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When is Daniel Snyder going to be relieved of his duties as an owner and forced to sell? (1 Viewer)

Ministry of Pain

Gruden, former Head Coach and Former Ring of Honor inductee by the Bucs has been blasted out of the NFL for the rest of his life it seems. 

I don't understand how Snyder is allowed to own the Washington franchise another day when players and coaches are held to a much higher standard. Wasn't one of these emails a nude cheerleader from Washington, doesn't the culture in that front office which is a direct reflection of the owner, why is he still there? 

Didn't they force the Panthers owner to sell for making comments of women wearing tight jeans around the work area? 

And shouldn't Urban Meyer be relieved of his duties already, I cannot believe the Jags didn't do the old "we thought about it and its best to just end things and move on" instead we're still here. 

Does this bother anyone else? Not defending Gruden at all, but a precedence has been established and others should not be glossed over, everyday there should be a drum beat and battlecry from the media. I just don't understand. 

And btw for those that are going to have a hard time trying to paint inside the lines on the issue let me give you something else to chew on. Owners should have to make the Playoffs every so many years or else they are forced to sell. There's too many folks that want NFL teams to hold cities hostage to one owner demanding stadiums and tax payer money, enough of this nonsense already. 

10 Years...no Playoff victories and you must sell the franchise to the next qualified owner eager to take over and try their hand at it. Why should Stephen Ross continue to be rewarded for crapping the bed every year? And Ross had a complete sham on his hands with Richie Incognito, what if that happened right now vs 7-8 years ago? It's still just as heinous an event today as it was back then...Bullygate. 

Happy Wednesday 


Not soon enough.

When someone shows you who they are (over and over in Mr. Snyder's case) you should eventually believe them.

Gruden, former Head Coach and Former Ring of Honor inductee by the Bucs has been blasted out of the NFL for the rest of his life it seems. 

I don't understand how Snyder is allowed to own the Washington franchise another day when players and coaches are held to a much higher standard. Wasn't one of these emails a nude cheerleader from Washington, doesn't the culture in that front office which is a direct reflection of the owner, why is he still there? 

Didn't they force the Panthers owner to sell for making comments of women wearing tight jeans around the work area? 

And shouldn't Urban Meyer be relieved of his duties already, I cannot believe the Jags didn't do the old "we thought about it and its best to just end things and move on" instead we're still here. 

Does this bother anyone else? Not defending Gruden at all, but a precedence has been established and others should not be glossed over, everyday there should be a drum beat and battlecry from the media. I just don't understand. 

And btw for those that are going to have a hard time trying to paint inside the lines on the issue let me give you something else to chew on. Owners should have to make the Playoffs every so many years or else they are forced to sell. There's too many folks that want NFL teams to hold cities hostage to one owner demanding stadiums and tax payer money, enough of this nonsense already. 

10 Years...no Playoff victories and you must sell the franchise to the next qualified owner eager to take over and try their hand at it. Why should Stephen Ross continue to be rewarded for crapping the bed every year? And Ross had a complete sham on his hands with Richie Incognito, what if that happened right now vs 7-8 years ago? It's still just as heinous an event today as it was back then...Bullygate. 

Happy Wednesday 


Not at all. 

 I watch the NFL for my entertainment and for my FF teams.  I could care less what the owners or players do off the field.

It should happen, but owners protect their own. Richardson was the exception that proved the rule. He was old and didn't have the energy to fight it. No way Snyder would go quietly, and the last thing owners want to do is set a precedent that their teams can be taken away from them involuntarily. (Of course, as we saw with both Richardson and Donald Sterling, the irony is that the "punishment" for having your team taken away from you is that you get a multi-billion dollar payout.)

It's not clear what's going on with the investigation that unearthed these Gruden emails. My impression is that it's still ongoing, but that the results won't be made public. I hope the fact that the Gruden stuff leaked will create pressure for more info to be released. In fact, I wonder if that was the leaker's intent.

It should happen, but owners protect their own. Richardson was the exception that proved the rule. He was old and didn't have the energy to fight it. No way Snyder would go quietly, and the last thing owners want to do is set a precedent that their teams can be taken away from them involuntarily. (Of course, as we saw with both Richardson and Donald Sterling, the irony is that the "punishment" for having your team taken away from you is that you get a multi-billion dollar payout.)

