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2023 New York Jets: Bye Bye (1 Viewer)

Wilson and Hall are the most talented WR and RB combo this team has had. I don’t want to bash Wilson coming off a win, but this offense could be potent. I’m not a huge Lazard fan but he could be a WR2 in a good passing offense.
Pretty insane theft of a HORRIBLE game.

As I said in the game thread, I'm shocked they got the spike off at the end. The ref just tapping the ball (and getting out of the way quicker than normal) rather than "spotting it" really saved them. And honestly, if we were on the other side of it, I'd be pissed. If we had a less in shape ref there, that doesn't happen. So glad the guy does his plyometrics.

Obviously horrendous luck with the center situation. Thankfully the 3rd string guy mostly figured it out after initial screw up. Gotta go find some help at this point....somehow. Hopefully Tippman is ready sooner rather than later as he can obviously play center.

Saw some of the vintage Zach lay-up misses (the one to Breece late was BRUTAL) and some major brainfarts (holding onto the ball too long) as well. But he also got burned by 2 or 3 bad drops late. But then out of nowhere, 2 or 3 huge throws to win the game. Just a strange day.

Losing to that HS offense would have been absolutely horrible. Glad they pulled it out but it certainly doesn't bring any warm fuzzy feelings. The line couldn't get ANYTHING blocked off after Breece TD.

But....still alive. And Rodgers looks better and better in pre-game every week. Its so absurd to think about, but, if they can somehow go 4 and 3 over the next 7 (lets say wins over Atlanta, Houston, Vegas and a split with Miami....or a win in LA next Monday) they'd be 8 and 6 with games against WA, Cleve and NE remaining......
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We might look back at this one as the reason we sneaked into the playoffs, complete theft of a 99.9% loss... unreal series of events at the end of the game to flip the script... insane. This team never fails to deliver insanity every single week, what a team to be a fan of lol. The touch play by the ref to spot the ball was incredible and Will coming over the middle like his jumping a car video to just distract Gano.. wow. No need to bash everyone, we know this was a loss snatched away but things happen for a reason so let's see what happens next.

Taking this a game at a time and enjoy this even more wild ride than usual as a NYJ fan and we saw Rodgers doing some pretty strong throwing off his plant leg.. let's see if we can give him a reason to risk it in December.

4-3? WOW!
Jets sign Roger Saffold, who made the pro-bowl last year (which means almost nothing) but had a HORRENDOUS PFF grade (which always means nothing) off the street to play guard. Dude is 35 and was on the street for a reason. Meanwhile, Jax gets Ezra Cleveland (a 25 year old starting guard) for a 6th rounder.

Just dont get it. Why would you not offer something better for a starting caliber player? Maybe there's a scheme issue, but that just seems dumb to me, especially since they have an extra 6th rounder they just got for Hardman.

Lawson stays put, which I didnt expect. figured they move him

Knew they'd keep Cook. They're pot committed there and dont want to admit a massive mistake.
You know it's bad when you feel like you missed a golden opportunity to acquire Josh Dobbs for pennies on the dollar.

Zach was indeed under pressure all night, but he didn't help himself by rarely rolling out of the pocket- just stood back there waiting to be crunched. Or perhaps Hackett may have conjured up a few designed runs - the playcalling was as abysmal as the performance itself.

It's really disingenuous to the defense to have to stay out there so long and play lights out while the offense stalls early drive after drive. On the post-game radio discussion, there was a lot of talk about how the team is still cohesive among offense/defense/special teams, but have to think there is some underlying tension given how the two sides of the ball are faring.
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Just torture to watch this offense play.. They have to be thinking QB switch soon, it can't be much worse.. we know they won't but to latch your team to Zach for two seasons is just cruel and unusual punishment to the Fans and the team, Joe D really botched this one... We know Zach is getting slaughtered out there, but he needs to get rid of that ball super quick and nothing they do seems to make that happen.. They did try the hurry up with some mixed success, but the penalties and drops were brutal. Would have been better if Lazard did not play last night at all. It's not all on Zach when you get called for penalty after penalty and drop after drop. Oh well, this was a borderline must win game to make the playoff run, now they will need some miracle wins again to be back in that conversation, but without Rodgers who really cares at this point. So frustrating.
I don't want to add too much negativity, but this offense is not entertaining to watch play. It's like repeatedly getting your cuticles pinched by some metal vice object. No fun.
Nothing has changed. Blocking aside (and dont get me wrong....its a MAJOR issue.) we just seem to be the only team in the NFL that NEVER schemes anyone open.

