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2023 New York Jets: Bye Bye (1 Viewer)

And the dumbest part....they're keeping him ACTIVE on friday (even though they could just keep him on the roster and use the emergency QB role if needed)

Also, looks like Saleh has gone into full on "save my *** mode" with his comments.....

"I've got my thoughts, I've shared them with Joe (Douglas)," Robert Saleh on where the #Jets could have gone differently during the pre-draft process, which led them to drafting Zach Wilson. Said he will not share those thoughts with us.
Not really sure what folks were expecting the Jets to do. Rodgers went down week 1 - no one was trading their backup to the Jets after one week and no one else was out there unsigned - there’s a reason those guys were unsigned. They also weren’t going to mortgage the future either on a backup to play the role of starter this season.

The obvious issue is the lack of QBs that can actually compete in the NFL. Unlike RBs and WRs who can relatively easily be slotted in (next man up), you just don’t see it with QBs and it sucks. The Jers aren’t unique though - Mahomes, Hurts, Burrows, etc go down those teams are toast.

As for Dobbs being available - they were 1-7 when he was traded and he wasn’t playing well at all through those 8 games. He’s caught some magic these past few games in Minnesota but it’s not like anyone though he’d be the answer once Rodgers went down.

All that said it’s becoming obvious that teams really need to not only invest in a QB1 but a QB2 - it’s just as important a position as any other on the team - maybe more so. Just like insurance - hope you don’t need it but glad you have it when you do need it. The days of a guy just holding the clipboard on the sidelines, collecting a check are gone in this league.

It’s painful to watch another season waste away yet again. At this rate we’ll be picking high once again and imo they should draft yet another QB - keep at it until we get one that works.
Jets made Wilson the 3rd string. Why not just cut the guy. He's toast.

Some team will gamble on him with a late round pick.
Usually I'd say yes but his struggles have been well documented for all to see for 2+ years now. It's not like a former first rounder who got hurt or fell out of favor with a new coach. He's just sucked non stop since he's been handed the reigns.
$11.2m in dead cap next year for Wilson. Voof

Part of why the big time QBs have nothing in terms of backups is the contract. $50m-$55m makes it hard to put more than the league minimum into the backup (Browning is at $750k for the Bengals and Gabbert is like $1.1m for KC for example) - really turns it into an all or nothing proposition.

It is also part of why they kept him around because the cost is sunk already anyway.

All that said the harsh reality is they should get back on the horse and draft a prime QB if one is available at their draft slot. But they probably be out of reach of the 4 or so can't miss guys (2 or 3 of which will probably miss but that is life in the NFL)

A creature of habit, Nathaniel Hackett almost always brought in Michael Carter on passing downs. It wasn't as a receiving back, but bc they liked him in pass pro.

Just noticed on the year Breece has allowed 1 pressure in 25 pass pro opportunities. Before he hit the bricks, Carter's efficiency was 5 pressures in 23 pass pro opps.

Everything about this offense doesn't make sense.
Maybe Im just focusing on Rodgers s a pin cushion but I dont see any chance they use the 1st on a QB - Rodgers wont allow it. He lose his mind over Love so why would he allow it now when he has the team over the barrel. Im fully expecting a trade for Devante or if somehow that doesnt work then a WR or OL.

Jets are officially held hostage on GM, HC, OC and draft picks for at least one more year.
How do you explain Tim Boyle attempting to throw the ball 38 times while only giving Breece Hall 7 carries?

Because in the beginning of the game there were nine in the box and when they tried to run Breece, it was like hitting a brick wall. By the time the game got out of hand (it was always out of hand), they needed to throw every down.

Simple as that. You could have planned to run Breece all game (which is what they would obviously like to do), say, twenty times and gain twenty yards, but you're not going to win the game that way.

Sometimes teams take away what you'd like to do or should do. It's the pros.

Nothing on Hackett this game; his OL wasn't a professional-grade line.

This was a joke.
Its simply impossible for basically ANYONE to run a competent offense with this sort of line. Mitchell is getting tossed aside like a 4 year old on 50% of the plays. Sometimes it happens so fast that the guy who smokes him catches Breece from the backside. Its absolutely painful.

So...can you blame Douglas for that? Its honestly hard to say. It was probably dumb to relay on 39 year old Brown and oft-injured Becton at tackle. But he has spent 4th rounders on developmental guys the past 2 years (Mitchell and Warren) and signed a couple of veteran JAG'y types as well. Had there been a guy available in the first round, maybe they take him. But there wasn't. And you can't blame for AVT going down 2 years in a row either. Tomlinson has been basically a bust, but Tippman SEEMS like a solid pick and they got McGovern (also hurt) back for practically nothing. They've just had horrendous luck with OL injuries the past 2 years.

The Corey Davis retirement hurt as well. He's not a world beater, but he was a decent #2 that they could really use.

