Some of those clowns think you have to be able to name 10 starters to be a fan.
There is a line between diehard fan and casual fan, and it blurs at points, for certain. But to think that a "casual fan" does not have the right to be offended over the way this situation was handled, and how they choose to react detirmines whether or not they meet the minimum criteria to be a fan of a team is utter nonsense. Again, it is a fascist attitude to say "Fall in line with these rules or you are ostracized." It is merely one way of attempting to feel superior to others. Nonsense.
Only, nobody is claiming that a fan does not have the right to not like how it was handled.Its not fascist to say, actually cheering for a team or you are not a fan...its the definition of a fan.
You are still arguing against a point nobody here is actually making.
You are defining for other people what it means to be a fan of a team, and that is wrong. You are attempting to make the point and on the other hand say noone is making it. 'Again, it is a fascist attitude to say "Fall in line with these rules or you are ostracized." '
Are the 47% of Wisconsin Natives who want TT's removal not fans? Are they now not fans because they refuse to settle for less than the best? I say this: Packer fans who were so disturbed by this offseasons happenings that they bought Favre Jets jerseys and watch Jets games and wish Favre all the success in the world are GREATER fans than those that deny that Thompsons actions have hurt the heart of the franchise he works for. I contend that it takes a greater fan to stand up to the majority and say "I will not tolerate this behavior from my beloved franchise." Because on the surface it costs them. They look like they are not "real" fans. They look like bandwagon jumpers. They appear to be "Favre Firsters". But it is precisely that, opening themselves up to the criticism, to the slings and arrows of the elitist Packer fans who blindly stand by and allow their franchise to throw dirt on the still breathing body of the greatest QB they've had. To be able to stand up and say "This I will not stand for" and open themselves up to the criticism takes a greater amount of courage than to say "My team has done this, and so I must support them in the action." This is a fallacy. It does not make you less of a fan to be critical. If you think so little of these fellow fans that you can find yourself agreeing with these sentiments, these false judgements of who is and who is not a real fan, then you are indeed a part of the problem.
Fanhood, like patriotism, takes courage to stand up and say the unpopular thing. If a Packer fan chooses to take a year off in protest and wait until TT's inevitible firing before supporting his team, that is his or her right, and in my opinion only makes them a stronger fan for doing what they feel is right in their heart.
BS...Im not defining it...the definition of a fan is.You cannot say you are a Packer fan...yet not cheer for the Packers but cheer for Favre and the Jets instead.
By definition, that person is no longer a Packer fan.
Fall in line with these rules? Like actually being a fan of the team you are claiming to be a fan of? Are you serious with this?
Where did I say that the 47% of people who want him gone are not fans?
Im not saying this? Don't recall anyone actually saying that.
Im saying...if you no longer cheer for the Green Bay Packers but cheer for the Jets and Favre are not a Packer fan. By way of not even being for the team anymore.
But now you are claiming that those who bought Favre jerseys and support him are greater fans? Wow...some major hypocrisy here. I cannot define a fan of a team as someone who actually cheers for them...but you are going to say fans who did that are greater fans than anyone who supports Thompson.
Nobody is saying it makes anyone less of a fan to be critical. The opposite now appears true. You think it makes people greater fans.
Im saying, it makes you less of a fan if you don't even cheer for the team anymore.