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Anyone here a Jeweler, know someone who is or has good relationship with one? (1 Viewer)

thanks for the info.  where are you at? i've never trusted anyone with this watch, other than rolex.
I personally operate out of Southern California (Newport Beach area).   With that said--there are watchmakers all around the US that are specialists in vintage Rolex.   If you aren't from Southern Cali--just mention what area you are in--and I'm sure that myself or other watch nuts  ( @fantasycurse42) can point you in the right direction in regards to watchmakers that are in your neck of the woods.  

I personally operate out of Southern California (Newport Beach area).   With that said--there are watchmakers all around the US that are specialists in vintage Rolex.   If you aren't from Southern Cali--just mention what area you are in--and I'm sure that myself or other watch nuts  ( @fantasycurse42) can point you in the right direction in regards to watchmakers that are in your neck of the woods.  
i'm right down the road.  aliso viejo.  pm me your info and i'll stop by.

I personally operate out of Southern California (Newport Beach area).   With that said--there are watchmakers all around the US that are specialists in vintage Rolex.   If you aren't from Southern Cali--just mention what area you are in--and I'm sure that myself or other watch nuts  ( @fantasycurse42) can point you in the right direction in regards to watchmakers that are in your neck of the woods.  
My friend owns a jewelry store in Calabasas--are you familiar with Polacheks?

Don't Noonan said:
I stopped wearing a watch a decade ago and don't ever see myself wearing one again.  If someone offered me a rolex for $300 and assuming I couldn't just turn around and sell it would not buy it.
I stopped wearing a watch when it stopped being cool to have a huge black rubber watch that said g shock on it. 

jvdesigns2002 said:
If it has been sitting stagnant for several years--do not wind it--as the watch is probably dry inside and running it while it's not properly lubcriated could put some major wear on the parts.   If it was serviced in the last year or two--then winding/using it isn't a bad idea.   If it has been several years since it has last been serviced--you'll want to find a watchmaker that is trustworthy and is familiar with working on vintage Rolex's.   If you decide to send it in to Rolex directly--make sure to tell them not to do any modifications to the hands/dial and not to polish the exterior.   Sounds like an awesome watch that you have. 
Eeesh.  I know I'm in need of an "intervention" with my Seamaster (c. 2004), but haven't pursued it.  Recommendations of someone in DC or South Arlington (Pentagon City/Crystal City)to service my watch or should I send it in to Omega?

Eeesh.  I know I'm in need of an "intervention" with my Seamaster (c. 2004), but haven't pursued it.  Recommendations of someone in DC or South Arlington (Pentagon City/Crystal City)to service my watch or should I send it in to Omega?
With Omega--you have a couple of options if you want to have your watch properly serviced.  They have 2 certified factory service centers that are relatively close to you where you could ship your watch in (New Jersey and New York).  A full service on a steel Seamaster should run $550 if yours is a non-chronograph (time and date functions only).  If your Seamaster is a chronograph version (time+date+stop watch)--I believe it runs $200 more but I haven't double checked factory pricing in a little while.  

Second option is to take your watch to a jeweler that has an authorized Omega watchmaker.  To be an authorized Omega watchmaker--you are required to go to an Omega Center in New Jersey every couple/few years for training courses and tests.  If you pass their tests (which aren't easy) and they deem your watchmaking premises worthy enough (it has to be clean, organized, requires owning special equipment..etc)--you are eligible to be an authorized Omega watch maker where you have access to parts and service kits.  

You might want to go or call into the nearest authorized Omega watchmaker to you and see if they can give you a rough estimate for what they are charging for a full service on a Seamaster.  If it's in the same price range as sending it in to Omega--you might as well just send it in.  If it's moderately less--you should be relatively safe using the the authorized watchmaker. Just always make sure to check reviews and pick a place that has longevity.  You don't want to get your watch serviced at a place that goes out of business six months later to where your warranty also effectively goes out of business. 

Wait, that's not cool anymore?  :kicksrock:
G-shocks are definitely still very cool and desirable.  Casio has made G-shocks out of their own propeitary alloy of titanium that retail in the $3-$6k range.  They also have released special editions that sell out immediately and are quite collectible.  G-shocks embody a pretty large cultural range.  From having a "street vibe" to a "sports vibe"--to the old school "calculator watch" vibe--there are hardcore G-shock collectors out there.  Heck--there is even a sub-culture where people create "G-Shock" artwork.  One of my really great buddies is a very talented artist (he does paintings as well as tattoos)--and I curated him to make me a large piece of G-shock artwork.  I had a bunch of extra G-shock bezels/faceplates and I had him make me a painting of a flying "G-Shock" monster done in a street art (kinda graffiti) genre.  It turned out amazing and I still have it.  I showed a picture of it to some Casio reps at a watch/jewelry show a couple years back and they were salivating for me to allow them to use it for them to take to future trade shows.  I was worried that it could get damaged in the process--so I hesitated to let that happen.  

Heck--there is even a sub-culture where people create "G-Shock" artwork.  One of my really great buddies is a very talented artist (he does paintings as well as tattoos)--and I curated him to make me a large piece of G-shock artwork.  I had a bunch of extra G-shock bezels/faceplates and I had him make me a painting of a flying "G-Shock" monster done in a street art (kinda graffiti) genre.  
Heh. That's so cool. I'd love to see that.  

A happy ending indeed!!!

So I took @fantasycurse42 advice and stopped into my AD a couple of times just let them know that I was serious. I formed a very good relationship with the saleswoman.  Well yesterday while I was out and about I get a call from her.  She said that she had a black on black on black GMT 2 in her hands and that if I wanted it, it was mine.  She also told me that Rolex discontinued this watch and it would be the last one they received in.  I of course purchased it on the spot for an out the door price of 9K.  She said that typically when watches are retired they can really go up in value.  Well she wasnt kidding.  I googled it and already see prices from 11 to 16K for the same watch but used.  I also watched some videos of watch collectors and they said to hold onto it as it will likely continue to go up in value.  I have no intention of selling it ever but am excited that even though it wasnt a Pepsi or Batman it still will retain its value.  Plus I actually really like the look.

I then asked now that I've established myself as a client do my chances of getting a Pepsi or a green sub go up as I understand they likely reserve those watches for established clients.  She said they would. 

I am traveling for work this week and wont be able to pick it up until Thrusday but have a question, would it be out of line for me to perhaps get her a 50 dollar gift card somplace i know she would use as a sign of appreciation?  Do you think she would be insulted or could not accept it?


PS So if you can get your hands on this watch now is the time to act!!

Not for me.  Being a watch fiend is giving your wife the green light to drop tens/hundreds of thousands on hand bags.  


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