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Penny Stocks Gambling 2021 (1 Viewer)

So I just did a reevaluation of my penny portfolio. Most of what I have is down again today, but for the most part I really like the potential for some runs out of all of them. Here's my list, and why I'm holding each one.

  • ABVG - new CEO, holding because, well I have to :bag:  . But It's a good flyer at a low price. If it does see action it is an easy 5x
  • AZFL - newly OTC verified. CBD oil & processing company. New activity, website operational but not officially launched. Again, another that if it sees volume can be a 4x+ at current levels.
  • CRBP - pharma cannabinoids. I grabbed this one in the wrong direction, but like it to see $4 again
  • DIGAF - crypto/fintech. Down since highs but I'm freerolling 100k shares and could see this heading back upwards.
  • ETFM (FOMO) - will pop with ticker change and seems to be legit with acquisitions and movement. Freerolling 50k shares and holding
  • GTEH - I bought at the wrong time here and am down a good chunk but from reading the shares are being sold for capital and there is legitimate news and ongoing movement. I like this to move upward back past ATH's.
  • INFI / ITRM - Both pharma. I have shares in both of these and bought both of them on the way down unfortunately. I don't care though, I will hold through the late february/March catalysts. Not going to go into detail here but there is a lot of discussion on these. Looking for double ups by March/April on both from current prices.
  • MINE - Shroom / psilocybin play. Unfortunately jumped into this one right before the weed sector pullback. Still like it to move upwards longer term so don't have a need to get rid of it. If nothing else they hired Coolio to do a cameo for the company and that's alright with me. https://twitter.com/MinercoInc/status/1362168200146939906
  • INCT - I don't know that there is a perfectly clear goal for these guys. Seem to be a little bit all over the place with the business. Cloud TV parternship/creation + entertainment + wholesale grocers? I'm not sure but they are legitimate, working on getting current, have financials, and there are rumors about some deals and maybe some sort of merger with Quantix Golf. At this price I'm willing to take a flyer. www.incapta.com
  • RBNW - this one has been discussed. I have a million shares at a low price. Willing to see if it can run.
  • SIML - New leadership, connections to multiple business arms. Best discussion I've seen is here. https://www.reddit.com/r/pennystocks/comments/lkwbf9/the_ongoing_case_for_siml_why_it_is_a_long_term/
  • SPRWF - Weed play. They have a ton of cash. Will see where this one goes after the recent weed pullback.
  • WDLF - Like this one long term. Plenty of discussion here, lots of support at current price levels.
In a nice little swing trade on SNDL today too. Was paying attention and grabbed right at the bottom at around $1.25. Will probably look for an out today before the weekend action.

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DIGAF skied from a penny and a half to almost 3 pennies this afternoon.

If you are looking for an entry, I would put in an order for down near the $0.025 cent range on an eventual pullback.

Only in ETFM for pennies. (FOMO)

I shouldve taken a break today and hopped in some on sale pennies.

Using today's dip to buy into TSNP. Believers in that one are rabid - I'm buying the hype.

It has been frustrating watching the weed stocks all get pumped and dumped by reddit....but am I wrong in thinking some are still a really solid long play? As more and more states legalize how can this sector not benefit?
Up 36% Friday. May get in if it dips again  https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/tesoro-enterprises-and-humbl%3A-a-blockchain-story-that-raises-big-questions-2021-02-11

It dipped quite a bit this week, so that 36% gain was really only getting back some of what was lost earlier this week.

I saw the article too - TSNP really is just a vehicle so HUMBL can be on the stock market from what I understand. If they can get the stock symbol to switch we may see something cool here.  I'm in pretty cheap, so I'm gonna ride this out.

I should have bought more, and may still do so. But we'll see it it dips again. This may be a good time to get in.

Thinking I might trim some of these today or tomorrow and just lock in the profits.

Still up pretty good on AITX, CBBT, and DPLS, and free rolling on all three, but might sell a 3rd and put that dough into some other stuff a little more stable.

I know all three won't be lottery tickets, so should probably bank some dough.

Dumped some stuff friday and today for a loss. HVCW and JPEX. 

Bought back in to ITNS today on the dip and also bought FHBC.

I think Worm is right that some of these OTC changes are going to push money out of the stop signs and into the currents. That is where the pump campaigns will move I believe. 

KBLB news:

Kraig Biocraft Laboratories files for International Patents in Key Spider Silk Knock-in Knock-out Technology

ANN ARBOR, Mich., – February 16, 2021– Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. (OTCQB: KBLB) (“the Company” or “Kraig Labs”), the biotechnology company focused on the development and commercialization of spider silk, announces that the Company has filed a patent application protecting its most advanced knock-in knock-out gene editing technologies for the creation of nearly pure spider silk.