Obviously all the Rodgers-adjacent moves (Hackett, Lazard and Cobb) look HORRENDOUS right now. But unfortunately, that was the cost of doing business to get him. He wasn't coming without him. Lazard's contract means he gets another year, but you just have to pray that whoever is in charge after this year (I assume it will still be Saleh and Douglas) will be able to sit down with Aaron and convince him to let them dump Hackett. Its not entirely his fault....the QB play is horrible and the line is decimated. But its very clear that he's a total moron.

You can absolutely blame Douglas for drafting Zach in the first place and then sticking with him after Rodgers went down. Obviously they weren't gonna get get Dobbs in week 2 after Rodgers went down, but they should have done SOMETHING other than let Zach sink the season and bringing in Simien to sit on the practice squad)

Just so so bad on every level. And now the D is quitting....and I get it. No way you risk Aaron coming back at this point. And honestly....if they lose out, I think you draft his replacement (hopefully to sit for a year). If that means he walks...so be it.
Returning a Hail Mary for a TD the other way…I mean what other team would that happen to?

The idiots sitting next to at the bar started cursing Salah for a “stupid play call”. “No other team would ever try that!” 😏

I’ve said it before but sometimes I think Jets fans get the team they deserve
Returning a Hail Mary for a TD the other way…I mean what other team would that happen to?

The idiots sitting next to at the bar started cursing Salah for a “stupid play call”. “No other team would ever try that!” 😏

I’ve said it before but sometimes I think Jets fans get the team they deserve
The play call was obviously fine, the execution was laughable though. The DB caught the Hail Mary like it was a kickoff and had open field and a few OLs in front of him. Where were all the Jets WRs???? It wasn’t like Boyle threw it way short. The guy intercepted it right at the goal line. Maybe he threw it to the wrong spot his WRs were expecting? Who knows
Returning a Hail Mary for a TD the other way…I mean what other team would that happen to?

The idiots sitting next to at the bar started cursing Salah for a “stupid play call”. “No other team would ever try that!” 😏

I’ve said it before but sometimes I think Jets fans get the team they deserve
The play call was obviously fine, the execution was laughable though. The DB caught the Hail Mary like it was a kickoff and had open field and a few OLs in front of him. Where were all the Jets WRs???? It wasn’t like Boyle threw it way short. The guy intercepted it right at the goal line
Was at game - Holland waited on the ball like it was a punt. No Jets WR was even close and they gave up on chasing down Holland who had so much real estate in front of him until the 50 yd line.

Wilkins blocked Hall for about 20 yards and it was smooth sailing into the end zone.
Pats waived Grier just now. Would think the Jets would be a potential team to claim him, no?

(Would think my Bengals would be as well but heck the answer probably ends up being neither)

Returning a Hail Mary for a TD the other way…I mean what other team would that happen to?

The idiots sitting next to at the bar started cursing Salah for a “stupid play call”. “No other team would ever try that!” 😏

I’ve said it before but sometimes I think Jets fans get the team they deserve
The play call was obviously fine, the execution was laughable though. The DB caught the Hail Mary like it was a kickoff and had open field and a few OLs in front of him. Where were all the Jets WRs???? It wasn’t like Boyle threw it way short. The guy intercepted it right at the goal line. Maybe he threw it to the wrong spot his WRs were expecting? Who knows
Yes, the execution was horrible, in every way, but the play call in and of itself was what almost every team would do.
Returning a Hail Mary for a TD the other way…I mean what other team would that happen to?

The idiots sitting next to at the bar started cursing Salah for a “stupid play call”. “No other team would ever try that!” 😏

I’ve said it before but sometimes I think Jets fans get the team they deserve
The play call was obviously fine, the execution was laughable though. The DB caught the Hail Mary like it was a kickoff and had open field and a few OLs in front of him. Where were all the Jets WRs???? It wasn’t like Boyle threw it way short. The guy intercepted it right at the goal line
Was at game - Holland waited on the ball like it was a punt. No Jets WR was even close and they gave up on chasing down Holland who had so much real estate in front of him until the 50 yd line.

Wilkins blocked Hall for about 20 yards and it was smooth sailing into the end zone.
2 of the 4 receivers were in the vicinity. The closest I think was Tyler Conklin, so he's not going to catch him. To Conklin's credit, he did run the length of the field to try to chase Holland down. I don't think Garret Wilson did at all - he's probably mentally checked out already.

I think probably a lot of them were just stunned. I mean with seconds left in the half, aren't you just taught to knock the ball down? Don't even give the chance for the ball to be popped up in the air and fall into the hands of a receiver? My teams that started Miami D though are glad he didn't!
Returning a Hail Mary for a TD the other way…I mean what other team would that happen to?

The idiots sitting next to at the bar started cursing Salah for a “stupid play call”. “No other team would ever try that!” 😏

I’ve said it before but sometimes I think Jets fans get the team they deserve
The play call was obviously fine, the execution was laughable though. The DB caught the Hail Mary like it was a kickoff and had open field and a few OLs in front of him. Where were all the Jets WRs???? It wasn’t like Boyle threw it way short. The guy intercepted it right at the goal line
Was at game - Holland waited on the ball like it was a punt. No Jets WR was even close and they gave up on chasing down Holland who had so much real estate in front of him until the 50 yd line.

