not even listening to what the President is saying. Rather than move to his pre-scripted question about the campaign ad, he should have immediately followed up with:
Acosta: Mr. President, that is precisely what the caravan is doing. They are following a legal process. Travelling to the border so that they can present themselves and apply for asylum. That is our legal process.
So damn frustrating. People say they are for legal immigration but against illegal immigration. These people aren't immigrating illegally!!! They are following the process in hopes of becoming legal immigrants!
Is it me? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!