Personally I'm not interested because I've taken back my Sunday's for the most part via BB/DraftnGo and DFS. That said, I've been beating the drum for years that FBGs does something like this. It's a huge opportunity to profit on a different line of business for your company. You can tell by the way you run the free FBG contests that you have a handle on managing something like this. More importantly, the trust and integrity are beyond reproach. Lastly, you are very engaging with customers. Impressed how you often say we are open to suggestions but may or may not be able to implement based on demand or business reason. The guy who over the FBG partnership contest years back was a real jerk to anyone who had a critique of his contest. Along those lines, you are one of the best and taking criticism in a positive manner. I hope you do this and are very successful with it.
Thank you GB.
It's very much in line with the Footballguys Bowl in it's a community and experience built so people can use our product of a Premium Subscription.
I've used the analogy of a skateboard company building a skatepark and I think it fits.
It's not much of a moneymaker. We'll pay back in prizes about 80% of all the money that comes in. And we'll split any profit with the people at LeagueSafe and Sportshub that manage everything. By the time you pay people to handle things and pay the hefty compliance / regulatory fees that come with an above the board contest operator like this, it's not much money. You have to get to a big scale and remove the human element to make money. Like Best Ball or DFS. But that's ok.
BUT this DOES bring a fun element of community into play. And there will be lots of opportunities to expand and get better at this. I can see it moving to more a " for fantasy football leagues" where we get specific about placing teams in leagues they want to be in. By geography or favorite team or such. And it's a great way to get visibility for our Premium Content for all the people who come into it not from our Footballguys audience.
Love this. Obviously many sites do this, but would be great if FBG did it.
I do the yahoo bestball ones, and they are decent, but only 10 man leagues. They return 90% of the buy ins in prize money. Fantrax does the same thing, with anywhere from 88-92% prize pay back, so I think the industry standard is around 90% (Leaguesafe doesn't charge anything, as they make their profits through ad revenue, as well as investing all the money they hold for half a year and profiting the large amounts of interest). I really don't like the Fantrax platform though, and think FBG can obviously do it better.
Would you have these as bestball contests or would you allow adds/drops? That's where things get a little hairy of course, as you can get people 'teaming up' and dropping a good player when their friend has top waiver priority/bid money. Hard to manage and referee that kinda stuff too.
Just my 2 cents though. Would definitely be interested.