It's not clear what's going on with the investigation that unearthed these Gruden emails. My impression is that it's still ongoing, but that the results won't be made public. I hope the fact that the Gruden stuff leaked will create pressure for more info to be released. In fact, I wonder if that was the leaker's intent.
The investigation ended in July after 10 months. The NFL levied a $10M find the day before the July 4th weekend when they knew nobody was paying attention. They then locked it all down, said they would not release any of the specifics or documents, and has said they do not have any intention of re-opening it or disclosing anything. 

Whatever was in there must have been pretty bad because the NFL has issued plenty of reports before (Deflategate, Ray Rice situation, etc).

It is the dirty little secret in this whole Gruden thing... he wasn't sending the emails to HIMSELF... I'm sure there were OTHERS engaged in similar activity... where are the "leaked" emails on all the others?

As the OP states, not defending Gruden at all, but hard to imagine that 650,000 emails and Gruden was the only source of morally-bankrupt thoughts/content. Even in a completely aloof scenario... over a 3-yr period, you'd think somebody would have told him to stop.

Right now it looks like a (successful) vendetta targeting Gruden.

The investigation ended in July after 10 months. The NFL levied a $10M find the day before the July 4th weekend when they knew nobody was paying attention. They then locked it all down, said they would not release any of the specifics or documents, and has said they do not have any intention of re-opening it or disclosing anything. 

Whatever was in there must have been pretty bad because the NFL has issued plenty of reports before (Deflategate, Ray Rice situation, etc).
OK, that's what I thought initially, but then I got the impression that something was still ongoing. In that case, I definitely think the leaker wanted to generate more attention toward the whole situation and prevent the league from sweeping everything under the rug. Although it also wouldn't surprise me if there was plenty of bad stuff but Gruden was the worst, and they leaked his emails because they knew it would get the most attention.

We really could use a whistleblower to leak that report. It has to be insane how awful Washington was as an organization.

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The latest wrinkle is pulling Adam Schefter in. In yet another leaked email, Schefter wrote to Washington executive Bruce Allen sending him a draft of an article he was publishing at ESPN and asked Allen if anything should be added, changed, or tweaked, and called Allen “Mr. Editor”.

Doesn’t seem too scandalous, but certainly points out the bias from Schefter/ESPN and makes it clear why Schefter’s job title is “Senior NFL Insider” and not “Senior Reporter”.

Schefter certainly is an insider and has good gets, but he gets that stuff because he is willing to carry water for certain people/groups. If you pay attention, you can start figuring out which GMs and agents he has relationships with because when players/coaches/GMs signed by those agents get to FA, Schefter will start putting out all sorts of stuff of them meant to inflate their value. “There are 11 teams expressing interest in X player.” “This former GM is being noted as the #1 candidate by a large number of teams and it’s shocking that their former team moved on.”

Like I said, doesn’t seem too scandalous at this point, just a reminder that a lot of these sports reporters are very biased.

The one way this could really go south on Schefter is if that particular story had something to do with unseemly goings on in Washington. Bruce Allen was responsible for a lot of the horrible things going on there within the organization (and one of the guys Gruden was shooting those emails to). If Schefter was letting Allen off the hook on any of that stuff, his time will be up very quickly.

OK, that's what I thought initially, but then I got the impression that something was still ongoing. In that case, I definitely think the leaker wanted to generate more attention toward the whole situation and prevent the league from sweeping everything under the rug. Although it also wouldn't surprise me if there was plenty of bad stuff but Gruden was the worst, and they leaked his emails because they knew it would get the most attention.
We already know from the complaints made that kicked this whole thing off that Gruden wasn’t the worst.


“What the cheerleaders didn’t know was that another video, intended strictly for private use, would be produced using footage from that same shoot. Set to classic rock, the 10-minute unofficial video featured moments when nipples were inadvertently exposed as the women shifted positions or adjusted props.

The lewd outtakes were what Larry Michael, then the team’s lead broadcaster and a senior vice president, referred to as “the good bits” or “the good parts,” according to Brad Baker, a former member of Michael’s staff. Baker said in an interview that he was present when Michael told staffers to make the video for team owner Daniel Snyder.”

”Twenty-five women — most of them speaking on the condition of anonymity because of nondisclosure agreements or fear of reprisal — told The Post that they experienced sexual harassment while working for the team. They described male bosses, colleagues and players commenting on their bodies and clothing, incorporating sexual innuendos into workplace conversation and making unwanted advances in person or via emails, text messages and social media. Many said they were motivated to speak out because they were angered by Snyder’s comments after The Post report last month that detailed allegations from another 17 women, which they read as an attempt to distance himself from the workplace culture described.”