Penalties were a killer and Lazard is just terrible as well.
Zach's a dud. Played all his HS and college football against inferior competition throwing to wide open WRs. Utah is nothing like the United States. He probably crapped himself first day of training camp as a rookie.

Yes, he has an arm... and that's the end of the "pro's" list. He still has that deer in the headlights look. Make the QB switch because you need to see if the offensive scheme is also a major problem.

Start getting ready for 2024 now. Shame to waste a championship defense, but that is the reality.
we just seem to be the only team in the NFL that NEVER schemes anyone open

We did when Josh Johnson was dropping twenty-eight or so points on Indy. McVay saw fit to hire LaFleur. No matter what anybody thinks about LaFleur, that's a stone cold fact. (I don't think a ton of LaFleur, but he was better than Hackett.)

Look, at some point it's the players. Lazard's Reception Perception tracking (I subscribe to Matt Harmon's awesome receiver site, yes I do) is abysmal. He never got or gets open. That was a disaster of a signing. We can't scheme Wilson open because he's always bracketed now.

It's frustrating, but we're not a good offense except for our running back and one wideout. The rest of the guys, including the line, stink.

Oh, the TEs are okay, but I knew when we got an illegal formation penalty for "not covering" another receiver, that it was a rookie. Sure enough, it was Ruckert.
Look, at some point it's the players. Lazard's Reception Perception tracking (I subscribe to Matt Harmon's awesome receiver site, yes I do) is abysmal. He never got or gets open. That was a disaster of a signing.
And somehow Lazard is the best Jets-tested/Rodgers-approved skill position signing among Lazard, Cobb and Cook(ed). Although from a financial standpoint, there's no comparison Lazard is by far the worst given the coin they gave him. But hey, he's a great blocker.
And somehow Lazard is the best Jets-tested/Rodgers-approved skill position signing among Lazard, Cobb and Cook(ed).

Yeah, though I'd argue Cook has had no help. He doesn't look as bad as people are saying. No blocking and stacked boxes will do that. This is an ignominious end to a really good career. I doubt he goes out like this.
Another stinker - sitting in the stadium every time the offense took the field it sucked the energy completely out. The defense is awesome but they cant be expected to score as well.

Offense is a bona fide disaster - Zach has regressed to well Zach which is bad. But the OL was a turnstile and barely opened holes for Breece; Lazard is awful and Hackett's gameplan and refusing to put together quick slants/plays to keep the QB from getting crushed was maddening. Keep in mind SD is an terrible defense and they crushed the Jets O.

This will be the season - rollercoaster ups and downs - win a game or two unexpected but put up more stinkers like this. Get ready for a frustrating ride.

And for those that think Rodgers will come in and save the day next year - JD has a lot of work to do. AVT return to the OL is not enough - needs to partially rebuild. WRs besides Wilson are terrible but locked in with Lazard at least another year. I cant believe JD went with an older passrusher with his 1st rder when the team needed anything on offense.

so frustrating
Saleh owes it to the team to bench Wilson. He has to see it.
Boyle and Simian are not very good QBs, but Wilson is pure trash. All this team needs is a game manager, and Wilson’s too timid and too slow in processing to even be that.
Saleh owes it to the team to bench Wilson. He has to see it.
Boyle and Simian are not very good QBs, but Wilson is pure trash. All this team needs is a game manager, and Wilson’s too timid and too slow in processing to even be that.
Its painful to watch Saleh have to defend the indefensible week after week. Semien is awful but he has been a starting QB in the league. How could he be worse?

I just dont see it though - this regime just refuses to give up on Zach and make excuse after excuse.
From an outside perspective I assume it is ownership supporting Zach?

I am still hopeful the Jets can split with Miami and as a Bills fan I am nervous about playing them again, although Zach in the atmosphere in Buffalo will be bad.
From an outside perspective I assume it is ownership supporting Zach?

I am still hopeful the Jets can split with Miami and as a Bills fan I am nervous about playing them again, although Zach in the atmosphere in Buffalo will be bad.
Who knows - could be a combination of things - to stubborn to admit they botched the #2 pick, Rodgers wants it, Boyle/Semien just as bad so pray something clicks ala KC -

I think they start him until there is a clear pushback like last year - with Rodgers in fold though im not sure that will happen if hes in Zachs corner.

