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Kids "grinding" at the school dance? (1 Viewer)

E-Z Glider

Last year after the Prom, some homeschooler-type Mom got on the school Facebook page and went on a tirade about the way the kids were dancing, which in turn sparked a huge debate (isn't Facebook swell?). She claimed it made her children uncomfortable and that there was tremendous pressure to participate in these "grind circles" and that some (not her kids, but others) were even involuntarily pushed into these circles and made to participate against their will. 

My daughters did not really dispute that there was a lot of "grinding" going on, but felt the whole thing was being way overblown. The debate raged on for several weeks/months and "grinding" was eventually banned from Homecoming. Now that Winter Formal is here, and Prom season is not too far away, the school is once again reiterating their stance. This is the letter we received....

Over the years, X High School has worked extremely hard to ensure that the school and its students and staff are safe at all times. Not just physically safe, but emotionally and psychologically safe. Student conduct has improved in general at extracurricular events, and our Patriot Pride is evident; however, there remains an area requiring more attention - dancing. Dancing is certainly not what it used to be. In fact, the predominant youth dance has changed even in the last few years. This change is not exclusively a local change, but we must address it here as it is unacceptable. High schools all across the nation are struggling to manage student dancing. In an effort to improve school dances at X such as Homecoming, the Winter Formal, and the Prom, “grinding” will no longer be acceptable.

Grinding involves an individual having their back and buttocks pushed up or pulled against another individual’s groin while they move in a circular or figure-eight pattern. :lmao:  One student then bends over while the other student holds their hips as they both move to the music. This suggestive dance style has been publicized through music videos, television, and movies. Because of its overtly suggestive nature, this specific dance style will no longer be permitted at X High School dances.

I have met with class deans and student leadership to discuss dance expectations, the need for appropriate student conduct at school dances, and the school dance culture we want to have as X Patriots. Furthermore, it has been an agenda topic at the Principal’s Advisory Committee.

It is important that we have high expectations for student conduct at school dances. I have outlined the reasons why X is implementing this change below:

1. The nature of contact between students is unacceptable and is not permitted at any other time.

2. Even though administration has tried to manage/monitor this type of dance in the past, it is an admittedly difficult task due the large number of students attending dances and low lighting provided for dances.

3. Teachers and other chaperones have expressed concern and stated they are uncomfortable observing and monitoring students grinding on the dance floor as we work to monitor and control the large number of students who participate.

4. Some students have also complained about not being comfortable with witnessing this dance style, or being encouraged to participate in it.

5. Parents have a concern about their children being exposed to conduct that should not occur at school sponsored events.

This change in our school dance culture will be communicated to the student body during ticket sales for the upcoming Winter Formal and through a variety of social means. Students who fail to adhere to this change and engage in grinding will be removed from the dance without a refund.

This email will generate feelings of relief in some of its readers and frustration in others. We made this decision after considerable research and thoughtful discussions with students and staff. You play an important role in talking with your child about this issue. There are a number of resources on the internet that encourage informed parent talk about “dancing.” I have listed an article from Psychology Today below:

So now, of course, a large percentage of the senior class is planning to Boycott the senior Prom. It's like a real-life Footloose. Any other schools dealing with anything like this?

We dealt with this about eight years ago (by burying our heads in the sand.) I assumed that by now kids were just out and out having sex on the dance floor. Thankfully my new school doesn’t really do dances. Personally I am a Puritan on this issue but considering the world in which we live, you should feel lucky if grinding is all that is happening at school dances.

We have those rules in place but they are not enforced. I was in HS in the late 90s at a Catholic HS and that is how we all danced (except for Prom which was a bit classier). 

We have those rules in place but they are not enforced. I was in HS in the late 90s at a Catholic HS and that is how we all danced (except for Prom which was a bit classier). 
They actually kicked a bunch of kids out of Homecoming because of it which then caused a bunch of others to leave. Pretty sure there's really only one Mom that is up in arms about it. Seems crazy. 

Grinding involves an individual having their back and buttocks pushed up or pulled against another individual’s groin while they move in a circular or figure-eight pattern.  One student then bends over while the other student holds their hips as they both move to the music. 
"Yes, officer.  That's the man right over there."

Dancing is certainly not what it used to be. In fact, the predominant youth dance has changed even in the last few years.
That's some impressive fake news driven by this yenta.  The older guys can redirect me, but my understanding is the lewd manner in which we conducted ourselves in the 90's was tame compared to a decade or two prior.

I, too, have heard of these "grind circles".  I am chaperoning a middle school dance on Friday and will keep a diligent eye out for them.  Thanks to the detailed description above, I should have no issues identifying them if they occur. I will report back with any findings. 