Wilkins blocked Hall for about 20 yards and it was smooth sailing into the end zone.
2 of the 4 receivers were in the vicinity. The closest I think was Tyler Conklin, so he's not going to catch him. To Conklin's credit, he did run the length of the field to try to chase Holland down. I don't think Garret Wilson did at all - he's probably mentally checked out already.

I think probably a lot of them were just stunned. I mean with seconds left in the half, aren't you just taught to knock the ball down? Don't even give the chance for the ball to be popped up in the air and fall into the hands of a receiver? My teams that started Miami D though are glad he didn't!
You knock it down if you’re going up in a crowd. The DB was basically standing by himself just waiting for the ball. Never seen that happen on a hail mary
The media loves this...and loves to stick it to the Jets. The Fail Mary is now another chapter of media induced Jet shaming like the Fake Spike and butt fumble. It doesnt matter that it was a fluke play but as long as the Jets are going to lose, then their appeal is to be bashed. Im growing tired of it
I understand and am trying to make peace with this entire season is a mulligan - no one will be fired when other teams are doing what needs to be done when their seasons go wrong. Rodgers coming back at the end of the year and playing behind this OL is ridiculous - yet he will do it to not only feed his ego but to try to quell the torches and pitchforks for his band of protected people. All that he'll wind up doing is possibly beating the Commanders and PAts and hurting their draft position.
I understand and am trying to make peace with this entire season is a mulligan - no one will be fired when other teams are doing what needs to be done when their seasons go wrong. Rodgers coming back at the end of the year and playing behind this OL is ridiculous - yet he will do it to not only feed his ego but to try to quell the torches and pitchforks for his band of protected people. All that he'll wind up doing is possibly beating the Commanders and PAts and hurting their draft position.

Sadly. This.
Sadly.....so many holes to fill yet again

QB- Rodgers and Wilson will be on the roster for 1 more year. Cutting Zach would be over $11M in dead cap money. I would hope they learn from their mistakes and sign a capable backup.
RB- Breece and Izzy will obviously be on the team. Guessing Cook will not. So they'll need someone there.
WR- Garrett will obviously be there. Unfortunately, so will Lazard (12M dead even if cut post June 1). Brownlee and Gipson will likely be around and continue to develop. But they need a true # 2. so that's a big investment.
TE- Ruckert and Conklin will be there. CJ a merciful June 1st cut (to save $3+M). How much they believe Ruckert will likely determine the investment level needed here.

OT-Guessing brown retires (or is cut to save $3M) . Becton is a FA (since his 5th year was declined) and I'm guessing he wont be back. Warren will be around. I would hope they just get rid of Mitchell, who has shown to be completely unplayable in year 2(literally can't block anyone. He's being thrown around like a child). Even if they sign Becton (which I bet they dont), they'll need at least 1 starting tackle. IMO, they will just bite the bullet and move AVT out to the right side and spend what will be a pretty high first round on the left side. Just have to at this point. Becton can't be trustes physically and he's a flawed player as a pass protector (too easily beaten on speed routes)

OG- I think AVT ends up at RT. They can save 13M+ on the cap by cutting Tomlinson (5M+ in dead though) which i would hope they do. He was a mistake. They can get out from under it. Just do it. Schweitzer still on board as a passable depth piece. Tipman at either G or C depending on what they feel his best position is and what is available to fill the other spot.

C- Tipman if they feel its his best spot (which it probably is)

So on offense, at a minimum....even assuming the starters all play and get/stay healthy, which we know wont happen.....they'd ideally like to/have to add....a cost effective and decent 3rd down RB, a good WR2, a pass catching TE with some upside, and 3 new starting linemen. And an OC with a brain. That's a lot.

On D, the picture obviously looks better. Everyone worth while is signed for next year with reasonable numbers.

Sauce, Carter, Echols, McDonald (who is showing more flashes), Clemons (although I worry he's gonna murder someone any day now) and Jermaine Johnson all still on rookie deals. Both Williams brothers locked up long term. One more real year on the DJ reed deal (cap figure of 15M). Quentin Jefferson is signed for dirt cheap. They can get out of the Mosley or JFM deals for cheap next off-season. Would they do it? Hard to say. So many holes to fill on the other side of the ball, I think they'd almost rather over-pay than replace them. So I'm going to assume both stay. I still think the safeties stink.

I honestly dont know how you fix all that. Spend the first rounder on a LT, address WR in free agency. But those 2 other OL spots will be tough to fill cheaply. And there's always the possibility that they lose Ulbrich this year (he's gonna get some interviews)
Returning a Hail Mary for a TD the other way…I mean what other team would that happen to?