Its just so frustrating after finally thinking the QB issues were solved at least short term!
Saleh owes it to the team to bench Wilson. He has to see it.
Boyle and Simian are not very good QBs, but Wilson is pure trash. All this team needs is a game manager, and Wilson’s too timid and too slow in processing to even be that.
Its painful to watch Saleh have to defend the indefensible week after week. Semien is awful but he has been a starting QB in the league. How could he be worse?
Agreed, I mean they went to Mike White last year, and not like he's a world beater, so not sure why they wouldn't give Boyle a shot. And if they think he's so bad, why keep him around?

The stubbornness of team brass to double down again this year in support of Zach is beyond frustrating.
Peyton taking a shot at the Jets at the country music awards last night apparently.

Facebook fans are up in arms - but the Jets deserve all the abuse they take. They’ve earned it.
Peyton taking a shot at the Jets at the country music awards last night apparently.

Facebook fans are up in arms - but the Jets deserve all the abuse they take. They’ve earned it.
Yeah, it was a joke comparing the Jets to Taylor Swift about not being able to sell out a stadium. Kind of lame and untrue - better off joking about their on-field performance. The Jets fired back too:

Peyton taking a shot at the Jets at the country music awards last night apparently.

Facebook fans are up in arms - but the Jets deserve all the abuse they take. They’ve earned it.
Yeah, it was a joke comparing the Jets to Taylor Swift about not being able to sell out a stadium. Kind of lame and untrue - better off joking about their on-field performance. The Jets fired back too:

Strange dig - lots to rip the Jets on but attendance is not one of them - this year the Jets are 3rd in the league with an avg of 80,000 fans per game. Lazy humor Peyton
Peyton taking a shot at the Jets at the country music awards last night apparently.

Facebook fans are up in arms - but the Jets deserve all the abuse they take. They’ve earned it.
Yeah, it was a joke comparing the Jets to Taylor Swift about not being able to sell out a stadium. Kind of lame and untrue - better off joking about their on-field performance. The Jets fired back too:

Strange dig - lots to rip the Jets on but attendance is not one of them - this year the Jets are 3rd in the league with an avg of 80,000 fans per game. Lazy humor Peyton
Agreed - when I first heard that Peyton ripped the Jets, I figured it had to be something about their anemic offense. Certainly would have deserved it for that, but not for the loyal fan base.
Peyton taking a shot at the Jets at the country music awards last night apparently.

Facebook fans are up in arms - but the Jets deserve all the abuse they take. They’ve earned it.
Yeah, it was a joke comparing the Jets to Taylor Swift about not being able to sell out a stadium. Kind of lame and untrue - better off joking about their on-field performance. The Jets fired back too:

Strange dig - lots to rip the Jets on but attendance is not one of them - this year the Jets are 3rd in the league with an avg of 80,000 fans per game. Lazy humor Peyton
Yeah - that was an inaccurate "joke" but people get the point. The Jets stink.
Welp, the Jets scored twelve points last night.


As bad as Zach is, it wasn't all on him. Some lazy routes, tons of penalties calling back big gains (and a touchdown) at crucial moments. It's amazing that this year looks better than Zach's year the year before last and it still is light years away from competent quarterbacking.

Defense held their own. Only so much you can expect a professional defense to do, and I've been critical of them at times, so I'm not just touting an already spoken narrative that is untrue. It was right there in plain sight.

On the schadenfreude side, anybody who watched Mac Jones play against Indy knows the QB problem isn't endemic to the Jets. But I don't really do schadenfreude well. I'd rather win on my own.
Still gathering my thoughts on that debacle.....I am so tired of feeling defeated just because the other team scores one TD. Its ridiculous and true - stone age offense
Welp, the Jets scored twelve points last night.


As bad as Zach is, it wasn't all on him. Some lazy routes, tons of penalties calling back big gains (and a touchdown) at crucial moments. It's amazing that this year looks better than Zach's year the year before last and it still is light years away from competent quarterbacking.

Defense held their own. Only so much you can expect a professional defense to do, and I've been critical of them at times, so I'm not just touting an already spoken narrative that is untrue. It was right there in plain sight.

On the schadenfreude side, anybody who watched Mac Jones play against Indy knows the QB problem isn't endemic to the Jets. But I don't really do schadenfreude well. I'd rather win on my own.

