Toughie here - RBs need 2, full PPR
Kyren tonight vs Minn
Monty vs Tenn
R White vs Atl
Kyren is a great choice, he deserves more love than he gets, probably. The offense runs through him and he is one of the true feature RBs in the league. I think Kupp is going to play so maybe there will be slightly fewer stacked boxes. Plus you know Kyren will get all the goal line love. He literally has at least one TD in every game this season. Close game of blowout Kyren will see ~20 opportunities.
Monty also deserves more love. The Lions should handle the Pygmy's and there should be plenty of scoring opportunities. However, you know the drill, the Lions score in lots of different ways. I think Monty has a great floor but he prithas a higher ceiling variance than Kyren.
I like both Kyren and Monty over White just because of the touchdown probability.