The idiots sitting next to at the bar started cursing Salah for a “stupid play call”. “No other team would ever try that!” 😏

I’ve said it before but sometimes I think Jets fans get the team they deserve
The play call was obviously fine, the execution was laughable though. The DB caught the Hail Mary like it was a kickoff and had open field and a few OLs in front of him. Where were all the Jets WRs???? It wasn’t like Boyle threw it way short. The guy intercepted it right at the goal line
Was at game - Holland waited on the ball like it was a punt. No Jets WR was even close and they gave up on chasing down Holland who had so much real estate in front of him until the 50 yd line.

Wilkins blocked Hall for about 20 yards and it was smooth sailing into the end zone.
2 of the 4 receivers were in the vicinity. The closest I think was Tyler Conklin, so he's not going to catch him. To Conklin's credit, he did run the length of the field to try to chase Holland down. I don't think Garret Wilson did at all - he's probably mentally checked out already.

I think probably a lot of them were just stunned. I mean with seconds left in the half, aren't you just taught to knock the ball down? Don't even give the chance for the ball to be popped up in the air and fall into the hands of a receiver? My teams that started Miami D though are glad he didn't!
I'm a Miami fan, but this isn't fair to Wilson. Watch the replay. Wilson ran all the way back along the far sideline and then cut across the field. He actually had a decent chance to make the tackle if Boyle instead of getting faked out of his jock, would have forced Holland to cut inside.
Sadly.....so many holes to fill yet again

QB- Rodgers and Wilson will be on the roster for 1 more year. Cutting Zach would be over $11M in dead cap money. I would hope they learn from their mistakes and sign a capable backup.
RB- Breece and Izzy will obviously be on the team. Guessing Cook will not. So they'll need someone there.
WR- Garrett will obviously be there. Unfortunately, so will Lazard (12M dead even if cut post June 1). Brownlee and Gipson will likely be around and continue to develop. But they need a true # 2. so that's a big investment.
TE- Ruckert and Conklin will be there. CJ a merciful June 1st cut (to save $3+M). How much they believe Ruckert will likely determine the investment level needed here.

OT-Guessing brown retires (or is cut to save $3M) . Becton is a FA (since his 5th year was declined) and I'm guessing he wont be back. Warren will be around. I would hope they just get rid of Mitchell, who has shown to be completely unplayable in year 2(literally can't block anyone. He's being thrown around like a child). Even if they sign Becton (which I bet they dont), they'll need at least 1 starting tackle. IMO, they will just bite the bullet and move AVT out to the right side and spend what will be a pretty high first round on the left side. Just have to at this point. Becton can't be trustes physically and he's a flawed player as a pass protector (too easily beaten on speed routes)

OG- I think AVT ends up at RT. They can save 13M+ on the cap by cutting Tomlinson (5M+ in dead though) which i would hope they do. He was a mistake. They can get out from under it. Just do it. Schweitzer still on board as a passable depth piece. Tipman at either G or C depending on what they feel his best position is and what is available to fill the other spot.

C- Tipman if they feel its his best spot (which it probably is)

So on offense, at a minimum....even assuming the starters all play and get/stay healthy, which we know wont happen.....they'd ideally like to/have to add....a cost effective and decent 3rd down RB, a good WR2, a pass catching TE with some upside, and 3 new starting linemen. And an OC with a brain. That's a lot.

On D, the picture obviously looks better. Everyone worth while is signed for next year with reasonable numbers.

Sauce, Carter, Echols, McDonald (who is showing more flashes), Clemons (although I worry he's gonna murder someone any day now) and Jermaine Johnson all still on rookie deals. Both Williams brothers locked up long term. One more real year on the DJ reed deal (cap figure of 15M). Quentin Jefferson is signed for dirt cheap. They can get out of the Mosley or JFM deals for cheap next off-season. Would they do it? Hard to say. So many holes to fill on the other side of the ball, I think they'd almost rather over-pay than replace them. So I'm going to assume both stay. I still think the safeties stink.

I honestly dont know how you fix all that. Spend the first rounder on a LT, address WR in free agency. But those 2 other OL spots will be tough to fill cheaply. And there's always the possibility that they lose Ulbrich this year (he's gonna get some interviews)
good stuff...as depressing as it is! With no 2d rd pick and not a ton of cap room to spend, I just dont see how they will get better next year. Perhaps Rodgers takes another cut or restructure to help out because otherwise way too many holes

Dont forget Huff is a FA next year and will command a big salary - I assume thats why they spent the 1st on McDonald so I expect to lose Huff. If he comes back on a big deal it was even more of a strange pick considering they could have had so many solid WRs

Most resources must be spent on the offense. Almost a complete teardown
Sadly.....so many holes to fill yet again

QB- Rodgers and Wilson will be on the roster for 1 more year. Cutting Zach would be over $11M in dead cap money. I would hope they learn from their mistakes and sign a capable backup.
RB- Breece and Izzy will obviously be on the team. Guessing Cook will not. So they'll need someone there.
WR- Garrett will obviously be there. Unfortunately, so will Lazard (12M dead even if cut post June 1). Brownlee and Gipson will likely be around and continue to develop. But they need a true # 2. so that's a big investment.
TE- Ruckert and Conklin will be there. CJ a merciful June 1st cut (to save $3+M). How much they believe Ruckert will likely determine the investment level needed here.