It feels like the NYJ ownership/GM/fanbase drank one cup too many from the “we are a QB away from winning the Super Bowl” table. Aaron Rogers had a l-o-n-g list of prerequisites to go there… they met them all, and without Aaron Rogers to make it all work it’s a total disaster.

Hackett – I am sure – was a Rogers move. His offense looks very generic to me. Maybe Zach Wilson is even more limited than I thought, but 2023 NYJ offense looks an awful lot like the 2022 DEN offense to my eyeballs.

Cobb? I don’t know… I guess he and Rogers are BFFs or something. Makes no sense to have him there.

Lazard was brought in to teach the other WRs how to run block. On a good day as a WR he looks fat and slow to me. On a bad day he looks completely hobbled.

Cook? Not sure if he wanted to play with Rogers, or vice versa, but I could have sworn that he was not healthy from the get-go this season. Am I remembering that wrong?

Regarding Zach… 5 TD passes in 9 games this season feels like a 2023 NFL impossibility even for a completely inept QB. Didn’t CJ Stroud do that in one game? Zach squeezing that last bit of high draft pick juice out of the lemon he turned out to be.

And I love’s me some Garrett Wilson, but the dude alligator arms a lot of passes in traffic. He needs to build up his body.
Welp, the Jets scored twelve points last night.


As bad as Zach is, it wasn't all on him. Some lazy routes, tons of penalties calling back big gains (and a touchdown) at crucial moments. It's amazing that this year looks better than Zach's year the year before last and it still is light years away from competent quarterbacking.

Defense held their own. Only so much you can expect a professional defense to do, and I've been critical of them at times, so I'm not just touting an already spoken narrative that is untrue. It was right there in plain sight.

On the schadenfreude side, anybody who watched Mac Jones play against Indy knows the QB problem isn't endemic to the Jets. But I don't really do schadenfreude well. I'd rather win on my own.

It feels like the NYJ ownership/GM/fanbase drank one cup too many from the “we are a QB away from winning the Super Bowl” table. Aaron Rogers had a l-o-n-g list of prerequisites to go there… they met them all, and without Aaron Rogers to make it all work it’s a total disaster.

Hackett – I am sure – was a Rogers move. His offense looks very generic to me. Maybe Zach Wilson is even more limited than I thought, but 2023 NYJ offense looks an awful lot like the 2022 DEN offense to my eyeballs.

Cobb? I don’t know… I guess he and Rogers are BFFs or something. Makes no sense to have him there.

Lazard was brought in to teach the other WRs how to run block. On a good day as a WR he looks fat and slow to me. On a bad day he looks completely hobbled.

Cook? Not sure if he wanted to play with Rogers, or vice versa, but I could have sworn that he was not healthy from the get-go this season. Am I remembering that wrong?

Regarding Zach… 5 TD passes in 9 games this season feels like a 2023 NFL impossibility even for a completely inept QB. Didn’t CJ Stroud do that in one game? Zach squeezing that last bit of high draft pick juice out of the lemon he turned out to be.

And I love’s me some Garrett Wilson, but the dude alligator arms a lot of passes in traffic. He needs to build up his body.
Watching the Jets I think cements the thought they are a qb away. The problem with Douglas and Saleh was thinking it was a smart move to go with Zach Wilson as the backup. Just a horrendous decision and then they doubled down when Rodgers went down saying they weren’t looking to add a veteran. Zach Wilson is atrocious.

Jets Defense is Super Bowl caliber - they need an offense that can sustain drives so they don’t get gassed at end of games.
At this point, I hope they don't let Rodgers come back in mid-December as reported. No need to re-aggravate the injury. Rest up and let's try to run it back one more time next year, albeit with a much better backup QB plan in case he's done.
I know they wont do it (because Rodgers isn't starting over with a whole new staff and he's their only chance next year) but I wouldn't be opposed to firing everyone after this year.

Douglas had 1 great draft and has made some good trades but there's just as many HORRENDOUS decisions as there are good ones. And now they're married to Hackett and most of Aaron's boys (mostly Lazard, who is an absolute waste) for at least another year. The O-line is still completely trash. Hall was absolutely smothered again last night. Nowhere to run. You could argue they need 3 new starters still (Becton has been getting beat BADLY 2-3 times a game for the past month) and that's if you count AVT as a good piece (coming off 2 consecutive season ending injuries).

They did a nice job getting Quincy Williams on what looks like an incredible bargain now, but at the same time, they've let Bryce Huff play himself into a MASSIVE deal when they could have extended him for cheap.