”Former cheerleader Tiffany Bacon Scourby said Snyder approached her at a 2004 charity event at which the cheerleaders were performing and suggested she join his close friend in a hotel room so they “could get to know each other better.”

Didn't they force the Panthers owner to sell for making comments of women wearing tight jeans around the work area? 
Jerry Richardson was accused of sexually suggestive comments/behavior and a racial slur.  The main complaints were him acting like a dirty old man around women employees, and his behavior was bad enough to be considered sexual harassment.  The league didn't pressure him to sell. He decided to sell early in the investigation, and the league was surprised by his decision.  He was 81 years old, and he had planned on selling the team in the future, so I assume the allegations sped that decision up.  

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The mob better be careful about how far they choose to probe with this thing, because within 2 weeks, half the league could be relieved of their duties, and the NFL laid bare.  Who knows.. maybe that's actually their plan.  Sooner or later though, those dogs that were released will come back and eat their own.

OK, that's what I thought initially, but then I got the impression that something was still ongoing. In that case, I definitely think the leaker wanted to generate more attention toward the whole situation and prevent the league from sweeping everything under the rug. Although it also wouldn't surprise me if there was plenty of bad stuff but Gruden was the worst, and they leaked his emails because they knew it would get the most attention.
Oh, I doubt that very seriously if Bruce Allen was involved. That dude is a nest of skeevy & awful behavior. 

Just my guess, but I think the NFL has sealed these docs because there's damning evidence against Snyder and some (most? all?) of the other owners are scared to death their own closets will be laid bare with whatever their bad behavior is. You can bet a whole lot of old e mails across team offices have been deleted/scrubbed during the last week (or at least, it was attempted). 

I posted this over in the WFT thread but it bears repeating here. That investigation was a sham from the start. That investigation was so fixed and the NFL so terrified that there would be overwhelming public demand for the written report to be released that the came up with the bold strategy of... not even writing one. That’s right, there was literally no written report of the investigation. 

After initially it being an internal investigation I’m sure Snyder only agreed to hand it over to the NFL if it was kept quiet. And why would the league and other owners be ok with this? Because the majority of them have skeletons in their closet as well.

They reviewed 650K emails including the Gruden bombshells, but no report was written. Seems legit.

Oh, I doubt that very seriously if Bruce Allen was involved. That dude is a nest of skeevy & awful behavior. 

Just my guess, but I think the NFL has sealed these docs because there's damning evidence against Snyder and some (most? all?) of the other owners are scared to death their own closets will be laid bare with whatever their bad behavior is. You can bet a whole lot of old e mails across team offices have been deleted/scrubbed during the last week (or at least, it was attempted). 

Totally agree with this. My guess is based on the type of guy he is, Daniel Snyder knows a lot about skeletons in other owners closets. If he gets taken down, he would take a lot of other guys down with him. And the other owners know this.

If Gruden is vindictive and for whatever reason thinks the Washington Football Team and Daniel Snyder are the reason this happened to him, it will be interesting to see what dirt he has on them since his brother coached there for 5 1/2 years.

Totally agree with this. My guess is based on the type of guy he is, Daniel Snyder knows a lot about skeletons in other owners closets. If he gets taken down, he would take a lot of other guys down with him. And the other owners know this.

If Gruden is vindictive and for whatever reason thinks the Washington Football Team and Daniel Snyder are the reason this happened to him, it will be interesting to see what dirt he has on them since his brother coached there for 5 1/2 years.
I don’t see old Chucky going scorched on Snyder but it would be glorious to see. As a Skins/WFT fan I say burn it all to the ground. 

Totally agree with this. My guess is based on the type of guy he is, Daniel Snyder knows a lot about skeletons in other owners closets. If he gets taken down, he would take a lot of other guys down with him. And the other owners know this.

If Gruden is vindictive and for whatever reason thinks the Washington Football Team and Daniel Snyder are the reason this happened to him, it will be interesting to see what dirt he has on them since his brother coached there for 5 1/2 years.
He's also been buddies with Allen for decades. 

Part of me hopes Gruden goes scorched-earth and outs everyone - not just the WFT folks, but other organizations too. I doubt he'd do it, but I bet he has enough dirt on a bunch of owners/GMs/officials to make things extremely difficult.

