Amen.Jimmy Buffett was a really nice reminder that a LOT of music can be completely awesome if you don't take it so seriously all the time.>>There was no such place as Margaritaville," Buffett told the Arizona Republic in 2021. “It was a made-up place in my mind, basically made up about my experiences in Key West and having to leave Key West and go on the road to work and then come back and spend time by the beach.”
The song soon inspired restaurants and resorts, turning Buffett’s alleged desire for the simplicity of island life into a multimillion brand. He landed at No. 18 in Forbes’ list of the Richest Celebrities of All Time with a net worth of $1 billion.
“It’s pure escapism is all it is,” he told the Republic. “I’m not the first one to do it, nor shall I probably be the last. But I think it’s really a part of the human condition that you’ve got to have some fun. You’ve got to get away from whatever you do to make a living or other parts of life that stress you out. I try to make it at least 50/50 fun to work and so far it’s worked out.”
His special Gulf Coast mix of country, pop, folk and rock added instruments and tonalities more commonly found in the Caribbean, like steel drums. It was a stew of steelpans, trombones and pedal steel guitar. Buffett’s incredible ear for hooks and light grooves were often overshadowed by his lyrics about fish tacos and sunsets.
Rolling Stone, in a review of Buffett’s 2020 album “Life on the Flip Side,” gave grudging props. “He continues mapping out his surfy, sandy corner of pop music utopia with the chill, friendly warmth of a multi-millionaire you wouldn’t mind sharing a tropically-themed 3 p.m. IPA with, especially if his gold card was on the bar when the last round came.”<<
‘Margaritaville’ singer Jimmy Buffett, who turned beach-bum life into an empire, dies at 76
“Margaritaville” singer-songwriter Jimmy Buffett has died at age
Kevin Winter/Getty ImagesSteve Harwell, former Smash Mouth lead singer, dies at 56
He was a founding member of the band, which broke out with hit songs like “Walkin’ on the Sun” and “All Star.”
Alcoholism is an awful disease.
Kevin Winter/Getty ImagesSteve Harwell, former Smash Mouth lead singer, dies at 56
He was a founding member of the band, which broke out with hit songs like “Walkin’ on the Sun” and “All Star.”
Dang, way too young.
RIP - talented guyGary Wright
Dream Weaver
Love Is Alive
He was also a founding member of Spooky Tooth and also did lots of session work, including Harry Nilsson's Without You, Ringo's It Don't Come Easy and most of George Harrison's '70s albums.
David McCallum at 90. Thanks for your performances, buddy.
Had no idea that he was the source for Dr. Dre’s Next Episode sample.David McCallum at 90. Thanks for your performances, buddy.
It actually was not for him. They were celebrating the 20th anniversary and running a mini-marathon. It ended up being a perfect tribute.McCallum was on the main cast of NCIS from 2003-15, and recurring after that. Tonight, they aired Episode One, Season One. Gotta figure it was for him.
Gary Wright
Dream Weaver
Love Is Alive
He was also a founding member of Spooky Tooth and also did lots of session work, including Harry Nilsson's Without You, Ringo's It Don't Come Easy and most of George Harrison's '70s albums.
You don't live in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, do you?Brooks Robinson, the best third baseman of all time, at age 86. I'm biased since I named my son after him. Sad day.
Brooks Robinson, the best third baseman of all time, at age 86. I'm biased since I named my son after him. Sad day.
Actually, no, not even close. In fact I've never lived in the Eastern or even Central time zone. He was my favorite player when growing up. I wore #5 on every sports jersey I've ever had. I met him twice, once with my son when he was about two. I had my son tell him, "I'm Brooks too." Robinson said, "I'm honored." Such a class guy. Funny thing, last Friday my boss authorized all of the employees to wear their favorite sports gear. I wore my autographed 1966 Cooperstown Collection Brooks Robinson jersey. Now I'm superglad I did. RIP my idol.You don't live in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, do you?Brooks Robinson, the best third baseman of all time, at age 86. I'm biased since I named my son after him. Sad day.
I posted about this at the time in a different thread, but my son got to play in a high school all-star game named after him, at Camden Yards. Was the Offensive MVP for his team, only one to get more than one hit, scored their only run. Like Brooks, he wore #5 his entire playing career. Glad they got to meet.
The Human Vacuum Cleaner
The 1970 World Series shouldn't have been very memorable as it only went 5 games, except every game Brooks Robinson did something amazing. Usually several things.
I think when he was diagnosed they gave him a year to live. He lived 4 years, so those experimental treatments must have done something.Chris Snow, 42 - asst GM of the Calgary Flames.. Died from ALS. There is a pretty moving feature on Real Sports about his fight. He was taking experimental treatments, which may help in fighting the disease.
Not sure why this one's hittin' me today. Not a Sox fan, not really even a huge baseball fan. Maybe just 'cuz he was just 57, maybe 'cuz of his unique pitching style will be something I'll remember. Heard that he was super active in the community and sounded like a genuinely nice guy. Sucks to lose people far too early.Tim Wakefield, 57, brain cancer
In a different era and an QB who could actually throw he would’ve had eye popping stats. Also made an appearance in wrestlemaina 2
He was a heck of a TE in the late 70’s.
Not sure why but this one kind of hit me. Maybe because he's close to my dad's age and I remember my dad talking about him? One of those "invincibles" that honestly I didn't even realize was still with us. Now just waiting on the inevitable text from my dad about hos own mortality in 3...2...1...Bears LB Butkus - 80
Loved him in...Hang TimeBears LB Butkus - 80
Peacefully in his sleep is what his family says.(Fox news)Bears LB Butkus - 80
He was fun on Night Court.Loved him in...Hang TimeBears LB Butkus - 80
And My Two DadsLoved him in...Hang TimeBears LB Butkus - 80
And "Blue Thunder", along with Bubba Smith.And My Two Dads
He and Bubba had great chemistry in all those Miller Lite commercials from the late '70s/early '80s.And "Blue Thunder", along with Bubba Smith.And My Two Dads
That's true, but what would also be illegal were the chop blocks used against him that ended his career early and left him with a permanent limp.watching the **** Butkus highlights you can't help but realize 90% of his best plays would be a fine or penalty in today's NFL
dude was ferocious
Angela Lansbury walks in on him as he's naked on an episode of Murder She Wrote.just saw him on an episode of emergency!