ETA: dibs on "grind circles" as the name for my potential indie emo band name. 

you're supposed to grind in a figure 8?   Oh.   I see where things went wrong for me back in high school. 

I put my prom date in the figure-4 on the dance floor.  WHOOOOOOOOOO!

We had a strict rule when I was in HS  but i don't remember what it was....

I just remember at the time everyone trying to "push the envelope"

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Schools need to get with the times. Kids imitate what they see on the tv, movies, social media, etc. Generations before have done the same thing. Elvis wagging his hips used to be sinful. This ain't the 1960s anymore. Religion is decidedly out at most public schools now. Society is across the board more sexual in nature. I'm not saying let em have full on sex on the dance floor, but they gotta loose up the leash on some stuff.

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We used to grind in the '90s. I can't imagine it's gotten any worse. Grinding is dry humping with clothes on, as avoiding injuries points out. Can't get much worse than actual sex.  

Can't wait for the kids at high school x to go to college and be shocked by kids actually having sex. In fact, I would wager a number of the upper classmen are already having the sex. Maybe educating about appropriate behavior and not over reacting to one mom would be the play here. :shrug:

The first time in chaperoned a HS dance I was laughing to myself because for the kids it would be impossible to kiss or makeout with the girl you are dancing with because nobody is facing each other anymore...kind of like dancing in the standing doggy style position. 

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Can't wait for the kids at high school x to go to college and be shocked by kids actually having sex. In fact, I would wager a number of the upper classmen are already having the sex. Maybe educating about appropriate behavior and not over reacting to one mom would be the play here. :shrug:
If this has dragged on for weeks/months, I'd think its more than just one parent that has an issue with it.   

If this has dragged on for weeks/months, I'd think its more than just one parent that has an issue with it.   
So there is more than 1 parent who wants to shelter their child from reality rather than using it as a teaching moment. I am sure you are right after it started with 1 parent.  I just dont get it.. is making out on the dance floor allowed? , how close is too close for slow dancing?  what if a hand grazes across a rear end? 

I am not cheering for  a bunch of kids grinding but given all the other things the kids are probably doing, this is the least of my concerns as the parent of a HS Senior. 

I get the HS had to take a stand, but I do wonder if it will be enforced....

To answer the OP,  to the best of my knowledge there are no rules against grinding for Prom at my kids highschool.   

Baby when we're grinding
I get so excited

Ooh, how I like it
I try but I can't fight it
Oh, your dancing real close
Plus it's real real slow
(You know what you're doing, don't you)
You're making it hard for me

All the slow songs you requested

You're dancing like you're naked
Oh, it's almost like we're sexing (oh yeah)
Yeah boo, I like it
No, I can't deny it
But I know you can tell
I'm excited, oh girl
Step back you're dancing kinda close

I feel a little poke coming through
On you
Now girl I know you felt it
Boo you know I can't help it
You know what I want to do

Dancing is certainly not what it used to be. In fact, the predominant youth dance has changed even in the last few years. This change is not exclusively a local change, but we must address it here as it is unacceptable.
Get Off My Lawn!!!111

Lets say 50% of the kids that intended to attend the prom boycott. What's the downside?
It could be a big financial issue. These events get planned way in advance and  Stuco has to budget for what it will cost. Every kid that comes buys a ticket. It is likely the venue is already booked and many venues come with a minimum. If the Prom planners were expecting 300 kids at $50 a piece and only half attend, that is $7500 they aren't getting in ticket sales that they may have to somehow cover anyway. Ofcourse they save money because those kids aren't getting meals but if the venue has a minimum, it might not matter. If they already purchased favors or anything like that, it's an even bigger financial loss. This is before we even get into the massive time loss that all the administrators, board members and Prom planners are going to have give dealing with angry parents. As someone who has planned 2 Proms, this would be a massive disaster and I would definitely step down from any future dance planning. 

Baby when we're grinding
I get so excited

Ooh, how I like it
I try but I can't fight it
Oh, your dancing real close
Plus it's real real slow
(You know what you're doing, don't you)
You're making it hard for me

All the slow songs you requested

You're dancing like you're naked
Oh, it's almost like we're sexing (oh yeah)
Yeah boo, I like it
No, I can't deny it
But I know you can tell
I'm excited, oh girl
Step back you're dancing kinda close

I feel a little poke coming through
On you
Now girl I know you felt it
Boo you know I can't help it
You know what I want to do
That was my jam in like 96. 