To me, it's so transparent in how the NFL has handled Snyder over the last decade that they are doing everything they can to circle the wagons. Whoever the leaker was, I wonder what else he/she/they might have......

He's also been buddies with Allen for decades. 

Part of me hopes Gruden goes scorched-earth and outs everyone - not just the WFT folks, but other organizations too. I doubt he'd do it, but I bet he has enough dirt on a bunch of owners/GMs/officials to make things extremely difficult.

To me, it's so transparent in how the NFL has handled Snyder over the last decade that they are doing everything they can to circle the wagons. Whoever the leaker was, I wonder what else he/she/they might have......
Yup. The idea that Snyder was just a hands off guy who had no idea what was going on is laughable. He settled a sexual harassment lawsuit in 2009 for $1.6M. He has been known as being incredibly meddlesome as an owner.

And you can bet there are plenty of other owners with a lot to hide. There are some owners that used to be extremely opinionated and in the news a lot and a number of them seem to have faded a bit the last few years. Gotta wonder if there have been other things uncovered and those owners advised to quietly fade into the background.

It's like the mafia. As long as no one talks, everybody's good. Once someone goes down, though, people start turning on each other......

It is the dirty little secret in this whole Gruden thing... he wasn't sending the emails to HIMSELF... I'm sure there were OTHERS engaged in similar activity... where are the "leaked" emails on all the others?

As the OP states, not defending Gruden at all, but hard to imagine that 650,000 emails and Gruden was the only source of morally-bankrupt thoughts/content. Even in a completely aloof scenario... over a 3-yr period, you'd think somebody would have told him to stop.

Right now it looks like a (successful) vendetta targeting Gruden.
Sometimes its not a vendetta, but rather a well orchestrated plan to make the problem go away by sacrificing a scapegoat.  Gruden was in the boys club; now he's not.  

Does this bother anyone else? Not defending Gruden at all, but a precedence has been established and others should not be glossed over, everyday there should be a drum beat and battlecry from the media. I just don't understand.
Washington local media has been going ape#### since Monday night, I'm not sure what you're seeing.

Not at all. 

 I watch the NFL for my entertainment and for my FF teams.  I could care less what the owners or players do off the field.
That's awesome, this was one fo the first posts I read after I put this thread in motion, simple and to the point. I respect that. 


The mob better be careful about how far they choose to probe with this thing, because within 2 weeks, half the league could be relieved of their duties, and the NFL laid bare.  Who knows.. maybe that's actually their plan.  Sooner or later though, those dogs that were released will come back and eat their own.
What, you think Jer-ruh may have taken "liberties" during his ownership?

It is the dirty little secret in this whole Gruden thing... he wasn't sending the emails to HIMSELF... I'm sure there were OTHERS engaged in similar activity... where are the "leaked" emails on all the others?

As the OP states, not defending Gruden at all, but hard to imagine that 650,000 emails and Gruden was the only source of morally-bankrupt thoughts/content. Even in a completely aloof scenario... over a 3-yr period, you'd think somebody would have told him to stop.

Right now it looks like a (successful) vendetta targeting Gruden.
I'm also waiting for the other shoe to drop with more names in this investigation. Gruden was a big name, doubt the Times could have made as much a stir if they zoned in on Bruce Allen. 

I do want to keep it all football though here in the SP so I'm only taking the conversation to a point, I do respect the house rules here but this seems like such a double standard and its not that hard to see, it's not like you have to read between the lines. 

The mob better be careful about how far they choose to probe with this thing, because within 2 weeks, half the league could be relieved of their duties, and the NFL laid bare. 
That's a bit hyperbolic, but I really don't see the downside if an owner or owners is forced to sell or if front office or coaching personnel are forced out due to bad behavior. The league's not going to collapse, viewers aren't going to be lost, dollars aren't going to dry up, players will keep playing, replacements will be found for those forced out. The league played with scab players before so they can certainly do without some owners or front office types.

The latest wrinkle is pulling Adam Schefter in. In yet another leaked email, Schefter wrote to Washington executive Bruce Allen sending him a draft of an article he was publishing at ESPN and asked Allen if anything should be added, changed, or tweaked, and called Allen “Mr. Editor”.

Doesn’t seem too scandalous, but certainly points out the bias from Schefter/ESPN and makes it clear why Schefter’s job title is “Senior NFL Insider” and not “Senior Reporter”.