OT-Guessing brown retires (or is cut to save $3M) . Becton is a FA (since his 5th year was declined) and I'm guessing he wont be back. Warren will be around. I would hope they just get rid of Mitchell, who has shown to be completely unplayable in year 2(literally can't block anyone. He's being thrown around like a child). Even if they sign Becton (which I bet they dont), they'll need at least 1 starting tackle. IMO, they will just bite the bullet and move AVT out to the right side and spend what will be a pretty high first round on the left side. Just have to at this point. Becton can't be trustes physically and he's a flawed player as a pass protector (too easily beaten on speed routes)

OG- I think AVT ends up at RT. They can save 13M+ on the cap by cutting Tomlinson (5M+ in dead though) which i would hope they do. He was a mistake. They can get out from under it. Just do it. Schweitzer still on board as a passable depth piece. Tipman at either G or C depending on what they feel his best position is and what is available to fill the other spot.

C- Tipman if they feel its his best spot (which it probably is)

So on offense, at a minimum....even assuming the starters all play and get/stay healthy, which we know wont happen.....they'd ideally like to/have to add....a cost effective and decent 3rd down RB, a good WR2, a pass catching TE with some upside, and 3 new starting linemen. And an OC with a brain. That's a lot.

On D, the picture obviously looks better. Everyone worth while is signed for next year with reasonable numbers.

Sauce, Carter, Echols, McDonald (who is showing more flashes), Clemons (although I worry he's gonna murder someone any day now) and Jermaine Johnson all still on rookie deals. Both Williams brothers locked up long term. One more real year on the DJ reed deal (cap figure of 15M). Quentin Jefferson is signed for dirt cheap. They can get out of the Mosley or JFM deals for cheap next off-season. Would they do it? Hard to say. So many holes to fill on the other side of the ball, I think they'd almost rather over-pay than replace them. So I'm going to assume both stay. I still think the safeties stink.

I honestly dont know how you fix all that. Spend the first rounder on a LT, address WR in free agency. But those 2 other OL spots will be tough to fill cheaply. And there's always the possibility that they lose Ulbrich this year (he's gonna get some interviews)
good stuff...as depressing as it is! With no 2d rd pick and not a ton of cap room to spend, I just dont see how they will get better next year. Perhaps Rodgers takes another cut or restructure to help out because otherwise way too many holes

Dont forget Huff is a FA next year and will command a big salary - I assume thats why they spent the 1st on McDonald so I expect to lose Huff. If he comes back on a big deal it was even more of a strange pick considering they could have had so many solid WRs

Most resources must be spent on the offense. Almost a complete teardown

Yeah not sure how I forgot huff. I actually think they'll keep him. Lawson's salary will be gone and I think they'll pay him (or franchise him for 1 year if needed)
Sadly.....so many holes to fill yet again

QB- Rodgers and Wilson will be on the roster for 1 more year. Cutting Zach would be over $11M in dead cap money. I would hope they learn from their mistakes and sign a capable backup.
RB- Breece and Izzy will obviously be on the team. Guessing Cook will not. So they'll need someone there.
WR- Garrett will obviously be there. Unfortunately, so will Lazard (12M dead even if cut post June 1). Brownlee and Gipson will likely be around and continue to develop. But they need a true # 2. so that's a big investment.
TE- Ruckert and Conklin will be there. CJ a merciful June 1st cut (to save $3+M). How much they believe Ruckert will likely determine the investment level needed here.

OT-Guessing brown retires (or is cut to save $3M) . Becton is a FA (since his 5th year was declined) and I'm guessing he wont be back. Warren will be around. I would hope they just get rid of Mitchell, who has shown to be completely unplayable in year 2(literally can't block anyone. He's being thrown around like a child). Even if they sign Becton (which I bet they dont), they'll need at least 1 starting tackle. IMO, they will just bite the bullet and move AVT out to the right side and spend what will be a pretty high first round on the left side. Just have to at this point. Becton can't be trustes physically and he's a flawed player as a pass protector (too easily beaten on speed routes)

OG- I think AVT ends up at RT. They can save 13M+ on the cap by cutting Tomlinson (5M+ in dead though) which i would hope they do. He was a mistake. They can get out from under it. Just do it. Schweitzer still on board as a passable depth piece. Tipman at either G or C depending on what they feel his best position is and what is available to fill the other spot.

C- Tipman if they feel its his best spot (which it probably is)

So on offense, at a minimum....even assuming the starters all play and get/stay healthy, which we know wont happen.....they'd ideally like to/have to add....a cost effective and decent 3rd down RB, a good WR2, a pass catching TE with some upside, and 3 new starting linemen. And an OC with a brain. That's a lot.

