Been on quite a kick these days. Routinely have friends over and do a pizza fest. Here's how I am rolling these days.
Make 3 types of dough a couple days before hand. Neopolitan dough (enough for four 12 inch pies), Detroit style (enough for 1 large and 1 small - I have two sizes of the Lloyd pans), NY style dough (enough for two ~16 inch pies). Cold ferment all of these, anywhere from 1-4 days. Three days seems optimal.
Sometimes 3 types of sauce, more generally just two. A cooked down flavorful for the Detroit. And then mostly just a good can of whole peeled tomatoes - Bianco DiNapoli are my favorite, strained, pulsed with immersion blender with just salt.
Take out Detroit doughs at 11 AM or so let them come to room temp for a few hours. Oil up the pans, put those doughs in their pan around 2:00. Push them to edges little bit a few times over the next couple hours. Take out other doughs at 4:00. Fire up oven to highest temp with pizza steel. Let it heat up for 2 hours. Turn on Ooni at 5:15, let that thing get roaring for 30-45 minutes.
6:00 start the cooking fest. Put both Detroits in on top of pizza steel, let them cook 15-25 minutes. Bust out a couple Neapolitan in that time. So come 6:30 or so, will have 2 Detroits and 2 or 3 Neopolitan. Will shape the NY and put that in the oven soon after - let that guy cook for 15-20 minutes. Make the last Neapolitan in the Ooni at same time. And finally if we are still hungry, will shape that last NY and try and muscle our way through it.