Schefter certainly is an insider and has good gets, but he gets that stuff because he is willing to carry water for certain people/groups. If you pay attention, you can start figuring out which GMs and agents he has relationships with because when players/coaches/GMs signed by those agents get to FA, Schefter will start putting out all sorts of stuff of them meant to inflate their value. “There are 11 teams expressing interest in X player.” “This former GM is being noted as the #1 candidate by a large number of teams and it’s shocking that their former team moved on.”

Like I said, doesn’t seem too scandalous at this point, just a reminder that a lot of these sports reporters are very biased.

The one way this could really go south on Schefter is if that particular story had something to do with unseemly goings on in Washington. Bruce Allen was responsible for a lot of the horrible things going on there within the organization (and one of the guys Gruden was shooting those emails to). If Schefter was letting Allen off the hook on any of that stuff, his time will be up very quickly.
FTR, The Ministry of Pain despises Adam Schefter and I could write for days with all the BS and what drives me nuts is he was doing dual role with Mort who unfortunately got cancer. 

Now they have Schefter on who is basically the National Enquirer of the NFL and they have him on pregame and studio duty like he is an Xs and Os guy, he knows very little about the game of football beyond cashing in when players screw up, he's always there and he backs the NFL and the individual teams at every step. 

He is the worst and anyone who looks forward to his face on the TV is not anyone I want to watch a football game around. He is good at breaking news because that is his job and he has squealers who tell him things on every NFL team. 


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That's a bit hyperbolic, but I really don't see the downside if an owner or owners is forced to sell or if front office or coaching personnel are forced out due to bad behavior. The league's not going to collapse, viewers aren't going to be lost, dollars aren't going to dry up, players will keep playing, replacements will be found for those forced out. The league played with scab players before so they can certainly do without some owners or front office types.
Snyder has had 2 decades to get it right, I don't think he enjoys watching his team lose but he was more out front when Washington had Brad Johnson let's say vs now I don't hear from him much, just seems to be hiding out in his castle. I don't think that helps the NFL shield or build the brand. What is Snyder's brand btw?

No, it doesn't bother me and I have no idea why it should.

What I want to know is where did the pics of the cheerleader come from?

No, it doesn't bother me and I have no idea why it should.

What I want to know is where did the pics of the cheerleader come from?
I'm not entirely certain this is where the picture came from, but if I recall the original allegations were that during a cheerleader photo shoot the team took a second video for Mr. Snyder that didn't stop rolling when the main video cut for prop or costume changes.

The mob better be careful about how far they choose to probe with this thing, because within 2 weeks, half the league could be relieved of their duties, and the NFL laid bare.  Who knows.. maybe that's actually their plan.  Sooner or later though, those dogs that were released will come back and eat their own.
So you're saying if we're not careful, a bunch of bigots and troglodytes could lose their jobs? Oh please, don't throw me in that briar patch!

I'm not entirely certain this is where the picture came from, but if I recall the original allegations were that during a cheerleader photo shoot the team took a second video for Mr. Snyder that didn't stop rolling when the main video cut for prop or costume changes.

Correct. Supposedly Larry Michael asked for a video of "the good bits."  Speculation is that he was asking on behalf of Snyder.

The Schefter thing feels like much ado about nothing. He's just a mouthpiece who tells people what he's told, he's not really a journalist. The conspiracy theorist in me thinks this is the NFL's payback for ESPN breaking the Gruden thing. Like a "keep your mouth shut, or you're next" kind of thing. 

The Gruden getting removed from the TB ring of honor thing is a little weird/hollow for a team happily starting Antonio Brown. Like, I'm not supporting Gruden by any means, but he's never said or done anything even close to as bad as Brown. 

Snyder has always been a major issue. That said, I don't know how you can force him to sell the team, unless there is somebody willing to pay full price for them. If there is, then great, but that seems easier said than done, for a team valued at 3.4 billion dollars. 

The Schefter thing feels like much ado about nothing. He's just a mouthpiece who tells people what he's told, he's not really a journalist. The conspiracy theorist in me thinks this is the NFL's payback for ESPN breaking the Gruden thing. Like a "keep your mouth shut, or you're next" kind of thing. 

The Gruden getting removed from the TB ring of honor thing is a little weird/hollow for a team happily starting Antonio Brown. Like, I'm not supporting Gruden by any means, but he's never said or done anything even close to as bad as Brown. 