Entitled "Modification of Heavy Chain Fibrion in Bombyx Mori", this patent covering the core technologies the Company has developed for the mass production of nearly pure spider silk fibers.  Specifically, the Company has leveraged the application of knock-in knock-out technology to create the most genetically advanced and purest spider silk fibers in the Company’s history. The Company has also filed a corresponding patent application under the global Patent Cooperation Treaty process to protect these technologies internationally. 

These technologies and inventions were first disclosed in a provisional patent filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) under applications #62/995,717 on February 11, 2020.  This full patent application, now filed, takes advantage of that earlier priority date in the USPTO’s first to file patent system.  The Company made the discovery of this breakthrough public during a press conference held on April 16, 2020 where it reported the creation of this new technology with a spider silk purity nearly ten times greater than Dragon Silk, the Company’s previously developed recombinant spider silk fibers.  

"Since first reporting the development of this new Knock-in, Knock-out gene-editing system, we have moved forward rapidly to bring this nearly pure spider silk to market.  The filing of this full patent application is well-timed as we expect to begin transitioning this new, purer spider silk technology to our production facility in the near future," said Kim Thompson, CEO and founder of Kraig Labs. “These technologies are core to the commercialization of spider silk, and we will continue to push forward aggressively to protect and grow intellectual property while we remain squarely focused on the commercialization and generating sales.”

To view the most recent news from Kraig Labs and/or to sign up for Company alerts, please go to www.KraigLabs.com/news. 

About Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc.:

Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. (www.KraigLabs.com), a reporting biotechnology company, is a developer of genetically engineered spider silk based fiber technologies.
Been a dog spider since I've bought.  What are they going to use this spider silk for?

KBLB news:

Kraig Biocraft Laboratories receives its first-ever Spider Silk shipment from its Vietnamese production facility

Prodigy Textiles reaches major milestone delivering first fibers to Company Headquarters

ANN ARBOR, Mich., – February 23, 2021– Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. (OTCQB: KBLB) (“the Company” or “Kraig Labs”), the biotechnology company focused on the development and commercialization of spider silk, announces that the Company received its first small shipment of spider silk from Prodigy textiles, its wholly-owned Vietnamese subsidiary.

The Company has received fiber requests from a broad range of interested parties, including companies that produce products in the fields of sports apparel, industrial textiles, first responder supplies, medical products, and other manufacturers.  In order to meet this demand, the Company established Prodigy Textiles to scale up the production of its recombinant spider silk fibers, threads, and textiles.

The Company's operations at its Prodigy Textiles facility are now moving forward to significantly expand the Company’s spider silk production.  The Company expects to begin filling the backlog of material requests, including requests from Polartec LLC and MtheMovement, as this added capacity comes online.

“I want to thank the Prodigy Textiles team for making this milestone possible and setting the stage for our expansion. This helps us transition from being the leading developer of spider silk technologies to the producer and supplier of high quality spider silk fibers,” said Jon Rice, the Company’s Chief Operations Officer.  “Now we can focus on meeting the substantial demand for spider silk and solidifying market channel partnerships to reach our goal to develop and bring new products to market.”

My reaction is, I’m glad they are going on the right direction, and they still seem to be on their timeline for a large shipment to one of their partners very soon, but shipping a “small” shipment of silk to themselves doesn’t impress me much. Still holding out hope this hits big. 

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AITX and ETFM recovering some.  ZOM and RBNW (why do I have this?) killing me.  
What I find most interesting about this right now is that positive PRs are not even making a smidgen of a difference right now.  This is a full on market correction.  I am a fairly new investor, but I figure the only way to get through this is to just ride it out and hope that the companies keep making strides toward a better future.

I don't think companies are really affected by the stock price unless they are looking to raise capital, so as long as they can continue operations, we will get through this and hopefully be stronger for it in the end.  I don't mind the waiting if I feel there is a good chance of coming up aces on the other end. 

Anybody else got any thoughts on that?  

GTEH rebounding, thought that one was going to 0 for a minute :unsure:
I saw that as well.   It had really good support at .007, but no support is going to hold with what is going on.  It looks like we may get a reboot of the stocks.  I have no idea how long this will last, but I will wait through it.


Dumped some stuff friday and today for a loss. HVCW and JPEX. 

Bought back in to ITNS today on the dip and also bought FHBC.

I think Worm is right that some of these OTC changes are going to push money out of the stop signs and into the currents. That is where the pump campaigns will move I believe. 
Im long on HVCW, but JPEX is popping today.  Anyone else in JPEX?  Outlook?


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