On D, the picture obviously looks better. Everyone worth while is signed for next year with reasonable numbers.

Sauce, Carter, Echols, McDonald (who is showing more flashes), Clemons (although I worry he's gonna murder someone any day now) and Jermaine Johnson all still on rookie deals. Both Williams brothers locked up long term. One more real year on the DJ reed deal (cap figure of 15M). Quentin Jefferson is signed for dirt cheap. They can get out of the Mosley or JFM deals for cheap next off-season. Would they do it? Hard to say. So many holes to fill on the other side of the ball, I think they'd almost rather over-pay than replace them. So I'm going to assume both stay. I still think the safeties stink.

I honestly dont know how you fix all that. Spend the first rounder on a LT, address WR in free agency. But those 2 other OL spots will be tough to fill cheaply. And there's always the possibility that they lose Ulbrich this year (he's gonna get some interviews)
Absolutely remarkable how many holes this team has to fill and how far away they truly are. Yet here we are, right smack in the middle of this BS 'win now window' that only exists because of the Relic of Aaron Rodgers. Even while healthy, the offensive side of the ball is devoid of any talent outside of Hall and Wilson, which makes the McDonald pick continue to look that much worse.

This team was on the cusp of accumulating a very nice core (QB not withstanding) on both sides of the ball, but chose to cut the process short, go all in for Rodgers - which outside of the awful signings that accompanied him - meant that much less draft capital we would have to continue to fill holes/build a foundation. Now here we are, held hostage by the entire situation.

Schefter reported he expects there to be about 10 HC openings at the end of the season. That's 1/3 of the league. We're a bottom 5 team, yet somehow this GM/Coach tandem is about to be one of the longest tenured in the entire NFL with absolutely zero success. It's a joke.
Sadly.....so many holes to fill yet again

QB- Rodgers and Wilson will be on the roster for 1 more year. Cutting Zach would be over $11M in dead cap money. I would hope they learn from their mistakes and sign a capable backup.
RB- Breece and Izzy will obviously be on the team. Guessing Cook will not. So they'll need someone there.
WR- Garrett will obviously be there. Unfortunately, so will Lazard (12M dead even if cut post June 1). Brownlee and Gipson will likely be around and continue to develop. But they need a true # 2. so that's a big investment.
TE- Ruckert and Conklin will be there. CJ a merciful June 1st cut (to save $3+M). How much they believe Ruckert will likely determine the investment level needed here.

OT-Guessing brown retires (or is cut to save $3M) . Becton is a FA (since his 5th year was declined) and I'm guessing he wont be back. Warren will be around. I would hope they just get rid of Mitchell, who has shown to be completely unplayable in year 2(literally can't block anyone. He's being thrown around like a child). Even if they sign Becton (which I bet they dont), they'll need at least 1 starting tackle. IMO, they will just bite the bullet and move AVT out to the right side and spend what will be a pretty high first round on the left side. Just have to at this point. Becton can't be trustes physically and he's a flawed player as a pass protector (too easily beaten on speed routes)

OG- I think AVT ends up at RT. They can save 13M+ on the cap by cutting Tomlinson (5M+ in dead though) which i would hope they do. He was a mistake. They can get out from under it. Just do it. Schweitzer still on board as a passable depth piece. Tipman at either G or C depending on what they feel his best position is and what is available to fill the other spot.

C- Tipman if they feel its his best spot (which it probably is)

So on offense, at a minimum....even assuming the starters all play and get/stay healthy, which we know wont happen.....they'd ideally like to/have to add....a cost effective and decent 3rd down RB, a good WR2, a pass catching TE with some upside, and 3 new starting linemen. And an OC with a brain. That's a lot.

On D, the picture obviously looks better. Everyone worth while is signed for next year with reasonable numbers.

Sauce, Carter, Echols, McDonald (who is showing more flashes), Clemons (although I worry he's gonna murder someone any day now) and Jermaine Johnson all still on rookie deals. Both Williams brothers locked up long term. One more real year on the DJ reed deal (cap figure of 15M). Quentin Jefferson is signed for dirt cheap. They can get out of the Mosley or JFM deals for cheap next off-season. Would they do it? Hard to say. So many holes to fill on the other side of the ball, I think they'd almost rather over-pay than replace them. So I'm going to assume both stay. I still think the safeties stink.