Schools need to get with the times. Kids imitate what they see on the tv, movies, social media, etc. Generations before have done the same thing. Elvis wagging his hips used to be sinful. This ain't the 1960s anymore. Religion is decidedly out at most public schools now. Society is across the board more sexual in nature. I'm not saying let em have full on sex on the dance floor, but they gotta loose up the leash on some stuff.
This is over 20 years old too- nothing new. At our HS dances we had grinding, dry humping, girls bent over, etc. Nothing under the clothes and not much making out, but the dancing was all very sexual. 

So now the kids are going to boycott the prom and just go straight to the ####ing.  The more taboo you make an activity, the more they'll want to do it.  

To quote the semi-great Fran Leibowitz, "Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house". Immunize your children or i'll wave my peanut at you.

So now the kids are going to boycott the prom and just go straight to the ####ing.  The more taboo you make an activity, the more they'll want to do it.  
"The Plan" is for one of the kids to have a party in his barn and everyone is invited. They're still all getting dressed-up and just going there instead of prom. Obviously this is never going to happen unless the parents are insane. Will be interesting to see how this all plays out if they do actually boycott.

MAC_32 said:
That's some impressive fake news driven by this yenta.  The older guys can redirect me, but my understanding is the lewd manner in which we conducted ourselves in the 90's was tame compared to a decade or two prior.
Yeah, nothing has changed.  I wonder who these people are who suddenly don't remember being 15.  I do - dances were awesome.

The only thing separating grinding and f****ng is two pieces of cloth.
Now you must have gone to a great school.  I'm jealous.  In my time it was four.

Of course these days with Lululemon it can legitimately and acceptably be three.  Damn kids these days get all the breaks.

"The Plan" is for one of the kids to have a party in his barn and everyone is invited. They're still all getting dressed-up and just going there instead of prom. Obviously this is never going to happen unless the parents are insane. Will be interesting to see how this all plays out if they do actually boycott.
Is this the tiny town from Footloose?

Huh.  I'm honestly pretty surprised I'm the only person in America who is fine with my son's school not endorsing his dry humping a 13 year old girl in public on school grounds.  What if it was a 6th grade "dance"?  4th grade?  Where do we draw the line?  Just cause "it happens" doesn't mean we need to say it's good and right.  He can't even remember to put on his deodorant consistently.  He doesn't need to rub against a pre-pubescent yoga-pant clad female.

Jaysus said:
I, too, have heard of these "grind circles".  I am chaperoning a middle school dance on Friday and will keep a diligent eye out for them.  Thanks to the detailed description above, I should have no issues identifying them if they occur. I will report back with any findings. 

ETA: dibs on "grind circles" as the name for my potential indie emo band name. 
I thought "grind circles"  was the name of your next homebrew wheat ale.

Huh.  I'm honestly pretty surprised I'm the only person in America who is fine with my son's school not endorsing his dry humping a 13 year old girl in public on school grounds.  What if it was a 6th grade "dance"?  4th grade?  Where do we draw the line?  Just cause "it happens" doesn't mean we need to say it's good and right.  He can't even remember to put on his deodorant consistently.  He doesn't need to rub against a pre-pubescent yoga-pant clad female.
You are not alone. When I voiced this concern at my prior school (I am a teacher) the administration pretty much said that every generation says the same thing about the next gen, and that we should just make sure it doesn’t get out of hand. I wouldn’t doubt that a kid (or kids) at the center of one of those masses of people was sexually assaulted at a dance. It was like a meat grinder in there (chaperones were supposed to walk through the throng every now and then). I don’t work there anymore. 

Huh.  I'm honestly pretty surprised I'm the only person in America who is fine with my son's school not endorsing his dry humping a 13 year old girl in public on school grounds.  What if it was a 6th grade "dance"?  4th grade?  Where do we draw the line?  Just cause "it happens" doesn't mean we need to say it's good and right.  He can't even remember to put on his deodorant consistently.  He doesn't need to rub against a pre-pubescent yoga-pant clad female.
No, you're not alone. I was okay with it in college, because we were all adults, but anything below the belt like that in high school should be chaperoned and limited, IMHO. 

But I'm also an evil conservative, so there's that.  

I have a teenage daughter.  I'm going with a stronger than firm, hell no.  

And I have the means to pay someone to severely hurt your son and there will be no traces back to me.  

We went through this seven or eight years ago at the local HS. Administration even sent a letter to the newspaper firmly reiterating its ban on “butt to crotch pelvic thrusting.” :lmao:  It used that phrase at least 12 times over the course of the letter and became a running joke at the school.

Da Guru said:
The first time in chaperoned a HS dance I was laughing to myself because for the kids it would be impossible to kiss or makeout with the girl you are dancing with because nobody is facing each other anymore...kind of like dancing in the standing doggy style position. 
This. I chaperoned a prom when my wife was a HS teacher. We were only in our mid-20s. Definitely uncomfortable and awkward. 


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