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Game Thread - Wildcard - Carolina V NY Giants (1 Viewer)

F'n false starts man... when they said "beat the Giants at their own game" that's not what they meant.

They are getting chunks of yards on the ground. We must be really worried about the pass, maybe they think our d line can contain foster

They are getting chunks of yards on the ground. We must be really worried about the pass, maybe they think our d line can contain foster
Foster's pretty banged up, probably hoping they could get away playing back a little but it looks like they'll have to adjust.
They are getting chunks of yards on the ground. We must be really worried about the pass, maybe they think our d line can contain foster
Foster's pretty banged up, probably hoping they could get away playing back a little but it looks like they'll have to adjust.
I have never really watchewd Foster play before and im impressed.
They are getting chunks of yards on the ground. We must be really worried about the pass, maybe they think our d line can contain foster
Foster's pretty banged up, probably hoping they could get away playing back a little but it looks like they'll have to adjust.
I have never really watchewd Foster play before and im impressed.
When he's 100% he's as good as anybody. Way too fragile though. Yes he's the new Freddy T. :( God help us.
Doesn't look like NYG will be able to stop the run today (at this point, anyway). I predicted CAR would win, mainly because I don't believe Manning will be able to carry them. If CAR contains Barber, it's all over but the shouting, IMO. That said, NYG is at home & they're a tough team. Should be a great game.

BTW, Foster REALLY looks good. It seems like he's in a groove today. I believe becoming the feature back & getting more work has helped his vision & improved his rythm.

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Can someone tell me what a burner is? :bag:
Sometimes called a "stinger", it's an injury that usually affects your neck/shoulder/arm. It "burns" or "stings" & also feels kinda weird (numb/tingly).
Can someone tell me what a burner is?  :bag:
Sometimes called a "stinger", it's an injury that usually affects your neck/shoulder/arm. It "burns" or "stings" & also feels kinda weird (numb/tingly).
Thanks! I knew "stingers" just never heard it called a burner.

You never know which Carolina team is going to show up. Given which team has shown up thus far, the Giants are in trouble.

Man, I am missing these games. I am out of the country, and there is zero NFL coverage here. At least I can watch gamecenter...Was the TD off play action to Foster after Goings ran the ball twice?

Man, I am missing these games. I am out of the country, and there is zero NFL coverage here. At least I can watch gamecenter...

Was the TD off play action to Foster after Goings ran the ball twice?
I don't think it was PA
Man, I am missing these games. I am out of the country, and there is zero NFL coverage here. At least I can watch gamecenter...

Was the TD off play action to Foster after Goings ran the ball twice?
No Terrell Buckley was covering him. Need I say more?No play action needed.

Man, I am missing these games.  I am out of the country, and there is zero NFL coverage here.  At least I can watch gamecenter...

Was the TD off play action to Foster after Goings ran the ball twice?
No Terrell Buckley was covering him. Need I say more?No play action needed.
Needless to say we have many key injuries on D.
Joe Buck is terrible.Like he does no research.Tiki started slow vs KC (10 yd first Q). I heard he finished well...

Man, I am missing these games.  I am out of the country, and there is zero NFL coverage here.  At least I can watch gamecenter...

Was the TD off play action to Foster after Goings ran the ball twice?
No Terrell Buckley was covering him. Need I say more?No play action needed.
TBuck just gets no love. Just because he was overhyped coming out of college doesn't mean he is so awful. The guy has made a nice NFL career for himself as a #2/#3 CB. That said, I'm an Eagles fan. So, I'm all for him being singled up on Smith all day.


Im sorry the refs have toooooo much impact on deciding the games- Key play on the Panthers td drive- verrrrrrry questionable holding call on Giants #91 J.Tuck- these guys are clueless and or on the take.

Man, I am missing these games.  I am out of the country, and there is zero NFL coverage here.  At least I can watch gamecenter...

Was the TD off play action to Foster after Goings ran the ball twice?
No Terrell Buckley was covering him. Need I say more?No play action needed.
TBuck just gets no love. Just because he was overhyped coming out of college doesn't mean he is so awful. The guy has made a nice NFL career for himself as a #2/#3 CB. That said, I'm an Eagles fan. So, I'm all for him being singled up on Smith all day.

I agree with you, but bringing him out of retirement to cover the best WR in football. There has to be better options. Hell, put Strahan on him!
I knew one of those screens to Smith would get stuffed eventually. Let's play some real football now.


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