I honestly dont know how you fix all that. Spend the first rounder on a LT, address WR in free agency. But those 2 other OL spots will be tough to fill cheaply. And there's always the possibility that they lose Ulbrich this year (he's gonna get some interviews)
good stuff...as depressing as it is! With no 2d rd pick and not a ton of cap room to spend, I just dont see how they will get better next year. Perhaps Rodgers takes another cut or restructure to help out because otherwise way too many holes

Dont forget Huff is a FA next year and will command a big salary - I assume thats why they spent the 1st on McDonald so I expect to lose Huff. If he comes back on a big deal it was even more of a strange pick considering they could have had so many solid WRs

Most resources must be spent on the offense. Almost a complete teardown

Yeah not sure how I forgot huff. I actually think they'll keep him. Lawson's salary will be gone and I think they'll pay him (or franchise him for 1 year if needed)
I do think they release Lawson but as a going away present there will be a $6M cap hit. Between that ZW's $11M cap hit and CJs $6M cap hit thats a total of $23M in dead cap when they have $30M for 2024 at this point. If you want to get rid of Duane Brown and Tomlinson too then its another $15M in dead cap so looking at $38M in dead cap with obvious cuts.

Even if Rodgers helps his cap hit in 2024 is only $17M so even a restructure wont bail them out. I dont see how they can sign anyone - this is a looming disaster. Depressing
Sadly.....so many holes to fill yet again

QB- Rodgers and Wilson will be on the roster for 1 more year. Cutting Zach would be over $11M in dead cap money. I would hope they learn from their mistakes and sign a capable backup.
RB- Breece and Izzy will obviously be on the team. Guessing Cook will not. So they'll need someone there.
WR- Garrett will obviously be there. Unfortunately, so will Lazard (12M dead even if cut post June 1). Brownlee and Gipson will likely be around and continue to develop. But they need a true # 2. so that's a big investment.
TE- Ruckert and Conklin will be there. CJ a merciful June 1st cut (to save $3+M). How much they believe Ruckert will likely determine the investment level needed here.

OT-Guessing brown retires (or is cut to save $3M) . Becton is a FA (since his 5th year was declined) and I'm guessing he wont be back. Warren will be around. I would hope they just get rid of Mitchell, who has shown to be completely unplayable in year 2(literally can't block anyone. He's being thrown around like a child). Even if they sign Becton (which I bet they dont), they'll need at least 1 starting tackle. IMO, they will just bite the bullet and move AVT out to the right side and spend what will be a pretty high first round on the left side. Just have to at this point. Becton can't be trustes physically and he's a flawed player as a pass protector (too easily beaten on speed routes)

OG- I think AVT ends up at RT. They can save 13M+ on the cap by cutting Tomlinson (5M+ in dead though) which i would hope they do. He was a mistake. They can get out from under it. Just do it. Schweitzer still on board as a passable depth piece. Tipman at either G or C depending on what they feel his best position is and what is available to fill the other spot.

C- Tipman if they feel its his best spot (which it probably is)

So on offense, at a minimum....even assuming the starters all play and get/stay healthy, which we know wont happen.....they'd ideally like to/have to add....a cost effective and decent 3rd down RB, a good WR2, a pass catching TE with some upside, and 3 new starting linemen. And an OC with a brain. That's a lot.

On D, the picture obviously looks better. Everyone worth while is signed for next year with reasonable numbers.

Sauce, Carter, Echols, McDonald (who is showing more flashes), Clemons (although I worry he's gonna murder someone any day now) and Jermaine Johnson all still on rookie deals. Both Williams brothers locked up long term. One more real year on the DJ reed deal (cap figure of 15M). Quentin Jefferson is signed for dirt cheap. They can get out of the Mosley or JFM deals for cheap next off-season. Would they do it? Hard to say. So many holes to fill on the other side of the ball, I think they'd almost rather over-pay than replace them. So I'm going to assume both stay. I still think the safeties stink.

I honestly dont know how you fix all that. Spend the first rounder on a LT, address WR in free agency. But those 2 other OL spots will be tough to fill cheaply. And there's always the possibility that they lose Ulbrich this year (he's gonna get some interviews)
Absolutely remarkable how many holes this team has to fill and how far away they truly are. Yet here we are, right smack in the middle of this BS 'win now window' that only exists because of the Relic of Aaron Rodgers. Even while healthy, the offensive side of the ball is devoid of any talent outside of Hall and Wilson, which makes the McDonald pick continue to look that much worse.

This team was on the cusp of accumulating a very nice core (QB not withstanding) on both sides of the ball, but chose to cut the process short, go all in for Rodgers - which outside of the awful signings that accompanied him - meant that much less draft capital we would have to continue to fill holes/build a foundation. Now here we are, held hostage by the entire situation.

Schefter reported he expects there to be about 10 HC openings at the end of the season. That's 1/3 of the league. We're a bottom 5 team, yet somehow this GM/Coach tandem is about to be one of the longest tenured in the entire NFL with absolutely zero success. It's a joke.
GMs love to make picks to replace guys that are going to leave - ala McDonald/Huff. However it was clear the offense needed help and he could have added Flowers, Addison, JSN - just a really bad decision. We all called it then and now it even looks worse - especially with McDonald barely playing.