Snyder has always been a major issue. That said, I don't know how you can force him to sell the team, unless there is somebody willing to pay full price for them. If there is, then great, but that seems easier said than done, for a team valued at 3.4 billion dollars. 

The major problem (and it is a problem) with sports "reporting" is that these reporters are 100% beholden to the team and league they report on. You're not getting access, you're not getting on the property, if the team and league don't want you there. 

These guys bury all kinds of stories because being part of the "in group" career-wise matters far more than breaking major stories. This is a problem across all sports leagues (and in political reporting too). 

Mark Leibovich book goes into this and I've heard other reporters who leave their sports league mention this as well. 

It's a reality. It's a problem. And it's an ugly look for Schefter. Sending your story to be reviewed by Bruce Allen? Gross. 

Snyder has always been a major issue. That said, I don't know how you can force him to sell the team, unless there is somebody willing to pay full price for them. If there is, then great, but that seems easier said than done, for a team valued at 3.4 billion dollars. 
In most franchising models, the parent company has a set of rules and expectations that if not met, allows them to take that franchise away from you. There are lots of zeros involved here but I'm sure buyers could be found. If NFL franchises don't work this way, it's only because they don't want them to.

What is Snyder's brand btw?
Something similar to Halliburton and Amway.
I mean, this is a guy who once basically bragged that his wealth came from diabetes and cancer victims.


Snyder has definitely become more of recluse over the years. I’m not saying he’s gone full Howard Hughes, but he has definitely avoided appearing in public on the team’s behalf. Some of it can be chalked up to the fact that he’s a terrible public speaker and appears socially awkward. But most of it is I’m sure he doesn’t want to dodge tomatoes on a regular basis.

In typical gutless fashion, the team had paraded out Doug Williams to take the heat and handle the press over the years, a job he was woefully ill prepared for. The bottom line is as long as Snyder is the owner this team is terminally ill. But it appears that neither Goodell nor anyone else either doesn’t care or is too scared to do anything about it. 

The owners probably want Snyder to sell because they think it will make the issue go away. They don't want to force him to sell because they don't want to create a precedent where in the future they may be forced to sell.

Correct. Supposedly Larry Michael asked for a video of "the good bits."  Speculation is that he was asking on behalf of Snyder.
Michael was also handsy or creepy with multiple cheerleaders. Good old Larry Michael, head of Redskins broadcasting for years, jocular, always a homer, always in the media, and suddenly poof, he was gone. As was Alex Santos, one of the front office bigwigs. Poof. I doubt ShamWow would hire Larry Michael now.

In most franchising models, the parent company has a set of rules and expectations that if not met, allows them to take that franchise away from you. There are lots of zeros involved here but I'm sure buyers could be found. If NFL franchises don't work this way, it's only because they don't want them to.
The NFL is the opposite of this. 
The teams own the league, not the other way around.

Goddell is paid by the owners to keep this type of problem off of them. 

Michael was also handsy or creepy with multiple cheerleaders. Good old Larry Michael, head of Redskins broadcasting for years, jocular, always a homer, always in the media, and suddenly poof, he was gone. As was Alex Santos, one of the front office bigwigs. Poof. I doubt ShamWow would hire Larry Michael now.
I take it you don’t miss his “Skintangibles”. Larry was the worst. And the guy just always came off as a sleazy scumbag. When the news came out about him I wasn’t surprised at all. And in addition to all his other transgressions, I’m sure the guy played an integral part of getting rid of Herzog so he could get the gig. 

Bad press coming out again about Washington's Football Team? Quick, create a distraction.

During the Washington Football Team's October 17th matchup against the Kansas City Chiefs, the team will honor nearly 100 alumni at FedExField, while also paying a special tribute to Washington alumnus and football legend, Sean Taylor. Taylor's family will join the team on-field for a pre-game ceremony in which Taylor's contributions to the team will be remembered alongside the retirement of his jersey number, 21. This will mark only the third time in the team's 89-year history that a jersey number will be officially retired.

The team also will formally commemorate the renaming of the road leading to FedExField as Sean Taylor Road with family and friends of Taylor before the game.

I can't read the article, but this WSJ headline sums up Dan Snyder:

Dan Snyder Was Battling With Bruce Allen. Jon Gruden Was the Loser.

Somehow, Dan continually avoids total destruction. Others are the ones always taking the hit. Sure, others take a deserved hit because of their involvement, but the one at the top of it all continually slips away. I'm confident it will all come crashing down some day, but no idea what that will take.


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