Spent money on Cook who is giving them nothing. Spent their first rounder on yet another D-lineman even after keeping Lawson around(both players giving them nothing) . Picked Abanikanda in the 4th round, let him show out in the pre-season and now he's a healthy scratch for 3 months.

As constructed, the D is obviously still great(although they need a safety that can actually tackle. And losing Huff for a conditional would be a disaster. Not sure they can afford to sign him) . But they still need a GOOD Wr2 (I dont think Adams happens. Obviously would be awesome), 3 o-linemen (plus a healthy AVT), a healthy,productive Rodgers and a guy with a brain who can actually call proper plays.

And even if they get all those things, I think there's at least a 35-40% chance that Saleh just doesn't have it in terms of game day management. A 9 year old playing Madden on rookie mode would have known to call a TO instantly last night with 19 seconds to go. Instead, they let 6 seconds come off the clock taking away any possible option other than a Hail Mary. Disgraceful
Carter cut, Abanikanda in.

I think Dalvin Cook looked good the other night. I'm in the minority on this, but he looked spry. And that comes from a guy who loves Breece and counts on him for fantasy football. Think you'll see more of a 1-2 punch than you will see Breece slam into a brick wall of opposition every time he touches the ball.

Also, been hearing noises that Carter was expendable because of Breece in the passing game. I hope that is true. Would love to see more of him catching the ball, not less of that.
Carter cut, Abanikanda in.

I think Dalvin Cook looked good the other night. I'm in the minority on this, but he looked spry. And that comes from a guy who loves Breece and counts on him for fantasy football. Think you'll see more of a 1-2 punch than you will see Breece slam into a brick wall of opposition every time he touches the ball.

Also, been hearing noises that Carter was expendable because of Breece in the passing game. I hope that is true. Would love to see more of him catching the ball, not less of that.

OH now I'm interested

I have Breece, squad is stacked from Alpha to Omega at every position

Picked up Samaje Perine as a speculative add before last night's kickoff - flipped a coin between him and Lactose, dropping Josh Reynolds

I think Israel would be a wise add tonight as my RB7, no?
I think Israel would be a wise add tonight as my RB7, no?

I think they're going to sprinkle him in extremely lightly and see where that goes. This might be more of a "Breece gets the two minute drill" thing. That's a really speculative addition for redraft. Not likely to bear any fruit this year, but who knows? Who is Lactose?
I think Israel would be a wise add tonight as my RB7, no?

I think they're going to sprinkle him in extremely lightly and see where that goes. This might be more of a "Breece gets the two minute drill" thing. That's a really speculative addition for redraft. Not likely to bear any fruit this year, but who knows? Who is Lactose?

10 year vet about to score 6 or more TDs for the 8th season of his career (5 or more 9th straight year if it comes to pass)
Turned off that clown show 4 minutes into the 2nd quarter. It was pretty clear where that was going.

The Defense finally tapped out.(based on what I saw on twitter) They've had enough of trying to salvage this debacle. And it goes without saying, but there is absolutely zero reason to bring Rodgers back to lead this team. Nobody could run a functional offense with this offensive line. And now they're probably down Becton (not that he's been any good) for several weeks at least. Honestly....it wouldn't shock me to see this team picking in the top 3 again. The offense is that bad and now the D is starting to quit.

I'm VERY worried that Rodgers will demand Hackett come back next year. And ownership will do it.

Absolutely the worst franchise in American sports.
Not much more to say.

What I can say is that I have put my 4 tickets for Friday up for sale on StubHub - hoping some of the local Dolphins fans will jump on them.
The lack of posts after that debacle means that apathy is starting to set in. As early as the 2d quarter I started watching Red Zone more and then scrolling on my phone. It was literally unwatchable - even the hyped QB switch didnt provide any interest as we all know Boyle and Semien both stink.

Watching Dobbs last pm made me even more upset - the second Rodgers went down JD should have been on the prowl for a competent starting QB. By ignoring it and sticking with ZW who they all knew was bad is malpractice. JD flushed the season away. Why? was it ego? stupidity? Nope - it all points to one man Aaron Rodgers.

Rodgers is now the face of this mess and a 39 year old player who played less than 1 series is calling the shots - hes the reason ZW was the backup and not replaced; the reason they are stuck with an awful contract in Lazard. He will be the reason that Saleh,Hackett and JD all return next year even if they lose out. They made their bed with Rodgers and Woody does not have the stomach to change it now and have an unhappy Rodgers with over $100M in possible dead cap money over the next 2 seasons.