JD when grilled on it will surely point out JJs development after a quiet rookie year - but that was after picking Wilson and Hall for the O. I cant stress enough how bad the McDonald pick was overall for the team - I hope he turns out to be a pass rushing beast but even if he does that just makes a great D a little better while the O is an all time dumpster fire
To be fair....at the time of the draft, Corey Davis had not retired. So I'm guessing they thought there were ok at WR. (not that Davis or Lazard are world beaters, but relying on them as WR2 and 3 behind G. wilson for a rodgers led offense is not malpractice)

Doesn't excuse the McDonald pick (which had everyone scratching their head and questioning the need) but context is always important.

Losing Huff for nothing would be REALLY bad though.
To be fair....at the time of the draft, Corey Davis had not retired. So I'm guessing they thought there were ok at WR. (not that Davis or Lazard are world beaters, but relying on them as WR2 and 3 behind G. wilson for a rodgers led offense is not malpractice)

Doesn't excuse the McDonald pick (which had everyone scratching their head and questioning the need) but context is always important.

Losing Huff for nothing would be REALLY bad though.
reasonable take - however Davis was lousy and always hurt so having faith in him, if thats why they didnt draft a WR, was yet another mistake
To be fair....at the time of the draft, Corey Davis had not retired. So I'm guessing they thought there were ok at WR. (not that Davis or Lazard are world beaters, but relying on them as WR2 and 3 behind G. wilson for a rodgers led offense is not malpractice)

Doesn't excuse the McDonald pick (which had everyone scratching their head and questioning the need) but context is always important.

Losing Huff for nothing would be REALLY bad though.
reasonable take - however Davis was lousy and always hurt so having faith in him, if thats why they didnt draft a WR, was yet another mistake
Agreed. I think the loss of Davis is probably a bit more of wishful thinking of what he could have been, rather than what he was (the stats don't lie). Which is basically a slightly better version of Lazard rather than the guy who got overpaid and left his game in Tennessee.

The big loss at the position IMO is the falling out of Elijah Moore - or maybe it's not in hindsight given that he hasn't exactly flashed in Cleveland either. Regardless, looking forward that #2 WR position is going to remain a gaping hole unless one of the rookies really blossom, they hit on another rookie, or they find a better second tier FA. They're not in a position to pony up for the likes of Tee Higgins or even Gabe Davis when they presumably hit the market.
To be fair....at the time of the draft, Corey Davis had not retired. So I'm guessing they thought there were ok at WR. (not that Davis or Lazard are world beaters, but relying on them as WR2 and 3 behind G. wilson for a rodgers led offense is not malpractice)

Doesn't excuse the McDonald pick (which had everyone scratching their head and questioning the need) but context is always important.

Losing Huff for nothing would be REALLY bad though.
reasonable take - however Davis was lousy and always hurt so having faith in him, if thats why they didnt draft a WR, was yet another mistake
Agreed. I think the loss of Davis is probably a bit more of wishful thinking of what he could have been, rather than what he was (the stats don't lie). Which is basically a slightly better version of Lazard rather than the guy who got overpaid and left his game in Tennessee.

The big loss at the position IMO is the falling out of Elijah Moore - or maybe it's not in hindsight given that he hasn't exactly flashed in Cleveland either. Regardless, looking forward that #2 WR position is going to remain a gaping hole unless one of the rookies really blossom, they hit on another rookie, or they find a better second tier FA. They're not in a position to pony up for the likes of Tee Higgins or even Gabe Davis when they presumably hit the market.
Im very surprised that Elijah has been pretty bad in Cleveland. Really thought he would blossom in that O. Likely the reason they got so little for him.

Im still convinced they'll find a way to get Devante - not sure how theyll do it cap wise but Raiders are rebuilding and im sure wouldnt mind dumping that salary in a trade and getting a good pick back.
reasonable take - however Davis was lousy and always hurt so having faith in him, if thats why they didnt draft a WR, was yet another mistake
Davis and Lazard, as WR2 and WR3, would have been fine if Rodgers didn't get hurt. Elite QBs help make WRs better. Guys like Zach Wilson can only be "successful" force feeding the ball to an elite talent like Garrett Wilson.
Im still convinced they'll find a way to get Devante - not sure how theyll do it cap wise but Raiders are rebuilding and im sure wouldnt mind dumping that salary in a trade and getting a good pick back.
Yeah, I can see them trying to work in Davante for sure.
No one can say for sure, we don't have access to his doctor or his rehab, but this seems like a very bad idea
A gimpy Rodgers behind that OL is a recipe for disaster - but I think he is going to play. Part of its ego for Rodgers and part of it is to show some promise for next year. I agree its a bad idea but it looks like its gonna happen - at least it will be interesting to watch unlike the past few games.
The Jets just can’t get out of their own way. The o-line wasn’t good to begin with and is decimated and they’re going to let a 40 year old QB coming off an Achilles injury dictate whether he should play in meaningless games. I mean I know they get abused by the media and opposition fans perpetually, but they really do deserve it and never more so if Rodgers plays.

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