My prediction is Rodgers will come back the last 2 games to give everyone the glimmer of hope for next year. Theyll preach that this year was a mulligan and trade a top 10 pick for Devante Adams to try to hype it up again.

I cant even read all the stuff about firing coaches and GM - its just not gonna happen fellas. Best to get to the acceptance stage as fast as possible
Rodgers is now the face of this mess and a 39 year old player who played less than 1 series is calling the shots

They are tied to Rodgers for better or worse. As Jets fans we know which of those two scenarios will come to fruition.

Trevor Siemian is not a good QB, but he's a competent career backup that can at least take some advantage of having Wilson and Hall on his side.

And, yes, apathy has surely set in for me. I'm not sure I'll be torturing myself on Friday pretending to care about this team.
The lack of posts after that debacle means that apathy is starting to set in. As early as the 2d quarter I started watching Red Zone more and then scrolling on my phone. It was literally unwatchable - even the hyped QB switch didnt provide any interest as we all know Boyle and Semien both stink.

Watching Dobbs last pm made me even more upset - the second Rodgers went down JD should have been on the prowl for a competent starting QB. By ignoring it and sticking with ZW who they all knew was bad is malpractice. JD flushed the season away. Why? was it ego? stupidity? Nope - it all points to one man Aaron Rodgers.

Rodgers is now the face of this mess and a 39 year old player who played less than 1 series is calling the shots - hes the reason ZW was the backup and not replaced; the reason they are stuck with an awful contract in Lazard. He will be the reason that Saleh,Hackett and JD all return next year even if they lose out. They made their bed with Rodgers and Woody does not have the stomach to change it now and have an unhappy Rodgers with over $100M in possible dead cap money over the next 2 seasons.

My prediction is Rodgers will come back the last 2 games to give everyone the glimmer of hope for next year. Theyll preach that this year was a mulligan and trade a top 10 pick for Devante Adams to try to hype it up again.

I cant even read all the stuff about firing coaches and GM - its just not gonna happen fellas. Best to get to the acceptance stage as fast as possible
Couldn't agree more with all of this.
I’ve said it before but Douglas/Saleh’s unwillingness to admit Zach Wilson is not an nfl caliber qb is a fireable offense. That is a fantastic defense and the offense simply needed a backup who could manage a game and keep the defense fresh. They failed miserably.

First when signing Rodgers and not getting an experienced backup, and then when Rodgers went down and doubling down on their support for Zach.
and they're starting Tim Boyle on Friday. I don't understand why they even signed Siemien (just to pretend they were doing something?}.

Neither are any good but Siemien has shown some ability in the NFL at least.
I'm cross-posting this so that somebody reads it.

Before I do that, let me say that I also think the defense is overrated. They're not the '85 Bears and they're certainly not the '00 Ravens. They're a top ten defense in '23, whatever that means. And they're nowhere close to the best one.

The amazing thing is that every fan knew this was coming the moment Rodgers went down. The only thing the front office and the coach did was lie to the public for about nine weeks. They tried to placate through an obvious misdirect without fixing the problem.

That didn't work. Meanwhile, Josh Dobbs led Minnesota to a few wins and almost pulled one out in Denver. There were better guys out there. The front office and the owner were either just stubborn or stupid. They might have been handcuffed by Rodgers and this second year stuff.

Whatever it was, they waved the white flag on this year.

What a waste of everybody's time and energy. Good thing I didn't support it by giving them money to go watch that product in Las Vegas when I had the chance. **** on that.
Before I do that, let me say that I also think the defense is overrated. They're not the '85 Bears and they're certainly not the '00 Ravens.
Those days are gone - no defense will be "shut down" in this modern era of offensive football. Getting to the passer and turning the ball over is all that's asked from defenses now and the Jets are very good at that. I agree it's far from elite - but it's certainly very good and should be more than enough for any team that paired it with a competent offense. At some point the defense can only do so much.
and they're starting Tim Boyle on Friday. I don't understand why they even signed Siemien (just to pretend they were doing something?}.

Neither are any good but Siemien has shown some ability in the NFL at least.
dont get me wrong they both are terrible - but one is Rodgers buddy and the other is not. Of course they will start Boyle over Semien who has shown more....which again is not saying much!

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